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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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"Wylie is having a wonderful time at his birthday party."  Cut to Wylie, Donna and James passing  beachball around, the first two looking like they're bored, the James kid who really wants to do well acting with a big grin on his face. Does Wylie even have any friends that he isn't related to? (James is his mother's second cousin. And bring back Obrecht!)

Was there any good soap on the show at all today?  It feels like the episode consisted of everyone telling Carly how glad there is that she doesn't have to pay for her actions, the same old Sonny propping, and Anna hinting that Brennan hid the audio recording because he's so enamored of Carly. And Molly, who told TJ that she totally does not believe Kristina, telling Kristina that she does believe her. Where are the upstanding law & order genes that Alexis was boasting about yesterday?

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So, there's a birthday party at the pool, with lots (?) of kids running around, etc., but Joss is off-duty and there's no other lifeguard shown. I'm surprised the MC hasn't been sued for something yet.

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6 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

So, there's a birthday party at the pool, with lots (?) of kids running around, etc., but Joss is off-duty and there's no other lifeguard shown. I'm surprised the MC hasn't been sued for something yet.

wouldn't matter. Joss would go "it's not my fault i was just trying to help." and the judge would apologize to her and send her home. 

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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Joss doesn't pay attention to the pool when she is supposedly working, so it's not as if having a lifeguard makes a difference.

True but at least she's theoretically ready to be a lifeguard, when she's wearing a bathing suit. Today, she's wearing street clothes, but is at the pool anyway (for the party, I assume, after the arraignment / debacle). I would love to see her have to dive in to rescue someone, but that is not going to happen. Second choice would be to hear someone at least mention that there's a different lifeguard on duty. 

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I think Avery's best chance for a (somewhat) normal life would be for her to be taken away from both of her sociopathic parents, and adopted by Molly and TJ (if there are no other potential parents who are "normal" available).

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I FFed that excruciating birthday party for stupid Wiley.

I had to laugh when Molly said she'd help Kristina prep for the custody battle. There's not even a court date yet. 

I really hope Brennan didn't get rid of the recording of Carly because he wuvs her, but I'm not holding my breath.

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6 hours ago, Daisy said:

GH keeps winning (how, i have no idea). so arguably they can go "I know our numbers are low but we keep winning accolades see."

The awards are given by their peers, so they’re really not an indication of how good or bad the show is. ratings are the only indicator of whether people are watching. But as you (and many others) have said, ABC has nothing that can replace GH. Unless and until that changes, the show is safe regardless of ratings. 

can anyone explain to me what difference it makes if Jagger is banging Ava? Neither one of them is married. Avery isn’t in the suite while they’re making out. They’re both consenting adults. What does Sonny hope to accomplish by having Brick take ‘lots of pictures’? I mean, if Diane presents them in court, can’t Scott claim invasion of privacy? I know, I know, this is GH and I can’t expect realism. But still…

 poor Dante. He keeps banging his head against the wall hoping he’ll get through to Sonny. He’ll just never learn.

Annato Jason: I owe you a debt. please, please, PLEASE send FH on her vacation and let her never come back. I loved Jagger telling her that she’s protecting and serving THEM and is literally in bed with them. Too bad she’s so smug it likely went right over her head. 




Edited by Sake614
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Please please please tell me John will see Sam somewhere, realize who she is,  get the Metrocourt surveillance footage of the pool and... tell Jason he still has to work for him or Sam and Spin will go to prison! 🤣

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Deciding to pass on watching yesterday's shit show somehow made today's more tolerable--go figure!  

Of course I still rolled my eyes at Carly acting like she had just come back from 20 years hard time at Pentonville.  And then there was the  line about having a guardian angel, as if over the years she hasn't amassed double digits of those.  

Then not to be outdown was the 180 by Molly.  Are we sure there's not a good twin and evil twin at play there?

Awwww, Jason desperately wants his soulmate Sonny to forgive him.  Don't give up on that love of your life, pal!

So, er, maybe the show wasn't more tolerable, after all.

