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"The View": Week of 12/16/2019

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Like many Conservatives, Ana is fiscally conservative and socially liberal - they want a small government that stays out of their bedroom and pocketbook.  Most Democrats are fiscally liberal (with other peoples' money supporting large numbers of civil servants) and socially liberal.

The controversial ad that Hallmark chose not to run is very tame and tasteful; you never actually see their lips touch as there is always a head or hand in the way. I suspect those making the biggest uproar haven't even seen it.

Edited by deirdra
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6 hours ago, bannana said:

I think the build-up to the smackdown was equally as interesting.

MeAgain stomped out in a mood.  

Whoopi started the show off with a serious tone, no lighthearted anything.

MeAgain lobbed the Talib comparison, quoting Impeach the MotherFucker (again!) to say it is partisan on both sides.  Whoopi quoted MeAgain quoting Talib and said it is not the same thing because the Senate is the jury.  MeAgain pushed back on Whoopi and called the Dems partisan pearl-clutchers.  

Abby made her points and the camera caught MeAgain looking to the back of the stage, looking to the audience, with a frowny face, and adjusting her bra strap.  MeAgain tried to interrupt Abby, but then Whoopi made her point about Clinton.  MeAgain interrupted Whoopi to say Clinton perjured himself, and then Joy wanted to address that point.  Whoopi told them to let her make her point, and MeAgain was muttering and looking to the audience cause Whoopi won't let her speak.  Joy said  she has an answer to that and Whoopi said everyone has an answer, and they can answer when she makes her point.  After this Whoopi referenced how divided the country is and pointed to MeAgain saying this is something that she talks about.  MeAgain, startled, says "me".  and began to rant about being with conservatives who think this is partisan, and Dems are out of over their skis, and blah blah blah, and Whoopi tried to go to break but MeAgain noticed someone laughing at her.  Whoopi had to explain they are not laughing at her, and she seemed annoyed to have to do this. 

When they come back from break the big smack down happens after Sunny has made her point about Senators who previously voted to impeach Clinton but now will not remove Trump.  MeAgain responded to Sunny saying she is not there to litigate the ethics of it (!!!!), she is there as an ABC political analyst.  Sunny tried to explain she was not referring to MeAgain, she is referring to the Senators, and MeAgain talked over Sunny saying it was her turn to speak and doesn't anyone want to hear the conservative perspective.  Wait, she just said she was an analyst and nothing more, but now she is the conservative voice?!  It is at this point that Whoopi tries to regain control and MeAgain refused to shut up and that's when Whoopi lost her shit.  MeAgain, like a little kid, tried to point out that Sunny was talking over her (which she was), but MeAgain just didn't realize that everyone needed to shut up.  And so she got smacked.

I think everything that happened before the show and in segment one led to the smackdown in segment two.

I'm rewatching the show to see the buildup 

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LOL - Don Lemon just played a clip from the show at the beginning of his second hour, which, starts off where Sunny's talking about the senators not fulfilling their oath and ends with Whoopie saying she's fine with Meghan not talking for the rest of the show.

Afterwards, one of Don's guests, Frank Bruni, NYT columnist, says, "We need a Whoopie for Congress.  We need a Whoopie for Donald Trump."

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36 minutes ago, HaaCHOO said:

Is that possible? I think she's in Bitch Mode unless she has enough alcohol.  She's a very unhappy woman who shouldn't put her moods on such national display.  There must be another fulfilling "career" for her...and us.

Well, I mean, I wouldn’t accuse Meghan of being a soft touch in any context. She’s not Abby. But I think Meghan’s personality grates more in this setting because of the dynamic of the show than her just being, well, a bitch. 

It would be like if Joy Behar was a host of The Five on FOX. Same points, same personality, just a different show. I’m sure their audience would find Joy’s personality insufferable as well, and if she was unwilling to pare down her personality and opinions for the sake of the show and/or their audience, she would be getting a lot of the same hate comments Meghan gets. On a show like the View, Joy is just the funny, brash Italian grandma from Brooklyn. Maybe you don’t agree with her all the time, but hey, what are you gonna do? Joy’s Joy. 

