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S12.E22: A Star is Born

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On the day of Kandi’s baby shower, Mama Joyce and Todd's old feud reignites. Nene gets the scoop on some bad press circulating about her, meanwhile Porsha has newfound issues with Kenya. Kandi's baby shower commences with a "Star Is Born" theme, but in the midst of celebrating the Tuckers' new bundle of joy, fireworks erupt between Kenya and Nene.

Airdate 04.19.2020

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Well, that was a lame, boring finale. Except for the end with what they are doing now and saying Kandi is spending more time at home with the family since she has to shelter in place. 

Show of hands, how many of you with kids decided on their names based upon a vote at a really weird baby shower? 

Nene and Kenya are both such self-centered, messed up women. Who would want to be around them for any length of time, everything’s about them and they drain the energy from the room.

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I knew this was going to be a weak finale when they spent three minutes recapping the season so far, a season during which nothing happened.  They literally didn’t get to the tag lines until the three ten mark.  

Cynthia, I don’t tune in to see you speak on the phone, and that wedding date ain’t shit.  “10/10/20” is lame.  Kim and Kroy getting married on 11/11/11 was actually cool, and it physically pains my fingers to type something good about those assholes.

That was a super-subtle allegory about the lunch box, Mother Joyce 🙄.  I do think Kandi should put everything in a trust though.  Todd seems like he’s growing unstable, and he doesn’t consider family sacred (Kaela), so...better to be safe than sorry.  Also, someone needs to spring for Todd to get a little Touch of Grey.  When Todd took to the mike at the baby shower to publicly apologize to Kandi and Joyce, it was shades of Dennis apologizing to everyone in Toronto and...I dunno.  Whose husband has had to publicly apologize to them at a party?  I’ve never seen it or heard of it.  

So...Wendy Williams, who lives in New Jersey, found out that Kenya was giving an interview In front of a store in Atlanta, and the interview—including the interviewer and the camera used by that network—happened to be caught by the Bravo cameras?  Yeah, that doesn’t seem to be plot service so that Nene and Kenya can fight later at all...

That conversation between Nene and Porsha about Kenya went on forever!  Kenya lied about Shamea calling her after her water broke.  The end.  More attempts to fill 44 minutes.

What happened to Kaela?  She seemed strung out and depressed.  I guess I have a theory as to why.  The idea that I was going to have a half-sister named Banks would have upset me too!

Eva was sooooo body-conscious on the red carpet. Having said that, models usually bounce back from a baby better than that.  She looked like someone who should have been wearing a flowy Cynthia type dress for the moment.  

Tanya seeing Eva’s baby and thinking he was so cute that her knees literally hit the concrete while she gripped her ovaries and manically hollered about them is a perfect example of why I don’t like Tanya this season.  This season’s Tanya seems desperate and last season’s Tanya was just perky and light.  Huge difference to me.

Todd gives off such a cold elitist vibe that I can’t describe perfectly, but when Kandi did a TH that “Todd could be a straight-up asshole” I said, “I am calling a shelf-life in this marriage.  I am thinking they are going to file around the very end of next season”.  (And if I’m anywhere near right, I’m going to be that asshole that quotes myself in the season 13 thread, lol.  Of course, if I’m wrong, I’m going own up to it immediately).  Todd was definitely missing from the stage on purpose IMO.  It’s the type of passive-aggressive behavior he’s shown as soon as they emerged from their courting phase.  

Cynthia said she is getting a baby cHill and I gagged.  Why does she have to get her paws on everything?  She’s In her fifties.  She has a child.  She will have step-children.  Is nothing sacred from the reaches of cHill, the way she used to brand every single thing in her life, including her home and the tiny pond its on with “Bailey”?  I find that type of trying to get your name everywhere like Bethenny Frankel and Skinny Girl so crass.  

No one’s outfit stood out to me much in a bad or a good way (which is better than usual, because no one’s breasts were coming out to play, except Eva’s, whose girls needed serious support), except I liked Kenya in red with the sleeves a lot.  If I had to pick a team between these two bitches—Kenya and Nene—on this episode, I would be Team Kenya, just because she was like, “I said that,” and Nene flipped out exactly on script, so she’s shown exactly zero growth (nor has Kenya), but Nene’s been on the show longer, so win for bigger asshole goes to Nene.  

I guess I knew Kandi’s baby was named Blaze, but I never remembered she was a girl, and I think it’s so unfortunate to name a girl Blaze.  What were they thinking?  Riley and Kaela are such pretty names.  Maybe this is what happens when two short people with giant heads get together (that was a reference one of Joyce’s first 200 reasons Todd and Kandi shouldn’t get together, I’m just repeating it, swear).  I’m not commenting on their sizes, just their horrible name choice.  All I can picture is a horse’s blaze.  Ugh.  

That was a super underwhelming finale.  Next week we get Secrets Revealed.  I don’t need much of anything revealed, except where anyone’s storyline went over the course of the season.  Eva moved and had a baby.  Kenya got separated from her controlling husband, someone with whom she was already physically separated when the season started.  Did anything else of any consequence happen whatsoever?

