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S10.E22: Aloha (Goodbye)

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Since the show only got canceled because O'Loughlin didn't want to do another season, I think it's really nice to hear Lenkov say that he thinks it is very possible the show could return in the future as an event.

A series of TV movies actually makes a ton of sense, right? Give O'Loughlin the time to heal and then let him return on a much reduced schedule. 

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I thought it worked fine as a series finale.  The idea that the Five-O Task Force continues after McGarrett goes off to find himself makes sense.  This wasn't the end of the task force, or the end of any of the other characters, so they didn't get endings.  The only thing missing was Steve choosing his successor.  If some mention was made that Lou was now the head of the team, or Danny, or whoever, then it really wouldn't have been missing anything.  Yes, there were some things that didn't get neatly tied up (or tied up at all), but that seemed to fit with the idea that it wasn't the end of the task force, just the end of Steve McGarrett's time with it, and thus the end of the show.

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15 hours ago, Orbert said:

I thought it worked fine as a series finale.  The idea that the Five-O Task Force continues after McGarrett goes off to find himself makes sense.  This wasn't the end of the task force, or the end of any of the other characters, so they didn't get endings.  The only thing missing was Steve choosing his successor.  If some mention was made that Lou was now the head of the team, or Danny, or whoever, then it really wouldn't have been missing anything.  Yes, there were some things that didn't get neatly tied up (or tied up at all), but that seemed to fit with the idea that it wasn't the end of the task force, just the end of Steve McGarrett's time with it, and thus the end of the show.

I think we’re supposed to assume Danny’s running the task force while Steve’s gone—at least once he’s fully recovered from his injuries & surgery—since, in franchise canon, Danny is Steve’s 2-I-C. While Danny’s still recuperating, I’d say Lou’s in charge in the office & the field, given that he’s the next most senior member of the task force, but in consultation with Danny; I feel (If not for those untimely hissy fits about salary parity, causing Chin & Kono’s departures, Chin would be in charge instead of Grover because he was on the task force before Grover).

Edited by BW Manilowe
To fix punctuation.
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I agree with all that.  It just would have been nice to have it explicitly stated.  Instead, with no mention at all regarding who will lead the team now, even remarks like "Take care of them for me" or whatever it was that McGarrett said are being taken as some kind of indication, and I'm pretty sure those remarks weren't meant to be.

Also, the team gained members and lost members over the years, and overall grew in size.  To me, bringing in Cole right at the end was perfectly logical.  It was yet another sign that the team will continue, and will continue to evolve, after McGarrett's departure.

Lenkov had to do some quick retooling of the scripts when the decision was made to end the series, so not everything was as neat and tidy as some would like, but I thought what we got was overall very good for a series finale.  If anything, too many shows end with a final episode that makes it seem like everyone is going to die at the end of the shift.  I found it refreshing and much more realistic that there was every indication that things would continue, just differently.

Edited by Orbert
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Sigh.  I love this show.  I embrace the ridiculousness.  I'm capable of glossing over bad plotting and bad writing.  But there were plot holes in this finale that you could have driven a truck through.  It just felt very cobbled together, and not the series finale this show deserved.  I feel like Lenkov was all "OK, so you don't want to play anymore?  Fine.  I'm taking my ball and going home..."  Production had to have known long before it was made public that AOL was done and this was the last season.  Sure, they still would have had to retool the scripts for the finale arc, but I have to think they had more time than the slap-dash storyline would indicate.  It was the same with the Chin Ho and Kono characters when Grace Park and Daniel Dae Kim had contract issues, no finesse or art to their departure, just "Oh yeah, they're gone.  Kono's off hunting human traffickers, and Chin went to Frisco with that liaison officer he never had chemistry with to start H50: SFO, but look, Adam and his brooding eyebrows are still here."

I liked Catherine 1.0, back when she was the deus ex machina intelligence officer back at Pearl Harbor or on the aircraft carrier redirecting satellites to help 5-0 catch their criminal of the week.  I liked Catherine 2.0 when she retired from the Navy and went in with that other SEAL on the PI/Security gig.  I thought that had some interesting possibilities for tension as their cases and client  intersected.  I was OK with Catherine 3.0 when she joined the team, but they never seemed to know what to do with her, and with both her and Lou on board, it watered down my beloved McDanno time.  I absolutely hated Catherine 4.0-5.0 who, while she was undercover as 3.0 was spying or playing some sort of CIA long game on McGarrett.  Whenever she popped up after that, either to tell Steve his mommy was in trouble or to help Steve torture terrorists to get info to avenge Joe White's death, I never could understand why Steve was compelled to trust her.  That just didn't make sense to me, but I guess love is blind....

