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S07.E07: Drinking Buddy

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For a grown woman to entertain that kind of drinking party in your home is absurd, imo.  I'm not against drinking, but, that's definitely frat boy stuff and so immature.  Ryan and Chase are both too old for that, too.  I hope it's producer driven, because, if they are really that immature, they do have some issues.  It was more of  "let's use your place for a party deal", not a housewarming.  Did they bring gifts?  

Dealing with seniors who are falling is a huge deal. I have a lot of experience with it and engage in support groups for other adult children who are  caregivers.  Once a senior starts falling, they are likely to keep falling.  Eventually, they will suffer a fracture or brain bleed.  THEN, you have problems, because, you'll have hospitalization, rehab, then nursing home. This is hard on them and the family members. Also, these injuries are tough to recover from for seniors. Some never do.  It can signal the beginning of the end. Also, when you start having repeated falls, they need to discover why, because, it's often poor balance.  Then, you have to look at why they have poor balance. I won't go into it here. but, often there are no ways to prevent this, because, it is derived from brain issues. (Sometimes stroke, sometimes, other issues.)  So, preventing falls is the best option. And, I sad as it is, often seniors fall, not from tripping, but, just falling for poor balance. It's hard to prevent. 

  I hope that Whitney will get an EXPERT to go into the home and access it for RISKS.  The professional would no doubt recommend the Emergency Alert, moving to one floor, NOT carrying things in your hands when walking, removing any rugs that can be trip risk, etc.  Perhaps, the biggest issue with seniors and injuries is THEIR POOR judgment.  It just happens. They refuse to listen to reasonable measures and then when they are laid up bedridden, it's too late.  I hate to tell Whitney, but, it's unlikely they are going to heed her warnings.  (And, her brother needs to zip it, if he can't be more pragmatic.)  It normally takes A MAJOR  CRISIS, BEFORE SENIORS WILL TAKE  SAFETY MEASURES SERIOUSLY.  I fear she has heartbreak ahead on this. Hope I'm wrong. 

Did Buddy sound drunk in that phone call to Whit?  He sounded like he was slurring his words to me. I'm glad his friend called him out on being lazy and just not doing the program.  I just wonder what will be become of him.  If he keeps chasing the standup comedy dream.....sad.  Also, he looks so unhealthy.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Agree with everyone about the Spanx comment.  Whitney needs to Spanx her head to keep her gaping pie hole closed.

I can't stomach typically more than 5 minutes of this shit show, but I was tuned in for the party.  Chase is surrounded by cute friends/acquaintances who are girls.  Yes, cuteness is not a marker for a nice person, but are you telling me none of these girls have more to offer than Whitney?  Really?  This guy has options galore and I refuse to believe that Whit is his choice.

I was a single girl until I got married at 42 (met at 40).  I had lived the "single girl in the city" life since I was 23.  My hopping social life and where I was in my life before I got married was significantly different than my peers who had married, had children and lived in the suburbs.  I don't think that still being single and active socially when you are in your upper-30's is at all an indicator of maturity.  I didn't think my life was sad, I thought being saddled with 3 kids and a husband you didn't particularly like was - but that was the version being sold of what you "should be" doing by the time you were a certain age.  So in general I am quick to give a pass to people who aren't conforming to certain norms by a certain age....THAT BEING SAID.....Whitney is horribly and irredeemably immature.  Chase and Ryan, even at their younger ages, are horribly immature.  That stupid excuse for a grown up frat party was horribly immature and it was embarrassing to watch.  Grow up, Whit. 


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21 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

I agree with you (& Whit)   especially when their house has a master bedroom on the first floor. 

I can't believe Babs doesn't wear a Life Alert especially after having a stroke and is alone in that huge house at times. 

Glen wears a cellular enabled Apple Watch and I doubt it's because he goes for long runs sans phone so I'm pretty sure this is just played up for the TV.

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If I was 74 and fell backwards down the stairs and was knocked out for 20 seconds I would be moving to the downstairs bedroom, no questions asked. That is no joke. Glenn was lucky this time. There may not be a next time. The fact that Babs is making light of her fall down the stairs is also crazy. 

My husband and I are recently retired and in the process of house hunting for a smaller home. #1 pre-requisite, NO stairs!

I just don't understand the Whit/Buddy relationship. It's sick. The highlight of this episode was Buddy's sober friend. He has no time for Buddy's excuses. Buddy will start drinking and/or drugging again if he doesn't start going to meetings regularly and work his 12 steps. He's already starting to lose his will power and is hanging on by a thread.  If Whitney loved him so much she would  not tell him he has nothing to apologize for because she "loves him very, very much, boo bear". Let him do what he needs to do to stay sober. 

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10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:


Did Buddy sound drunk in that phone call to Whit?  He sounded like he was slurring his words to me. I'm glad his friend called him out on being lazy and just not doing the program.  I just wonder what will be become of him.  If he keeps chasing the standup comedy dream.....sad.  Also, he looks so unhealthy.  

Buddy. Looks. Terrible. 

I’m all for people chasing their dreams, but Buddy and comedy are a bad fit. He just doesn’t have it—joking around with your friends and performing in public are 2 completely different things. He doesn’t have the wit it takes to be funny (and he has zero confidence). 

Also, he looks like shit. He’s always been a chub but it makes you wonder if he’s using food more now to cope. 

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Listening to Buddytalking with Dave ( the wisest person on this show)  about how he’s gotten the “ gist” of sobriety while not attending Groups, rejecting sponsors, not feeling that he owes anyone but Whitney an amends and basically blaming the a Universe for his being too lazy to work the program was making me seethe.

