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S02.E02: Everybody Loves A Clown

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Sam and Dean listen to a message on John's cell phone from a woman named Ellen (guest star Samantha Ferris)and decide to track her down. They are shocked to discover Ellen runs a road house that also serves as a gathering place for hunters like themselves. Meanwhile, at a small town carnival, a demonic clown is persuading children to let them into their home so he can murder their parents.

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I know this episode gets mixed reviews, but I love it. Firstly, even though I don't care for previouslies, this might be one of the best ones they've done--the music and editing are spot on, IMO. I also think there's some nice continuity from In My Time Of Dying over John's death and it works really well for me. I know some people feel like they handled Dean's grief poorly, but I thought is was perfect. I like how they sow it in for a couple of episodes and show us how Dean was spiraling before they finally have Dean come out and say it. I didn't think they needed to tell me more than what I was seeing and it all made perfect sense to me. IMO, it's one of the better handled emotional arcs they've done over the series and is, in no short order, mostly due to Jensen. They way he plays that grief, but layers in the guilt and anger and the conflict about Sam was masterful, IMO.


Okay, back to the episode proper...I have to say that John Siban and Phil Sgriccia together strike a nice balance in this episode. There's a lot of angst, but they also peppered in enough humor to balance it out. I think it's great that Sam's afraid of clowns--I like that these guys have irrational fears just like the rest of us, it makes them more human. And, let's be honest, clowns are creepy! And apparently clowns kill! (hee!)  I think this episode is a great example of how they can be at odds and have different points of view, but still work together and like and care about each other. I particularly like how when they first show up at The Roadhouse, Dean starts to ask about the lock picks and Sam doesn't even wait for Dean to finish his sentence, he already knows what he wants and tosses them over to him. I also think the fight they have walking down that road is perfect how each one has their own point of view and backs down realizing that they don't want to go to far and say something they can't come back from. Really nicely balanced.


I always liked both Ellen and Jo even though I thought their necessities were a bit forced. Ash, however, was a bit cliché for my taste, but he's grown on me over the years. I do like the actual introductions, though, with how they get the drop on both Sam and Dean. I also love how Ellen is trying to be comforting to Dean and Dean's like "back-off" and I love how she holds her tongue knowing his grief rather than telling him to straighten up and not use that tone with her--unlike a certain physic from S1 that shall remain nameless. Could've lived without The Roadhouse though--or could have lived without how it got used, I guess. I really didn't mind that Ellen ran a bar that hunters would pass through from time to time, just thought it was strange that it was some sort of clubhouse for them to be sitting around in and cleaning their various weapons of bodily harm. I also preferred the notion that hunters were basically mostly lone wolves and there was no real organization of them--I liked the more Wild West tone of the show from S1.


I have to end with...I can't believe that I still get all shocked and emotional when Dean hits his baby, not only once or twice, but 17 times with a crowbar--yes I've counted. I still sit watching with my hand over my mouth and holding my breath and while I'm not actually screaming NOOOOOO!, inside my head that's the sound I hear.

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I like this episode. I think the kids are old enough not to be morons and open up the door to any wandering clown, though.

It's the little stuff I like: the owner's quiet lament from his viewpoint: "That's progress. I guess." The boy wandering through the spooky house playing on his handheld while dad tries to get him to look at things. Dean's wall o'silence with Ellen.

And the Impala. Poor Impala.

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The Clown chair scene is one of my all time favorites.  So much is said in that little moment without any lines.  Dean immediately noticing it and running for the regular chair, Sam hesitating and then uncomfortably sitting down.  Dean's look of glee while watching him.  Love it.


Also love the dirt road scene.  I love the way it looks and I love the boys' conversation.  I love that they fight and yell at each other, Sam goes to call Ellen and comes back and they just go back to normal.  Or as normal as they can be.


Hated Jo and her "meet cute" with Dean.  Of course she gets to punch him in the face to show she's so tough.  


Ellen and Ash were okay, but I never really liked the Roadhouse stuff.

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The Clown chair scene is one of my all time favorites.  So much is said in that little moment without any lines.  Dean immediately noticing it and running for the regular chair, Sam hesitating and then uncomfortably sitting down.  Dean's look of glee while watching him.  Love it.


Also love the dirt road scene.  I love the way it looks and I love the boys' conversation.  I love that they fight and yell at each other, Sam goes to call Ellen and comes back and they just go back to normal.  Or as normal as they can be.


Hated Jo and her "meet cute" with Dean.  Of course she gets to punch him in the face to show she's so tough.  


Ellen and Ash were okay, but I never really liked the Roadhouse stuff.

I liked Dean forcing Sam to sit in the clown chair, and the road conversation, and the introduction of Ellen, Jo and Roadhouse.  I didn't like Ash that much but I do like Ellen and Jo.  I just didn't see Jo as a good match for Dean as a love interest and even Kripke declared it was wrong to do that, when her character was too inexperienced as a hunter and she fit the little sister roll. 


However when they brought her back to only kill her off, she had grown as an actress and character and I really wished they hadn't killed her off. She might have made a decent love interest or at least a good friend to hunt with later if they had left her alive. I really hate how they keep killing off so many characters. It doesn't add to the show IMO.


I just hate the clown as the monster part, so it isn't my favorite but I do watch because there are parts I really like.

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I just hate the clown as the monster part, so it isn't my favorite but I do watch because there are parts I really like.


I just have to ask @7kstar, it that because they creep you out or because you don't like to see clowns portrayed as evil? If it's the former, then I'd say that's exactly what they were going for. And if it's the later, you might keep in mind that he wasn't really a clown, but pretending to be one in order to get stupid children--that should have known better--to invite them into their houses so he can snack on their parents. At the carnival he was actually just a knife thrower.