Which why I'm irritated with the ending.  Flying into his future with Catherine just dooms Steve to more angst and abandonment.

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52 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

The funny thing is Catherine never really worked when she was on the team, but they added Quinn with really no problems. Was there a different writing team? 

With Sergeant Liu the boss wasn't sending his girlfriend into battle 

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But this is Hawaii Five-O.  Subtle just isn't the way.

I'm kidding.  I actually agree with you.  Catherine never felt like she was part of the team, even when she was part of the team.  When Quinn showed up, I thought she'd be the latest in attempted forced-in female characters.  But maybe they figured out how to write, or maybe the writers had all changed by then.  Tani worked out pretty well, too.

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Yeah, all three of them had different circumstances.  Quinn was more Steve's contemporary and equal, and there wasn't the relationship history that he had with Catherine.  I think the idea was that Catherine's situation was complicated by their history, which made sense, so when she never really worked out with the team, that too made sense.  Quinn was able to join the team and fit in.  It almost seemed like they were trying to head towards a relationship (in our house we called her "Asian Catherine" because she does have something of a similar look to her), but thankfully that impression didn't last long.  And Lenkov says that Steve & Catherine was always the end game.

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At times Danny was mistreated by Steve his so called best friend as a peasant boy or a servant. Really as everybody on this forum knows I have a love-hate relationship with Steve in the past latter years.

But it really came to a blow with Joan Collins as his mother in law or former, coming and treating Danny even worse. Wished Steve would had got into her face but no he did not. Wished Danny would had given both of them the reason you suck speech. 

As someone on the forum says that the show treats Danny like crap!

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On 4/6/2020 at 2:15 AM, 7kstar said:

My biggest issue was Danny is obviously still hurt pretty bad and to be left alone didn't feel right. 


Yeah they could have jumped to a month or two out instead of a week. Not like the viewers would have questioned it, and it would have made more sense. I still want to know who's taking care of Eddie? 

Edited by Sake614
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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

I still want to know who's taking care of Eddie? 

Danny. I believe Steve said something in his goodbye to Eddie about Danny taking care of [Eddie] but IMO it makes sense he wouldn't take Eddie with him. Steve doesn't know where he's going or how long he'll be away so why take Eddie out of his routine and things / people familiar to him? Esp if Eddie is still showing PTSD symptoms. 

I was more confused about Junior's living situation cause I know Danny took Junior's old room while Junior was away but now that that he's back... ??

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36 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

was more confused about Junior's living situation cause I know Danny took Junior's old room while Junior was away but now that that he's back... ??

Junior can move into Steve's room until he shacks up with Tani lol!


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1 hour ago, Chick2Chic said:

Danny. I believe Steve said something in his goodbye to Eddie about Danny taking care of [Eddie] but IMO it makes sense he wouldn't take Eddie with him. Steve doesn't know where he's going or how long he'll be away so why take Eddie out of his routine and things / people familiar to him? Esp if Eddie is still showing PTSD symptoms. 

I was more confused about Junior's living situation cause I know Danny took Junior's old room while Junior was away but now that that he's back... ??

I assume Junior moved into the sister's old room.

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Sigh, just watched this.  Steve asking Cole to "hold down the fort" sort of implies that he expects Cole to run the show.  When you ask someone to hold down the fort, I've always thought that you are asking someone to be in charge of a place while the person who is usually in charge is away.  But surely that wouldn't make sense, and it seems like it should be Grover.  Interesting that they were intending Lance Gross to be a series regular.  They really worked to bring in the racial diversity after booting out Kono and Chin.  Tani, Junior, Quinn, and now Cole.  

Count me in as somebody who thought the Doris money stash made no sense.  She went rogue to try to build up a nest egg for her kids, yet she already had millions in her family crypt hidden away?  And what a dumb place to hide all that money!  You don't think anybody would have thought to look there?  And Steve didn't take any of that money?  Why?  Because it was likely tainted?

So was or was not Wo-Fat Steve's half brother?  I too thought there was an episode where they tested his blood and it was determined they weren't related in any way.  Yet in the flashback, Steve's dad seemed to think that it was true.

