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S01.E20: Never Let Me Go

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58 minutes ago, politichick said:

Deavan and Jihoon are cute, but I hope they can find a way to earn some money to support their growing family. And I hope that she's learning how to speak Korean because when the devil child arrives she'll likely be fluent within months and Deaven will be the only one in the house who speaks only English.

My heart just grew ten sizes at the thought of Drascilla terrorizing the streets of Seoul while shrieking in perfect Korean. Take some notes, Tiffany, this is how you do it. 

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I actually feel sorry for Ronald!!!   Daniel had my sympathy a long time ago.

The only one that appears to not be upset about leaving at the airport is Tiffany!

Edited by Kid
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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

It's hard not to love Jihoon.  He has a silliness that is so loveable.  I don't really see how those two found each other and what they have in common, but maybe he will lighten her moods up a bit. Of course, the terror child isn't there yet.  Please let them be on the next season!

I love him without reservation. He is cute as a button and I love his silliness. He's such a goofball! And his parents are so cute I could gobble them up. So refreshing after the parade of rude, unpleasant family members we've seen on this show. They are just lovely and I want to hang out with them.

Why is Deavan not taking Korean lessons? I mean, I know she has a baby but her MIL could help out for a few hours a week, couldn't she? I would think that learning the language of her adopted country would be priority one. Girl. Get it together!

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2 hours ago, kacesq said:

I need to come to my desktop with a real keyboard to fully vent my spleen over that horrific excuse for a mother, Tiffany, Queen of the Cold Shoulders.  She is the most selfish person I've seen on this show and that's quite a coup for her.

She never thinks beyond her own wants and needs.  She decided a vacation lay was the love of her life and she uproots her child to move to South Africa to be there when the loser gets out of rehab.  And no, that's not enough, she has to marry him.  Then and there.  And get pregnant.  And hold his debit card when they go to stores and remind him constantly how much she's been thru? Who the hell does she think she is?  Why does she think she's such a prize -as both a wife and mother - that she destroys everyone's life for 90 days of playing house with the criminal husband?

I think Daniel is a nervous kid - probably from years of selfish mommy oversharing with him.  And Mommy Dearest sold this kid on a this fabled land with Ronald and then...voila, unemployment, dangerous parks, and hospitals too good for Queen Tiffany.  Never mind that you are bonding with the guy I told you was dad, Daniel, I need to go home and have my newest child in a hospital up to my standards.  Oh but don't relapse, Ronald! But if you do, I'll remind you of it for the rest of your life.

I think Tiffany and Ronald think they're in love with each other, I think Ronald likes the idea of insta-family - but neither of them have good coping or decision-making skills and the mess they've made of Daniel's and new baby's life is proof of that.

So I'm sure TLC will reward her with a few more seasons... UGH.  A few more season of her bleating how unfair it is her child can't be with his dad...

And all of this around the time Daniel's father died. Regardless of how close they may or may not have been, that had to have an effect on him.

Edited by Gobi
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On 10/8/2019 at 4:17 AM, nutella fitzgerald said:

But an arranged marriage isn’t the same as a forced marriage. Especially in 2019, most arranged marriages are much more similar in concept to blind dates than a Simba/Nala betrothal. The fact that Sumit even agreed to be on this show makes me think that he’s just a passive person who won’t say no even if he knows he’s heading for a shitstorm.

More of a blind date with an opt out option would be more likely for an upper class family who sorta kinda let's their children choose from a previous vetted group of potential partners. But for the vast majority of India, the arranged marriage, once the parents decide on it, is a done deal so it isnt an opt out situation. At that point you have to do it. We call it forced marriage, he calls it forced marriage, but it's a very common situation and you just have to do it. 

Edited by gingerella
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3 minutes ago, Kareem said:

I was admittedly in the "What the hell was that?!" group when Drusilla was eating eggs on the counter with her feet but I remember, too, how calm and quiet she was with Jihoon when the new baby came home, and the way he softly spoke to her.  Maybe that will be the Drusilla who joins them in Korea. 

Jihoon has a sense of humor that makes me smile.  I can see why she was attracted to his personality.  He adores her and it was sweet seeing his reaction to her in the traditional clothes.  I think he believes Deavan and the kids are worth growing up for.  She seems to get him.  I wish them all well. 