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Twitney is so disrespectful to her parents. Ok. I get she's "concerned" about their health, but they're not idiots. She treats them with disrespect, and Hunter appears to have a chip missing in his noggin. What is up with that guy? He looks like he uses the same hair dye as Wayne Newton but talks like he's in the 5th grade. 

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2 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

There is absolutely zero shame is wearing shapewear. I absolutely live in Spanx. Not because I'm trying to pretend that I'm thinner than I am, but simply to make my clothes lay more smoothly and keep the hills and valleys that define my body from ruining the lines. Even women who are very thin like Spanx because it helps clingy clothing look better.

Since you said you didn't watch I'll give you a mini-recap 😄. Whitney was sitting on the couch apart from the guests in a bid for attention from Ryan and Chase, when Heather and Todd walked in the door.  Heather walked in, Ryan was standing right in front of her, he said hi, and Whit's greeting from the couch was to reach over, stroke Heather's hip and say, "You're wearing shapewear?" in front of everyone.


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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

Buddy. Looks. Terrible. 

I’m all for people chasing their dreams, but Buddy and comedy are a bad fit. He just doesn’t have it—joking around with your friends and performing in public are 2 completely different things. He doesn’t have the wit it takes to be funny (and he has zero confidence). 

Also, he looks like shit. He’s always been a chub but it makes you wonder if he’s using food more now to cope. 

THIS. Hard living will do that to you. If I saw him on the street, I'd surmise he was in his mid-50's. Also, he has the personality of a sloth. Sloths are cute and Buddy is not, but I'd imagine if they talked, they'd sound like Buddy: V.e.r.y...s.l.o.w...a.n.d....m.u.m.b.l.y. 

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I could hear Roger Miller singing Chug- a-Lug tonight.  Isn't Chase 28?  This looked like an underclassmen's frat party, not an adult gathering.

Just going to toss this out there. I'm in my 50's. A friend of a similar age has occasional parties in the summer. Some of our friends are in their early 30's and drinking games often break out (he has a gorgeous backyard). They play flip cup (which is what they played at Whitney's party), beer pong and others I don't really get. I don't usually join in but they have fun and when the weekend is over, they all go back to their responsible professional lives. Is it more of a college thing? Sure, but if everyone is responsible and no one gets hurt, why not?


Dealing with seniors who are falling is a huge deal. 

My mom is in her 80's and still lives alone in a single family home with stairs. I'd love nothing more for her to sell it and move somewhere where there are no stairs and little to no maintenance. She will not. She had a health scare last summer that landed her in the hospital for a week and we had a conversation about how, if she couldn't go home, she wasn't in a position to take her time and find a senior community she liked - she would have to go wherever there was a bed available when they were ready to discharge her. She was able to go home and she is still there and not willing to look at options for moving.

I hate this. I love my mother and while she is generally healthy, she is petite and if she falls, she will almost certainly break a bone. I check in on her but I live an hour away and she doesn't have regular visitors (she has an active social live but she goes out - she doesn't often have people in) so she could lay on the floor for a long time before anyone would find her. 

It's take me a long time to accept this and I struggle with it still - but this is what she has chosen. She realizes that she could fall or get sick and that the end of her life might be laying on the floor at the foot of her stairs waiting for someone to find her. Right now that is an acceptable risk for her and who knows - when I'm 80 maybe it will be for me too (though I plan to live the rest of my life in my current house and my bedroom is on the main floor so no stairs for me!). It's her choice, not mine. 

I felt for Whitney - if there is a perfectly good master bedroom on the main floor of the Thore house, I can't see why Babs and Glenn don't want to move in there. Her approach was all wrong - even I know that telling Babs and Glenn what to do isn't going to work and I didn't grow up with them. Glenn seems pretty hearty but Babs doesn't look too stable on her feet to me - I'd definitely worry about her on stairs. I thought the emergency button was a great idea too. But bottom line - Whitney can't make Glenn and Babs do anything.

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37 minutes ago, princelina said:

Since you said you didn't watch I'll give you a mini-recap 😄. Whitney was sitting on the couch apart from the guests in a bid for attention from Ryan and Chase, when Heather and Todd walked in the door.  Heather walked in, Ryan was standing right in front of her, he said hi, and Whit's greeting from the couch was to reach over, stroke Heather's hip and say, "You're wearing shapewear?" in front of everyone.


Thanks for the recap. What a bitch Whitney is. How did Heather react? 

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It's so difficult to get seniors to use more caution or downsize. It's amazing how pervasive this problem is.  And, while Whit is rude and in your face, that's how she's grown up with her parents and I hold them partly responsible. Many adult children just stay away and don't visit, don't call, don't even send a card.  I hear that from many seniors. So, I suppose they are glad that at least she's there when they call, goes to the ER with them, drives them to appointments, stays in touch and are concerned enough to actually worry about their welfare.  I doubt they will heed her warning though.  Most likely a crisis will occur and then a nursing home for one of them. Most of us, will face the day that our senior family members are not able to care for themselves anymore. 

I've had more than my share of party days! lol  But, I will say that I never understood the concept of shots or drinking games.  Even in college, I was not into getting drunk for drunk sake. I'm glad, because, I can leisurely enjoy a glass of wine. I'm wary of people who seem too invested in getting me to do shots or drink a lot for so called fun.  To each his own, but, if Ryan and Chase really enjoy this kind of activity, it would be a red flag for me. 