I'm ok with Catherine coming back.  Steve deserves a happy ending.  But where exactly are they going and what are they going to do?  He left the house with an army duffel bag.  What about all his stuff?  Guess he can buy whatever he wants.  

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Well...I'm not sure if The Good Place had my least favorite series finale anymore. Anyone who saw my posts on that thread knows I really, really hated that finale, so even though I'm not as...super passsionately angry about this one, we had 5 times as much time with these characters so I was more invested in them, and I was just...really sad about this one (and I was not in a great mood when I watched it because of everything going on right now, so that probably influenced how I felt about it at least to some degree).

First of all, I'm annoyed at Peter Lenkov's "you have to be married and have kids to be happy and fulfilled" BS (and to be completely honest, find it a little sad), although I guess I shouldn't be surprised after Joe White repeatedly telling Steve to find a woman. I mean, I would get it if the message was "don't be alone, be around people who love you" (although some people genuinely are happier alone), but I don't see why it has to specifically be a conventional romantic relationship leading to marriage and kids. I just find that so...limited, when there are so many other options and possibilities of different types of relationships. Although I feel like the show's always had a more...I want to say conservative, but I'm not sure that's exactly the right word...maybe traditional, slant, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they handled it the way they did.

So I didn't like ending at all, although I'm kind on conflicted about what I would've preferred. I kind of go back and forth between thinking Steve should've ended up with Danny and thinking he should've been single.

Part of me definitely wanted him with Danny. I felt like almost this entire episode (and, to be honest, basically the entire series) was spent illustrating his feelings for Danny. He's chosen him over Catherine multiple times, there was the "the person you care about most in the world" line, which he never argued, while it was shown over and over and over again throughout the course of the series that he and Catherine together did not work.

One of the interviews I read mentioned that for the past couple seasons he seemed to be having a bit of an internal struggle, which I thought could've been about trying to come to terms with his (romantic) feelings for Danny, or that he liked guys in general. I feel like there was enough to support that interpretation (the boy in high school with the guitar, and his friend Freddie from the military). To me both of those relationships came across as something other than platonic, even if it was one-sided feelings on Steve's part that he may not have even been aware of at the time. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but something about the ways those scenes were played just gave me that impression. And while I knew that a show like this would never go there, I have to admit I was still somewhat disappointed.

I also really don't understand why, if it was their plan all along to have them end up together, they made Catherine such an unlikeable character. I'll admit a significant part of my problem with the character was the actress (I don't want to get too much into behind the scenes happenings, but I am curious how certain actors feel about the ending), but I also had a problem with the writing and the way she treated Steve.

If the show insisted on giving him a female love interest, there are so many other characters who I would've rather he ended up with (Alicia Brown would've been interesting, I thought; Quinn, which is where I thought it was going at one point; Lynn; Brooke; Emma; even Ellie Clayton, who I didn't particularly like but would've preferred to Catherine). There was just too much baggage with Catherine, and I thought them agreeing that they were better off as friends was the end of it, so the last minute reunion was kind of jarring to me.

On the other hand, I never got the impression that romantic relationships were particularly important to Steve. As we got into the last part of the finale, I kept waiting for an "I already have what I've been looking for" sort of epiphany from him, for him to realize that he didn't need to go searching the world to find what he wanted because he already had it in his friends, his team, his chosen family, and to find peace and happiness there. For him to have all of these deeply emotional goodbyes with people that loved him and still feel it was necessarily to leave them (especially when it had only been a week since Danny almost died, and the episode, hell, entire series, made it so clear that Danny was the most important person in the world to him) just made no sense to me, and to be honest, I found it pretty depressing.

I mean, I know Lenkov has said he's not leaving forever, that he will be back, but to me, it was played as if he was leaving for good, and I thought there was just an overall sad undercurrent to the last few scenes. I also thought there should've been a focus on Steve and Danny's relationship in the end. Regardless of how you interpret the nature of it, theirs was clearly the most important relationship in the show. There are multiple ways I think it could've played out, but they could've still had a reunion with Catherine if they wanted but still have had the final scene be Steve and Danny. (Maybe I'm crazy, but nothing will ever convince me that Steve will ever love Catherine as much as he loves Danny, even if you interpret that love as platonic.)

Clearly PL just really liked the Catherine character (although, again, if that's the case, I question why she wasn't written as a more likeable character) and wanted to be very explicit about how things ended up, which...whatever, that's his right as a writer (although I'll admit I don't exactly have a super high opinion of him after reading the interviews he's done since the finale aired and hearing about what he's done on social media).