They don't annoy me as much as the others, for sure. I'm not big on up and moving my family to another country just because I get knocked up after a 3-week sexathon, but at least she (unlike Tiffany) went without Drascilla in order to get things in order. She whines and seems to turn her nose up at a lot, but she does go along with a lot of the things that she doesn't understand as part of their culture. The in-laws are being awesome and although Juni seems to have the maturity of a 7th grader, I DO have some hope for him to mature. 

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14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Or have Sumit's wife come out of nowhere, and both smile at each other for the $6000 they just got.

If Jenny had more backbone, it could be a "Two Black Cadillacs" moment.  I love Carrie Underwood!

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8 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

Where did Corey get the money?  That was a good size diamond.   Unless he pulled a Ceaser and bought a diamondalle  or whatever they're called.  

I highly doubt it was a real diamond unless he's counting it in the total of all the money he's spent on her. And wouldn't she look pretty ridiculous anyway, driving around in that hooptie car, living in that bare bones apartment and working at a tiki bar wearing a huge rock? But I'm also confused that apparently he had already given her some type of ring. Remember after she had gone back to Ecuador and Corey was still in Washington and they had an argument on the phone because she "wasn't wearing her ring"? 

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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Remember after she had gone back to Ecuador and Corey was still in Washington and they had an argument on the phone because she "wasn't wearing her ring"? 

That must have been her "promise ring". Remember all these people are apparently in seventh grade.

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13 hours ago, magemaud said:

Raw-nold should demand a paternity test because Tiff sure looks more than 90 Days pregnant! And I hate her for making poor little Daniel cry like he’s being tortured 

So the “Tell All” looks like all the Americans are there in the studio and the foreign fiancés/spouses (except Jihoon) are phoning it in? I don’t see a screen for Karine which leads me to guess she’s going to make a surprise appearance in person. I predict Deaven and Jihoon are the only couple who make it. 

Get a mani-pedi stat! 

I"m not understanding the point of lying about the pregnancy timeline. She's obviously more than 3 months pregnant. That fetus was waving on the damn ultrasound. I've had 3 kids with literally dozens of ultrasounds and I just accompanied a friend to get one on her 12-week old fetus last week. There's no way that what we were shown was Tiffany's 90-day bump. So either the baby belongs to someone else or Tiffany's been in SA longer than they've admitted. But why lie about the latter? 

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52 minutes ago, Gobi said:

And all of this not long around the time Daniel's father died.

Here's a thought, could Daniel's late father have also fathered the new baby? The plot thickens! 

It's hard to tell from the brief glimpse we see of the Tell All since she's sitting down and was overweight in the first place, but was Tiffany still pregnant when it was filmed? 

24 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

That must have been her "promise ring". Remember all these people are apparently in seventh grade.

Or a "purity ring" ha ha

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How old is Tiffany?  Would she be considered high risk due to her size?  I'm wondering if the idea of having an emergency delivery in that public hospital really scared her.  It did seem pretty basic. Would they transfer you to a private facility, if she started with problems......IDK, sort of scary.  We never know what transpires behind the scenes. Also, maybe, Ronald's mom stopped the financing.  I bet that would cause one to rethink lifestyle. 

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25 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:

Corey: I can't wait to ask Evelin to marry me. Evelin, will you marry me?

Evelin: Eh...that's a big question.

Corey: You don't have to if you don't want to.

Evelin:  I mean...okay? Yeah, sure. Maybe.

Corey: We're getting married!

what was edited out, "If you agree to marry me, we can milk this franchise for another season!" "More money? Well, in that case, I say yes"

Edited by magemaud
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I wonder if Tiffany just wanted another baby without having another man in her life.  Remember she told Daniel’s father if he wasn’t all in he could not have any involvement.  So her purported dislike of South Africa and Ronald’s inability to come to the United States solves any issue of Ronald insisting to be involved in the second child’s life.

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8 minutes ago, Spike said:

I wonder if Tiffany just wanted another baby without having another man in her life.  Remember she told Daniel’s father if he wasn’t all in he could not have any involvement.  So her purported dislike of South Africa and Ronald’s inability to come to the United States solves any issue of Ronald insisting to be involved in the second child’s life.

Sort of like a prison wife, but she gets to sound a bit more classy based when she tells them her hubby lives out of the country. She's free to raise her child as she likes without any interference.

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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

More of a blind date with an opt out option would be more likely for an upper class family who sorta kinda let's their children choose from a previous vetted group of potential partners. But for the vast majority of India, the arranged marriage, once the parents decide on it, is a done deal so it is st an opt out situation. At that point you have to do it. We call it forced marriage, he calls it forced marriage, but it's a very common situation and you just have to do it. 