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1 hour ago, Robbie M said:

So men are fighting over Whitney Thore while I remain single? 😂

This show has not only jumped the shark, it's jumped a pod of whales. 

The storylines are getting more and more absurd.  I envision the writer meetings as a bunch of drunk and/or high folks rolling on the floor laughing hysterically trying to top each other with outlandish ideas.  This frat dude romance is the best yet.   I kinda feel sorry for Buddy, he's debasing himself by allowing viewers to gawk at his struggles to become a well functioning person. Sad.   

Edited by Snarkastikate
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Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro, Bro. Bro. Bro, bro, bro. Bro! Bro. Bro, bro, bro! Bro. Bro.


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1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

If Whitney strokes her hip and says ‘I see you are wearing shape wear then Heather should have poked Whit’s giant belly and said ‘I see that working out isn’t helping’. 


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4 hours ago, Kiki620 said:

Chase is surrounded by cute friends/acquaintances who are girls.  Yes, cuteness is not a marker for a nice person, but are you telling me none of these girls have more to offer than Whitney?  Really?  This guy has options galore and I refuse to believe that Whit is his choice.

This is all part of the scripted fantasy. That Whitney is such a terrific person that she can attract a good-looking and physically fit man (either despite her size or - if they really want to build the unobtainable fantasy - that he's physically attracted to her size). This is the delusion that most heavy women have (and I've been guilty of it myself). Either they end up with a chubby chaser or they have to downgrade their expectations.

1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

If Whitney strokes her hip and says ‘I see you are wearing shape wear then Heather should have poked Whit’s giant belly and said ‘I see that working out isn’t helping’. 

I would have asked her how her job at Sea World was working out now that Shamu has been retired.

3 hours ago, princelina said:

Since you said you didn't watch I'll give you a mini-recap 😄. Whitney was sitting on the couch apart from the guests in a bid for attention from Ryan and Chase, when Heather and Todd walked in the door.  Heather walked in, Ryan was standing right in front of her, he said hi, and Whit's greeting from the couch was to reach over, stroke Heather's hip and say, "You're wearing shapewear?" in front of everyone.


It's a good thing that she didn't say that to me because I would have verbally eviscerated her on the spot. Starting with the fact that I at least wear clothes that fit and don't make me look like a flaming idiot when in public. 

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3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Just going to toss this out there. I'm in my 50's. A friend of a similar age has occasional parties in the summer. Some of our friends are in their early 30's and drinking games often break out (he has a gorgeous backyard). They play flip cup (which is what they played at Whitney's party), beer pong and others I don't really get. I don't usually join in but they have fun and when the weekend is over, they all go back to their responsible professional lives. Is it more of a college thing? Sure, but if everyone is responsible and no one gets hurt, why not?

My mom is in her 80's and still lives alone in a single family home with stairs. I'd love nothing more for her to sell it and move somewhere where there are no stairs and little to no maintenance. She will not. She had a health scare last summer that landed her in the hospital for a week and we had a conversation about how, if she couldn't go home, she wasn't in a position to take her time and find a senior community she liked - she would have to go wherever there was a bed available when they were ready to discharge her. She was able to go home and she is still there and not willing to look at options for moving.

I hate this. I love my mother and while she is generally healthy, she is petite and if she falls, she will almost certainly break a bone. I check in on her but I live an hour away and she doesn't have regular visitors (she has an active social live but she goes out - she doesn't often have people in) so she could lay on the floor for a long time before anyone would find her. 

It's take me a long time to accept this and I struggle with it still - but this is what she has chosen. She realizes that she could fall or get sick and that the end of her life might be laying on the floor at the foot of her stairs waiting for someone to find her. Right now that is an acceptable risk for her and who knows - when I'm 80 maybe it will be for me too (though I plan to live the rest of my life in my current house and my bedroom is on the main floor so no stairs for me!). It's her choice, not mine. 

I felt for Whitney - if there is a perfectly good master bedroom on the main floor of the Thore house, I can't see why Babs and Glenn don't want to move in there. Her approach was all wrong - even I know that telling Babs and Glenn what to do isn't going to work and I didn't grow up with them. Glenn seems pretty hearty but Babs doesn't look too stable on her feet to me - I'd definitely worry about her on stairs. I thought the emergency button was a great idea too. But bottom line - Whitney can't make Glenn and Babs do anything.

My antique  auntie was  that way. She was 94 and would NOT  entertain the  notion of  moving to a senior  place.  Finally  at 96 she wound up in  hospital with  pneumonia,  and the doctor  refused to  release her to  go home alone. My cousin  scrambled  around and  found a  place  that could  take her.  Unfortunately  she suffered a  massive  stroke  shortly after the  move, and died. 

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The more I watch the more I am convinced this is all a game to Ryan.  Now whether or not Whitney is too dumb to realize or Ryan has a very good hustle going on.  I can see Whitney's point about being concerned for her parents and I get it, but its her delivery that is off putting, like she knows best - yet she has to rely on others to help her in most ways. No way would I have strangers to my house for a "housewarming" party, this was clearly a "frat party". 

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5 hours ago, John M said:

And there is absolutely no reason to believe that they have particular medical impairments. Bab's appears to have recovered very well from her stroke, which is a thing that happens, many people have strokes, make a full recovery or close to one and never have a stroke again. And young people can have strokes too. Does Whit know that two of the major risk factors of strokes is smoking and obesity? And honey you aren't too hot at taking stairs either.

