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S07.E01: A Tale of Two Whitneys

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I thought the bra that she wore during that weight lifting segment was ludicrous. I guess I have no issue with wearing a sports bra at the gym but how could she handle her boobs flopping all over like that? That had to be the most unsupportive sports bra I've ever seen and I was certain she was going to have a major wardrobe malfunction. I regularly attend a crossfit gym and do some Olympic lifting and I cannot imagine anyone, no matter their weight, showing up to work out wearing that. 

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23 hours ago, Dot said:

(Not many) Random Thoughts
📌 Not much to say about this 1st episode of the new season since it was 1:44 minutes of sheer boredom. How many times does the producer think we'll want to watch Jessica add wgt to the barbell, then watch Twit lift the barbell? Wash, rinse, repeat, yawn. And almost every other scene was just as tedious.
📌 No, Todd, Heather is not still mad about Buddy. What's not understandable is why she's letting the scriptwriters present her as so pathetic. 
📌 Busy, busy, busy: Twit says she's "stretched pretty thin." (Umm, not noticeably, Twit.)
📌 And Babs concurs that "it's something all the time, isn't it?" Well, no. See first item above.
📌 So Chase doesn't like clurbs? Then he must be miserable these days at the clurb he manages in Wilmington.
📌 Ryan only dates 22-27 yo women. So why did he contact Twit on a dating site? Tal says Ryan is "slick, cocky & arrogant." I'd add opportunistic & manipulative.
📌 Twit says her old Greensboro pals are "a bunch of bitter people." I wonder how they felt when they watched her say that on TV last night.
📌 I'm as tired of hearing about the 100-# wgt loss as I am about PCOS.
📌 That fiction that Twit espouses about not eating enuf dates back to a YouTube panel discussion hosted by Jessica's dad. Search for it at Will Powell Eating Protocols.
📌 Wilmington is on the coast, a half-state away from Charlotte. And Chase just drops by occasionally to visit with frat bro Ryan. Yeah. Right.

Dot, can I just add one more random thought to the pile?  It’s really a pet peeve I have on this show.  Does anyone else find themselves flinching every time Twit and Tal speak with an upward inflection in their voice at the end of a sentence, like they are asking a question?  BUT, they are not asking a question, which makes them sound like 12 year old Valley girls!  It drives me crazy.  The more sentences in a row they do that with, the more ridiculous they sound.  

When my children were in their early teens they started to pick that habit up because they heard it from their friends in middle school.  I used to ask them; are you asking me or telling me?  Twit and Tal are in their 30s, so what is their excuse?

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33 minutes ago, mytmo said:

I surprised they let her throw the weights down like that.  Plus she had no control of the barbell-all swing.  Her weight training is a joke.

I hate the way she slams the weights down, it seems overly dramatic like everything else.

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Throwing weights to the floor seems to be a part of wgt-lifting, and gym floors are constructed with that in mind. What I can't understand is throwing dumbbells on that very expensive flooring she put in to turn her Greensboro home's garage into a dance studio.

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On 1/2/2020 at 11:13 AM, Colleenna said:

"Toxic masculinity " is the buzz phrase du jour.  What,  exactly,  is it? Is there also "Toxic Femininity? " 

Soooooo sick of man bashing.

If that’s not a term, it certainly should be.  I could make a great case for it based solely on my workplace.

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On 1/8/2020 at 6:56 PM, SabineElisabeth said:

Dear Whit - Let me tell you what your trainer/wanna be therapist doesn't have the guts to say and knows you're too much of a delicate fucking flower to hear, anyway: You are super morbidly obese because you eat significantly more calories than you use.  Period, end of story. 

I reached my heaviest weight about 10 years ago, and was the same size as Whit is currently, more or less, and I assure you that didn't happen because I was regularly restricting food.  As the dietician I worked with then used to say, if not eating enough food causes weight gain, then why are all the starving kids in Africa on UNICEF commercials not super morbidly obese, for example?  According to her, drastic food restriction does have some impact on how the body processes/uses calories, which short term, can result in less weight loss than would be expected by the numbers.  However, short term means a few days, 1-2 weeks at the absolute max, at which time, if you continue to consume fewer calories than your body is using to function, you will lose weight.  And yes, Whit, that even applies to you.