While I get that there is forced marriage there are still ways around not going through it if you had any backbone which Somemeat doesn't not.  He could have high tailed it out of the country and married his beloved Jenny.  He could have moved to England, Canada or Australia without marrying Jenny.  I totally understand the pressure of family, marriage and obligation but there were ways instead of acting like a fool and pretending to be two star crossed lovers.  Plus the guy is totally scuzzy anyways.  He catfished her.  

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Every time I see or hear Jenny & Sumit I just think:


3 hours ago, vmcd88 said:

That whole conversation Tiffany had with Ronald's counselor was so stupid.  She was asking the counselor to babysit Ronald while she was away.  I dont understand what drove Tiff to want to exit stage left so quickly.  Was it the shabby hospital for pregnant women? Her poor child?  Is it easier to get him a visa to come to the US now that they are already married? Jenny is just a mess and clearly needs some serious therapy.  You'd think they were Romeo and Juliet they way Jenny was carrying on.    I do wonder if Evelyn will drag out the engagement long enough to spend Corey's inheritance.  I love Jinhoon and Deavan.  They are cute together.  

I think she always planned to return to the US...the hospital conditions just upped her timeframe.  She had no interest in receiving medical care in SA.

2 hours ago, Drogo said:

He's adorable in the way a child is.  Then I remember he's not 5, he's a grown man and a father of two children and I don't trust him a lick to keep them or himself alive whatsoever.



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9 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

I think she always planned to return to the US...the hospital conditions just upped her timeframe.  She had no interest in receiving medical care in SA.

She would much rather have the taxpayers pay via Medicaid.

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8 minutes ago, OnceSane said:


^^Me, watching every couple on every iteration of this show.^^  

I just posted this in the Tiffany & Ronald thread, but here it is again: 

We are not here to discuss Medicaid or U.S. immigration policies.  

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3 hours ago, politichick said:

I had to fast forward through some of Jenny and Sumit because that bitch is too fucking stupid to live. She seriously needs to be, like, electroshocked into reality. And Sumit can just shut up, too. I get the whole cultural, Indian parents rule thing, but that doesn't excuse the extraordinary level of deceit. The only one I feel sorry for is the wife who must be so embarrassed. The only nice thing I can say about Jenny is that she built a lovely Indian wardrobe.

I think in the end Daniel will be okay. He'll miss Ronald a lot at first but will be so happy to see his family and friends, go to school and and be able to play outside freely and eat American candy again that the airport hysterics will become a distant memory. We never even saw him interacting with or mentioning other children while there.

That said, as someone else noted above, Tiffany couldn't wait to hightail it out of SA. Something seems a bit fishy about that whole situation.

Maybe there was a lot of time and other stuff that went on between her finding out she was pregnant, visiting the hospital, and leaving SA but on the show, at least, it seemed really sketchy. I spent the first 7 months of my first pregnancy in England/Wales and it was really difficult trying to decide whether to give birth there or in the US. I took prenatal classes there, visited two hospitals, flew back to the US to see what my options were here, etc. I basically spent 6 1/2 months trying to make the best decision and ultimately returned home because as good as the English healthcare system is, I wanted to be in a place that I knew and with lots of family and friends around for support. It wasn't a decision that I, nor my husband, took lightly. (Also, unlike Roll-the-dice-nold, my husband was able to fly to the US with me and be there for the birth and actually stay there until his K-1 came through.)

Something's funky about Tiff. 

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Rachel of Eyebooger picking and UK Criminal John - she must be boiling in the fact that Tiffany could have stayed in SA and chose not to where as "its not fair" had to return home because she actually has another child that father is in its life. I guarantee Rachel would have moved to the UK to be with John had it not been for baby daddy

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51 minutes ago, greekmom said:

While I get that there is forced marriage there are still ways around not going through it if you had any backbone which Somemeat doesn't not.  He could have high tailed it out of the country and married his beloved Jenny.  He could have moved to England, Canada or Australia without marrying Jenny.  I totally understand the pressure of family, marriage and obligation but there were ways instead of acting like a fool and pretending to be two star crossed lovers.  Plus the guy is totally scuzzy anyways.  He catfished her.  

And barring all that, he could've at least TOLD Jenny. 

His options may not have been good, but they still existed. In the end, he ultimately made his own (marriage) bed. 