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42 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I knew this was going to be a weak finale when they spent three minutes recapping the season so far, a season during which nothing happened.  They literally didn’t get to the tag lines until the three ten mark.

I had totally forgotten that “WHO TAPED CYNTHIA TALKING ABOUT NENE?” was this season.  It feels like forever ago.

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The treachery Kenya tried with Shamea and Porsha, shows what a little demon she is. 

Oh Kandi. It was nice for Todd to apologize, but girl you can't keep entertaining your mom's foolishness, claiming it doesn't affect your feelings for Todd yet you expected him to greet her as though she's a decent human being. He's the target of her vitriol but Kandi can't understand why he can't brush off the hatred like Kandi does. This episode and WWHL kind of proved that Todd has been pushed into these endeavors to try to appease Joyce. Of course it isn't working and Kandi refuses to see how relentless her mother is.

Kaela always had a lethargic effect, but tonight she looked under the influence.

Didn't like the party at all. Of course Don Juan didn't allow baby tote Shadina to be in the VIP parking and told her to head to shuttle parking. All he could say was that he wasn't told. He's not a new assistant. Whether he was told or not, he should have directed her to the VIP parking regardless.

Tanya is such a nerd. I cracked up seeing her hurt ovary antics.

Blaze or Banks? Those are their best choices for a girl's name?



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Mama Joyce is a POS. I’m no huge fan of Todd but why should he be so nice to her. He’s civil and that’s enough. She’s an evil woman who trashes everything about him and his family constantly. Kandi was being an idiot.

Kenya and Nene both are dbags. Kenya really showed her evil side with the Shamea stuff damn. Her marriage to Marc is shady too.



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2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

What happened to Kaela?  She seemed strung out and depressed.  I guess I have a theory as to why.  The idea that I was going to have a half-sister named Banks would have upset me too!

Kaela acted like a weary 87-year-old impatiently waiting on death this episode.


2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Tanya seeing Eva’s baby and thinking he was so cute that her knees literally hit the concrete while she gripped her ovaries and manically hollered about them is a perfect example of why I don’t like Tanya this season.  This season’s Tanya seems desperate and last season’s Tanya was just perky and light.  Huge difference to me.

I was indifferent to Tanya until this moment. I literally rolled my eyes and insulted her shoulder pads. Yes, I'm petty. Call me Mama Joyce. 


2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Todd gives off such a cold elitist vibe that I can’t describe perfectly, but when Kandi did a TH that “Todd could be a straight-up asshole” I said, “I am calling a shelf-life in this marriage.  I am thinking they are going to file around the very end of next season”.  (And if I’m anywhere near right, I’m going to be that asshole that quotes myself in the season 13 thread, lol.  Of course, if I’m wrong, I’m going own up to it immediately).  Todd was definitely missing from the stage on purpose IMO.  It’s the type of passive-aggressive behavior he’s shown as soon as they emerged from their courting phase.  

This responses isn't about me defending Todd but me hoping Kanid learns how to communicate to her husband. I truly despise seeing a spouse call another spouse out of his/her name. I also hated seeing Kandi curse at Todd "you annoy the sh** out of me" when Todd was not using profanity at her. A lot of attention is paid to Mama Joyce not respecting Todd, but honestly, Mama Joyce is just a mouthpiece for Kandi's lack of respect for her spouse. Kandi, for whatever reason, does not see Todd as someone worthy of respect or even worthy of decent treatment. This is why she expects him to smile through Joyce's verbal attacks and to be apologetic at the relentless bullying - at this point this is exactly how I see Joyce's treatment of Todd.

I also find it interesting that Kandi and Eva were discussing how there's a certain level of respect a Mama should always have. Under normal circumstances, I would agree. However, Mama Joyce accused Todd's Mama of being a prostitute months before her death and accused his deceased father of being a pimp even though she literally never even met the man. At this point, if Todd performed cartwheels on Joyce's grave, I would spring for the DJ. 

I wish Kandi realized how unlikable she is whenever the Kandi Koated Klique are featured.

I can't think of anything else worth mentioning this finale.

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Kandi kept saying, “A ‘hello’ costs nothing.” You KNOW she probably said that to Joyce too, who probably replied, “He can afford that, can’t he?”

Not much else to say. Nene better be an active participant in this reunion, or she needs to be booted. (And if she is booted, PLEASE, for the love of god, do not replace her with Tanya!!)

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The Kenya, Shamea story is why so many can never feel sympathy for Kenya. I totally believe that story.

Did she do it to make Porsha look like a bad friend like Porsha thinks 🙄, I don't know these women make everything about themselves.  I think it was mostly just to be in the middle of attention. You have to be a special kind of nutty to know that someone will not call you out.  By saying , what are you talking about that's not true? I want to believe I would say that but I also know I try to be polite and not ruin a friends moment. That's why I believe Shamea didn't say anything. 

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3 hours ago, link417 said:

Kandi kept saying, “A ‘hello’ costs nothing.” You KNOW she probably said that to Joyce too, who probably replied, “He can afford that, can’t he?”

