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I don't mind being a little spoiled. I mean I really just came into the series this past winter so Spoilers were hard to avoid. I will try and avoid these script ones because I need to see 12 be the doctor first to judge. Tumblr's going to be a tricky place to wade through for a while >.<

Edited by tarotx
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I think I'm losing my mind but it looks like Who isn't going to be at CCI this year.  They aren't anywhere to be found on the Sunday schedule, where it's been the last few years, and I can't find it on an earlier day either.  Has anyone heard anything?  Is this Moffat's big revenge for last year?

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Bugger! I'm going to have to be wearing blinkers when  I go online for the next few months!

Well, till the end of August anyway @HauntedBathroom 23rd to be precise! Woot!

Erm, well, yes and no. If 5 scripts are out there, that's probably through September, right? Edited by shapeshifter
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Yeesh BBC! Get it together! Thanks @Kromm I'll be very careful to not read about those. My husband mentioned he heard they were work prints, not fully finished as well but I don't know where he saw that. Either way I can wait until August to see them! 

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Yeesh BBC! Get it together! Thanks @Kromm I'll be very careful to not read about those. My husband mentioned he heard they were work prints, not fully finished as well but I don't know where he saw that. Either way I can wait until August to see them! 

Apparently they had work copies of it on a server (for close captioning translation) and the server wasn't properly secured from the rest of the Internet.  So there isn't even a rat here, just an IT mistake.


And to credit the BBC a lot, they've responded to this in a great way publicly, that doesn't run down their fans, or even people who may have viewed this stuff.


Wired: The BBC Schools Hollywood on How to Respond to Leaked Scripts


I personally think they're naive if they think people won't talk about it, but the very lack of blame in how they stated things in refreshing.  I think behind nice spoilered tagged topics, the talk is inevitable (I even made such a topic here, 'cause at this point I personally don't mind hearing about it), but I think the key is that people are far more likely to be careful, or not do it at all, simply because the BBC didn't act like arrogant snots about this.

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"We would like to make a plea to anyone who might have any of this material and spoilers associated with it not to share it with a wider audience so that everyone can enjoy the show as it should be seen when it launche


...And I would like to make a plea ---if you have access to any/all of these scripts? leak away my friends! leak away!


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...And I would like to make a plea ---if you have access to any/all of these scripts? leak away my friends! leak away!



Only if they are clearly labeled as leaks/spoliers as I most certainly do not want to be spoiled (for this or any other show, movie, or book whose release I am looking forward to).



Cool beans!


It makes me very happy that BBCAmerica airs the shows in sync with the BBC airings.

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Only if they are clearly labeled as leaks/spoliers as I most certainly do not want to be spoiled (for this or any other show, movie, or book whose release I am looking forward to).


I should have been more succinct. I meant spoil away --- BUT  only in the proper place with many tags saying --Spoiler alert! 


LOL  ;-)


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I should have been more succinct. I meant spoil away --- BUT  only in the proper place with many tags saying --Spoiler alert! 


LOL  ;-)

It shouldn't require tags if it's in an entire topic labeled SPOILERS however.  The tags are only for when something spoilish is in a topic not labeled that way.  So.. tags if it gets posted in this topic, for example, but no tags if it's posted in the Season 8 Spoiler topic.


At least that's how it usually works.  If the mods want anything different, I hope of course, they'll let us know.

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It shouldn't require tags if it's in an entire topic labeled SPOILERS however.  The tags are only for when something spoilish is in a topic not labeled that way.  So.. tags if it gets posted in this topic, for example, but no tags if it's posted in the Season 8 Spoiler topic.


At least that's how it usually works.  If the mods want anything different, I hope of course, they'll let us know.



That's why I stay out of that thread =)

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I was watching the Ultimate Companion special ep on BBCA last night, and I got really tired of the tongue bath it was giving Clara (who is way down on my list of fave companions). Then, I watched the Real History of Science Fiction ep on time travel, and the five minutes it spent on DW was more comprehensive in its use of Classic Who footage than the entire hour spent on the show just prior.

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I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet.  It's about Jenna Coleman's tenure with Dr Who.

The Mirror is notoriously unreliable. I wouldn't give the story much credence until it's confirmed by a more credible source. Unfortunately, as I'd love to be shot of Clara.

I was watching the Ultimate Companion special ep on BBCA last night, and I got really tired of the tongue bath it was giving Clara (who is way down on my list of fave companions). Then, I watched the Real History of Science Fiction ep on time travel, and the five minutes it spent on DW was more comprehensive in its use of Classic Who footage than the entire hour spent on the show just prior.

The current incumbent always gets the most attention but the hyperbole that accompanies them these days always winds me up - they clearly have no faith in their characters to engage our affection so have to constantly big them up as the best ever. I really hate seeing a character's worth defined in opposition to other characters like that - it shouldn't be a competition to be the mostest specialist companion ever, undermining all predecessors in the process.

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I was watching the Ultimate Companion special ep on BBCA last night, and I got really tired of the tongue bath it was giving Clara (who is way down on my list of fave companions). Then, I watched the Real History of Science Fiction ep on time travel, and the five minutes it spent on DW was more comprehensive in its use of Classic Who footage than the entire hour spent on the show just prior.