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12 hours ago, gingerella said:

If you haven’t lived or worked in India, it might seem like he’s a wimp and why couldn’t he just tell his parents he didn’t want an arranged marriage and that he wanted to choose his own mate. But that shit just doesn’t happen in most parts of India, and the level of power that parents wield in the Indian family structure is extremely intense, people do not typically grow up thinking they have any personal agency over their own life decisions. There is no way for us to know if Sumit’s family had promised him to some other family’s daughter, perhaps they had been paid for this and they had no recourse.That sort of thing happens all the time. Bringing shame on ones family is a real thing there if this was already arranged and promised, I can see why he might have felt powerless. 

I agree with this. We met with an Indian couple who were spending time in the States while he did some specialized job training. We had a long conversation about marriage (theirs was arranged) and their perspective, culturally, was so different than ours as Americans. To them, marriage was primarily a business arrangement: her family vetted prospective "candidates," and determined that he was the best one to assure a good living and to provide for her. They did not meet until shortly before their wedding. We asked about incompatibility and they said it really isn't an issue. And extended family is most definitely involved. And if there is marital strife, they told us, either they would have to fix it or the parents would get involved and "make it work".

On another note, I really can't stand the weak cracky voice that Cory has and how indecisive he sounds so much of the time. This series loves to have at least one guy like that in each season. He is the new Russ.  Lets the woman steamroll over him at every turn; worries and fusses over every decision. Maybe it's me, but that's massively unappealing.

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Don't forget "It's his culture". That along with the snotty saliva filled tear wiping crying was indeed vomit inducing. 

Edited to add: Jenny really lives in a fairy tale world. She said the six months in India were the best of her life, Somemeat made her happy. Ummmm...... all they did was fight about his disappearing acts for weeks at a time,  her worrying about him not having a job and the fact that he would not tell his parents that she was in India. But, ok, happiest six mos of her life!!!

I'm still trying to figure out how he pulled this off for 6 MONTHS!! I couldn't believe when she said that is how long she was there.  How did he go back and forth for 6 months and why did either of them (Jenny/wife) put up with that.  What is the magic that they all see in Mt. Summit

Edited by Kmascio5660
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3 hours ago, gingerella said:

More of a blind date with an opt out option would be more likely for an upper class family who sorta kinda let's their children choose from a previous vetted group of potential partners. But for the vast majority of India, the arranged marriage, once the parents decide on it, is a done deal so it is st an opt out situation. At that point you have to do it. We call it forced marriage, he calls it forced marriage, but it's a very common situation and you just have to do it. 

My family is definitely not upper class, so I can say with certainty that while this isn't how it's universally practiced, it is not unique to the patrician families of the subcontinent. I also believe Sumit's family lives in Gurugram, which is a fairly modern city, rather than some unsophisticated village where they still practice the same traditions as my great-grandparents would have.

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6 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Life insurance claims can be paid very quickly.  His father died a couple of weeks before his spending spree.

I'm adding up one and one . . . 

I doubt Corey got any inheritance, that usually goes to the surviving spouse.

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4 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

I doubt Corey got any inheritance, that usually goes to the surviving spouse.

Usually?  Yes.  Always?  No.  My brother died last month and had two policies . . . one for his ex-wife, and one to be split evenly among his four adult kids.

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16 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Mercy she got rid of all her skimpy San Diego tops but Has some beautiful Kurtas that suit her much better.

Jenny is from Palm Springs, which is 150 miles from San Diego and wildly different in culture. California is a big state, the size of Italy plus another 1/4th of that. San Diego is a coastal city thrumming with biotech, Palm Springs is a desert community full of retirees and fun gay guys. Where did the San Diego reference originate?

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19 hours ago, TerryeW1 said:

I have to admit, my eyes teared up when Sumit and Jenny were saying good-bye.

And can I just say - I love Jihoon!

Mine did too. Too much side eyeing makes them water

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11 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

But an arranged marriage isn’t the same as a forced marriage. Especially in 2019, most arranged marriages are much more similar in concept to blind dates than a Simba/Nala betrothal. The fact that Sumit even agreed to be on this show makes me think that he’s just a passive person who won’t say no even if he knows he’s heading for a shitstorm.