Also people fall down stairs! It's a thing that happens sometimes for plenty of completely innocuous reasons, especially when doing things like carrying plates of 

5 hours ago, Barb23 said:

I agree with you (& Whit)   especially when their house has a master bedroom on the first floor. 

I can't believe Babs doesn't wear a Life Alert especially after having a stroke and is alone in that huge house at times. 


I'm 39 and had 2 strokes last fall. Nothing prior. I am also alone all day, since I work from home, and our nearest neighbor is a 15 minute walk away. My 74yo mom lives alone on a mountain in a house that's nearly 6000 sq ft. I worry, but she is still responsible for her own actions. I can't "make" her do a damn thing and I wouldn't even try. 

It's one thing to show concern and to politely express fears about your parents' health and to communicate suggestions as a family. It's a completely different story to barge into your parents' home, talk at them like they are children, and to try to rearrange their furniture without their permission. They're aging, but their mental capacities seem unaffected.  Unless you're trying to prove them incompetent, you can't just start ordering them around. As previously noted, Glen still works every day. If someone in this scenario is going to have a forthcoming health scare then my money's on Whitney. Her parents may be getting older, but Whitney can hardly make it through an entire dance without stopping, and we've seen HER at the hospital with health scares, too, yet I don't see anyone showing up at her condo saying, "Okay, we've decided that you're not healthy enough to live on the 4th floor so we're moving you..." 

Babs and Glenn are aging, but they're still adults. 

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While I fully understand being scared for your aging parents health, I just get the feeling it’s being over dramatized for the show to make Whitney look like daughter of the year.  Glen was repelling in Alaska last year and now he can’t walk down a flight of stairs?  However, if they really do have a first floor bedroom why on earth not use it? 

I loved Buddy’s friend.  100% correct, not that he will ever listen to him

Ryan is being very open about using Whitney to expand his social media status and become an influencer.  If she doesn’t see it, it’s because she doesn’t want to. He is so full of himself that he doesn’t even try to hide his true feelings for the sake of Whitney or the audience 

I think Ryan is used to plotting and scheming and Chase is used to doing whatever Ryan tells him to do.  Ryan reminds me of Whitney in that way, they are both clearly used to getting what they want from other people.

I felt for Heather.  She was probably already uncomfortable seeing Ryan since they kissed and then Whitney immediately made that shapewear comment.  Then she realizes that the party is full of strangers reliving their college days, not just  a relaxed get together.  Plus Ryan was in her face and acting like a creeper.  I’m also an introvert and I would want to get the he’ll out of dodge too.

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32 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

The more I watch the more I am convinced this is all a game to Ryan.  Now whether or not Whitney is too dumb to realize or Ryan has a very good hustle going on.  I can see Whitney's point about being concerned for her parents and I get it, but its her delivery that is off putting, like she knows best - yet she has to rely on others to help her in most ways. No way would I have strangers to my house for a "housewarming" party, this was clearly a "frat party". 

That's what was weird to me. There's nothing wrong with beer pong and flip cup and kegs. If that's what you and your friends enjoy then knock yourselves out....at your own places. I have a hard time wrapping my head around bringing it into the home of a 30something woman, a stranger to them, and just assuming it's what she would like. My problem wasn't with the "games"-it was with Ryan ridiculing Heather for NOT being into the scene (and I got a "you're a pretty girl who should smile more" vibe from him) and for them seemingly assuming that this is what their friend's gf would want in her place. 

Summertime BBQ with drinks around the fire and lounging on the lawn? Bring it on. We do it. The last thing I want in my brand new place, though, is a bunch of strange dudes I don't know possibly getting drunk and leaving beer cans or red solo cups all over my furniture. 

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It's so difficult to get seniors to use more caution or downsize. It's amazing how pervasive this problem is.  And, while Whit is rude and in your face, that's how she's grown up with her parents and I hold them partly responsible. Many adult children just stay away and don't visit, don't call, don't even send a card.  I hear that from many seniors. So, I suppose they are glad that at least she's there when they call, goes to the ER with them, drives them to appointments, stays in touch and are concerned enough to actually worry about their welfare.  I doubt they will heed her warning though.  Most likely a crisis will occur and then a nursing home for one of them. Most of us, will face the day that our senior family members are not able to care for themselves anymore.


BBM And why should they? Whitney doesn't heed anyone's warnings about her health, either. I woyldn't take health advice from her. 

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2 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

It's a good thing that she didn't say that to me because I would have verbally eviscerated her on the spot. Starting with the fact that I at least wear clothes that fit and don't make me look like a flaming idiot when in public. 

And I forgot to mention that Whitney's choice of outfit was a tight tank top TUCKED INTO THE LEGGINGS!!!

35 minutes ago, Meowy said:

Ryan is being very open about using Whitney to expand his social media status and become an influencer.  If she doesn’t see it, it’s because she doesn’t want to. He is so full of himself that he doesn’t even try to hide his true feelings for the sake of Whitney or the audience 

I don't know what he has to hide if they are "business partners" collaborating on the NoBS workouts - he has the training and she has the followers and they started something that he would like to make bigger and better.  He doesn't have to love her and be her bestie or her "bro" or anything else.  Now that they have worked together for a while and he sees that Whitney is lazy and entitled and he is doing the lion's share of the work I think he's decided to work on growing his business/brand himself and let her whine on the side.  And if he has to show up at a drag brunch or to drink with his friends on camera once in a while he's okay with that for the money and exposure.  

