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S02.E10 : Fallen

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After his intentional attack on two police officers results in his arrest, Dick finally finds peace in a Nevada prison. But the hero he’s left behind has not been buried forever. Meanwhile, Rachel befriends a runaway girl and takes her under her wing – only to find that her own powers might not fully be under her control. Back at Titans Tower, Gar is reunited with Conner and Krypto, but when Mercy Graves sets her sights on retrieving “Subject 13” for Cadmus, Gar finds himself caught in the crossfire.

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Dear Titans,

If I want to watch a prison show, I can find a prison show to watch. If I want to watch a show about homeless teens, I'm sure there's one out there. I don't know because I haven't looked because neither of those things interest me. That's why I'm watching a superhero show, or thought I was anyway. 

That was the most boring episode so far. The only real positives I can think of are- Gar turned into a Tiger again and got some screen time...and I haven't heard Smash It Up in quite some time. This season has had some good songs playing over the end credits. And...I think that's all I've got. 

I'm tired of them coming together as a team and then breaking them apart again. 3 episodes left. I bet we don't see the team reunite till the end of episode 12, maybe not even took 13. 

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So Dick sure was lucky to get stuck with sympathetic gangsters. And he's going to get his idea for being Nightwing from them. Also they keep telling us Dick was a Detective but not show us him doing any detecting. Donna acted more like a detective than Dick ever has. I'm still mad that Conner gets to have all his powers but no one else does. Donna should've just been able to superspeed after Rachel got out of the cab. The lasso's cool and all but Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl are more than that. They are Amazon warriors. 

I'm not sure why I'm supposed to care that Rachel's making friends with homeless teens and killing people when she doesn't know she is. 

Gar is finally getting some screentime. They still should've used this time to show us he can change into other animals. They made it look like Cadmus would help with that, but then at the end Mercy is giving him back to the Titan's probably to spy on them. 

I'm thinking this show is better to binge watch so we don't have these large breaks inbetween storylines. At this rate we are waiting at least 2 weeks between the main plot. Then they just break them up and spend 2 episodes on boring stuff until they get back together. It all just seems like they are wasting time because they didn't have enough story to last 13 episodes. 

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50 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Gar is finally getting some screentime. They still should've used this time to show us he can change into other animals. They made it look like Cadmus would help with that, but then at the end Mercy is giving him back to the Titan's probably to spy on them. 

I'm thinking this show is better to binge watch so we don't have these large breaks inbetween storylines. At this rate we are waiting at least 2 weeks between the main plot. Then they just break them up and spend 2 episodes on boring stuff until they get back together. It all just seems like they are wasting time because they didn't have enough story to last 13 episodes. 

I wondered if she was brain washing Gar at the end or something. It was weird that they shot him from behind watching the movie. 

I agree that binge watching would probably make this better. I didn't watch season 1 "in real time", I binge watched it in about 2 days so the pacing there wasn't really an issue for me. The beginning of this season was pretty strong, but now we're getting these slower episodes and I'm not happy about it so late in the season.

I wish they would have done all the OG Titans stuff as part of season 1, with bits of Gar, Rachel, and Kory too, and then this season would have been more about them with the occasional guest appearance from the others. 

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no Hawk & Dawn which makes me happy. No Kory, which saddens me...

So Dick thought landing himself in prison with a "feel free to kill me if  you want" attitude is the best way to atone for his part in Jericho's death? I want to reach into the screen and shake some sense into that idiot. Who is, in the meantime, partly responsible for Cadmus getting their hands on not just Conner and Krypto again but also Gar. They were in his care and he left them all alone. But at least looks like his prison stint is going to get him out of his funk and make him find his path again. He helps people, that is what he does. It is also why he is the guy everyone calls when they need help.

Speaking of calls, if I didn't know better, Donna's first phone calls to Dick would make me thing he is the one who turned his back to her and abandoned her and she is the one trying to get him to talk to her again. I really hope we get a proper reunion scene for these two where they talk and make up.