Exactly. Summit and Jenny made it sound like he would have been killed (literally) had he not given in. He didn’t live in some village. He’s from New Delhi and is fluent in English, implying the family isn’t poor. I’m married to an Indian from New Delhi. I know many many Indian men. Some are married to non Indians, many are in their 40s and 50s and not married...not gay. And I know a few who had arranged marriages of the sort you described. I know not a single person in a summit situation of a forced marraige.

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7 hours ago, Drogo said:

I'd say the only 100% authentic relationship this season was between Daniel and Ronald.  Those 2 need and care for each other far more than Tiffany needs or cares for either.  

*No lie, I was fucked up over "Just one more hug."  Have I been there, my boy.

I didn’t want to admit to letting that last m’boy hug get me, but I’ll piggyback onto yours

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3 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I agree with this. We met with an Indian couple who were spending time in the States while he did some specialized job training. We had a long conversation about marriage (theirs was arranged) and their perspective, culturally, was so different than ours as Americans. To them, marriage was primarily a business arrangement: her family vetted prospective "candidates," and determined that he was the best one to assure a good living and to provide for her. They did not meet until shortly before their wedding. We asked about incompatibility and they said it really isn't an issue. And extended family is most definitely involved. And if there is marital strife, they told us, either they would have to fix it or the parents would get involved and "make it work".

Thank you! I think those commenting that he could have done something, anything, are viewing this from a very Western perspective. If you haven't lived in that type of setting, you cannot say someone could do this or that. Should he have told Jenny BEFORE she sold her shit, quit her job, and flew over? Absofuckinglutely! Could he have gotten a job outside the country and/or told a little lie and/or gone to the US on a K1 visa and married Jenny and just stayed there? Maybe he couldn't get a job outside of the US, we have no clue of his actual credentials, skills or education. Jenny could have helped him unbeknownst to his family IF he hadn't yet been married, that scenario would have worked. But he didn't, and she didn't offer to apply for the K1. Yes he's a scumbag for what he did to his wife, but we also don't know that story either. All we have is a photo from the internet which may or may not be his actual wife and that tells us nothing other than if she IS his wife, she's pretty. Colleagues and friends have told me that in a pinch a wedding can be thrown together quickly and if his family was desperate to marry him off, they could have ambushed him, we don't really know. But to say he could have gotten out of it is looking at it through Western norms.

Lastly, but not least, I'm not even buying 100% that he IS married because we haven't seen the family in question at all. Given that there are texts from Jenny online saying that the show would be 'great for her and Sumit', it is entirely possible that this whole scorned marriage thing is cooked up and we'll get another installment of their juvenile Romeo & Juliet bullshit next season and surprise! He's not married or he got a 'divorce' to be with the love of his life...! TLC fucks with all, these stories so I still don't completely believe this one.

2 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

My family is definitely not upper class, so I can say with certainty that while this isn't how it's universally practiced, it is not unique to the patrician families of the subcontinent. I also believe Sumit's family lives in Gurugram, which is a fairly modern city, rather than some unsophisticated village where they still practice the same traditions as my great-grandparents would have.

Okay, you're correct so let me re-frame what I said...It may not be the norm, or it may be permissible to say 'No' to the parental options if you are from a family that either is fairly upper class or that has a certain level of education and/or perhaps has had exposure to other ways of being. Example: the drivers and tea boys in the office I worked in heard plenty about child marriages and if they had access to a different way of thinking through the work place, perhaps it changed some of their family norms.  But I was/am talking about the vast majority of Indians who would never be participating in an online forum about American reality TV shows, so by virtue of being here as a poster, you are definitely not who I was referring to regardless of your personal/family status. And while I did wonder about Sumit's family's status because of the location, just because TLC puts his location as "Gurgaon/Gurugram", doesn't mean his family isn't one of the poorer ones or doesn't live on the fringe there,  or perhaps his parents are extremely traditional in their mindset. Delhi is a very cosmopolitan city, but as you know, there is abject poverty all over the place, and those people I highly doubt would be in a position to refuse an arranged marriage.

17 minutes ago, Wanda said:

He’s from New Delhi and is fluent in English, implying the family isn’t poor.

The tea boys in my Delhi office were English speakers, and while they had a job, they were definitely what I would consider 'poor' by urban Indian standards. A lot of people learn English to get by because they can get piecemeal jobs with tourists or make a buck showing a tourist the way to their destination. From what we've been told, Sumit worked in a call center, so he supposedly had a job, whether it was steady or paid well, who knows, but it doesn't imply his family isn't poor.