And Whit, I should add, as someone who also purged many times a day for years in my 20s and got treatment at an impatient eating disorder facility, the last thing you need is any kind of residential or group eating disorder treatment.   You wanna see a toxic environment?  Let's talk about putting a bunch of girls with eating disorders together.  Brilliant idea.  The underweight girls begin immediately comparing themselves to all the other underweight girls, while pitying the one or maybe two overweight girls there. And the overweight girls just feel even shittier about themselves in general, because every girl there is better than they are (and better always equals thinner in that world).  So Whit, while I know you'd probably die from the excitement and drama of getting "eating disorder treatment," you really should think again about just finding a therapist to work with one on one.  And by therapist, I do NOT mean your personal trainer.  ARGH.  Because Jessica, before you "help" Whit as much as your dad by trying to play a therapist on tee vee,  you need to move back over into your lane.... and STAY THERE. * On a personal note, while I have maintained at about 140 lbs since weight loss surgery, it wasn't until a few years later that I finally felt at peace with my food/body issues.  Oddly, it wasn't until I quit trying so hard to move on, that I was finally able to move on.  Gradually, I started to realize I'd gone days  at  time without needing to know to the pound how much I weighed, or agonizing over whether to eat something, or whatever.  And now, the sum total of my thoughts on it are to realize when I'm hungry, take a moment to consider what I want to eat, make or order it, and eat it.  I know that certainly isn't the answer for everybody, and to be clear, I'd probably want to punch you in the face if you told me the only way to get something is to stop trying to get it, but for me, my mind is finally at peace about food and weight, and I know that although i'm still considered overweight, my body is much better off staying consistently at 140 lbs than being subjected to all the yo-yo'ing, purging, and other crazy shit I used to do it.

Other random thoughts from last night's episode:

- Whit and everybody else in their ragtag little group needs to stop allowing themselves to be held hostage by that ASSHOLE's Buddy's addiction and tell him to take his nasty self and Peace the Fuck Out.

- I don't understand Whit's money situation.  If Tal and Buddy together are paying her entire monthly mortgage payment, then she's left with incidental expenses on the home, rent for a very small apartment in a relatively inexpensive market, and a modest car.  I know reality tee vee stars don't make as much as people like to think they do, but still.... how is it even possible she's not making enough that she could float her mortgage (guessing $1500/month, assuming worst case of all variables) and rent for that tiny apartment for at least a few months until she can find a new babysitter for Buddy tenant?

- If the ring in that IG engagement picture is what it appears to be - a big ass canary diamond -  that thing's worth some serious bank.  At least a few tens of thousands, possible even six figures, depending on exact size/diamond quality.  So, call me judgmental, but Chase doesn't seem like someone who has that kind of money just lying around.  And if he does, and you should most certainly call me judgmental here, maybe it would be better spent helping Whit take care of whatever the hell must be up with her finances rather than buying her a gaudy ring to flaunt wear.

- I fast forwarded through a few early episodes looking for Babs moments, as I felt the need to confirm for myself if she really did used to be funny.  And yes, the Babs from the several years ago was hilarious.  I have to wonder if she has any desire whatsoever to still be on this show anymore, now that she's older, slower, and her health is obviously getting worse.  If so, I hope she can be assertive enough to advocate for her own health and well-being to be prioritized, as I'm not sure Glenn is, and we know for sure Whit's too selfish to know her ass from a hole in the ground, nevertheless give actual considered thought to whether what Whit wants is what's best for others.

Quite well said! --  from your thoughts about eating disorders to Whitney's "friends" and her messy financial 'situation.'

 Ironically, I, too, was struck by Babs, one of my favorite 'characters,' and the loss of her spontaneity in her "talking heads."  I'm pretty sure that Production has a LOT to do with that- prompting her to "deliver their lines."  Babs has always been a "natural" -- funny and endearing to the show's audience.  I know that health issues can take a toll...but I truly think that the early season Babs is bursting to come out again! ... that droll humor & wit that won her so many 'fans.'

 P.S.  I am so very sad to see what Whitney is now confronting with Henchi's health.  Love is love!  And Henchi is a much beloved child in her life. 

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On 1/7/2020 at 9:14 PM, Uuuugghh said:

I just can’t even with her insistence that she can’t feed herself three times a day. There are so many resources, ie meal delivery services, nutritionists, the internet. There is no reason to continue thus charade! The jig is up; you eat crap and too much of it. You can’t lie any more!


