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S03.E11: The Book of Markovia: Chapter Two: Lynn's Addiction

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Jefferson, Anissa and Jennifer discover that the ASA is now hunting the entire Pierce family. Meanwhile, Lynn does the unthinkable.

Tasha Smith directed the episode written by Lamont Magee.

Airdate: 1/27/2020


Edited by Trini
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Hog- tying your sister and father and allowing odell and the other ASAP jerks to escape is exactly why they didn't tell you about robo-khalil Jennifer... And " you thick lipped bastard! " oh thank you Dr. Stewart that was amazing... Great seeing LaLa spar with Lady Eve... Looking fwd to that storyline going fwd

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Basically, sixty minutes of distrust, with a few things sprinkled in. Honest to Zod, it never occurred to me that the new guy might wind up being named "Geo-Force." Probably because it's a dumbass name, but it fits with the original comic book Outsiders, a team Black Lightning was on at the time. If Gambi makes an outfit for him, I'm really hoping it doesn't have a "GF" on it. One asymmetrical letter is bad enough, but two? Yeesh.

And Tobias is back! So is Lady Eve, but I feel we need more of the snarky albino gangster. Funny that Lynn wound up decking him. Of course, she also has temporary metahuman abilities. Honestly, the next time she loses her batch of Greenlight, she's gonna hiss "PRECIOUS!!!" for twenty straight minutes . . . because subtlety isn't this show's strength.

And Jennifer gets to see Khalil again! And because she's been left out of the loop, she thinks that she could get through to him, going as far as to restrain her father and sister. But then the tech kid Gambi is fretting over says that the stuff inside Khalil says that he still loves her. Fuck it, let's go with that.

Is it me, or is Odell a sad-looking man? Same dour expression no matter what. You can imagine him going to the high-end brothel (why, yes, there is a high-end brothel in Freeland), and solemnly asking for three women and one guy. The guy would get to watch. Watching Jefferson zap him was fun because Odell is that big of an asshole, if not outright evil.

Better line of the episode: Anissa asking if Odell was quoting Dr. King while being worked over? Or Jefferson asking the new kid what an eunuch was?

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Lady Eve!!! Yay, they actually got Jill Scott to come back! And her twin manservants came back with her too. The only thing I didn't like was her caving to LaLa, of all people. She's a former ASA Boss Lady. Although if they have her finally kill LaLa for good, maybe it might be worth it?

But speaking of LaLa, what is his arc for the season?? He just shows up to do petty criminal stuff not connected the main storylines.

But on to the Pierces:

I'm glad Jen decided to level with her dad, and that everyone is starting to work together as a family again. Including Uncle Gambi. Jen is too hotheaded about certain things - this is why we don't tell you certain things!

Are they going to be using Brandon and his powers more later on? Because he learned a lot of secrets in just one episode. Someone's going to have to fill me in on the significance of Geoforce.

Well of course Random ASA Guard with a Conscience is the one helping Lynn; she's been so isolated from her family most of this season. ... And now Tobias is free? I hate how they have her making all these bad decisions.

Anybody know where Lynn met ASA Guard - what house was it supposed to be? It wasn't the Pierce home.

LOL! Gotham is the worst, of course Odell calls it home!

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Odell being from Gotham really explains a lot of things.  I wonder if they'll be any kind of reference to him on Batwoman somewhere down the line.

Lady Eve is officially back!  It turns out it wasn't because of Crisis, but she was part of the same resurrection club that brought back Lala.  Speaking of which, he's back too and it looks like he is getting ready to go to war with her over the brothel she has apparently created.  Freeland is not going to be safe with these two at each others' throats!

Speaking of more returns, Grace has apparently come back into Freeland now as well.

Jennifer finally finds out about Khalil, and is understandably just a bit miffed with Anissa for hiding it from her.  But it seems like this TC guy can communicate with him, somehow?  Hmm...

Lynn springs Tobias from the ASA, only to get captured by the Markovians, I guess.

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1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

But it seems like this TC guy can communicate with him, somehow?  Hmm...

We know that his power is that he can communicate with computers. So it makes sense that he can also talk to the chip in Khalil's head.

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9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Lady Eve is officially back!  It turns out it wasn't because of Crisis, but she was part of the same resurrection club that brought back Lala. 

LaLa said 'the last time he saw her was in a resurrection tank', but they never actually showed this on the show? If this is supposed to be a Crisis change, they need to express that explicitly, because it's a big retcon.


9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Speaking of more returns, Grace has apparently come back into Freeland now as well.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Grace's single scene. The Perdi apparently cured her now? Okay....

8 hours ago, paulvdb said:
9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

But it seems like this TC guy can communicate with him, somehow?  Hmm...

We know that his power is that he can communicate with computers. So it makes sense that he can also talk to the chip in Khalil's head.

Yes, and I think TC will be the one bring Khalil back to himself. ...Which will cause all types of drama when he remembers killing his mother and gets jealous about Jen and Brandon*. Can't wait!

*Even though they haven't really started anything romantic yet.

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It was an okay episode, but gone are the Pierce family dinners I miss seeing. Lynn is a full on drug addict and Jefferson hasn't had at least a quick family meeting about this. She left the house in last week's episode after having a drug manic attack on Jefferson and then what? I'm confused by that.

Jefferson tells Brandon to "stay away from my daughter," and proceeded with leaving Brandon alone with Jennifer.😏  Jennifer revealed so much about herself and the family to Brandon. But I guess he's trustworthy.

Bill Duke is an excellent actor, but the scene with Jefferson torturing him didn't look quite right. When Jefferson was shooting Odell with those powerful lighting bolts, it look like it barely tickled him. There were no moans or grunts of pain - not even a flinch.