Not much else to say. Nene better be an active participant in this reunion, or she needs to be booted. (And if she is booted, PLEASE, for the love of god, do not replace her with Tanya!!)

I am not understanding Kandi expecting Todd to swallow her mama's shit with a smile... Had it been a off handed comment here and there yes. But this woman has had it out for Todd since jump. she takes every opportunity to dog her daughters husband.. What are you afraid of Mama Joyce? that Todd is gonna get some money that you think belongs to you? .... Mama Joyce is gonna make her prediction of Todd leaving Kandi come true if she has to make it happen herself .... and that's whats gonna happen she is gonna be the cause of this marriage failing... shes a fucking TOXIC woman

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I can't stand Mama Joyce! You can't demand respect when you're always being disrespectful as fuck.  I don't care whose mama you are!  Kandi needs to tell her to stay the fuck outta their marriage.

I was also pretty annoyed that Kandi kept harping on it even after Todd initially apologized on their phone call, especially when she NEVER goes that hard on MJ to apologize for all the vile shit she does.  She should feel lucky that Todd doesn't demand that that woman stays away from him and his kids, because given the things that she's said and done, a lot of people wouldn't hesitate to keep her away from them.  If the man says he needs a breather from her and her fucking negativity, let him take one.  And then she has the nerve to use the baby shower as an emotional weapon.    


It's interesting that when Nene get's called out for saying stuff in the press/media about one of the ladies, her response is always that she was asked and she doesn't care how they received.  So I guess she's the only one allowed to use that reasoning.  

Part of me just wants someone to lock Kenya and Nene in a dark room together and come back in a week to see who emerges.  The two of them are a piece of work.  

And did Sheree pass her bones off to Marlo in the relay race? Can they just not enjoy an event without spiraling into chaos?  I like messy as much as the next viewer, but I definitely enjoy the show more when they are having a good time together and throwing fun shade, as opposed to being openly hostile and downright mean to each other. 

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So running out of things to watch, I started binge watching this season On Demand yesterday.  Got as far as them leaving for Greece.  Yikes.  Sorry, but even Kandi isn't likeable to me anymore, and she was the last one I was holding on to.

Don't see how they can have a reunion unless they have them in little Skype or Zoom boxes.  Either way, Andy would be his usual ass self, and frankly who cares how these mean girls justify their childish behavior.   I agree with the poster upthread who said it's time to reboot this show with a new cast or just cancel it altogether.  Although won't the checks stop now that the season is over?  I mean, they can't film, right?  


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11 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

That was a super-subtle allegory about the lunch box, Mother Joyce 🙄.  I do think Kandi should put everything in a trust though.  Todd seems like he’s growing unstable, and he doesn’t consider family sacred (Kaela), so...better to be safe than sorry.  Also, someone needs to spring for Todd to get a little Touch of Grey.  When Todd took to the mike at the baby shower to publicly apologize to Kandi and Joyce, it was shades of Dennis apologizing to everyone in Toronto and...I dunno.  Whose husband has had to publicly apologize to them at a party?  I’ve never seen it or heard of it.  

See, I thought the public apology in front of all Kandi's people was a stroke of genius. You know the OLG was sitting in the corner, side-eyeing Daddy and whispering to Sister Cora from the church about why Joyce wasn't there for her grandbaby's shower. The narrative was straight "That big-headed boy was disrespectful to Joyce and she said she wasn't gonna go no where if he didn't know how to act." By publicly apologizing, Todd was able to show that when he does something wrong, he's man enough to own up to it and admit it. It took away all of Joyce's power and may have caused people to look at her strange for making her grandchild's shower about herself. Plus, if 1 million Bravo viewers hear the apology you can't say it didn't happen. 

As for the grey, Joyce has caused about 90% of those grey hairs with Ace and Kayla making up 8% of the remainder. I wouldn't dye it either, and every time Kandi asked me to kowtow to her mom's ridiculous requests I'd point and be like "Remember what I looked like before."

Here is the fucked up thing about this whole dynamic - is it strange to anyone else, that in Joyce's version of the future - Kandi is dead, Reiley doesn't mind her grandmother taking everything, Ace and Blaze aren't accounted for and Todd is the bad guy while Momma gets everything?

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The Kenya, Shamea story is why so many can never feel sympathy for Kenya. I totally believe that story.

Did she do it to make Porsha look like a bad friend like Porsha thinks 🙄, I don't know these women make everything about themselves.  I think it was mostly just to be in the middle of attention.

I think it's both. Kenya wanted to be the center of attention and she wanted to make Porsha look bad. What tipped it for me was the whole "Porsha was busy doing something else," or whatever it was she said. Like, "oh, Shamea's supposed best friend wasn't there for her during her childbirth." I don't put anything past Kenya.

And I hated the dress she wore for her haircare launch. It was both too girly and too tight. It was not a flattering fit. 

The baby shower looked awkward for the surrogate. She was sitting on the couch with her daughter. I don't know if it was just edited out, but from what was shown, no one spoke to her. She was just... there. 

While it did look bad that Todd was sitting at the bar and didn't greet his wife and MIL, I get it. If it were me, I would've said a quick hi and then dipped, but I understand why he just didn't want to be bothered. Anyone would need a drink before dealing with Mama Joyce.