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26 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

That's what was weird to me. There's nothing wrong with beer pong and flip cup and kegs. If that's what you and your friends enjoy then knock yourselves out....at your own places. I have a hard time wrapping my head around bringing it into the home of a 30something woman, a stranger to them, and just assuming it's what she would like. My problem wasn't with the "games"-it was with Ryan ridiculing Heather for NOT being into the scene (and I got a "you're a pretty girl who should smile more" vibe from him) and for them seemingly assuming that this is what their friend's gf would want in her place. 

Summertime BBQ with drinks around the fire and lounging on the lawn? Bring it on. We do it. The last thing I want in my brand new place, though, is a bunch of strange dudes I don't know possibly getting drunk and leaving beer cans or red solo cups all over my furniture. 

Totally with you on the BBQ and chilling - I think Ryan doesn't like Heather at all, but it's like a conquest to him - like that talking head - stole Whitney, Heather from Buddy - maybe he needed Chase because he was too repulsed by Whitney himself to date her - IDK - just all speculation on my part.  Quite frankly, from what I have seen Heather would be too boring even for me and I am 50. Don't get me wrong, my crazy bar/klerb days are over but if I am invited to someone's house for a get together, I don't come in with a huge pout on my face wanting to look like I would rather be home in my bed with my thunder vest on.  

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I’m 65, have lived alone forever and I’m pretty good shape with no health issues. I appreciate the little bit that my kids worry about me but would absolutely draw the line at wearing a life alert. My grandmother was 99 and we couldn’t get her to use the one we bought her.  She lived in the city and still walked 6 blocks to church and back every day rain, shine, sleet or snow. When we finally convinced her she could no longer live alone due to falling at least once a week, we moved her to my aunt’s house. She died a week later and I’m sure it was because she hated having to depend on anyone. My kids know how I feel and If I ever had to depend on anyone, it would kill me too.

Glen and Babs have each other. I’m sure they’ll decide for themselves when it’s time to reconsider their living arrangements.  As codependent as she is,  I don’t believe for a minute that Whitney is as concerned as she would have us believe. She’s far too narcissistic. If she was all that worried she wouldn’t have moved to Charlotte. It makes for a better story line for her to be the loving, caring, worried daughter and that’s all she gives a shit about. 

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5 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

If Whitney strokes her hip and says ‘I see you are wearing shape wear then Heather should have poked Whit’s giant belly and said ‘I see that working out isn’t helping’. 

Or just “I see that you’re not...”

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Whitney is patronizing and condescending toward her parents. In many ways she is more functionally disabled and less mobile than they are. If anyone needs to live in a single floor dwelling it is HER, not her parents.  

it’s normal for any grown child to be a little shaken when they first realize their parents’ mortality.  That is amplified and Whitney because of how emotionally stunted she is, and the fact that she takes everything to 11 for the show.

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11 hours ago, Tosia said:

If I were parents,  I wd move to bedroom on first floor, or just be extra careful. 

Yeah. I'm not sure what the problem was with moving to the ground floor. They said it was a master suite, so it's probably pretty big with a bath. I'd move. 😃 One reason I retired is that I couldn't deal with walking thru our commuter lot and around campus in the snow. I used a cane, mostly out of fear, and I was still stressed. 

I was able to get a PT gig with my old office, working online completely from home. Life is good - especially when I look out the window and see 6" of snow.

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2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Totally with you on the BBQ and chilling - I think Ryan doesn't like Heather at all, but it's like a conquest to him - like that talking head - stole Whitney, Heather from Buddy - maybe he needed Chase because he was too repulsed by Whitney himself to date her - IDK - just all speculation on my part.  Quite frankly, from what I have seen Heather would be too boring even for me and I am 50. Don't get me wrong, my crazy bar/klerb days are over but if I am invited to someone's house for a get together, I don't come in with a huge pout on my face wanting to look like I would rather be home in my bed with my thunder vest on.  

You would if you had to go to Whitney’s house 

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10 hours ago, Ketzel said:

I wonder if Buddy is planning to make amends to Kerryn Feehan? I'd love to watch that happen.

Oooh, great point!

10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Did Buddy sound drunk in that phone call to Whit?  He sounded like he was slurring his words to me. 

Yes, he did.  Has me doubting his 2-years sobriety...but then again, it could just be his mush-mouthed way of speaking.

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I'm honestly confused by how obsessed Whit is with Chase and Ryan's "bro-ness" and what seems to be sincere titillation by being "bro" adjacent or even being an honorary "bro". As far as I can tell in this context "bro" means hyper-masculine puffery, entitlement and inconsiderate behavior almost revered as "Boys will be boys!".

All of these people are like 30, none of this alleged "bro"ness seems like desirable qualities to want to spend time around unless you are drunk and trying to get fucked.