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3 hours ago, 27bored said:

I’m not a fan of going both sides just to avoid criticizing your side when they do something wrong, but I think it’s perfectly fair to mention it as a matter of calling out blatant hypocrisy. And Whoopi, Joy, and Sunny are blatant hypocrites. Meghan and Abby are way more nuanced in their opinions than the other three, so I don’t take their occasional water-carrying for their side as being completely disingenuous. I think a Democrat could come out and give the same “Mexican rapists” speech Joy loves bringing up about Trump and she would insist it’s totally different. 

Nuanced is the last word I'd use to describe AH or MM. AH, sometimes, tries to soften the blow by being somewhat conciliatory in her comments. I don't think she wants to appear like MM, who is a, mostly, hated one-note tune. No nuance or discernible intelligence emanating from either one of them. 

(Yeah, I watched DeNiro. I was just curious.) 

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3 hours ago, lusinia said:

LOL - Don Lemon just played a clip from the show at the beginning of his second hour, which, starts off where Sunny's talking about the senators not fulfilling their oath and ends with Whoopie saying she's fine with Meghan not talking for the rest of the show.

Afterwards, one of Don's guests, Frank Bruni, NYT columnist, says, "We need a Whoopie for Congress.  We need a Whoopie for Donald Trump."

Damn, I put the repeat on to see this but didn't. Was it maybe before the second hour?

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20 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Because Meghan just informed everyone that she is an "ABC political analyst"  HAhahahahhah   and "View co-host" and so it is her job to blah, blah, blah, ..... and Whoopi lost her shit but then of course backed down and walked away from it and once again Meghan wins yet again.

9 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

I don't think Meghan won.  She was royally called out in a beautiful way.  I loved it!  I thought Whoopi was spot on.  She not only told her to stop talking, she also commented about the way she was behaving.   I loved the way it came pouring out.   She clearly said what a lot of people have been thinking for a long time.  It was one of the best things I've ever seen on TV.  🙂

I disagree that Whoopi backed down.  She didn't have the luxury of going any further.  This is live TV.  She had to go to commercial and the show had to continue.  There was nothing more to be said, anyway.  Those few words were perfection.  Whoopi won, IMO.  And so did those of us who have wanted to tell that bitch Meghan off for such a long time.

I agree!  When I posted that it was posted in real time as it was happening and as I was watching it.  And I was pissed that Whoopi went to commercial.  I wanted her to keep on going. 

But yes, for sure, Whoopi got her good and it was a thing of beauty upon re-watching it and getting to pick up on the details.  She was ninja sharp which is not something that can be said about Whoopi very often and very skillfully took her down as best she could under those circumstances on live t.v.

Edited by Cementhead
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The problem isn't the View set up as "liberals" against conservatives. The problem is Meghan.  Other conservative co hosts  have managed to not be a brat every day. IMO she doesn't want to have to defend a lot of what is happening and instead of being a maverick and breaking with her party line she either gets snotty or says nothing. This is nothing new for her.  All those years ago on Real Time when confronted with something she didn't want to talk about (her excuse was she wasn't born yet but come on) she was dismissive.  She obviously was coddled as a child and that has made her an adult who is unable or more likely unwilling to listen to and be understanding of someone who has differing views. As mentioned above Joy doesn't agree with some other people's views but she is friendly with them.  Meghan says frequently that she only hangs out with people like her.  Maybe if she widened her circle to include people who see things differently she might see things differently.

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16 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

Ana isn't a true Conservative,  she's maybe a little of both. But I have friends on both sides that agree  she isn't a big C conservative,  perhaps a teeny C.

Joy snarled back at Whoopi, bitch wasn't happy at all. WTG Whoopi.

I wonder if Ana thinks she is a true Conservative?   I perceive Ana as having an issue with the Constitution not being adhered to by her party which should make her a big C, like other guests that have been on the show this year (Geo Will).