The finale was lackluster.


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I give Kandi a lot of credit for not busting out laughing when Mama Joyce started with the lunch box story and how people will take your money if you let them schtick.  Mama Joyce took plenty of Kandi's money and still does, she even opened a credit card in Kandi's name without her knowledge, that woman has no room to talk!  Todd has earned his money, it may not be as much as Kandi  but he earns, Mama Joyce does nothing but collect checks from her daughter.  I do not remember Joyce telling Kandi to make more time for family probably that would effect Joyce's pocket.


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16 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Good god it’s literally Tod in a dress she looks like her dad ... dang 

She sounds like him, too!

Throwing your own baby shower? For baby #3? I thought after the first one you didn't have any more showers. I'm kidless so what do I know. 

Nene just had to mention Wendy Williams. We don't care that you know Wendy Williams, Nene. Apparently Wendy has a problem with Nene now. She doesn't want to be associated with this low life reality show because she's too good has worked too long for Nene to drag her in to this show's mess.  Too late, Wendy. You shouldn't have rekindled your friendship in the first place cause Nay nay is a user and she wanted to use you! 

So is Noelle trying to make herself happen in Hollywood, now? She quit school for that? 

Miss Twirl was under dressed for the baby shower. I love it!

Edited by bichonblitz
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I like Kandi, and I get it, Joyce is her mom and all. But, she needs to recognize how much of a nasty hosebeast her mother is. Does Kandi not see how Joyce attacks anything she sees as a potential rival for Kandi's money? You can still love your mother and support her AND at the same time tell her to back off from your husband and friends.

Kenya was definitely trying to start shit with her comments about Shamea and Porsha.

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14 hours ago, 4evaQuez said:

This responses isn't about me defending Todd but me hoping Kanid learns how to communicate to her husband. I truly despise seeing a spouse call another spouse out of his/her name. I also hated seeing Kandi curse at Todd "you annoy the sh** out of me" when Todd was not using profanity at her. A lot of attention is paid to Mama Joyce not respecting Todd, but honestly, Mama Joyce is just a mouthpiece for Kandi's lack of respect for her spouse. Kandi, for whatever reason, does not see Todd as someone worthy of respect or even worthy of decent treatment. This is why she expects him to smile through Joyce's verbal attacks and to be apologetic at the relentless bullying - at this point this is exactly how I see Joyce's treatment of Todd.

I think you are right about a lot of the Todd-Kandi dynamics.  They’re not healthy.

The way I have always looked at it is that Kandi brings the traditionally male characteristics to the union—independently wealthy, extremely driven, generally unemotional, and all about the bottom line.  Todd brings the more traditionally female characteristics to the union, in that he talks more about feelings, and he’s more emotional.  He even sounds feminine when he drops his voice.  All of this is fine, if it works for them.

What I do think happened was that Kandi was 100% upfront with Todd about how things were going to be.  If anyone remembers her wedding spin-off special, Todd had to do a prenup, and it had to be filmed by independent cameras, as well as recorded and written down, and whenever anyone asked Kandi if she would get married if he was to balk, she laughed her ass off.  

Kandi has also said in the past that Joyce is her mama, and there is no point at which she’s going to get cut off from funding.  I think she said this around the time Joyce and her boyfriend trashed the home Kandi had rented for them.

So my whole point is that I think if Kandi was nothing else, she was 100% honest about her expectations, and she was willing to walk away before the marriage if they couldn’t be met.  I am confident that she has had conversations with Todd—probably in writing too—that he is responsible to do x,y and z.  He wasn’t free to continue driving a Range Rover around and picking up production jobs for reality TV.  And Todd went along with it, as an adult with free will, so how can I hold Kandi responsible?

If he’s having buyer’s remorse now, Todd, I don’t know what to tell you.  There are 3.6 billion other women on the planet that you could have pursued.  

Todd was very, very, very impressed with Kandi when he first got to know her.  I remember him saying something like, “the baddest chick in the game is now wearing my chain,” and his eyes were shining, and he was really excited, and I do not think this was unrelated to Kandi’s wealth, success, and ambition at all.  I don’t think he would have been so gaga over Kandi if she were poor.  I’m not sure he would have given her the time of day.

So my sympathy for Todd is limited, because he went into this feet first.  I don’t see any major changes in Kandi.  I think this is exactly who Kandi has been since day one, and who she will always be.  I don’t have sympathy for the person who married her who couldn’t foresee this.  

No, she shouldn’t go on TV and say he can be an asshole, but I do find a difference between saying “he can be an asshole” and “he’s an asshole,” even if it seems like I’m splitting hairs.  I also think it sounds far more disrespectful to my ear when Todd addresses Kandi as “man,” and telling her “you need to get your ass...”. I find that to be in a whole other category of disconcerting.  