But, well, sadly she can and will. 🤬

So full disclosure I’m a loser watching garbage on Friday night. It’s storming here so satellite is out. She saw a dietician S2E2 when she was “prediabetic”. She’s actively ignoring advice she has gotten from a pro. She went with the intent to start over the right way. Clearly not. I’d love to know her current A1C level.  

Oh never mind. This quack told her weight doesn’t equal health. 

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On 1/8/2020 at 6:56 PM, SabineElisabeth said:

- I don't understand Whit's money situation.  If Tal and Buddy together are paying her entire monthly mortgage payment, then she's left with incidental expenses on the home, rent for a very small apartment in a relatively inexpensive market, and a modest car.  I know reality tee vee stars don't make as much as people like to think they do, but still.... how is it even possible she's not making enough that she could float her mortgage (guessing $1500/month, assuming worst case of all variables) and rent for that tiny apartment for at least a few months until she can find a new babysitter for Buddy tenant?

I know, I was perplexed about the same things.  Didn't she also say something about how paying for a house and an apartment was expensive and stretching her budget?  Then we find out her mortgage is mostly being paid by Tal and Buddy....So much for any of this being the truth.

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12 hours ago, Dot said:

Throwing weights to the floor seems to be a part of wgt-lifting, and gym floors are constructed with that in mind. What I can't understand is throwing dumbbells on that very expensive flooring she put in to turn her Greensboro home's garage into a dance studio.

This is why I don't work out at the gym anymore. It's so nerve wracking to try and do cardio when you have people slamming things down hard enough to shake the floor (and grunting like a constipated moose).

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On 1/8/2020 at 9:11 PM, Shmoopaloop said:

She said on ig that it’s a yellow sapphire. 

My question is, what does Chase have to do with the NoBS fitness business? I noticed it on the preview when Ryan said he and Chase were going to Paris to expand the business. That definitely makes me question the legitimacy of this engagement. 

I think Chase’s main involvement is that he is Ryan’s friend and could score a free trip to Paris.

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I know, I was perplexed about the same things.  Didn't she also say something about how paying for a house and an apartment was expensive and stretching her budget?  Then we find out her mortgage is mostly being paid by Tal and Buddy....So much for any of this being the truth.

I owned a home that I rented out for the mortgage. I still had to pay when things broke (which happens more often than people think); pay the homeowner's association fees; insurance; PMI (when I still had it); etc. There are more expenses to owning a home than just the mortgage though sometimes, depending on the state of the rental market, you can charge enough rent to cover them.

I'm surprised Buddy pays her anything at all. Whitney has always charged him rent but he hasn't always paid it. It makes sense to me that she hang onto her house until she makes a decision about where she is going to live permanently but if she does leave the area, I think she should sell the house. Being a landlord takes time and money - more than I ever realized until I did it - and if she's not really interested in that, she's better off selling the house.

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5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I owned a home that I rented out for the mortgage. I still had to pay when things broke (which happens more often than people think); pay the homeowner's association fees; insurance; PMI (when I still had it); etc. There are more expenses to owning a home than just the mortgage though sometimes, depending on the state of the rental market, you can charge enough rent to cover them.

My husband and I had to rent out our home a decade ago during the recession because both of us were laid off so I know all about this.  We didn't have a homeowner's association, plus the homeowner's insurance is paid for through the mortgage company so it's part of that monthly payment, and the PMI was factored in as part of the monthly expense on the home.  Fortunately we were able to rent out the home for enough to cover all that and the taxes too.  Of course there were the incidental issues the renters caused, such as a dent in our new fridge and an iron burn on one of the bedroom carpets, but luckily nothing worse than that.  Judging from the stats on her home, plus how much her mortgage payment is (figuring from what we heard in this episode plus the publicly posted original mortgage amount) the amount of money she is getting in rent from Tal and Buddy is more than enough to cover pretty much everything even if she only put 10% down.  And from the looks of it, she doesn't live in a development that would have association fees either.

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I still think it’s a plot point so Tal can eventually move out and so Chase can be jealous of Whitney taking care of Buddy.  With all that said do we even know Buddy is actually paying rent.  I mean just because he’s being charged doesn’t mean he actually pays.  Either way Whitney should be able to afford that type of house and an apartment.  Neither seem very extravagant.  Does she pay these photographers and other minions that follow her around or does TLC pick up the tab?

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On 1/7/2020 at 9:48 PM, absolutelyido said:

I think Whitney got (faux) offended because Buddy works at night so sleeps during the day. Tal was implying that Buddy was lazy for sleeping during the day, but its because of his work schedule. The whole scene was obviously scripted though, Buddy and Tal didn't just happened to be fighting, with cameras already in place, when she arrived.