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

the 180 by Molly.

Alexis told her to play nice because she got the smart genes while Kristina got the ‘I’m always right’ genes. So Alexis told Molly to placate Kristina. 🙄

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Brennan did it, not shocking another man saving Carly. 

Ava is going down a bad path trying to put Sonny's kids in stand. 



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I thought the show had ruined Anna during the Heinrik years, but that was NOTHING compared to the past few weeks.

The relief that Valentin and Charlotte are safe now with new identities? She doesn’t even give a fuck about Laura. Wonder how she’d feel if Emma and Noah and Robin disappeared without a word and their existence wiped? I was fucking CHEERING when Jagger dropped those truth bombs on her. Not that she gave a fuck for more than a nanosecond.

When we have Jagger so smart about this, why do the asses make him a bloody fool when it comes to Ava? He’s like two people!

Way to honor Stone, Mooby. Planning the murder of his brother-one he reconciled with shortly before his death. But so typical of his narcissistic self.

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14 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Ava is going down a bad path trying to put Sonny's kids in stand. 


Like they wouldn't lie on the stand.

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2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Of course I still rolled my eyes at Carly acting like she had just come back from 20 years hard time at Pentonville.

I would think if she did spend the night at the PCPC, she'd want to go home, shower, change her clothes before showing up at Wiley's party.

Did they really say Donna was 8 years old? (Yesterday's episode).

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On 7/30/2024 at 12:32 PM, ffwbe said:

Tbh, it feels like they are throwing the kitchen sink in terms of stunt casting to try to improve the ratings. They hedged their bets on Jason’s return doing it but aside from his first week back, the ratings have continued to drop. 

I totally agree with that. Remember the 3 knocks on the door? Well, I’m still waiting for the Carly, Jason and Sam triangle. Not really because I like her with DZ but none of this came to fruition. I’m looking forward to seeing Rich Hearst again but it really depends what the storyline is. This could be a 2 week and done return. 

Also, I’m confused about JPS. Is he coming back or is he done-done? 

2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Brennan did it, not shocking another man saving Carly. 

Ava is going down a bad path trying to put Sonny's kids in stand. 



I guess they are going to go the Carly & Brennan route. I’m not mad at this because they have chemistry and I really like Charles Mesure. I’m guessing Jason will hate it but who will Jason hook up with then?

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12 hours ago, KittyQ said:

I would love to see her have to dive in to rescue someone

If Joss dives into that pool she'll break her neck ..... hmmm.

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7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Also, I’m confused about JPS. Is he coming back or is he done-done? 

He's always been recurring; the show works around his other commitments. It's not unusual for Valentin to be offscreen for a few months at a time, which is what I expect this will turn out to be.

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9 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I guess they are going to go the Carly & Brennan route. I’m not mad at this because they have chemistry and I really like Charles Mesure. I’m guessing Jason will hate it but who will Jason hook up with then?

To be fair, Carly is the only female who has been allowed to interact with him, aside from Anna who he tried to have killed. Not a lot of opportunities to test him with the other women on the show. 

They already turned him into a Carly stooge. One in a long line of stooges and dumb fucks willing to do whatever it takes for St-Carly, patron saint of asshats.

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8 hours ago, graight said:

If Joss dives into that pool she'll break her neck ..... hmmm.

this makes me remember when Curtis "dove" into the pool and then he proposed to Portia. and you legit could SEE HIM kneeling in it. i could not stop laughing

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13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I guess they are going to go the Carly & Brennan route. I’m not mad at this because they have chemistry and I really like Charles Mesure. I’m guessing Jason will hate it but who will Jason hook up with then?

I'm guessing no one. SBu doesn't like doing romance and Jason gets so much screentime, he doesn't need a romance to put him front and centre.

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Speaking of romance, probably a long shot, but... Ric is coming back. And I don't imagine that Nina is too keen on having anything sexytiemes to do with Drew anymore, soooo. I wonder if these HWs remember that Nina and Ric were married. Sure, it was a scam set up by her mother, but, hey, ppl change, right? Nina certainly has since then. (Michelle Stafford was playing Nina then.) 