I also get the impression that Kandi has yielded to Todd, has allowed him to make investments that cause her to roll her eyes, such as purchasing the tractor-trailer and letting him start to move onto a new project when the Mexican OLG wasn’t even finished.  I feel like Todd is never fully happy.  He wants to be able to pursue artistic projects on his own, but he doesn’t want to take the financial risk.  Most guys who are producing reality TV in South Africa aren’t living in two adjacent mansions in Atlanta.  I get the impression that Todd thinks he’s entitled to live the best of both worlds and I don’t think that’s a fair allocation of resources.

It’s just like that trope of the woman who has a high-earning husband who is an executive who works 80 hours a week, who has no problem spending her husband’s money on vacation homes and vanity projects, but at some point she realizes she wants “more”; she wants to start her own full-time career or something, when it was their bargain that she would stay home.  In this trope, the man is usually blamed for breaking the bargain, because he didn’t give his wife some ephemeral freedom (which I see as something she gave up on her own, not something he took from her), and the couple divorces, and the woman winds up with a nice settlement.  

This is how I see Todd (as the wife whose freedom was “stifled”) and this is why I said upthread that I think Kandi and Todd are going to divorce, and on the soon side.  He’ll get what he is entitle to in the prenup, and go on to live his life producing or doing art or whatever the hell he wants to do (with a huge leg-up from Kandi that he may or may not acknowledge) and they’ll go their separate ways. 

I’m sorry I don’t like Todd.  Of course I hope things work out for the sake of their kids, but I just think he’s low-key selfish and bitchy, whereas with Kandi, at least what you see is what you get, and on that account I would like to see her with someone else.  

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14 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

It’s just like that trope of the woman who has a high-earning husband who is an executive who works 80 hours a week, who has no problem spending her husband’s money on vacation homes and vanity projects, but at some point she realizes she wants “more”; she wants to start her own full-time career or something, when it was their bargain that she would stay home.  In this trope, the man is usually blamed for breaking the bargain, because he didn’t give his wife some ephemeral freedom (which I see as something she gave up on her own, not something he took from her), and the couple divorces, and the woman winds up with a nice settlement.  

I wish there was a "Love" or "I couldn't agree more" option. I think Todd has a lot of flaws and you eloquently and succinctly explained them in detail. He is not the man I would marry, and I agree that he would not marry Kandi if she did not come attached with her bank account. In Season 5, he was almost drooling over Porsha. That seems more Todd's style.

I very much also agree with what I quoted. I'm not wishing divorce on any family; however, if Todd and Kandi's marriage is how they portray on the show, it seems inevitable. My only caveat for Todd is that regardless of whether Todd knew what he was getting into or nor (and I agree with you that he went in with eyes wide open and neither Kandi nor Mama Joyce have changed) I still vehemently oppose Mama Joyce's treatment of Todd. Personally, I would love to see Todd curse Mama Joyce out one good time before hitting send to his lawyer about finalizing the divorce papers. I truly hate seeing people be mistreated, but that does not mean that I think Todd is a good husband. I do not. I think both Todd and Kandi are equaling failing at their marriage in different ways. Which I know you stated.


I hope that didn't seem like I was disagreeing with you, because I wasn't, but I did want to make sure it was clear that my "defense" of Todd was more about how he is specifically being treated by Mama Joyce - and by extension Kandi - and not that I thought that he was a good husband or spouse.

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So is Noelle trying to make herself happen in Hollywood, now?

I think it is funny that Noelle is loving it in LA, of course she is, she has a free place to stay, her mother is paying her way, she has no real responsibility, it is paradise for an 18 year old.


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Howard has a great drama program, but I don't think that Noelle has the maturity to complete college. That's a shame, but at least she seems like she's motivated to achieve something.

I feel sorry for Kaela and would love to know what her real deal is besides having an uninterested father.  What dream is she chasing? I hate that Todd doesn't want Kandi to help his daughter, but she desperately needs something. Besides, he didn't mind getting help from Kandi to start up OLG, etc.

I've said it before and will say it again: Blaze is a stripper name. Wonder what her middle name will be, poor thing. Ace is a stupid name, too. And Porsha needs to call her daughter Pilar.

Someone upthread noted how models usually bounce back quickly, but most models probably don't eat like Eva did during her pregnancy. I'm surprised she didn't gain more! That said, she needs a damn bra.

I used to like Kenya and sorta kinda missed her during her year off, but she is seriously an evil cow. Why don't Marc's parents want to see their grandchild? That is very, very, very strange.


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25 minutes ago, politichick said:

Besides, he didn't mind getting help from Kandi to start up OLG, etc.

I've said it before and will say it again: Blaze is a stripper name. Wonder what her middle name will be, poor thing. Ace is a stupid name, too. And Porsha needs to call her daughter Pilar.

Someone upthread noted how models usually bounce back quickly, but most models probably don't eat like Eva did during her pregnancy. I'm surprised she didn't gain more! That said, she needs a damn bra.

I think the difference in Todd's case is that Kandi is his wife. Didn't they come up with OLG together? So, it's not as if OLG was established long before he came into the fold and he's piggybacking off her idea. Then again, it depends on how you (general "you", not personal "you") view marriage. If if's a true partnership, there is no "that's my shit/this is your shit." That being said, it's always important to have your own money socked away just in case things go left or your spouse pulls rank. 