The writers should check their scripting.  I believe Buddy said something like he works until 5 am, and sleeps from 7 to 4.  But IIRC, Tal was complaining about Buddy supposedly making noise around 11 pm when he's trying to go to sleep..but how can Buddy do that if he's not there??

On 1/3/2020 at 3:16 PM, Kaia40 said:

The other thing is she claimed to have met Ryan on a dating app. However, when they were driving to Greensboro together, he said one of the reasons he wouldn’t date her is because he dates girls 22-27.  On dating profiles it says your age. Well, if they truly met on a dating appn, Ryan wouldn’t have ever clicked on or been matched with Twit just based on their age alone forget obvious reasons!   So I call BS on how Twit met Ryan.

Good point!

On 1/2/2020 at 9:53 AM, Calliope12 said:

Ugh Tal was really irritating this episode,

 But at least Tal was sticking to the script!  When he first brought up some issue (I think it was the noise) to Buddy, Buddy said something like, "Yeah I'm sorry about that man"  But then the argument would have been over.  So Tal had to switchover to irritating so that the scripted 'fight' could continue.

On 1/7/2020 at 11:05 PM, princelina said:

I fail to see why Whit needs to move to Charlotte to film 1 hour and 40 minutes of video a week.  Add the cooking segment and it goes up to 2 hours.  It could be done in an afternoon!  Did anyone else think that when she said at the beginning, "You'd think our business partnership would be 50-50 but somehow it's not" that she was implying that she does the more than 50%?  I figured she was lying - I didn't think it would be proven so quickly.  But then we see that in addition to making up the workouts, Ryan also comes up with recipes, grocery shops and does the cooking 😄 

She even said more about her doing so much of the work, when she was talking about posting the videos, and she said something like "The videos need to be posted, and of course i'll be the one who ends up doing it."

Yeah Ryan comes up with recipes, but both of them seemed to agree that it had been a salmon recipe for multiple weeks in a row.  If I was subscribing and got only one recipe a week, and it was salmon for many weeks in a row, I'd be pissed! 


On 1/6/2020 at 2:41 PM, Kid said:

Amen!  Once again, no regard for the welfare of her animals.

Near the beginning of the show, she said that Henchi had lost a lot of weight.  Then at the vet she said that he eats a lot.  And this was apparently not a concern to her, not only that her cat was losing a lot of weight, but that he was also eating a lot??  She also said that between the going back and forth from Charlotte to Greensboro, she didn't have time to find a vet in Charlotte yet she also didn't take him to one in Greensboro.  If that is scripted, then shame on the writers.  IF that is true, then double-shame on Whitney.  With her schedule, there is enough time on every.single.day for her to do the research to find a new vet...heck, she even has enough time to visit a new vet practically every day. 

Edited by LuvMyShows
corrected dog to cat
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On 1/8/2020 at 11:59 AM, bichonblitz said:

Buddy pays $250 a month to Whitney for rent? Whaaaaaat? How is that fair to Tal? 

Whitney said $250 and then Buddy said $300, but she didn't say anything else like, "And you're not even paying that", so that makes me think that at least he is once again paying rent.  But when she compared Buddy's rent to Tal's, which she said was 75% of the mortgage, I think she said Buddy's was just a drop in the bucket.  To me, that means Tal's has to be more than 5 times as much, or it would have been easy to compare them, like "Buddy's is 25% and Tal's is 75%."  So if Buddy's is $300, and Tal's is six times as much, then Tal's is $1800.  And if Tal's $1800 is 75%, then her mortgage is $2400.  For her size house in Greensboro, depending on the neighborhood and lot size, she probably paid $150K - $250K.  She must have basically put nothing at all down, and/or been conned into paying an insanely high interest rate to have that high of a mortgage.

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14 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

And this was apparently not a concern to her, not only that her dog was losing a lot of weight, but that he was also eating a lot??  She also said that between the going back and forth from Charlotte to

Henchi is a cat.

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Whit is so self centered with childlike behavior patterns, as we know.  Therefore in her world mommy and daddy and pets never get sick or die.  They only get attention when a situation becomes dire, and then she's just DEVASTATED!   And SHOCKED!  Like when Babs had the stroke.   It scared her so I'm sure she helped mom out.   For a while.  But that crisis is over now so I would imagine she's back in her child's mindset... mommy's fine again.  Loves Henchi to death but didn't notice the cat was skinny as hell?  And yet she snuggles him all the time and sleeps with him?   Big annoying fucking baby.  