I know a lot of people don't like shows ending without a definitive end (and I sometimes agree, depending on the show/situation/details) but I think it would've been an improvement here to leave things more open-ended/ambiguous, so people could interpret it however they wanted. In general, I tend to prefer more "business as usual/life goes on" types of endings, where you know things are continuing on for these characters, we just don't get to see it (like Elementary, which I kept finding myself comparing this finale to for various reasons; handling the Steve/Danny relationship similarly to the way they handled that show's main relationship in the finale would've been basically my ideal ending, to be honest) to major changes in the final episode. But even keeping the episode almost exactly the same, but without showing a person at the end, would've been a huge improvement in my opinion. Show Steve sitting on the plane, look up to see someone that the audience can't see and smile, maybe say something ambiguous like "I'm glad you came" or something, and then fade to black. That way everybody could've imagined the mystery person was whoever they wanted it to be and both camps could be happy.

So I don't know...overall it just didn't work for me. There were a couple scenes that I liked (not surprisingly, the ones with Steve and Danny), but an eleventh hour "leave behind everyone who loves him to run off with someone who never passed up an opportunity to leave him" does not constitute a happy ending to me.

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Yeah as really think that Five 0 is with ex-cops and that of being kicked off the force or not making it like Tani in the Police Academy there. As that is why I think Steve turned it over for Lincoln and knowing that at least I wished Grover would had done the lead as in the interim since he is at retirement age. Kind of a slight to Grover as he is up there as my favorites.

Grover could show Lincoln the ropes a bit but later on retire and give Lincoln the keys to Hawaii and the task force. 

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I still think that take care of them meant as the muscle. Junior proved to be just a SEAL, not much different from anyone on 5-0 from Kono to Adam.  Certainly Not the over the top fighter like McGarrett or the new FAST Marine Cole

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3 hours ago, marina707 said:

As we got into the last part of the finale, I kept waiting for an "I already have what I've been looking for" sort of epiphany from him, for him to realize that he didn't need to go searching the world to find what he wanted because he already had it in his friends, his team, his chosen family, and to find peace and happiness there.

Yes!  This.  Exactly this.


I never saw the Steve & Danny relationship as anything more than friendship.

For me, the problem is the show ignored the fact that all of these people, except maybe Adam, have actual biological family members.  When Steve was in the hospital they never even mentioned his sister and niece.  Not so much as a “Mary is on her way” or “Joanie needs her Uncle Steve”.  Same with Danny; somehow Rachel and the kids where always out of town the numerous times Danny was near death.  

If they had to pair Steve up romantically, I wish they would have had him fall for Noelani.  They seemed to have a nice relationship that could have become something more.  But, in TV life, the leading man never falls for someone like her. 

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41 minutes ago, Mittengirl said:

For me, the problem is the show ignored the fact that all of these people, except maybe Adam, have actual biological family members.  When Steve was in the hospital they never even mentioned his sister and niece.  Not so much as a “Mary is on her way” or “Joanie needs her Uncle Steve”.  Same with Danny; somehow Rachel and the kids where always out of town the numerous times Danny was near death.  

If they had to pair Steve up romantically, I wish they would have had him fall for Noelani.  They seemed to have a nice relationship that could have become something more.  But, in TV life, the leading man never falls for someone like her. 

Yeah, there were so many times family members should've been there. I get that they probably couldn't get the actors, or didn't want to, but I feel like there should've at least been comments about where they were/why they weren't there.

Oh, that's an interesting idea! I didn't even think of her (I was thinking about women that had been love interests in the past, or that I thought the show was hinting were maybe going to be) but I think I would've liked that more than any of them.

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(Replying separately here because I just realized these paragraphs somehow got left out of my reply above and it wouldn't let me go back and put them in.)

On 4/6/2020 at 6:00 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

The funny thing is Catherine never really worked when she was on the team, but they added Quinn with really no problems. Was there a different writing team? 

I think a large part of it was due to the actress. I really disliked Catherine, although I had no issues with Quinn. I definitely thought at one point she was going to be Steve's love interest because (although they weren't carbon copies of each other or anything) I thought she was fairly similar to Catherine, but without all the baggage/bad history.

3 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Not to mention derivative. 