Edited by gingerella
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48 minutes ago, OrchidThief said:

Jenny is from Palm Springs, which is 150 miles from San Diego and wildly different in culture. California is a big state, the size of Italy plus another 1/4th of that. San Diego is a coastal city thrumming with biotech, Palm Springs is a desert community full of retirees and fun gay guys. Where did the San Diego reference originate?

Sorry that’s the second time I’ve done that . Since I had a doubt in my head when I posted this time, I did a quick google search and didn’t find anything. Geez my head is not on straight I’ve had in my head Arizona, Las Vegas,just can’t keep all these 90 day mature ladies straight..  It’s not like I haven’t lived all my life in CA and vacationed in both those places.  

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10 minutes ago, OrchidThief said:

Totally confused. The boy, Daniel, was very unhappy, so his mother is taking him home to the US, which is what he wanted. Now he's throwing a class-A whiny meltdown. Why? I thought he wanted to go home.

He’s a drama queen.

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7 minutes ago, OrchidThief said:

Totally confused. The boy, Daniel, was very unhappy, so his mother is taking him home to the US, which is what he wanted. Now he's throwing a class-A whiny meltdown. Why? I thought he wanted to go home.

I think, like some have have suggested, that Daniel is straight up confused.  First he is told all about his new awesome life in SA, but has been sold a bill of goods.  He wants to go home but nope, Tiffany says "We are your family  Suck it up!"  Now.....we are going home after all!!  She wants OUT OF THERE.  She is pregnant by an unemployed felon who she feels she has to monitor 24/7 and she wants OUT.  

Her talk with Craigh (sp?) was cringy.  She basically asked him, no TOLD him to keep an eye on him and told Ronald to go see Craigh right away after the plane departs.  No no NO!  You do NOT get to tell him anything, Tiff.  He can go look for work, he can play cards, he can play hopscotch on the saddest playground, ever.   Or he can go buy a keg and gamble everything away.  You don't get to decide nor dictate.  I have been open about my struggles (in the past, thank God) but my hubby would never dream of telling me what to do, nor me towards him.  Tiffany, please heed:  You did not cause it, you can't control it nor can you cure it.  Tiffany, when someone tell you these things, PLEASE do not follow it with:  "But....."  No buts.  Full on stop.

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11 hours ago, vmcd88 said:

That whole conversation Tiffany had with Ronald's counselor was so stupid.  She was asking the counselor to babysit Ronald while she was away.  I dont understand what drove Tiff to want to exit stage left so quickly.  Was it the shabby hospital for pregnant women? Her poor child?  Is it easier to get him a visa to come to the US now that they are already married? Jenny is just a mess and clearly needs some serious therapy.  You'd think they were Romeo and Juliet they way Jenny was carrying on.    I do wonder if Evelyn will drag out the engagement long enough to spend Corey's inheritance.  I love Jinhoon and Deavan.  They are cute together.  

I wondered that too about tiffany, and then listening to her and watching her at the airport decided she must have realized she really doesn't like Ronald. I think she didn't know him well and after three months thought "nope". She seemed like she was on her way to the grocery store not saying goodbye at the airport to her husband. Nothing she says aligns with what she does.

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21 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

I just got to the part where Jenny wails plaintively about how this shitshow isn’t Sumit’s fault. Honest question: whose fault does she think it is? I kind of feel like the only option that leaves is that it’s her own fault.

I really don’t know if I’ll be able to watch sweet Daniel at the airport 😢 

Jenny is a ride or die for real!  

This isn't his fault?  Girl you just quit your job and spend your $6k to be a piece of side ass!  

Sumit is NEVER getting divorced unless his poor wife is so mortified and humiliated that she demands a divorce. 

Last week he was all piss and vinegar "I'd rather be in jail!" "I finally told them I love Jenny and I'll do anything to be with her!" 

This week "I have a lot of work to do" "My brother will be back in an hour" "I wish you didn't have to leave but we had a great time"

He needs to quit with the "buts" this is all his fault.  Full stop. 

8 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I think, like some have have suggested, that Daniel is straight up confused.  First he is told all about his new awesome life in SA, but has been sold a bill of goods.  He wants to go home but nope, Tiffany says "We are your family  Suck it up!"  Now.....we are going home after all!!  She wants OUT OF THERE.  She is pregnant by an unemployed felon who she feels she has to monitor 24/7 and she wants OUT.  

