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S15.E07 Last Call

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So peeved that Castiel cock-blocked Sam and Eileen. Heh. I thought the sheriff was hilarious. Loved all the ‘inside’ jokes. Jensen is beyond beautiful and I always enjoy his acting, and now singing.  I need to check out his album.   That monster was really creepy-looking to me.   I must be really naïve because I did not see  it coming, the friend being the bad guy. 

ETA: the crack about Castiel acting very Russian. Loved it.

Edited by marinite
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On 12/6/2019 at 10:03 AM, sarthaz said:

The monster being able to bust through the door with ease but never doing it for years until Dean shows up?

"And then the true meaning of [Dean's blood] came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches plus two."

With apologies to Theodor Geisel.

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33 minutes ago, appositival said:

"And then the true meaning of [Dean's blood] came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches plus two."

With apologies to Theodor Geisel.

Ha! Grade A Winchester does the trick. Love it. 😛

I just figured the monster was getting what it needed/wanted, so it never got angry enough to bust out. But Dean pulled out the IV and cut off the supply so it went all Hulk and broke down the door.

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22 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Personally, I think the exposition about this 'key' is the whole reason for the Sam/Castiel portion of the episode. We really didn't learn anything we didn't already know (or guess) about the God!Wound, no forward motion on Sam & Eileen, nothing on Dean and Castiel's falling out. I believe this is going to come in to play in the back half of the season, and this way the short-attention-span-theater fans won't believe they just pulled it out of their asses. It's now 'new canon'.

Yeah. That key is important if only to remind us about the library...But... Cas stretched Sam's soul and I know the Russian said he fixed however I suspect it will lead to complications and mergers.

Edited by Castiels Cat
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17 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

There is a way to incorporate this into the story.   If those books contain everyone stories it makes the person and their moves somewhat predictable.   Dean's always been the biggest believer in free will.  He's usually the one ripping up the play book and going his own way.  This should make him a person of interest to God because he's the wild card you can't control.  

The fact that his books can't be written would be in interesting plot point if the writers were interested in pursing it.

I was also thinking, if death is Dean's outcome was the point of this ep to check off an item on Dean's bucketlist?

I absolutely agree that the key is the important thing and free will is Dean's super power and his off script use of it is why Chuck pervs on him and enjoyed his antics until Moriah. Chuck was really jonesing for his perfect ending to that story.

For me the mention of the key and Death's library and the stacks of books of Dean's possible deaths... both visual representation of Chuck's drafts and Dean's free will... conjure two things. Potentially it is a dangerous way to outplay Chuck. Or it is another clue that Dean's prophesy from all but one of his death books is still in play with Michael. 

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20 hours ago, Shannonsspirit said:

Yes. However, it is a soul connection. The soul is extremely powerful in its own right. Additionally, Chuck doesn't have a soul and is now connected to one. I think that is interesting. Hopefully, this will have a positive affect on Chuck, before Sam is stretched too thin, or whatever the ramifications may be.

We also know that the human soul is energy and supernatural beings like gods souls as energy. Cas felt Chuck in Sam's wound as energy. 

I think the oops... it's stretched part... Sam is dying... and as we have seen Chuck experiences what Sam experiences via wound and vice versa.  In addition to Sam's sleeping visions, these are the important issues going forward. To me it suggests Sam and Eileen have an end date on any happiness because neither Sam or Chuck are whole and Chuck not whole is bad for the world even if he's evil. The math is pretty simple from here.

Edited by Castiels Cat
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20 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

Death also said that the soul couldn't be split into pieces, but here were are with the soul being able to be split into pieces.

Canon really means nothing anymore.  Each writers just does what he/she wants.

The revelations did nothing for me because, I feel like its stuff we already knew and stuff Sam and Dean should have been able to figure out. 

Is Cas going to come clean about the consequences about Sam stretching his soul to connect to God.  Somehow I doubt it. 

Also who really cares about Death's library.  Last season demonstrated the books in there are worthless.  And can change because Dabb God feels like it should. 

This is why the Sam/Eileen/Cas stuff was boring and fast forward fodder.