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There's not much to add to the great comments already made about this episode. MBFFL's become so overscripted, unrelatable & just plain phony that it's harder & harder to find anything to snark about. Nonetheless, here are a few random thoughts:
📌 It's pretty obvious Ryan wooed & won Jacob Isenberger, the MBFFL producer. What fat, furry, unattractive gay guy wouldn't be flattered by the overwheening attention of a physically fit man? (And some even think Ryan is handsome & sexy. I don't, but Jacob probably does.) There are lots of IG photos of Ryan in LA with his arms around Jacob's shoulders. Ryan wined Jacob, he dined him -- hell, I wouldn't put it past him to give Jacob  a BJ -- and he ended up the star of MBFFL this season. I really hate the opportunistic little rat & don't think his presence on the show saves it if that is the intent.
📌 Where were Tal & Jon at the party? And Ashley? Why didn't Todd participate other than to eat a plate of food? Why was Buddy in a different state? Where were the parents who attend every event Twit is in? And the same for Hunter. And why was Heather relegated to such a minor -- and embarrassing -- role? An assemblage of 20-something strangers doth not a house-warming party make. Why bother any more with these cameo appearances of former MBFFL "stars"?
📌 The production crew really clean Buddy up for the show, particularly his beard. On MBFFL it's brown & groomed. On SM it's multi-colored -- lots of gray -- and wildly bushy.
📌 That conversation between Ryan & Twit about his desire to reach out to fitness SM influencers was so obviously foreshadowing for his announcement -- seen in a promo -- that they're going to Paris to expand the franchise. What nonsense; it's an internet biz. That's the worst reason for a trip since Glenn claimed he was spending his bonus to take his family & all Twit's friends to Hawaii.
📌 There are steep stairs from sidewalk to front door & from 1st floor to 2nd at Twit's townhouse. How's she going handle all those stairs when she regains the 50 lbs. she lost? (As she will.)
📌 Twit says to Hunter, "We'll put them downstairs." Hello? Your parents are sitting right there. Maybe you should give them the right to say where they will be "put". 
📌 Once again, I am of 2 thoughts about Twit's elderly parents. I agree they need to think about what aging means. But the pushiness of their unhealthy daughter makes the hair on the back of my neck rise. If she wants them to move downstairs -- a good idea -- she could point out the advantages. They could close off the upper floor & save a bundle on heat & air. Or they could rent out all 4 bedrooms.
📌 Hunter was right: offer to help the parents make changes, but support their choices, don't bully them.
📌 I'm so sick of the Buddy story arc. I am so tired of Twit's referring to a sexual event which may or may not have happened. In fact, I thought we were going to get thru an entire episode without her mentioning it again. Then she said she couldn't figure out what Buddy needed to make amends for, unless it's for how he was "after we hooked up." Arrgh.
📌 Ryan: "Heather loves Buddy." Yet another story arc I am soooo tired of.
📌 There are only "8 simple steps" to becoming a certified personal trainer. On the internet, not a classroom, not a gym. For sure, that's the only way she could become a trainer. Even so, it'll probably go the way of becoming Jewish.

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19 minutes ago, Dot said:

There's not much to add to the great comments already made about this episode. MBFFL's become so overscripted, unrelatable & just plain phony that it's harder & harder to find anything to snark about. Nonetheless, here are a few random thoughts:
📌 It's pretty obvious Ryan wooed & won Jacob Isenberger, the MBFFL producer. What fat, furry, unattractive gay guy wouldn't be flattered by the overwheening attention of a physically fit man? (And some even think Ryan is handsome & sexy. I don't, but Jacob probably does.) There are lots of IG photos of Ryan in LA with his arms around Jacob's shoulders. Ryan wined Jacob, he dined him -- hell, I wouldn't put it past him to give Jacob  a BJ -- and he ended up the star of MBFFL this season. I really hate the opportunistic little rat & don't think his presence on the show saves it if that is the intent.
📌 Where were Tal & Jon at the party? And Ashley? Why didn't Todd participate other than to eat a plate of food? Why was Buddy in a different state? Where were the parents who attend every event Twit is in? And the same for Hunter. And why was Heather relegated to such a minor -- and embarrassing -- role? An assemblage of 20-something strangers doth not a house-warming party make. Why bother any more with these cameo appearances of former MBFFL "stars"?
📌 The production crew really clean Buddy up for the show, particularly his beard. On MBFFL it's brown & groomed. On SM it's multi-colored -- lots of gray -- and wildly bushy.
📌 That conversation between Ryan & Twit about his desire to reach out to fitness SM influencers was so obviously foreshadowing for his announcement -- seen in a promo -- that they're going to Paris to expand the franchise. What nonsense; it's an internet biz. That's the worst reason for a trip since Glenn claimed he was spending his bonus to take his family & all Twit's friends to Hawaii.
📌 There are steep stairs from sidewalk to front door & from 1st floor to 2nd at Twit's townhouse. How's she going handle all those stairs when she regains the 50 lbs. she lost? (As she will.)
📌 Twit says to Hunter, "We'll put them downstairs." Hello? Your parents are sitting right there. Maybe you should give them the right to say where they will be "put". 
📌 Once again, I am of 2 thoughts about Twit's elderly parents. I agree they need to think about what aging means. But the pushiness of their unhealthy daughter makes the hair on the back of my neck rise. If she wants them to move downstairs -- a good idea -- she could point out the advantages. They could close off the upper floor & save a bundle on heat & air. Or they could rent out all 4 bedrooms.
📌 Hunter was right: offer to help the parents make changes, but support their choices, don't bully them.
📌 I'm so sick of the Buddy story arc. I am so tired of Twit's referring to a sexual event which may or may not have happened. In fact, I thought we were going to get thru an entire episode without her mentioning it again. Then she said she couldn't figure out what Buddy needed to make amends for, unless it's for how he was "after we hooked up." Arrgh.
📌 Ryan: "Heather loves Buddy." Yet another story arc I am soooo tired of.
📌 There are only "8 simple steps" to becoming a certified personal trainer. On the internet, not a classroom, not a gym. For sure, that's the only way she could become a trainer. Even so, it'll probably go the way of becoming Jewish.

Part of  being a  personal trainer is  being able to  sell your services to  prospective clients.  I can see the first person  Twit approaches  reacting with  "WTF  do YOU know about  fitness? "

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would absolutely draw the line at wearing a life alert. 