I'll be honest, I was waiting for the Jennifer-Khalil reunion the entire episode. I hated how they cut away so quickly to the Lady Eve and Lala scene. I know some fans have been looking forward to seeing her, but she, Lala and people like Grace are so irrelevant compared to the Pierce family, Tobias, and Khalil. 

I wasn't expecting Jennifer to tie Annissa and Jefferson up when she saw them attacking Khalil. I had to remember that EVERYONE knew about the new Khalil aka Painkiller, but her. I guess in her mind her was the Painkiller Tobias had when he was still human, but conflicted. She was able to get through him. I wonder whether TC and Gambi would be able to fix him, if so, how long. 

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I'm not entirely sure I understand how LaLa threatening to kill Eve and Lazarus isn't kind of an empty threat (doesn't that severely impact him as well?), but it is good to see them both back. I echo the sentiment that LaLa's arc is kind of ill-defined; he's vacillated from being threatening villain to a somewhat redemptive character and back again. I thought his bringing the criminal underworld under his banner this season would lead to him working to oust the ASA, but I'm not sure that's going to happen now. Maybe they're setting up more of a gang war story arc for next season?

Always good to see Tobias again, and Sergeant Grayle seems to be getting a lot of buildup just in time to get himself killed off (why else would they have that unaired confessional, otherwise?). BL is gathering his own Freeland Justice League. I hope they finish this Markovia/ASA storyline soon, though, and move on to other things.

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36 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

... I hope they finish this Markovia/ASA storyline soon, though, and move on to other things.

Pretty sure this is the story for the season. There's only 5 more episodes after this one.

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15 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

I echo the sentiment that LaLa's arc is kind of ill-defined; he's vacillated from being threatening villain to a somewhat redemptive character and back again. I thought his bringing the criminal underworld under his banner this season would lead to him working to oust the ASA, but I'm not sure that's going to happen now. Maybe they're setting up more of a gang war story arc for next season?

Yeah, that's where I thought it was going too. But now that Tobias is free again, maybe they'll get back to LaLa's vendetta against him. Will they have LaLa as a regular next season though?

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I was glad they brought Grace back, but then they sent her off-screen to do what? Nothing, apparently. What a waste of a character.

Glad to see Lady Eve.

Jennifer apparently takes after her mother, since both of them are all about going rogue and not listening to anyone else and saying to hell with being on a team. I do think they're wrong to isolate and baby Jen so much, but she makes their point by causing wreckage every time she gets loose.

I didn't 100% understand what the trick was with Odell. He thought they were going to torture him, but instead they were taking him over with some kind of tech? Was that a trick?

Brandon should call himself Earthquake.


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56 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I didn't 100% understand what the trick was with Odell. He thought they were going to torture him, but instead they were taking him over

They got him talking to copy his voice ( I dunno if the tech is real... But in a bunch of tv shows if you get someone to say enough base words and sounds then a computer program can mimic them saying anything) add to that gambi's holo projection and you got a fake odell who they were gonna use to take down the shield 

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5 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

They got him talking to copy his voice ( I dunno if the tech is real... But in a bunch of tv shows if you get someone to say enough base words and sounds then a computer program can mimic them saying anything) add to that gambi's holo projection and you got a fake odell who they were gonna use to take down the shield 

Thanks! That makes total sense!!

Also, the closed captions had Grace saying that the "party medicine" healed her, and I was so confused by that until I came here and read someone's post about the "Perdi" healing her.

Pretty soon half of Freeland will be living in Gambi's basement.

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On 1/28/2020 at 2:12 AM, Trini said:

But speaking of LaLa, what is his arc for the season?? He just shows up to do petty criminal stuff not connected the main storylines.

He said he's selling guns to the Resistance (at double the price), so I guess they could be setting up him helping in whatever big final with the ASA. On the other hand it's Lala so he's probably just there so Tobias can show up and kill him again.

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On 1/27/2020 at 9:54 PM, Lantern7 said:

Honest to Zod, it never occurred to me that the new guy might wind up being named "Geo-Force." Probably because it's a dumbass name, but it fits with the original comic book Outsiders, a team Black Lightning was on at the time. If Gambi makes an outfit for him, I'm really hoping it doesn't have a "GF" on it. One asymmetrical letter is bad enough, but two? Yeesh.

A few weeks ago someone here theorized that Brandon = Brion and since then I’ve been waiting for the confirmation that Brandon was GeoForce. Doesn’t look like we’ll get a Terra though.

I can’t believe that Jefferson hasn’t followed up with Lynn after the way they left things last episode. To Jefferson’s knowledge, Lynn is addicted to something but he doesn’t check in on her or ask Gambi to do it? Seems out of character.

They really need to figure out what to do with Grace. Glad she’s cured so she won’t be randomly shapeshifting, but now she needs to be integrated into the plot.

Odell is from Gotham? That explains a lot. Did they ever mention that before, or is this a sign we’re going to start getting more references to other DC cities?

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Of course Odell is from Gotham, that explains everything! His last big government project was probably supervising patient treatment at Arkham Asylum!

Now that Grace is back, I hope that she can actually do some stuff other than change shape, cry, and be Annisas girlfriend she protects. She doesent have to be a big badass fighter or anything, I would just like her to have some actual agency in this story.

I loved Jenn casually calling Gambis whole big batcave of super tech "my uncles place" all casually. Everyone keeping Jenn in the dark and keeping her from the fight is turning into a real self fulfilling prophesy. They treat her like a kid (which she is) and hide stuff from her and keep her from the fight because she is super impulsive and kinda angsty, which just makes her even MORE impulsive and angsty! 

Lady Eve!!!

Edited by tennisgurl
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