Michael is out and there have been references to him, Death and Death's library. I think that prophecy is still in play.

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20 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Well, they changed for Dean. Rowena/Sam's destiny was fulfilled. 😕

It could be, except all they have to do is have Chuck write himself a solution to the God wound. And there's no merit in saying he can't because he's weakened by it, because they do and undo things at will. There can be no investing in anything any more because there is no basic tenet. No givens. No canon. No rules. 

He can't heal himself which is why he visited Amara and she blew him off because he is and always was a jerk.

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Maybe it's just me but all this talk about a key in the bunker that will open Death's library makes no sense. Death would have that reading room in another dimension, planet, galaxy, etc. Certainly not readily available to humans without his/her teleporting that person there him/herself such as Death did with Dean for their first conversation in the "reading room". Have the writers really brought the character of "Death" down to just another special person hanging around until they are needed? Wow...

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55 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

Maybe it's just me but all this talk about a key in the bunker that will open Death's library makes no sense. Death would have that reading room in another dimension, planet, galaxy, etc. Certainly not readily available to humans without his/her teleporting that person there him/herself such as Death did with Dean for their first conversation in the "reading room". Have the writers really brought the character of "Death" down to just another special person hanging around until they are needed? Wow...

Well, they did have a key to Oz, which is certainly another dimension (or reality).  What I can't figure out is why Sergei would want to get there.  Oh, if there's one book that tells him how he'll die, then OK, he can avoid that particular trap.  But that just means that his death will change.  I thought they were all possibilities (which is why Dean had so many books) so there isn't just one answer that a person can avoid and thus live forever.  

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2 hours ago, FlickChick said:

Death would have that reading room in another dimension, planet, galaxy, etc.

That won't stop them, though.  The already have a precedent with the key that opened the dorr to Oz in s9.  So yeah they totally will make this a "quest" thing.  Sigh.

1 hour ago, ahrtee said:

Well, they did have a key to Oz, which is certainly another dimension (or reality).  What I can't figure out is why Sergei would want to get there.  Oh, if there's one book that tells him how he'll die, then OK, he can avoid that particular trap.  But that just means that his death will change.  I thought they were all possibilities (which is why Dean had so many books) so there isn't just one answer that a person can avoid and thus live forever.  

And Cas is to blame for all this because he allowed Sergei into the bunker in the first place.  Why couldn't he just put Sam in a car and drive him to Sergei.   PLOT PLOT PLOT.

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On 12/6/2019 at 4:12 PM, tennisgurl said:

Did her coming back to life give her some extra powers of some kind? Super strength or something? 

So what do we have to do to get a whole episode of Jensen and Christian just having a concert? 

IDEA!!! A new series where Christian and Jensen are buddies who own a bar, are in a band that plays there and they fight crime on the side. 

On 12/7/2019 at 12:02 AM, AwesomO4000 said:

It's season 11's "Into the Mystic." I enjoyed the episode. Both of the Characters of the Week (one was Eileen) were interesting and enjoyable in my opinion. For me, it was a fairly typical monster of the week episode, but the details were fairly well done.

Thank you. I've never rewatched Season 11, so maybe I need to. At some point. After I overindulge on Hallmark Christmas Movies for a while.

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On 12/7/2019 at 4:05 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

Personally, I think the exposition about this 'key' is the whole reason for the Sam/Castiel portion of the episode. We really didn't learn anything we didn't already know (or guess) about the God!Wound, no forward motion on Sam & Eileen, nothing on Dean and Castiel's falling out. I believe this is going to come in to play in the back half of the season, and this way the short-attention-span-theater fans won't believe they just pulled it out of their asses. It's now 'new canon'.

Agreed. They are 100% going to go after that key.

And every time someone says something about Sam's stretchy soul, I get a vision of Stretch Armstrong, or an old Saturday cartoon of Plastic Man who was also very stretchy. I also get rubber bands, but there is nothing absurd about rubber bands, so I go to Stretch Armstrong. Or a vision of poor Sam being blue and saying, "Can't (pause pause) stretch (pause) this (pause pause) far." So then what? The stretchy soul breaks? Or it loses its grip and snaps back super hard? Can we launch a grenade with the stretchy soul? Oh- we can use it like a slingshot. We can use it to launch the God subduing spell that we find in Death's Library straight at Chuck.