Like some of you, I also have sworn off this show this season, I'm only coming here for the snark.  

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The more Jessica shows up, the more sure I am she's full of shit and I wouldn't put any stock in her training. She's concerned that Whitney isn't eating enough?

Nobody starves their way to super morbid obesity.


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4 hours ago, cherenkov said:

The more Jessica shows up, the more sure I am she's full of shit and I wouldn't put any stock in her training. She's concerned that Whitney isn't eating enough?

Nobody starves their way to super morbid obesity.

I don't think Jessica is at all concerned that Whitney isn't eating enough.  I think she's concerned that Whitney is not eating the right things at the right time, especially as regards muscle building and strength.

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On 1/8/2020 at 11:56 PM, SabineElisabeth said:

If the ring in that IG engagement picture is what it appears to be - a big ass canary diamond -  that thing's worth some serious bank.  At least a few tens of thousands, possible even six figures, depending on exact size/diamond quality.

In the Daily Mail she said it was yellow sapphire and diamond, and it appears to be similar, if not identical, to this.




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2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Why is strength even an issue for Whitney? I should think she gets enough of a strength workout just by being fairly mobile at her body weight. Why isn't Jessica pushing her endurance?

Because this isn't real training and Jessica doesn't have enough integrity as a trainer to not put on a ridiculous show for free publicity.

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This was SOOOOO BORRRING. I’ve tried three times now to get through it and I cannot. 

I fast forwarded and probably watched about 10 minutes total.  I haven't watched in forever but like others, enjoy coming her for the snark.  So I thought I'd give it a chance.  Couldn't do it.

The absolute fakeness over this group of characters (oh sorry, "friends") being so completely absorbed and wrapped up in the life of an obese, self-centered, woman without any semblance of a life, is a difficult premise to buy into.  This show takes NOTHING, absolutely nothing, and makes an entire storyline out of it.  How is this on t.v.?  

Just as realistic would be Whitney going to put gas in her car and everyone being in a giant kerfluffle about it.  Why did she choose that gas station when she could go to the one closer to her house?  Did she really put in regular and not premium gas?  Did you see that hot guy drooling over her when she got out of the car?  What if Whit spills some gas on her shoes?  Egads!  I'm so concerned!  Let's all meet for a walk to discuss this hot and all-consuming topic!!

Jessica has to be like 50 years old, right?  And I mean that as no insult to good looking 50 year olds.  

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19 hours ago, cherenkov said:

Jessica Powell is 28 years old.


I would have guessed a good 35-40 years old.

Mainly because she looks tired.  And just stands around, like she has no energy.

Or she's just sick of Twit and can't be bothered to fake enthusiasm for this debacle of "working out."

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I would have guessed a good 35-40 years old.

Mainly because she looks tired.  And just stands around, like she has no energy.

Or she's just sick of Twit and can't be bothered to fake enthusiasm for this debacle of "working out."

Agreed!  And I was of course joking when I said Jessica was in her 50's but I was implying that she has a pretty haggard face for a young woman.  

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On 1/8/2020 at 11:31 PM, Dot said:

(Not many) Random Thoughts

📌 No, Todd, Heather is not still mad about Buddy. What's not understandable is why she's letting the scriptwriters present her as so pathetic. 

Ryan only dates 22-27 yo women. So why did he contact Twit on a dating site? Tal says Ryan is "slick, cocky & arrogant." I'd add opportunistic & manipulative.

Ryan isn’t somebody I would ever date, but I don’t see him as any worse than the other barnacles as far as being opportunistic, he just has more follow through.  I might being missing more of his antics, but I don’t think it’s worse than Buddy using her for free rent or Avi supposedly borowing money and not paying her back. Natalie doing whatever was going on during the fatgirl tour=/cruise exploits .  As far as manipulating her, do you mean with Chase or just in general.  The only manipulative part I found was if they actually met on a dating app and he pretended to actually be interested in her; however I don’t think they really met like that.  I personally believe he DMed her and they came up with the storylines.  He used to have several pro wrestlers on his website before his Whitney storyline. I think he just tries to partner up with people who are semi-famous, but aren’t famous enough to straight away say no to his offer. These are just my guesses.