I don't like that he doesn't want Kandi to help Kaela, but I understand why. He already has the golddigger label hanging over him, and the last thing he wants is for the coven to accuse him of taking advantage of Kandi to pay her stepchild's way. Kandi lacks boundaries and she's the "made it" member of the family whom everyone relies on for money. I'd much rather her help Kaela than the blood relatives who bleed her dry, but that's up to Todd.

Kaela just seems to lack motivation and zest. I don't know if it's extreme shyness or she grew up rough or what. Even if she had Kandi's financial support, I'd doubt it would make a difference in her attitude. 

I don't think Todd's a golddigger, but I also don't doubt that the money helps him deal with Joyce's bullshit. If Todd were some broke, dusty dude then I could understand the reservations, but he had his own before he met Kandi. He wasn't a multimillionaire, but he seemed to be doing alright. He's leaps and bounds better than the dude she was engaged to that had 50-11 kids on her first season. I remember that Joyce wasn't fond of him, either, and at the time, she had the goodwill of the viewers because most of us thought the same thing. But once she revealed herself as a hosebeast, she became the Joyce we have today.

Most models, the top ones at least, have a personal trainer, chef, and a nanny. That explains the quick snapback. I like that Eva isn't trying to get back to her fighting weight so soon after giving birth. She isn't a runway model, so it's not like Heidi Klum getting back on the Victoria Secret runway 8 weeks after giving birth. 

Besides, Eva goes IN on food. 

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9 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

See, I thought the public apology in front of all Kandi's people was a stroke of genius. You know the OLG was sitting in the corner, side-eyeing Daddy and whispering to Sister Cora from the church about why Joyce wasn't there for her grandbaby's shower. The narrative was straight "That big-headed boy was disrespectful to Joyce and she said she wasn't gonna go no where if he didn't know how to act." By publicly apologizing, Todd was able to show that when he does something wrong, he's man enough to own up to it and admit it. It took away all of Joyce's power and may have caused people to look at her strange for making her grandchild's shower about herself. Plus, if 1 million Bravo viewers hear the apology you can't say it didn't happen. 

As for the grey, Joyce has caused about 90% of those grey hairs with Ace and Kayla making up 8% of the remainder. I wouldn't dye it either, and every time Kandi asked me to kowtow to her mom's ridiculous requests I'd point and be like "Remember what I looked like before."

Here is the fucked up thing about this whole dynamic - is it strange to anyone else, that in Joyce's version of the future - Kandi is dead, Reiley doesn't mind her grandmother taking everything, Ace and Blaze aren't accounted for and Todd is the bad guy while Momma gets everything?

Okay it isn’t just me that wondered if Mama Harpy believes that somehow she outlives Kandi!

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21 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Okay it isn’t just me that wondered if Mama Harpy believes that somehow she outlives Kandi!

There was an episode a few seasons back when the ole battleaxe demanded to know that Kandi had provided for her in case Kandi croaked. I think she said Kandi could choke on a chicken bone. Even when Kandi visits her mother, it's like she stepped into a black widow's den or that of a cobra. She eyes Kandi very strangely and talks like she has fangs in her mouth. 

Edited by Iguessnot
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12 hours ago, politichick said:

I feel sorry for Kaela and would love to know what her real deal is besides having an uninterested father.

I don't think Todd is uninterested at all.  I think part of the problem is that he and Kaela had more of friend-type relationship, than a father-daughter one.  And when she became an adult and wanted to start focusing on her "passion" (I think Kaela wants to do something in fashion; a stylist maybe?), it seemed like Todd wanted her to do the work and take the steps to get there instead of her counting on/expecting to be able to easily enter the scene because Kandi's in entertainment and has money.  And he put his foot down hard on that because of the perception receiving Kandi's help would perpetuate.  So now he's trying to go the "I know best because I'm your father" route and Kaela's not there for that either, hence all the fighting between them.  

11 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

I don't like that he doesn't want Kandi to help Kaela, but I understand why. He already has the golddigger label hanging over him, and the last thing he wants is for the coven to accuse him of taking advantage of Kandi to pay her stepchild's way. Kandi lacks boundaries and she's the "made it" member of the family whom everyone relies on for money. I'd much rather her help Kaela than the blood relatives who bleed her dry, but that's up to Todd.

I agree that this is probably very present of mind for Todd when it comes to Kandi giving Kaela money.  All it would take is for Kandi to say she's thinking about investing in Kaela's business, and the screwed up faces, pursed lips and side-eyes from Joyce and her crew wouldn't be far behind, followed by Joyce's shoe in Kaela's direction.  

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On ‎4‎/‎19‎/‎2020 at 8:37 PM, Momager said:

That was a very sad looking shower.  The surrogate looked like she’d rather be anywhere else.

I don't blame her, her night started with asshat Don Juan banning her from the lame AF VIP parking. I was very sad watching the "shower". Did I ever tell y'all how much I loathe Nene?

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I feel sorry for Todd and Kandi, because I think Kandi has Stockholm syndrome regarding her mom.  Mama Joyce spent all of Kandi’s formative years making sure Kandi knew it was her responsibility to A) make up to Mama Joyce for the fact that one of her children died and B) Mama Joyce sacrificed for her children, so her child(ren) have the lifelong obligation of “appreciating” her sacrifices.