Yeah. That's one of the reasons I usually am not a fan of romance in shows, they're (almost) always the same. Most of the time, even if I like two characters' dynamic and think they'd be good together, I usually don't want them to get together because most writers tend to write romantic relationships in the same boring, predictable way.

Edited by marina707
quotes being weird
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8 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

Yes!  This.  Exactly this.


I never saw the Steve & Danny relationship as anything more than friendship.

For me, the problem is the show ignored the fact that all of these people, except maybe Adam, have actual biological family members.  When Steve was in the hospital they never even mentioned his sister and niece.  Not so much as a “Mary is on her way” or “Joanie needs her Uncle Steve”.  Same with Danny; somehow Rachel and the kids where always out of town the numerous times Danny was near death.  

If they had to pair Steve up romantically, I wish they would have had him fall for Noelani.  They seemed to have a nice relationship that could have become something more.  But, in TV life, the leading man never falls for someone like her.

Regarding the bolded: Rachel & the kids weren’t always out of town the numerous times Danny was near death. In the first season episode where Danny was exposed to Sarin at a house where Wo Fat was supposed to be hiding out (but wasn’t—they found Sang Min instead, along with a confused elderly man who was killed by the Sarin... which had nothing to do with Wo Fat or Sang Min), Rachel was out of town, on a trip to Maui with Stan trying to patch up their bad marriage when Danny was stricken; he also was responsible for taking care of Gracie at the time—“Uncle Steve” had to pick her up at school & he brought Gracie to the hospital. Gracie, who was all of 8 at the time, or almost 8, had her own cellphone which was bought for her by her rich stepfather, Stan. Rachel happened to call & check up on Gracie after she got dropped off at the hospital, Gracie promptly told her Danny was in the hospital (while he was trying to signal Gracie NOT to, of course) & the next thing you knew Rachel had flown back from Maui & was with Danny & Gracie at the hospital (you know she’s supposed to have been worried about who’s taking care of Gracie, but with undertones of worrying about Danny because she still has some feelings for him, which she won’t admit). Rachel & Gracie spent the rest of Danny’s hospitalization camped out with him in his room, Rachel sleeping in a chair next to his bed, Gracie camped out on the couch under the window, & they drove him hill back to work when he was released. Charlie wasn’t there, because he’d been neither conceived nor born yet.

I guess, in a way, the Steve & Noelani relationship reminds me of the Hawkeye & Nurse Kellye relationship in M*A*S*H—that was another relationship where the girl who’s not a knockout, more a brainy type, has a crush on the handsome guy who looks at every woman he sees in the room romantically but her (although we never knew if Noelani had a crush on Steve, or if he saw her romantically). Alan Alda actually wrote a really good M*A*S*H episode with that theme, about Hawkeye & Nurse Kellye.

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15 hours ago, marina707 said:

Yeah. That's one of the reasons I usually am not a fan of romance in shows, they're (almost) always the same. Most of the time, even if I like two characters' dynamic and think they'd be good together, I usually don't want them to get together because most writers tend to write romantic relationships in the same boring, predictable way.

If there was ever someone who was about the job, it's Steve. I don't know why they bothered trying to write love interests for him. I mean, sure, have him go on a date here and there if you want, but he's always going to be ghosting when he has to run off to DPRK or Junior is kidnapped. And they're always going to come first. I don't think that's a problem. 

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15 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

If there was ever someone who was about the job, it's Steve. I don't know why they bothered trying to write love interests for him. I mean, sure, have him go on a date here and there if you want, but he's always going to be ghosting when he has to run off to DPRK or Junior is kidnapped. And they're always going to come first. I don't think that's a problem. 

Definitely. Like I said, on one hand I wanted him with Danny, but I also don't think he ever really came across as being interested in romance. Danny was almost constantly in a relationship and Steve never seemed to particularly care that much (it surprised me that in the end it was Steve with a love interest and Danny single since it was the opposite of how it was for most of the show). Some people are just not the relationship type, and there's nothing wrong with that...I wish shows didn't feel the need to always pair off every character.

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There's more interesting drama to be mined of Steve getting the dad killed and Doris being Doris that he was compelled to form his own family and Five-0 provided him the way to do that. That's basically what happened, but it was never explored as much as it could have been. 

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I am sorry to see this show end.  I didn't watch every season or every episode, but I generally enjoyed it when I did watch it.  Some humor, some suspense, some likable characters, and...HAWAII!!!