Poor Heather, the woman may not have a boyfriend, but she clearly has things going on in her life. They don’t have to portray her as some broken down bitter dishrag of a woman pining away for the epitome of a failure to launch  man-child.

Todd’s personal life seems totally secret not that I blame him, they’d  probably have him doing pirouettes crying he will be lonely forever even if he has a boyfriend. 

Edited by Irate Panda
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1 hour ago, auntjess said:

Re: Buddy vs Tal rent, didn't Buddy originally rent the attic?
I seem to remember him complaining of the heat, and maybe getting AC.

Both Buddy & Tal lived in the attic apt at different times. When Buddy left to go into rehab, Tal moved in. He was still there when Buddy returned & took the bedroom that used to be Donna's.

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I usually spend my viewing time thinking about how much I loathe Whitney...but today's viewing was markedly different. I spent it thinking about how much I hate her fucking friends.

Cheesus, that cookout. What a bunch of bitter, mean-spirited, passive-aggressive assholes. Only Ryan seemed to be making the slightest effort to be civil, let alone friendly.

TLC, can you stop trying to make Buddy happen?

If we weren't quite sure before this episode, we are now. Buddy is a nasty, unlikable jackass. I can't imagine why Whitney wants to stay friends with him at all.

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On 1/22/2020 at 3:17 PM, the-grey-lady said:

I usually spend my viewing time thinking about how much I loathe Whitney...but today's viewing was markedly different. I spent it thinking about how much I hate her fucking friends.

Cheesus, that cookout. What a bunch of bitter, mean-spirited, passive-aggressive assholes. Only Ryan seemed to be making the slightest effort to be civil, let alone friendly.

TLC, can you stop trying to make Buddy happen?

If we weren't quite sure before this episode, we are now. Buddy is a nasty, unlikable jackass. I can't imagine why Whitney wants to stay friends with him at all.

I think the “script” probably called for the friends to be really awful.  The problem is Ryan didn’t particularly come off as a jerk in the scene so it made the old barnacles look like jackasses.  Buddy doesn’t seem to need much help with that.  Honestly part of me thinks Buddy is mad Whitney is getting “finessed” by somebody besides him. I think Whitney and Buddy are codependent, honestly I don’t know why anyone would really date either one of them.  They deserve one another.

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7 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I think the “script” probably called for the friends to be really awful.  The problem is Ryan didn’t particularly come off as a jerk in the scene so it made the old barnacles look like jackasses.  Buddy doesn’t seem to need much help with that.  Honestly part of me thinks Buddy is mad Whitney is getting “finessed” by somebody besides him. I think Whitney and Buddy are codependent, honestly I don’t know why anyone would really date either one of them.  They deserve one another.

Ryan is always a jerk. I can't stand him. So far, Twit herself has not driven me away from watching MBFFL. Ryan may.

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7 minutes ago, Dot said:

Ryan is always a jerk. I can't stand him. So far, Twit herself has not driven me away from watching MBFFL. Ryan may.

I get you think Ryan is a jerk, he may very well be, as I mentioned I haven’t seen much of him. I even think he has said some jerky/snide stuff on the show that I have seen, but I meant in the BBQ scene most of the old barnacles are downright rude for no apparent reason.  This might be the same as the conniving question, but why exactly do you think Ryan is a jerk?

 Is it because you think he glommed his away onto the show?  You seem to know more about him from your postings so I was just curious.  I mean to me Buddy is a jerk and so is Whitney a lot of times, honestly Ashley and Tal are the only ones I haven’t thought were jerks at some point.  I guest what I’m asking what is so extra irritating about Ryan and did it start with the Thanksgiving thing or since him getting on the show?

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31 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I get you think Ryan is a jerk, he may very well be, as I mentioned I haven’t seen much of him. I even think he has said some jerky/snide stuff on the show that I have seen, but I meant in the BBQ scene most of the old barnacles are downright rude for no apparent reason.  This might be the same as the conniving question, but why exactly do you think Ryan is a jerk?

 Is it because you think he glommed his away onto the show?  You seem to know more about him from your postings so I was just curious.  I mean to me Buddy is a jerk and so is Whitney a lot of times, honestly Ashley and Tal are the only ones I haven’t thought were jerks at some point.  I guest what I’m asking what is so extra irritating about Ryan and did it start with the Thanksgiving thing or since him getting on the show?

All of the above.

Edited by Dot
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