I can go on and on with the stretchy soul, but I don't think people will like it. 

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20 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

Yeah. That key is important if only to remind us about the library...But... Cas stretched Sam's soul and I know the Russian said he fixed however I suspect it will lead to complications and mergers.

When a stretchy soul snaps back, is it like new again, or is there a permanent lack of stretchy like when your underwear elastic decides it has had enough? Will Sam be the same or will his soul be forever disfigured? Enquiring minds want to know. Don't expect me to stop with this today. It's been a very long Monday so far.

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24 minutes ago, Bali said:

When a stretchy soul snaps back, is it like new again, or is there a permanent lack of stretchy like when your underwear elastic decides it has had enough? Will Sam be the same or will his soul be forever disfigured? Enquiring minds want to know. Don't expect me to stop with this today. It's been a very long Monday so far.

I see an atomic wedgy in Sam's future.

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1 hour ago, Bali said:

When a stretchy soul snaps back, is it like new again, or is there a permanent lack of stretchy like when your underwear elastic decides it has had enough? Will Sam be the same or will his soul be forever disfigured? Enquiring minds want to know. Don't expect me to stop with this today. It's been a very long Monday so far.

I see it kind of like that old paddle game with a pingpong ball attached to the paddle with an elastic string so it can keep getting hit and never get lost?  Sam the eternal pingpong ball.

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3 hours ago, ahrtee said:

I see it kind of like that old paddle game with a pingpong ball attached to the paddle with an elastic string so it can keep getting hit and never get lost?  Sam the eternal pingpong ball.

A very very very long time ago there was a stan freberg radio commercial where cars were attached via a large rubber band. A hindenberg like announcer described the chaos on the highway when cars were pulled back to the dealership for checkups. Oh the humanity. 

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I hope that after this episode Dean will be useful again. At least Sam, Cas and Eileen tried to do something but we needed to see Jensen singing and that's it. It was the most  useless episode of the year if not for the fanservice but it's the last season and we need something more. Dean was so worried about his brother that he even didn't make a phone call while driving back home to know how Sam was.  That's being said, I liked the song they sang, Jensen is a good singer and I loved the duet

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1 hour ago, passatoepresente said:

I hope that after this episode Dean will be useful again. At least Sam, Cas and Eileen tried to do something but we needed to see Jensen singing and that's it. It was the most  useless episode of the year if not for the fanservice but it's the last season and we need something more. Dean was so worried about his brother that he even didn't make a phone call while driving back home to know how Sam was.  That's being said, I liked the song they sang, Jensen is a good singer and I loved the duet

Did you miss the part where Dean killed the monster, and the guy controlling it, and saved Lee's future victims? You know, the family business. It is weird (poor writing) that Dean wouldnt have called along the way home* considering he did say he got the messages, but he was far from useless. They have always worked cases concurrent to the mytharc, so it wasn't total fan service,  IMO.

*especially when he was in Texas - he had hours on the to Lebanon. 

ETA: I guess it could be head canoned that he had called and knew Sam was awake/recovering, and was just asking if he was still okay when he reached the bunker, the 'still' being implied. 

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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For me, this episode tied back to the end of "Proverbs 17:3", when Dean expressed despair at the thought of trying to defeat God.This was an important moment, first of all, because it emphasized the impossibility of what they were facing: the ultimate challenge -- to defeat God -- for the ultimate season of the show. "It’s God, Sam. And he’s coming for us. How the hell are we supposed to fight God?"  (Personally I think that Amara was actually a bigger challenge, but I don't think that's the story that the writers want to tell.) The writers used Dean in that scene, and the intensity of Jensen's acting, to convey how high the stakes are.