Does that make you feel better? ;)

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I just have to ask @7kstar, it that because they creep you out or because you don't like to see clowns portrayed as evil? If it's the former, then I'd say that's exactly what they were going for. And if it's the later, you might keep in mind that he wasn't really a clown, but pretending to be one in order to get stupid children--that should have known better--to invite them into their houses so he can snack on their parents. At the carnival he was actually just a knife thrower.


Does that make you feel better? ;)

clowns as evil wasn't the issue and it really wasn't the creep factor.  Some clowns are funny to watch and yes I know the movies like to go for the creep factor.  I just didn't like the whole story, thought it was weak to begin with.  It has a few good moments but then I'm not in love with horror.  I've had enough horror in my real life, so I don't seek out fear for entertainment, but this one didn't scare me. 


I don't have a problem if others love this one, I just don't feel much about it either way and not really a fan of bad carnival shows.  Something wicked was the only one I remember being pretty good but I was much younger when I watched it.  I'm sure it was suppose to be a take off of "It", but then again I would never go watch it either. 


I haven't seen Jensen in his horror film so that let's you know that I don't go see something just because I like the actor.  I've still never forgiven two very famous actors, one being Robert De Niro,  & Meryl Streep in an awful waste of my time in one of the worst movies ever - Falling in Love. 


I think the other problem I have is that case just seems like a bad one to follow Dean's near death.  But I haven't like their clown eps that much anyway and I really hate when they get heavy on the gore.  I guess it just feels like this story has been done to death in too many films and their version wasn't that good.  JMV.    This world would be very boring if we all loved the same things, right?  :)

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I don't really like this episode overall but I LOVE many individual things about it. The cinematography is fucking beautiful in this episode especially Dean and Sam on that country road. The conversations between Sam and Dean about John and of course the final scene with Dean beating the shit out of Baby. You know he's a mess if he's harming his One True Love.

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Well, I wouldn't say I love this particular case of the week, @7kstar, and on it's own it would never have worked. But I think this is when the show excels is when the case of the week is more of the backdrop to the story of the brothers. It's just the vehicle that gets us to the show, but the real show is Sam and Dean. The reason I really like this episode is that the main show was really good here.


This is what detracts me from enjoying the show currently, the vehicle is trying to be the main show, but there's not enough there for that to work. And then the stuff that should be the main show is also not strong enough to carry itself. Wow, that's some really crappy metaphoring...I really need some kind of shock therapy to stop me from doing this stuff.

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"Time Has Come Today" is a great song for the "Then" song.

My heart breaks a little anytime they drive something that is not the Impala. It's like they're cheating on her. And then when he takes the sledgehammer to it...the only thing that would hurt more is Dean taking a sledgehammer to Sam.

The introduction of the Roadhouse gang is nice. Ellen is such a great character. Still probably my favorite female character on the show. I've always had mixed feelings about Jo, but you gotta respect anyone who succeeds in punching Dean Winchester in the face. I love Ash's specificity in asking for 51 hours. And of course, "MIT?" "It's a school in Boston." Then again, Chad Lindberg's had a tiny piece of my heart since he died in the first Fast and the Furious.

The "Daddy they shot my clown" kid is my least favorite non-evil child ever on Supernatural. Your clown was a people-eating psycho! I have to say the fact that so many kids fall for the clown's trick gets me. 

"I swear the next person who asks if I'm okay, I'm gonna start throwing punches." Such a useful line for real life.

Not the greatest monster of the week, but a perfectly adequate one that introduced us to Sam's fear of clowns and gave a decent backdrop for the introduction of other characters and the brothers' issues. Jared did a great job being on the verge of tears. I know Jensen gets most of the credit for the crying, but Jared also does well with the manly tears.

Edited by bettername2come
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50 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

I have to say the fact that so many kids fall for the clown's trick gets me. 

I do, too.  With t the possible exception of the boy, Evan, they seemed to old to think it would be a good idea to let a strange clown into their house late at night. 

Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but that carnival didn't move far from the first victim to the last, right?  Hey, kid, please don't let any clowns in if you see them.

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On 7/6/2014 at 7:55 AM, mertensia said:

I like this episode. I think the kids are old enough not to be morons and open up the door to any wandering clown, though.

It's the little stuff I like: the owner's quiet lament from his viewpoint: "That's progress. I guess." The boy wandering through the spooky house playing on his handheld while dad tries to get him to look at things. Dean's wall o'silence with Ellen.

And the Impala. Poor Impala.

Poor Impala!

I thought the kids were hypnotized or otherwise being compelled to open the door. They seemed to know the clown was there and wanted in. 

On 7/6/2014 at 8:46 AM, kimrey said:

The Clown chair scene is one of my all time favorites.  So much is said in that little moment without any lines.  Dean immediately noticing it and running for the regular chair, Sam hesitating and then uncomfortably sitting down.  Dean's look of glee while watching him.  Love it.

Such a sibling thing to do.

This was a bit of a meh episode for me. I don't find clowns particularly scary. The real value was in the fallout from John's death, I suppose. 

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20 minutes ago, The Companion said:

This was a bit of a meh episode for me. I don't find clowns particularly scary. The real value was in the fallout from John's death, I suppose. 

I didn't particularly care for this epi the first time I saw it, but it's really grown on me.  I decided it's not really about the case.  Besides the teaser they don't even really get into the case until about 10 minutes in.  You're absolutely right. This episode is about John's death, and as such, it's really good.  Especially the first and last scenes.  Dean has to keep all his worry about whatever John said to him inside.  

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