I would be in for some sort of spin-off with the remaining characters.  I would also be in for the further integration of characters into Magnum.

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I was OK with the finale but I am hoping for some movie events in the future. 

I started watching this show in 2015 right before I took my first trip to Hawaii and got hooked. My son says I binge watch old episodes every month or so. LOL   

I had alway expected Steve to end up with Catherine. And when we found out that this was the last season, I expected her to show up in the finale. I was hoping it would have been more along the lines of Steve reassessing his life after Joe and Doris dying (which did happen) and Catherine reassessing her life after hearing about how Doris ended up and seeing that her life might end up the same. Reaching out to Steve to see how he was doing and they went from there. I felt that would have been more complete but like many have said here -- relationships were not the writers' forte on this show.

I had always liked Catherine and Steve together. I hated how she left after Kono's wedding but I always blamed a little of that on Steve. I always got the feeling that they had never really discussed marriage -- even when Danny asked Steve about having the big discussion with Catherine about what her plans were when she returned for the wedding, Steve kept saying he would, hadn't gotten to it, etc. Then he jumped straight to asking her to marry him without a real discussion )that we saw or heard about). When Lynn mentioned  to Catherine later that Steve was going to propose, Catherine had no idea that was on the table.

So I found both at fault (her way more than him but still). I hated that she left like that but I wish they had had a real discussion. It wouldn't have gone down like that if they had.

I don't think Steve minded Catherine coming back around for missions because she usually showed up for a purpose and I believe he still wanted to see her. Didn't he ask her twice about being happy? Then they decided they would be friends while still kind of flirting with each other. And she came back to spend however long she stayed in Montana after Joe died. Steve was still carrying a torch for her (I am showing my age) even when he was trying to move on. So, Catherine showing up suggesting that she wanted to try a relationship again, he was going to jump all over that.

And while Steve had created his own family with 5-0, he had mentioned several times that he wanted to get married and have kids. I didn't think the 5-0 family was going to fill that for him. I always thought Quinn was too young for Steve so I didn't think they were going there. 

I will miss watching new episodes. I will have to watch Magnum to get my Hawaii fix now.


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I just wished that Danny if he was allowed to drive Steve's truck was the least of what Steve could had done to Danny after ten seasons driving his Camaro. Can't have Danny drive his own car? Really Steve you can be so foolish at times. Bear in mind Danny's Camaro was torched when he was kidnapped and tortured.

I love Steve with Catherine and really no other woman could fill in the void. But Catherine look when she returned to ask him to help out his mother Doris, in a sense, should had shown her the door before he proposed to her. She lied to him and really kept going to him for favors instead of just sitting down and talking about what might had been?! As he was in the middle of his date with Lynn. Yeah Lynn was not for him but give her credit for being patient and kind of his mother.

Loved it when Lynn in a sense before Catherine did not know Steve was going to propose, kind of shoved it in Catherine's face. Like he tried to propose but you turned him down before she saw the look on her face and Lynn felt remorse?! Glad Lynn and Catherine did not get into a catfight. At times wished she got the reason you suck speech!

But know that the show needs to get a spin off as it did not tie up loose ends. 


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On 4/17/2020 at 4:09 PM, Passepartout said:

I just wished that Danny if he was allowed to drive Steve's truck was the least of what Steve could had done to Danny after ten seasons driving his Camaro. Can't have Danny drive his own car? Really Steve you can be so foolish at times. Bear in mind Danny's Camaro was torched when he was kidnapped and tortured.

I love Steve with Catherine and really no other woman could fill in the void. But Catherine look when she returned to ask him to help out his mother Doris, in a sense, should had shown her the door before he proposed to her. She lied to him and really kept going to him for favors instead of just sitting down and talking about what might had been?! As he was in the middle of his date with Lynn. Yeah Lynn was not for him but give her credit for being patient and kind of his mother.

Loved it when Lynn in a sense before Catherine did not know Steve was going to propose, kind of shoved it in Catherine's face. Like he tried to propose but you turned him down before she saw the look on her face and Lynn felt remorse?! Glad Lynn and Catherine did not get into a catfight. At times wished she got the reason you suck speech!

But know that the show needs to get a spin off as it did not tie up loose ends. 


so they had a flahback were   wat said that wo fat was his brother...I vividly remember that  he had a test done that

proced they were not related..but at some point  his mom said that she felt responsible for the  death of wo fats mother  and she raised wo fat fr a period of time....are we supposed to forget that


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