So opening scene said Dick is sentenced to 7 years in prison with no probation (how does that NOT make the news btw, Bruce Wayne's adopted son who is a detective gets arrested and sentenced and it doesn't make the headlines?).  But how on earth can he be tried so quick? And when the guard checked his file it said "awaiting trial". So he didn't get the trial and the 7 years thing is what the prosecutor is asking for? Is that it?

What book was he reading in the prison?

They are going for a different origin  for Nightwing than in the comics (and I really love the one in comics) but I am fine with that, actually. It works for this show, and his character's arc in this show.

Not a big fan of Rachel's story so far... Feels like we already did the "batttling with the demon inside" thing last season with her.

Mercy's boring family was boring and a waste of screentime. I don't need them to know Mercy is devoted to her work or that she is rigid. And having a family doesn't make you any less of a villain or heartless manipulator.

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17 minutes ago, DeadlyEuphoric said:

So opening scene said Dick is sentenced to 7 years in prison with no probation (how does that NOT make the news btw, Bruce Wayne's adopted son who is a detective gets arrested and sentenced and it doesn't make the headlines?).  But how on earth can he be tried so quick? And when the guard checked his file it said "awaiting trial". So he didn't get the trial and the 7 years thing is what the prosecutor is asking for? Is that it?

I was wondering that too, how did Donna not hear about Dick's arrest? She was still in the city looking for Rachel. Connor made the news and I know his is a bigger story but like you said Dick is the adopted son of Bruce Wayne that would've made the news as well. Especially since he went to prison. 

Donna did say she's probably the last person he wants to talk too. But he knows Rachel better than her so it makes sense she'd call him. He's the one that took her in, in the first place. I'm going to assume she called Kory too but she was busy dealing with her sister and killing her ex. 

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If this was a longer season, I would have really enjoyed this episode.  But all I could think was that they were introducing threads they couldn't possibly tie up in 3 episodes.  Raven being at the shelter and her powering a murdering gargoyle is interesting but it can't be resolved well in 3 episodes.

The plot with Gar and Cadmus feels like seeds for S3 and I'm actually okay with that because it might give him more to do finally.

But we now have to break Dick out of prison or get him released, make him Nightwing, free Conner and Gar, reunite the Titans, help Starfire with Darkfire, get Hank off drugs (which sound like it might be a whole entire episode - ugh), defeat Slade, free Jericho, etc..

LIke - there is only gonna be one episode with Slade at the end - watch.

That's lame!

If we are only gonna have one big showdown fight with the season big bad per season (in current day and time, not including flashbacks), then AT LEAST give us villains of the week so we can see the team TOGETHER and fighting!

This is just sooooooo slow.  I feel like we wait all season for it to finallY get going.  It's like a car that keeps stalling out once it gets over 60mph.

So frustrating.

And where are Rose and Jason?  Kory?

They either need to give this show more episodes or pick up the pace.

ETA:  I LOVE KRYPTO.  Conner yelling at him hurt.  But then because he's the goodest boy ever - he goes back to Titans Tower.  Love Krypto.

ETA again: So the adopted son of a billionaire gets arrested and put in jail but we're supposed to believe not a peep from Bruce?  Or that Donna or the others wouldn't see that blasted on the news?  It's not like Dick was in Malaysia of the grid or something.

Edited by phoenics
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22 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

I bet we don't see the team reunite till the end of episode 12, maybe not even took 13. 

I'm going to guess next weeks episode is going to focus on Jason and Rose and of course Dick, Hank and Dawn because we can't go that long without seeing their relationship drama. So we will have to wait another whole week to get back to the main plot. 

I think next season I'll wait until I can binge watch it. I binged the first season and liked it better.

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One other thing I noticed:  a little bit of cultural appropriation with the bird thing the men in Dick's cell were going on about.  It looks just like the Nightwing symbol.  I guess they aren't going for the original origin story for how Dick got the name, etc.

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