But it was also an important moment for Dean as a character. There  was an interview with Jensen about the episode he directed, and as he was talking about the season so far, he said, "Sam is struggling to find a purpose and Dean is struggling to help Sam find purpose." And I thought to myself, but who is going to help Dean find purpose? Dean feels despair at the end of "Proverbs 17:3" because he doesn't know whether anything in his life has been real; he doesn't know what was God and what wasn't. For all he knows, he could have ALWAYS been just a hamster running around and around in a wheel, all the while under the delusion that he was actually getting somewhere and accomplishing something. It's an awful thought, and it has been obvious to me that Dean has not just been just goofing off, he has been thinking deeply about the implications of what they have learned and trying to deal with it, trying to "find purpose" for his life.

That's why Dean's encounter with his old friend Lee is so significant. Spending time with Lee takes Dean back to an earlier period in his life, when his father was alive and he knew what to do and the world made sense. But that was a long time ago, and it doesn't make sense to him anymore. Lee sees this dark place that Dean is in, and offers him a Faustian bargain. If no one cares, if it doesn't matter to the world whether you are good or bad, if no one is innocent and even God isn't God, then why bother trying to do the right thing? "If evil like that exists in the world, then guys like you and me, we ain't ever gonna win. The best we can do is just have a little fun.... Aren't we owed a little happiness?" That's the bargain Lee offers Dean: he can have "everything he's dreamed of", and all he has to do is to stop caring.

But even though Dean has no hope that they can defeat Chuck, and no reason to think his choices will make any difference, he still rejects the bargain. He chooses to continue to care, to be someone who fights for the little guy and kills the monsters. He finds his purpose.

I'm just glad that we had this episode to see Dean dealing with what he is going through, instead of having it happen off screen, or worse yet, just be waved aside. I think it is missing the point, to say the least, to see Dean's story in the episode as useless fan service because Dean sings in one scene.

As for the idea that Dean needs to start "doing something", I am all for it. For one thing, I think it would be awesome if Dean was also given a connection to someone powerful and/or significant to the story.  After all, it's the final season; shouldn't he be equally as important in what happens? The writers don't even need to look very far, because Dean has a unique bond with Amara, the one individual in all the universe who can handle Chuck. I would love to see Dean facing the challenge of fighting God, figuring things out, making plans, carrying out plans, dealing with obstacles. What I don't need is for him to join Elaine at Sam's bedside and spend his time doing nothing but worrying about Sam and being supportive of Sam (and I have a feeling that's what we would have seen if he hadn't had his own story in the episode.) Maybe Elaine can fill that role so that Dean can instead "do something." 

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9 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I guess it could be head canoned that he had called and knew Sam was awake/recovering, and was just asking if he was still okay when he reached the bunker, the 'still' being implied. 

That's what I thought. Dean says, " Hey. I got your message. Sam is he, uh..?" and Castiel responds, "He's fine."  Dean doesn't sound, in his tone or his words, if he is asking if Sam is still dying, so I assumed that the message he mentioned was an update that Sam was doing better. (I don't know why Castiel would not have sent an update, anyway, instead of making Dean wait until he got all the way home.) I don't know exactly what Castiel told Dean about what happened, but if Dean didn't already know something, if all he had was one terse voicemail that Sam was hurt, he wouldn't have just responded, "That's good", with no further questions. His first, natural question would have been "What happened?", followed by questions as to what were Sam's injuries. As it is, he is still anxious, but is easily reassured.

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10 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Did you miss the part where Dean killed the monster, and the guy controlling it, and saved Lee's future victims? You know, the family business. It is weird (poor writing) that Dean wouldnt have called along the way home* considering he did say he got the messages, but he was far from useless. They have always worked cases concurrent to the mytharc, so it wasn't total fan service,  IMO.

*especially when he was in Texas - he had hours on the to Lebanon. 

ETA: I guess it could be head canoned that he had called and knew Sam was awake/recovering, and was just asking if he was still okay when he reached the bunker, the 'still' being implied. 

He didn't call as when he came into the bunker he said to Cas "I've got your message"

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1 minute ago, passatoepresente said:

He didn't call as when he came into the bunker he said to Cas "I've got your message"

I think maybe Castiel sent another voicemail or a text. And who knows, maybe Dean did call and Castiel wasn't that eager to talk to Dean about what happened and how Sam got hurt, so he didn't pick up. After all, it's not unknown for Castiel to not immediately answer phone calls.