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I don't think Whoppi backed down at all - that commerical break they took after the smack down, we only 10 seconds.  I think it was a producer called break to difuse the situation.  Did I read somewhere up thread the MM walked off?  I didn't see that?

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24 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I don't think Whoppi backed down at all - that commerical break they took after the smack down, we only 10 seconds.  I think it was a producer called break to difuse the situation.  Did I read somewhere up thread the MM walked off?  I didn't see that?

You may have read it in my post , see below, but I was just meaning that I thought at the time Whoopi "walked away from it" figuratively when she went to commercial break.  I have since re- watched it and definitely changed my mind.  Whoopi done got her good!

2 hours ago, Cementhead said:

20 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Because Meghan just informed everyone that she is an "ABC political analyst"  HAhahahahhah   and "View co-host" and so it is her job to blah, blah, blah, ..... and Whoopi lost her shit but then of course backed down and walked away from it and once again Meghan wins yet again.

Edited by Cementhead
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4 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Oh for fuck sake. So this is her new thing to get attention. First it was face of grief and now it's this.  

Meghan let me say this one more time. Nobody is telling you to be quiet because you are a conservative. You are being told to be quiet because you sound like an idiot.

Anyone on twitter, if you reply to her, add the gif of whoopi. You can find it by searching "please stop talking."

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11 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Anyone on twitter, if you reply to her, add the gif of whoopi. You can find it by searching "please stop talking."

It's already there.  LOL

5 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

The comments thread is beautiful. 

She does this intentionally. Now she will say see people are telling me to shut up.

What would she do without Twitter?  It gives her a platform to do the whole woe is me act but be defiant without ever actually having to do one damn thing.

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10 hours ago, bannana said:

"pearl clutching dems" and "Pollyanna dems". 

What in the world does this refer to?  Having an expectation that the president should uphold the constitution is silly and too much to expect?   

9 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

Was it maybe before the second hour?

It was definitely in the first segment of the 10 o'clock (my time) hour, and i'm only positive about that because I always watch Lawrence O'Donnell's show at 9 and then switch to CNN.   I checked the CNN Tonight twitter page, and while there are several clips from the show, not that one, of course. 

3 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

Like The Root said

My favorite diss of Meghan in this article was saying if you order a Meghan McCain sandwich from the corner deli you get "a sentient mayo sandwich with an annoying dollop of horseradish", plus "a bag of chips-on-your-shoulder" on the side.

Edited by lusinia
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25 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Oh for fuck sake. So this is her new thing to get attention.

First, Elsa; now Khaleesi.  Oh, brother. 

So how pissed should we imagine she's going to look when she walks out this morning?

7 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

What would she do without Twitter?  It gives her a platform to do the whole woe is me act but be defiant without ever actually having to do one damn thing.

Remind you of anyone?

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What the what?! Meghan telling the audience to calm down after SHE whined on Twitter yesterday about how the LiBrUL MeDiA WaNtS tO SiLeNcE cOnSeRvATiVes after yesterday’s smack down is just... smh. No words. 

I had a feeling Whoopi would walk it back today. 

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12 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

I didn't see Whoopi putting Joy in her place.  She was trying to untangle the conversation when they were all speaking,  but it was crystal clear that she was razor-sharp focused on Meghan.

10 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

I did, Joy said I was trying to make a point, Whoopi got her to button it. Job done.

After Whoopi talked about Bill Clinton and his lie, Joy, Meghan, and Sunny all started talking over each other. Whoopi shut them all down. That particular shutdown wasn't aimed at any one those three, and it wasn't angry, it was just the usual order in the court stuff that happens when everyone wants to talk at once.

None of them were disrespecting Whoopi, the way Meghan would later go on to disrespect Sunny, first by talking over her, but more importantly, by twisting Sunny's point AND then not allowing Sunny to clarify that point.

Here's how that earlier part played out. 