Genuine question - not snark - why? I know a lot of people who refuse them and I don't get it. If you never need their services, you will never interact with them and if you do need them you're probably going to be pretty grateful they were just a push button away.

My mom had a friend who was in her 80's - lived alone in a single family home - and fell. She was on the floor, best they can figure, at least a day and half before someone found her. She had died, all alone there. That sounds horrific to me but something that could happen so easily. I can't imagine anyone wanting to spend their last hours like that and (even though it's not about me or my needs), it would haunt me the rest of my days to know that my mother died slowly and painfully waiting for someone to find her, especially when a simple tool existed that could prevent it. And God help whoever comes in and finds you - that's got to be a terrible image that stays with you forever.

Help me understand...

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4 hours ago, princelina said:

And I forgot to mention that Whitney's choice of outfit was a tight tank top TUCKED INTO THE LEGGINGS!!!

I don't know what he has to hide if they are "business partners" collaborating on the NoBS workouts - he has the training and she has the followers and they started something that he would like to make bigger and better.  He doesn't have to love her and be her bestie or her "bro" or anything else.  Now that they have worked together for a while and he sees that Whitney is lazy and entitled and he is doing the lion's share of the work I think he's decided to work on growing his business/brand himself and let her whine on the side.  And if he has to show up at a drag brunch or to drink with his friends on camera once in a while he's okay with that for the money and exposure.  

I would think he would try to hide the fact that he is using Whitney for social media followers.  If they were strictly business  partners and that is part of the buisnes plan and it is something they both understand and agree on (and that very well may be) then all is well.  However, it seems like he is trying to convince Whitney and the viewers that they are not only business partners but BFFs when, to me at least, it comes across as disingenuous on his part.  Half the time he is kissing her behind and the other half it seems like he can barely stand her.   It’s like he seeing how much he can get away with before someone will call him out on his true intentions. 

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3 hours ago, aliya said:

Yeah. I'm not sure what the problem was with moving to the ground floor. They said it was a master suite, so it's probably pretty big with a bath. I'd move. 😃 One reason I retired is that I couldn't deal with walking thru our commuter lot and around campus in the snow. I used a cane, mostly out of fear, and I was still stressed. 

I was able to get a PT gig with my old office, working online completely from home. Life is good - especially when I look out the window and see 6" of snow.

Off topic, but yak traxs are wonderful for feeling more secure walking in snow and ice

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

How's she going handle all those stairs when she regains the 50 lbs. she lost? (As she will.)

I believe she already has. Have you seen the pics on her instagram, shilling torrid swimsuits? (If you don't do instagram, I think they've been re-posted in the Social Media thread. But I'll just put one here . . . )



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23 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Genuine question - not snark - why? I know a lot of people who refuse them and I don't get it. If you never need their services, you will never interact with them and if you do need them you're probably going to be pretty grateful they were just a push button away. . . .

Help me understand...

The reason I don't have a device is that there is no cell service in the rural area where I live.

I'm 81 & of limited mobility. I was falling a lot until I had to use a walker full time. Still, there are moments when I have to let go of the walker, so I still worry about falling. I attached a phone holster to my walker since it's usually within arm's length. So, at least, I can carry my cordless phone around the house. But I would love to have a wrist or pendant device.

To bring this back to MBFFL, I think Babs is too vain & Glenn too stubborn to wear a device. As you pointed out, they may live to regret their vanity & stubbornness -- but probably not long if they fall without someone nearby to help. Frankly, I think they're crazy not to move downstairs. I think if Hunter had suggested it, without Twit around, they might have done it. But they have a passive-aggressive relationship with their daughter.

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13 minutes ago, Dot said:

Glenn too stubborn to wear a device. 

Glenn wears such a device, a cellular enabled Apple Watch. I'm young-ish, late 30s and also wear a cellular Apple Watch because I work in social services and having an easy way to easily dial 911 gives me tremendous piece of mind given that I regularly interact with volatile people and to walk around an open campus.

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1 hour ago, Meowy said:

I would think he would try to hide the fact that he is using Whitney for social media followers.  If they were strictly business  partners and that is part of the buisnes plan and it is something they both understand and agree on (and that very well may be) then all is well.  However, it seems like he is trying to convince Whitney and the viewers that they are not only business partners but BFFs when, to me at least, it comes across as disingenuous on his part.  Half the time he is kissing her behind and the other half it seems like he can barely stand her.   It’s like he seeing how much he can get away with before someone will call him out on his true intentions. 

I guess it seems to me that they are "using" each other for the same reason - he needs more followers and she needs someone to be the professional leading the workouts.  That's the business they have.  So she brings him on to her tv show and moves herself to Charlotte and enters into a scripted "relationship" with his good friend.  He has learned to kiss her behind for peace and  has also learned that she's selfish, lazy and annoying, but since someone else is pretending to be her "boyfriend" he doesn't have to act like he thinks everything she does is charming.  I just don't really see anything wrong with his behavior.

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Honestly we don’t know Babs and Glenn haven’t moved downstairs or that Glenn even fell, I think about 80% , if not more, of the show is made up.  I know Babs has had health issue and does not seem to be completely recovered from her stroke.  I believe Whitney is worried, but I don’t necessarily believe all the details they add in the conversations.  Also why haven’t they ever used the master bedroom downstairs? Was this Whitney’s room before she moved or are they using it for another purpose?  Besides their sitting room, I dont recall much of the layout of their home.