It was pretty vague, the way it was written. I guess if someone wants to believe that Dean didn't bother to call, they are welcome to. Personally I think that anyone who thinks Dean could not be bothered to worry about Sam really doesn't know him at all. But I think the focus of that scene when Dean arrives home was supposed to be on the tension and awkwardness between Dean and Castiel, as they see each other for the first time since Castiel left. Maybe that's why the writer chose not to show any previous phone conversations.

It doesn't bother me too much that we didn't get to see Dean making anxious phone calls on his way home, because I know Dean and I know he would have cared if Sam was hurt.  It also doesn't bother me that we had a separate story that focused on Dean instead of having him hovering anxiously at Sam's bedside for this episode. Not to worry, I am 100 percent sure that we will have plenty of scenes of Dean worrying about Sam before the end of the season.

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I took it as at some point Cas contacted Dean again and told him Sam was better and not to worry. Dean probably didn't want to talk to Cas and Cas probably didn't want to talk to Dean either. So Dean is assured Sam is out of danger and resting. He addresses Cas when he gets back and Cas just walks away.

There was no sign that Dean didn't care about Sam.

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4 hours ago, Bergamot said:

I think maybe Castiel sent another voicemail or a text. And who knows, maybe Dean did call and Castiel wasn't that eager to talk to Dean about what happened and how Sam got hurt, so he didn't pick up. After all, it's not unknown for Castiel to not immediately answer phone calls.

It was pretty vague, the way it was written. I guess if someone wants to believe that Dean didn't bother to call, they are welcome to. Personally I think that anyone who thinks Dean could not be bothered to worry about Sam really doesn't know him at all. But I think the focus of that scene when Dean arrives home was supposed to be on the tension and awkwardness between Dean and Castiel, as they see each other for the first time since Castiel left. Maybe that's why the writer chose not to show any previous phone conversations.

It doesn't bother me too much that we didn't get to see Dean making anxious phone calls on his way home, because I know Dean and I know he would have cared if Sam was hurt.  It also doesn't bother me that we had a separate story that focused on Dean instead of having him hovering anxiously at Sam's bedside for this episode. Not to worry, I am 100 percent sure that we will have plenty of scenes of Dean worrying about Sam before the end of the season.

Also, does anyone think that maybe Sam would be worried about Dean worrying?  Did Cas tell him he'd called Dean?  If so, wouldn't Sam himself call (he seemed fine once he was healed) or at least tell Cas to let Dean know he was OK?  

Besides, Baby can get anywhere in the country in 20 minutes or less.  Dean could have driven home in the time it would have taken to call. 😊

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On 12/9/2019 at 11:04 AM, Bali said:

When a stretchy soul snaps back, is it like new again, or is there a permanent lack of stretchy like when your underwear elastic decides it has had enough? Will Sam be the same or will his soul be forever disfigured? Enquiring minds want to know. Don't expect me to stop with this today. It's been a very long Monday so far.

This. Houston there is a problem.

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On 12/8/2019 at 5:57 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

For now. There are no rules, only "new canon".

That's PR speak for anytime a nepo duo script airs! New canon is that Chuck is weak and connected to Sam's stretchy soul! My speculation is that because Amara refused to heal him it will be too late to do it later on and the fix will not be great for Sam or Chuck... let's call them Suck because that's what it will be for them. I don't think this Equalizer stuff can be undone. 

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Okay, let's repeat this again for the beginners. It's not "new canon" it is "water pistol". A new cannon is presumably stronger and better than the old cannon, which needed replaced. Our cannon did not need replaced. This stuff they are coming up with is merely an ineffectual water pistol. 

I am, however, very willing to go with Suck for the stretchy soul connection between Sam and Chuck.

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14 hours ago, Bali said:

Okay, let's repeat this again for the beginners. It's not "new canon" it is "water pistol". A new cannon is presumably stronger and better than the old cannon, which needed replaced. Our cannon did not need replaced. This stuff they are coming up with is merely an ineffectual water pistol. 