Kandi is simply incapable of seeing her mom in the wrong in any situation at all. This has a profound impact on the Kandi and Todd relationship.

I think continued couples therapy will help, but I wonder if Kandi could accept a therapist suggesting to Kandi that her mother is having a negative influence on them as a family unit.

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I agree that this is probably very present of mind for Todd when it comes to Kandi giving Kaela money.  All it would take is for Kandi to say she's thinking about investing in Kaela's business, and the screwed up faces, pursed lips and side-eyes from Joyce and her crew wouldn't be far behind, followed by Joyce's shoe in Kaela's direction.  

Just a shoe?



Kandi is simply incapable of seeing her mom in the wrong in any situation at all. This has a profound impact on the Kandi and Todd relationship.

Yup. I get the whole love and honor your parents, but you can still do that and call them out for their shit too.

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1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

I don't think Todd is uninterested at all.  I think part of the problem is that he and Kaela had more of friend-type relationship, than a father-daughter one.  And when she became an adult and wanted to start focusing on her "passion" (I think Kaela wants to do something in fashion; a stylist maybe?), it seemed like Todd wanted her to do the work and take the steps to get there instead of her counting on/expecting to be able to easily enter the scene because Kandi's in entertainment and has money.  And he put his foot down hard on that because of the perception receiving Kandi's help would perpetuate.  So now he's trying to go the "I know best because I'm your father" route and Kaela's not there for that either, hence all the fighting between them.  

I agree that this is probably very present of mind for Todd when it comes to Kandi giving Kaela money.  All it would take is for Kandi to say she's thinking about investing in Kaela's business, and the screwed up faces, pursed lips and side-eyes from Joyce and her crew wouldn't be far behind, followed by Joyce's shoe in Kaela's direction.  

I agree with you that Todd isn't uninterested. I do think he doesn't know/understand girls and girl emotions. He didn't bond with Kayla as a baby and so while he genuinely tries (I mean come on, he brought the girl to ATL to live with him), I just don't think he has a clue about how to do the whole dad to girls thing. I also think that he is well aware that Joyce sees Kayla as an extension of him, so that anything Kandi does for her is not looked upon with favor - lest we forget, Joyce sat up the morning of Kandi's wedding and insulted Kayla to her face while Kandi was putting on her wedding dress. Joyce gives no f's about Kayla and has made it plain to that CHILD. So given that, I'm definitely understanding Todd on "nah, we're good, keep your cash"

I really don't get the Todd hate. On a scale of HW significant others, I'd say he's still better than 1) Apollo, 2) Uncle Ben, 3) Bob Whitfield, 4) any of the men that Kenya has dated in the past, 4) Mark, 5) Ed Hartwell, 6) Big Poppa and 7) Dennis. His affectation of calling her "man" I could leave, but I recognize that for what it is - slang. It's no different than kids who call everyone "son" including girls. It's sloppy and lazy, but I don't think he intends to be disrespectful or pejorative when he says it.

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6 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:
  On 4/19/2020 at 9:37 PM, Momager said:

That was a very sad looking shower.  The surrogate looked like she’d rather be anywhere else.

There she was sitting on the random couch, playing with her friends hair just biding her time till she could go home.

I got the Handmaids Tale vibe when Todd, Kandi and the surrogate were up on the stage...it's wrong, I know but I got that vibe.

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33 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think he might have done that to avoid child support payments.

I think Kaela was already 18 or about to turn 18 when she officially moved in.  (I only know this because I just finished a rewatch of all 11 season. I remember Kandi saying during the season Kaela moved in that Kaela and Riley didn't really hang out much and it was because Kaela was old enough to be out with friends until pretty late and Riley was only like 13 or 14.)  So I don't know how true the child support avoidance thing is.  

4 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

I really don't get the Todd hate. On a scale of HW significant others, I'd say he's still better than 1) Apollo, 2) Uncle Ben, 3) Bob Whitfield, 4) any of the men that Kenya has dated in the past, 4) Mark, 5) Ed Hartwell, 6) Big Poppa and 7) Dennis. His affectation of calling her "man" I could leave, but I recognize that for what it is - slang. It's no different than kids who call everyone "son" including girls. It's sloppy and lazy, but I don't think he intends to be disrespectful or pejorative when he says it.

Me either.  Todd is definitely levels above all of them.  He's handsome, smart, motivated with a good work ethic, has a decent sense of humor, seems to be very into Kandi and shares her same freaky-deaky proclivities, and is willing to put up with Mama Joyce and the rest of her family's bs, even though you can tell that he definitely values himself and demands some respect for what he brings to the table.  I mean, I'm struggling to think of at least 2-3 good things about the other significant others in that list....

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On 4/20/2020 at 11:28 AM, bichonblitz said:


Nene just had to mention Wendy Williams. We don't care that you know Wendy Williams, Nene. Apparently Wendy has a problem with Nene now. She doesn't want to be associated with this low life reality show because she's too good has worked too long for Nene to drag her in to this show's mess.  Too late, Wendy. You shouldn't have rekindled your friendship in the first place cause Nay nay is a user and she wanted to use you! 