Yes, I know he's going to be involved in the surrogacy story, but I remembered the Nina link as well.

Edited by driver18
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53 minutes ago, driver18 said:

Speaking of romance, probably a long shot, but... Ric is coming back. And I don't imagine that Nina is too keen on having anything sexytiemes to do with Drew anymore, soooo. I wonder if these HWs remember that Nina and Ric were married. Sure, it was a scam set up by her mother, but, hey, ppl change, right? Nina certainly has since then. (Michelle Stafford was playing Nina then.) 

Yes, I know he's going to be involved in the surrogacy story, but I remembered the Nina link as well.

Wow, I didn't know that!  I must have been on the barge while that was happening.

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Gosh, will Kristina lose the baby? Will Ava be blamed for Kristina falling out the window? Will Kristina even remember the argument? Will Sonny go after Ava for hurting his daughter? Soapy drama time! Great cliffhanger

13 minutes ago, norahs99 said:

Wow, I didn't know that!  I must have been on the barge while that was happening.

I don’t recall that either but there were long periods of time I wasn’t watching

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Kristina is done for. She'll never survive that fall into 18" of water, much less Josslyn frozen as the lifeguard.

It feels like  this show gets worse and worse.

Everyone is still dumping on Kristina, telling each other what an irrational person she is (when to me she seems like the only rational one), Trina is turning on Ava who not only gave her a job but an education in art, Jagger comes out of Ava's room in a towel so Ava must be immoral (what is this 1920?), Brook Lynn hires Gio as a sessional musician (does Blaze even need a violinist?) without anyone checking whether it's okay in terms of his scholarship, Sonny tries to throw his weight around again.

No one questions Sonny having the money to fund a record label -- they all now that he' a mobster.

I think it's time for a "Who killed TJ?" story.  That, or in Springhill. I can't take any more of this.

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At least it was better and more realistic than Ned tripping over a TOWEL into the pool!

But seriously. First Cody, then Ned, now Kristina. What is with this damn pool?

Edited by LexieLily
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23 hours ago, statsgirl said:

"Wylie is having a wonderful time at his birthday party."  Cut to Wylie, Donna and James passing  beachball around, the first two looking like they're bored, 

So Leo and Violet, who both live in the Quartermaine mansion right now and I assume see Wylie on an almost daily basis, didn't get invited to his b-day party?! Geeeez, Michael and Willow. 

Have there been any specific mentions of Lucky Spencer yet?

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I think those pictures will make it look like Ava pushed Kristina when we know she didn’t. It’ll be like how they always claim AJ pushed Carly down the stairs while she was pregnant when she was the one who got in his face to yell at him and proceeded to trip and fall on her own. 

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Holy free holies!  Did not see that ending coming at all.  So much to unpack.  Like no way would tripping on the bag cause her to fall into the window.  No way does that window shatter like that.  But kudos to the show for having everyone at the poolside there to witness it.  Goodbye baby Tolly.  Ava, you had better haul ass to the airport and to somewhere no one can find you.  You will be blamed for this.  And if one person blames Kristina for going to see Ava in the first place, imma cut a bitch.  

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

No one questions Sonny having the money to fund a record label -- they all now that he' a mobster.

Well, at least Lois called him on it today.  That she wants the record company to be with clean funds to protect BLQ.  So of course, Sonny got his panties in a bunch.  

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I cannot lie. I had to watch that finale today TWICE! And I laughed both times! Pretty well done - and all those shocked faces looking up. So, any bets on who will jump in first - Gio or Joss?

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If she survives the fall (where are those giant beach balls when you need them?), Kristina is going to become the new owner of the MetroCourt.  Maybe Alexis will use her newly reclaimed law license to sue over those obviously flimsy upper-story windows.  

I guess it was a good surprise.  Or was it the writers trying to avoid the responsibility of conveying the emotional complexity of a surrogacy-related child custody trial?  I would have preferred the latter.    