I am, however, very willing to go with Suck for the stretchy soul connection between Sam and Chuck.

I concur. The water pistol  for the stretchy soul connection between Sam and Chuck shall hereby be known as Suck.

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A bit late coming to the table with my opinion but.....This was the very first time on a FIRST watch (and I am a long time watcher since season 2) that I considered fast forwarding. Basically I was bored. I really am not in to the Sam and Eileen relationship, I don’t know what people saw that was special in the character of Eileen to be honest. I am one who likes the brothers to be working together, (not that popular view on this board I know!) it doesn’t have to be all the time but this season it seems they are hardly on screen together at all. I saw the tweet that said it was not necessarily the writer’s fault but was due to scheduling i.e. I guess Jensen and Jared wanting more time off, which if this is the case makes me rather disappointed in the two of them for this the last season. I enjoyed most of the scenes with Dean and Chris Kane but even those I felt were just a bit too indulgent some of the time. I guess I just wanted a really strong last season and not a parade of past characters shoved into second rate stories for the sake of it. Sorry feeling Grinch like.

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On 12/6/2019 at 8:51 AM, Aeryn13 said:

The case was very paint-by-the-numbers but it was so, so good to see a Dean who wasn`t a clown or incompetent but was a badass and got to handle himself for a change. 

Jensen and Christian`s chemistry was really good. It was sad that Lee had turned into a bad guy and thus Dean lost a friend but for the sake of the wider story about Dean re-discovering his purpose, it was necessary IMO. Lee clearly presented himself as "this could be you" to Dean early on and the narrative asked the question of would Dean turn into that if he got too disillusioned. It basically asked the question to the character himself and he conclusively answered with "no". 


Their chemistry was great. I might have started shipping them were it not for the fact that he was so obviously the bad guy. 

On 12/9/2019 at 9:15 AM, Bali said:

IDEA!!! A new series where Christian and Jensen are buddies who own a bar, are in a band that plays there and they fight crime on the side. 


I would absolutely watch this. Maybe we can at least get a guest star appearance in Leverage?

I actually enjoyed this one a lot. Sure, there was like negative dramatic tension in the Sam plot (oh no, are they going to kill Sam? I mean, come on). That being said, I found Christian Kane to be amazing and really enjoyed his scenes with Dean. I like Eileen a lot and enjoyed the pairing with Sam. And i am glad to have Castiel back.

Given how crappy so many of the episodes have been, I declare this one watchable. 

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23 minutes ago, The Companion said:

Given how crappy so many of the episodes have been, I declare this one watchable. 

And isn't it a sad commentary on the decline of the show that "watchable" has become high praise.  

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13 hours ago, The Companion said:

Given how crappy so many of the episodes have been, I declare this one watchable. 

Remember I said there were 2 1/2 episodes I liekd this season. This was the half episode.  I found the parts with Dean and his "friend" hanging out itn eh bar delightful.  The Sam/Cas/Eileen parts not so much.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Remember I said there were 2 1/2 episodes I liekd this season. This was the half episode.  I found the parts with Dean and his "friend" hanging out itn eh bar delightful.  The Sam/Cas/Eileen parts not so much.

Heh, I marvel that you found two more entire episodes to like. Half of this one was all I found enjoyable this Season.

Agreed on which half is which. Them doing "will x brother die" plots with "suspense" during the Season is kind of insane IMO.

After they cheapened death so much, the Series Finale is their one and only shot to create suspense about possible deaths anymore. But they seriously blow their powder early in one-offs. 

What are the parts that are supposed to be bad writing again?



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5 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

eh, I marvel that you found two more entire episodes to like. Half of this one was all I found enjoyable this Season.

Well, I certainly didn't love the other two episodes.  They just benefitted by comparison from the rest of the season.

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Purchased and watching all of the seasons. I'm on the last season and just watched this episode. And my takeaway is being disappointed that Sam had a shirt on under his flannel. I was hoping to see some Sam chest when Cass "probed" his bullet wound <perv>. I also thought Sam was about to kiss Eileen before Cass interrupted but y'all have me wondering. 

Edited by rhofmovalley
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