Wendy Williams considers herself to be above Nene Leakes and any of the Housewives in general. Not sure why. I believe RHOA has higher ratings than WW and I think Wendy would do anything to be a "real" housewife. 

Nene has her issues but she strikes me as being a loyal friend. I don't think that Wendy has friends.

Edited by Showthyme
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On 4/19/2020 at 10:29 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I guess I knew Kandi’s baby was named Blaze, but I never remembered she was a girl, and I think it’s so unfortunate to name a girl Blaze.  What were they thinking?  Riley and Kaela are such pretty names.  Maybe this is what happens when two short people with giant heads get together (that was a reference one of Joyce’s first 200 reasons Todd and Kandi shouldn’t get together, I’m just repeating it, swear).  I’m not commenting on their sizes, just their horrible name choice.  All I can picture is a horse’s blaze.  Ugh.

I keep thinking about an infamous stripper Blaze Starr, it was like they had a baby name book and stopped at the "B's."

If Todd and Kandi were to divorce Todd can live in the guest house, he will be in his own space but can be near the kids.

And the worst thing about them divorcing (if at all) is that Mama Joyce would be right and Kandi would never be able to not hear the "I Told You So," song, (Grace's of Will and mother used to sing) will be Mama Joyce's favorite song to sing at every opportunity. 

And the horses blaze...I love my horse's blaze, he is adorable.

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On 4/20/2020 at 3:57 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

This is how I see Todd (as the wife whose freedom was “stifled”) and this is why I said upthread that I think Kandi and Todd are going to divorce, and on the soon side.  He’ll get what he is entitle to in the prenup, and go on to live his life producing or doing art or whatever the hell he wants to do (with a huge leg-up from Kandi that he may or may not acknowledge) and they’ll go their separate ways. 

I’m sorry I don’t like Todd.  Of course I hope things work out for the sake of their kids, but I just think he’s low-key selfish and bitchy, whereas with Kandi, at least what you see is what you get, and on that account I would like to see her with someone else.  

Excellent post! I also think Todd didn't really want this last baby and will start cheating on Kandi because she's never around, doesn't give him enough attention, leaves him with the kids, blah, blah, blah. I just don't get with all that Kandi has going on in her world why she would want another kid. Makes no sense. She knows she doesn't have the time. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I’m really disliking Cynthia lately on this show too. The Chill stuff is beyond idiotic at this point and her talking about have a chill baby made me roll my eyes so hard. Like no just no.

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20 hours ago, Marley said:

I’m really disliking Cynthia lately on this show too. The Chill stuff is beyond idiotic at this point and her talking about have a chill baby made me roll my eyes so hard. Like no just no.

So much this!

I liked Cynthia for her first few seasons and up to 50 cent (but then 51 cent, 52 cent,....) but now she is insufferable (and still boring) - this whole”chill” stuff is beyond annoying. The bag with “Serial Chiller” earlier this season was beyond insufferable.

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Drat! Per TV guide, tonight's episode is just a rehash of the finale. They did that with another episode this season & the subtitles were so tiny, I couldn't read them.

Edited to add: I Stand Corrected! This episode was extra footage! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

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On 4/22/2020 at 6:48 AM, luckyroll3 said:

Nene is a loyal friend as along as her friends are firmly up her ass and stroking her ego.  

Just like Wendy Williams!

I think Kandi needs to realize that she and Todd are a couple, a team.  They are married, they have two children together.  I get Kandi though.  I don't believe she has ever been married.  I also believe that her mother was always there through all the lousy men she probably dated.  She may not even understand that her relationship with her mother needs to change because she is married to a decent man.  I think Kandi has said how she has to support other members of her family.  Because of systemic racism, black Americans were not able to obtain wealth the way they/we probably could have had there been no systemic racism (i.e. shit like Jim Crow and redlining, which affect people to this day), so Kandi has more people to support.  I think Nene is in the same boat.

I never believed Kenya's storyline this season at all.  When she said that she didn't even have the phone number of Marc's parents, I thought, "That's because you don't have a real marriage."  I think Marc was a paid husband/sperm donor.  Kenya wanted to have a baby, but she wanted to be married, and she found Marc, who's motivation was to have Kenya Moore on his arm, but that can only last for so long.  I mean what grandparents wouldn't want to see their grandchild? 

I hate what Kenya did to Marlo, breaking into her event with Kenya's snake oil hair care products.  The reason Kenya has nice hair?  DNA.  Unless you have the same hair type as Kenya, her shit won't work on you. 

The age-ism on this show is disgusting.  Kenya calling Nene old?  Okay Kenya, she's not so young herself so she better watch her back. 

Part of me wants Phaedra to come back.  I don't like what she did to Kandi, but Kandi needs to be upset at Bravo for airing the mess that Phaedra said about Kandi and Todd.  Bravo did not air the mess that Brandi said about Adrienne (who IMO is starting to look dangerously close to Jocelyn Wildenstein).


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