I really don’t mind Ryan’s behavior in regards to Whitney because she treats everyone except maybe Buddy like shit a good portion of the show.  The only way I would feel sorry for her is if Ryan and Chase were pulling a scam on her, which 
I don’t believe they are. I mean we see Whitney’s efforts with her online business when left to her own devices.  If they are splitting the profits, she ought be glad he’s trying to bust his ass.  She sure isn’t.  With that said, I don’t think Ryan is some choir boy and if he could achieve all of this on his own I’d think Whitney be back in Greensboro making dance videos with Henchi. His personality irritates me, but he has the advantage of starring in a show with Whitney and Buddy, so basically there’s so many other assholes around, his “assholery” is diminished somewhat by pure circumstance.  Chase doesn’t seem completely bad to me, but again may fall into the “asshole diminisher” equation because he’s generally surrounded by Whitney, Ryan, and Buddy.  They all seem really immature.

 In the world of reality tv I don’t think any of them are the worst despite Whitney’s prestigious award from here.  With the exception of Heather and at times Tal, you’d think the average age of this crew was 14.  I only caught some of the first couple of seasons, but was Buddy always this mush-mouthed? I honestly would turned on subtitles for him, but realize I don’t actually care what he says.  As sad as it is, I think I actually dislike him more than Whitney.

Edited by Irate Panda
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12 hours ago, Meowy said:

While I fully understand being scared for your aging parents health, I just get the feeling it’s being over dramatized for the show to make Whitney look like daughter of the year.  Glen was repelling in Alaska last year and now he can’t walk down a flight of stairs?  However, if they really do have a first floor bedroom why on earth not use it? 

I totally agree with you.  I think this is all made up to make Twit look like someone that actually cares about her parents.  Too bad it fails at it and instead looks like she's condescending and bossing them around.  She can't even fake it too well.  She comes off with the misplaced concern of someone that doesn't see herself or others realistically.  What I don't understand is how a person who probably needs a Life Alert herself thinks she knows better than her parents as to whether they need one.  She's acting like they're 92, not 72!!  I never would have suggested that to my parents at that age!  What an insult to them that would have been!  Twit comes off as an ageist know it all, meanwhile SHE is the one that has more reasons to worry about falling than they do! 

My father is 92 and lives alone with aides coming in, but it's only now that I'm seriously considering getting him a Life Alert.  Until a few months ago he had a roommate who passed away (my mom died almost 20 years ago).  Also he has stopped driving and is suddenly showing signs of being less steady on his feet.  Fortunately he doesn't have stairs to contend with, but there are solutions for that.  Speaking of that, I thought Twit's parents had a chair lift installed in their staircase a few seasons ago after Babs' stroke or some other issue.  Am I remembering wrong?  At any rate, a chair lift might be a good idea even if they move into the downstairs bedroom.

I've enjoyed this discussion.  I am 61 with fragile knees and leg issues, etc. and am very happy now that hubbie and I chose to buy a one level ranch 14 years ago.  I've had to stop wearing heels and I don't bike ride anymore due to worrying about how I could mess myself up if I fell.  I can pull a muscle just getting on a step stool or wearing the wrong shoes these days.  So I'm not insensitive to the issues of aging as I have them myself, but I don't think Babs and Glenn are in need of Life Alerts just yet.

Edited by Yeah No
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Whitney: "you never apologized for yelling at me".

Ryan: "you never thanked me for saving your life".

I love Ryan for the mere fact that he's a far cry from Whit's usual friends who'll obediently step in pee-water when she orders them to. It seems a brash bro is the perfect antidote to Whit's nauseating narcissism. I'd like to see more of that.

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I watched this show,  muted alot of the time,  esp THs, and definitely fast forwarded through Buddy's segments. Yawn. Get help, bro. AA i's fucking free. 

The argument between Twatney and Bro Trainer?  She's a legend in her own mind.  What an ego!!!!!!

WTF was that dual-party of frat bros and hos, and the sad nerd older clique in the corner? 

TLC wasted air time on a cup flipping game???

Hunter is getting old,  bro. Grey in the beard.  

It seemed like the fam was all laughing at Twit, not with her,  during her emotional beatdown of the elderly, but capable-of -making -their -own damn- decisions parents.  

I hope to see  Where Are They Now with Twatney on about 5 years.  Living with her parents, although she is  in the ground floor bedroom,  with parents happily traisiping up and down the stairs,  and living active lives.  Twit lives online with other tweens and is in "serious negotiations " with Dr. Now. 

Both Todd and Heather are happily married to different, but sane guys who want nothing to do with reality. 

Chase is in hiding in the Twitless protection program. 

Ryan is hosting a network competition program. 

Hunter continues doing local dinner theater. And is waiting --- while waiting tables during intermissions--for his big breakthrough, I mean tip. He lives in the Thore's garage. 

Any odds on which one is suing TLC? 


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10 hours ago, John M said:

Glenn wears such a device, a cellular enabled Apple Watch. I'm young-ish, late 30s and also wear a cellular Apple Watch because I work in social services and having an easy way to easily dial 911 gives me tremendous piece of mind given that I regularly interact with volatile people and to walk around an open campus.

That's great but I think Babs is at more risk than Glen and I don't think that she has any sort of device like that.


Also why haven’t they ever used the master bedroom downstairs? 

Maybe it's the guest room? And if it's always been the guest room, maybe it's just hard for Babs and Glenn to think of it as "theirs" instead of "the guest room." Still, I think it would make sense for them to move and I don't know why they wouldn't. Maybe they feel like they would have less privacy on the main floor?

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