ABBY (after the "pit in [her] stomach this holiday season" stuff ) "But I want it to be on the American people." [Note: she's not explicit, but it's clear from earlier context she means she wants the onus of removing Trump from office to be on voters in November 2020.] "I think at this point, the American people need to look in the mirror and say, 'What do we want representing us in this country?' You need to vote on that next election." 

WHOOPI: One of the things that is hard, and it goes to the hypocrisy -- when they went after Clinton, they went after him because they felt he lied, and you know, some stuff--

MEGHAN: "He perjured himself, though." [Note: yesterday, I identified Abby as having made this point, but I rewatched, and while the camera remains on Whoopi, it's Meghan's voice, not Abby's. I'll edit that post when I'm done with this one.]

WHOOPI: "Yes. Yes, that's a lie."

SUNNY: "Yeah" [says more but audio is unclear]

JOY: "Well, he was willing..." [says more but audio is unclear]

MEGHAN: "I think that..." [says more but audio is unclear and then Whoopi's blue card comes into view and partially blocks Meghan's shot]

JOY: [Speaks but audio is unclear]

WHOOPI: "Wait. Let me make my point and then I will shut up."

JOY: "All right. All right."

MEGHAN: "But again, I just--"


JOY: "I have an answer to that."

WHOOPI: "I know. I know. Everybody's got an answer. Let me make the point, and then you can answer me." She then continues on about Lindsey Graham saying he's going to do anything he can to make the trial die quickly, etc.

TL;DR: It's pretty clear Whoopi was trying to get all three of them to stop talking over her and over each other. She wasn't not addressing Joy, but she wasn't only or mostly addressing Joy. Joy then vocally acknowledged Whoopi's request and noted she has something to say pertaining to Whoopi's Clinton mention, so Whoopi acknowledged her directly.  

Edited by General Days
To get rid of emoji that inserted itself
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11 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Even if Joy was on Fox NEWS, she would be the same person that she is on the View.  Joy had a show on HLN and she interacted with lots of conservatives and people who did not share her worldview. She was always willing to listen to their viewpoints with respect and thoughtfulness. She never threw temper tantrums, lies and personal attacks like Megan does every day on the show. FoxNews is a propaganda channel and it  is not there to give information to their viewers. I could say more about that channel but it would be off-topic.

11 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Yeah.  Joy can tolerate opposing views without taking it personally.  In fact, she seemed to have a good time with Chris Christie last week and she seems to really like Anthony Saramucci.

I think you guys missed my point. If Joy was the lone liberal voice on a conservative panel, she would come off as bad if not worse to their audience as Meghan does. If they always teed stories in a Trump’s Great/Dems Suck kind of way, Joy would be the bad-hearted contrarian who people wish would get kicked off the show. 

11 hours ago, AdeleDazeem said:

Nuanced is the last word I'd use to describe AH or MM. AH, sometimes, tries to soften the blow by being somewhat conciliatory in her comments. I don't think she wants to appear like MM, who is a, mostly, hated one-note tune. No nuance or discernible intelligence emanating from either one of them. 

(Yeah, I watched DeNiro. I was just curious.) 

Meghan can be one-note as it pertains to veterans, but as I said I think that’s because of her father more than some abiding respect for veterans in general. But politically Meghan probably gives the most varied answers. Like I said, Whoopi, Sunny, and Joy don’t defend conservatives, Republicans, or Trump. So you can guess their reaction 95% of the time.

11 hours ago, dr. gailey said:

NutMeg has even said on the show she won't talk about Uncle Lindsey, so no she won't call out fellow Republicans when they are doing wrong unless she dislikes the person. 

I think she said she has a hard time discussing him because they know one another personally, and even then I think implicit assumption was that she disagreed with him but didn’t want to join in on the dragging because of their personal relationship. To be fair, she’s said something along the same lines about Joe Biden. 

9 hours ago, bannana said:

I agree that MeAgain doesn't defend Trump or all Republicans.  But for some reason she is unable to say (because she is a "political analyst") that Lindsay Graham is wrong.  She did mix into her ramble today that she disagrees with him, but it is all wrapped in an incoherent mess about "both sides" "Rashida Talib" "pearl clutching dems" and "Pollyanna dems". 