Her talk with Craigh (sp?) was cringy.  She basically asked him, no TOLD him to keep an eye on him and told Ronald to go see Craigh right away after the plane departs.  No no NO!  You do NOT get to tell him anything, Tiff.  He can go look for work, he can play cards, he can play hopscotch on the saddest playground, ever.   Or he can go buy a keg and gamble everything away.  You don't get to decide nor dictate.  I have been open about my struggles (in the past, thank God) but my hubby would never dream of telling me what to do, nor me towards him.  Tiffany, please heed:  You did not cause it, you can't control it nor can you cure it.  Tiffany, when someone tell you these things, PLEASE do not follow it with:  "But....."  No buts.  Full on stop.

She absolutely lost me when she wanted to "talk to craigh one on one". 

I'm not 10, if you need to talk about me I can stay in the damn room. 

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9 hours ago, Drogo said:

He's adorable in the way a child is.  Then I remember he's not 5, he's a grown man and a father of two children and I don't trust him a lick to keep them or himself alive whatsoever.

The Friends episode where Chandler and Joey leave the baby on the bus?  That's Jihoon.

This.  I like jihoon but he is a childish man....just like he said.  

I think Devan is in for some hard times ahead.  Maybe he will just hand her a paycheck, but he may also spend their money on something capricious....like a cool car he saw, or magic beans.

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23 hours ago, magemaud said:

Chenny is another finger tear wiper. And for goodness sake, she sat around that apartment for weeks at a time, couldn’t she have fixed her nail polish? 


Do they not sell nail polish remover?  Just take the polish off already!  

22 hours ago, magemaud said:

Raw-nold should demand a paternity test because Tiff sure looks more than 90 Days pregnant! And I hate her for making poor little Daniel cry like he’s being tortured 

So the “Tell All” looks like all the Americans are there in the studio and the foreign fiancés/spouses (except Jihoon) are phoning it in? I don’t see a screen for Karine which leads me to guess she’s going to make a surprise appearance in person. I predict Deaven and Jihoon are the only couple who make it. 

Get a mani-pedi stat! 

I cannot wait for the tell-all!  

I hope they won't deal me a blow and split it into two parts!

21 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Sumit, an example of catfishing gone very very wrong.

For everyone except him, who got a six months siesta from real life on someone else's dime. 

11 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

She's lived a long time, had a childhood, as adult perhaps married, but a least procreated, has at least one daughter and grandkids...but NEVER had as much as happiness.  All I can guess is she is a creature of the moment, and delusional and prone to hyperbole to boot.

LOL, last time she was listing "things I gave up to be with you" her furniture, car and job made the list....her children and grandchildren did not. 

And that car was a 15 year old Corolla, a good car, but IJS.

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21 hours ago, LilMissKnowitall said:

I wondered that too about tiffany, and then listening to her and watching her at the airport decided she must have realized she really doesn't like Ronald. I think she didn't know him well and after three months thought "nope". She seemed like she was on her way to the grocery store not saying goodbye at the airport to her husband. Nothing she says aligns with what she does.

Yeppers - I think she (they, yes it takes two, lol) got pregnant on purpose to give Daniel a sibling and then return to the US to raise said child up.  Perhaps that was not her original intent, but as it was becoming really REAL about the crap hitting the fan, she was like I am outta here!  It is NOT the same thing, but please hear my analogy:  Many and multiple people in my profession (special ed teacher) have a job as an Educational Assistant, see how pros do it (we make it look easy!) and think, "How hard could it be?"  Well......guess what.  You used to leave school as quitting time?  Now you stay for another hour, unpaid to do paperwork, because your Prep/Due Process time was used for that behavior student....again, and you were pulled in 18 directions during the day.  And endless meeting that go until 6pm and guess what - no pay for that, either!!  And the parents.......

What I am saying is:  Tiff thought she was signing up for Fun Vacation Ronald and got Recovering Addict Who She Does Not Trust Ronald.

I will say this:  I think his affection for Daniel is true and genuine.

Jenny:  "This has been the happiest six months of my life!"  Really?  Your time bringing up your kids?  Being on a fun vacation?  Having your kids?  By what we have been shown you have been crying, nagging, yelling, frustrated and being, oh I don't know.....LIED TO?  Jesus, Mar and Joseph I though Kimberly Clark was sponsoring this, or maybe Xanax and these two are the MOST depressing couple, EVER.

Also:  If my man showed up and said he had an hour, I would NOT be sitting around crying, I would engaged in other activities.  Just sayin'.........

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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