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9 minutes ago, fishsanwitt said:

I cannot lie. I had to watch that finale today TWICE! And I laughed both times! Pretty well done - and all those shocked faces looking up. So, any bets on who will jump in first - Gio or Joss?

Joss of course. And then we will have to hear about how she's a hero for the next decade (or however long it takes for the show to be canceled). Korte would never pass a chance to prop Carly's spawn.

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32 minutes ago, fishsanwitt said:

So, any bets on who will jump in first

My money is on Blaze.  Like that time Jason was shot and pushed into the water and Sam went in  all scissor legs after him.  That's still hilarious to me.  

Although I'll also put money on no one jumping in since it's only a foot deep and we'll see the aftermath of them pulling her out.  If that's the case, then I'm guessing Joss and Blaze and possibly Gio.  

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Kristina. You do realize your father has no moral compass either right? 
and i mean. you can cite that Ava murdered Connie. but I mean.... Sonny's murdered people too. and WOULD have murdered Dex. so like what was your point here?

i always laugh when they go for someone falling down the stairs/out the window. because as Queen of the Klutzes. that is no where near as much force as it was to trip over the bag. (and then actually turn and twist - you'd normally just fall down hard on your back/or yourside). even if you are going to catch yourself. - there isn't that much momentum to really go flying out the window. which makes it so soapy lol).  i just love how everyone is like "Oh. welll this isn't looking good." as Kristina is screaming her way down. 

also Joss. when you see someone hit the water like that? that's your cue for you to do your job. not clutch your pearls and go "oh no what to doooo!!"

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35 minutes ago, fishsanwitt said:

So, any bets on who will jump in first - Gio or Joss?

Well, Joss is the lifeguard, so I think it will be Gio. :)

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36 minutes ago, fishsanwitt said:

I had to watch that finale today TWICE!

Me too because I was so gobsmacked the first time.  I did notice that Kristina went out the window back first, but landed in the pool face first.  So I guess she's like a cat who always lands forward facing!!

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Oh Holy Swimming Pools, BATMAN! They really went there! But how I wish it had happened during an argument with TJ.

But before all that....



Oh, the HORRORS! To actually not constantly berate, try to control and stress out a woman who is thisclose to giving birth.

And Molly? You ARE biologically related to this baby-you are the AUNT.  

The only ones I see being coddled are TJ and Molly's asses.

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So, what floor is Ava's room on? 

Other questions I have - Doesn't this pool have a "surround" for people walking around the pool? If so, how did Kristina sail far enough out from the window to land in the pool and not the floor? 

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1 minute ago, KittyQ said:

how did Kristina sail far enough out from the window to land in the pool and not the floor? 

That would have been better.

1 minute ago, LexieLily said:

want to know how Kristina ended up face-down in the pool when she fell out the window back first.

Flailing arms and twisting?

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On 7/30/2024 at 10:59 PM, statsgirl said:

Do you mean the old new writing staff or the new new writing staff which is really the old writing staff?

Heh. That's SO General Hospital.  On a mostly unrelated note, NuMolly #1166 is really, really annoying.

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3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

But seriously. First Cody, then Ned, now Kristina. What is with this damn pool?

Perhaps the MC pool is too hazardous and should be shut down. 

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1 hour ago, fishsanwitt said:

I cannot lie. I had to watch that finale today TWICE! And I laughed both times!

I'm glad I am not the only cold-hearted bastard, cuz I burst out laughing! I mean, it looked like the window frames and half the wall came down with her. Just how much baby weight did Krissy gain?! 😂

Well, finally something soapy  happened; I will give them that. 

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Like you guys, I didn't see that coming. I credulously believed that the plot point of Sonny's photographer was going to be the SHOCKING photos of two consenting adults having sexy time. 




1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

My money is on Blaze.  Like that time Jason was shot and pushed into the water and Sam went in  all scissor legs after him.  That's still hilarious to me.   

Wasn't that the original Kiki jumping after ....I don't know, stupid Morgan or mopey Michael? 

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