She could be so much more effective by simply stating that, yes,  Uncle Lindsay is wrong and the Senate should look at all the evidence and act as a proper body in a "trial".  She could still stay that, politically, impeachment could hurt the dems in 2020.  Both things can  be true.

Instead, she throws out for the third time the motherfucker quote, to get attention.  Then she says she isn't there to litigate the ethics, she is just a political analyst.  The topic was about how Mitch and Uncle Lindsay could just announce they don't care about the process.  That is something she could have weighed in on.  instead she starts spouting incoherent points about the dems being over their skis and what her conservative friends are saying and it is partisan and both sides.

So the real problem is that she is just shitty at this job.  She is not all that bright.  She is not politically savvy, she is immature.  She doesn't seem to have the capacity to learn or to listen or to respond to obvious social and business cues.

It is not that she is not allowed to speak or represent conservative views, it is that she is annoying, doesn't speak to the actual topic, and continuously interrupts and talks over everyone, including her bestie Abby.

Today when Abby was speaking, MeAgain looked out to the audience or maybe Brian, then to the back of the stage, then she started wriggling and adjusting her bra strap and attempted to interrupt Abby.  

She is just not good at this.  If she were not John McCain's daughter, there is no way she would be on any TV show anywhere.

So, this is another example of what I mean by her having nuance that the others don’t have and how the tenor of the show is set up to make her look bad accidentally/on purpose.

First of all, they all know Meghan and Lindsey know each other. So she’s not going to drag him like the rest of them regardless. I’d have more of an issue with that if I felt that wouldn’t be the case with the rest of them if someone they knew was “wrong” and they had to call them out. If they talked about it, they would do so in the most sterile way possible to avoid a phone call.

Second, not to get too political, but Meghan’s opinion, to me, seems like she’s saying, Lindsey is wrong for telegraphing how he’s going to vote prior to getting the case, but House Democrats weren’t exactly impartial and by-the-books, so turnabout is fair play. I think she resents the implication that it’s okay for the others to carry the water for a bunch of politicians they don’t know but she has to sit there and criticize a close family friend for doing the same thing. 

Edited by 27bored
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1 minute ago, Pearson80 said:

Shut up Abby! she says that she is a moderate but she trashes Adam Schiff with a talking point from the right, girl bye!

This is why I can tolerate MM more than Abby.  At least with MM you know what you are getting.  Abby comes off very disingenuous with the constitution/impeachment talk.  She knows damn well an actual 'crime' does not have to be committed. 

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16 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

What the what?! Meghan telling the audience to calm down after SHE whined on Twitter yesterday about how the LiBrUL MeDiA WaNtS tO SiLeNcE cOnSeRvATiVes after yesterday’s smack down is just... smh. No words. 

I had a feeling Whoopi would walk it back today. 

I knew she would walk it back too.

But that was complete bullshit. First of all, Whoopi, most people were praising you for dragging Meghan. So who exactly needs to calm down as far as you’re concerned? Unless somebody behind the scenes got in your ass for that, nobody was upset with you for what you said. Except the twelve people who like Meghan.

And she played the sexism card...biiiitch, get the fuck outta her with that. You and Meghan were being catty. If someone said you guys were being catty, and that cattiness runs amok on this show, they’re saying it because it fucking does. It’s not sexism because you’re not a good representation for women of differing opinions. 

Edited by 27bored
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7 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Aaaaannnnddd, she's right back at it.   Talking over Sunny, not shutting up, blahblahblahbalah, till Whoopie has to jump in again to get her to back off.  But holy shit, if you try to talk while she's pontificating, she jumps down your throat about shutting up when she's speaking.   She had to have been the biggest brat on the block, because she sure it good at it now.

Eh, Sunny can be a little on the long winded side and telegraphs that she’s just looking for applause. Like, there are only so many minutes between segments. Bash Trump and Republicans all you want, just please do it at shorter length. 

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