I agree The Ultimate Companion seemed to be nothing but a rehash of stuff we've seen a hundred times.  But I liked seeing David and using his native Scottish accent, no less.  i also like Peter Davison.  But you're right, the special following was much more interesting.    

I like Jenna Coleman and hope she stays past the Christmas special.  I think Clara will be a good companion for the new doctor.  I'm glad Moffat confirmed they are not going for a romance angle.  But I don't want a repeat of Amy and Rory either.  The way Jenna Coleman plays Clara has always reminded me of Sarah Jane Smith.   

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The official BBC Doctor Who Twitter feed hasn't mentioned anything about Coleman leaving, and they're usually quite good about addressing rumors that are true. I think they confirmed Smith's departure within a few hours of the rumors, and that was also on a weekend. I don't normally say this about a show's publicity arm, but I'll wait until they post something about it. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if she left after this season, as her tenure has been about the same length as the other new series companions.


BTW, that Twitter feed has been quite active over the past week, posting lots of photos of the "world tour". Coleman, Capaldi, and Moffat are in Mexico City today. I didn't realize that the show had a strong Mexican fanbase. Cool!

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I had never seen these accusations that Moffat is sexist and Doctor Who doesnt pass whatever arbitrary test some people use to determine if a show or movie are acceptable from a gender representation viewpoint.....have to say I find this to be nonsense. What Moffat actually did which newer fans may not realize is "save" the show by getting back on track with it's enduring premise. Namely that the Doctor is a quasi-immortal time traveller who isnt human and does NOT have any inkling of romantic feelings for relatively primitive human companions. My big gripe with the Tennant era was how the show started feeling like some kind of Twilight story where there was a deep and beautiful unrequited love that characters could make pained faces over every other episode. At least Moffat got that if the Doctor were to fall in love it would be with someone of River's unique stature or brilliantly the TARDIS herself. For me personally the show went way, way off course with all the romance angles and I was very happy to see Moffat right things in that regard.


As far as Amy Pond and the Doctor....that was a brilliantly conceived relationship for which the writers should get a ton of credit for rather than be criticized for Pond not having a stronger role or whatever is being said. Pond met the Doctor when she was a child after he had just regenerated and was himself out of sorts and basically child-like. That made for the basis of their relationship and I think was one of the better Companion ideas in history of the series regardless of what one might think of Pond herself. Maybe I'm just sappy but I always kept in mind the nature of their relationship and thought it was fairly touching. It was also the literal embodiment of how the Doctor's relationships with Companions have always been, humans are like children in comparison to him. Good stuff Moffat! 

Edited by tv-talk
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I'm linking to this story, Is Time Running Out for the TARDIS, purely to refute it. Quite apart from the regeneration reset, if there's a demand for Doctor Who someone will step up to handle the supply. Even Michael Grade couldn't kill the show, despite his best attempt. There was DWM, then the New Adventures... eventually the new series, you get the idea.

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I would have been more impressed by this argument if the last two episodes aired hadn't stated that TenToo was also a regeneration, making Matt the LAST Doctor, and that Capaldi was the start of a whole new life cycle. But who cares about facts, right?

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At least Moffat got that if the Doctor were to fall in love it would be with someone of River's unique stature or brilliantly the TARDIS herself. For me personally the show went way, way off course with all the romance angles and I was very happy to see Moffat right things in that regard.



Except the Doctor was never in love with River, not that we saw anyway. She only said they were in love. She said they were married, which they were, but it was a marriage of convenience, not a marriage of love. Clearly the Doctor had a fondness for River, but love? Never saw evidence of it on screen.

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I think the good-bye scene in The Name of the Doctor would support that the Doctor had something close to love with River.


Doctor: You are always here to me. And I always listen. And I can always see you.

River: And why didn't you speak to me.

Doctor: Because I thought it would hurt too much.

River: I believe I could have coped.

Doctor: No, I thought it would hurt me. And I was right.


The way they played it, it's hard not to interpret that as more than just fondness.

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Moffat just won an Emmy for writing for the Sherlock mini-series.

And the announcer said something like, "in addition to writing for Sherlock Mr. Moffatt has also written numerous episodes of Dr. Who."  And I laughed and laughed, as he made a vaguely cringey face.  Yep, only written episodes he has.  If only.

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And the announcer said something like, "in addition to writing for Sherlock Mr. Moffatt has also written numerous episodes of Dr. Who."  And I laughed and laughed, as he made a vaguely cringey face.  Yep, only written episodes he has.  If only.


Heheh.  Maybe it was just wishful thinking.

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I think the good-bye scene in The Name of the Doctor would support that the Doctor had something close to love with River.


Doctor: You are always here to me. And I always listen. And I can always see you.

River: And why didn't you speak to me.

Doctor: Because I thought it would hurt too much.

River: I believe I could have coped.

Doctor: No, I thought it would hurt me. And I was right.


The way they played it, it's hard not to interpret that as more than just fondness.

I thought that was way out of character for the Doctor (Moffat being self-indulgent again).   Even though I liked River in the beginning, Moffat completely ruined her character.  I hope to never see her again. 

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Urgh. Well, I'm not sure how much credence we can give this - the Daily Mail is almost as bad as the Mirror for getting things spectacularly wrong. But since I hate the idea of what was planned almost as much as I dislike Clara, I'm glad they're not doing it.


Dear Mr Moffat, it's okay for companions to just move on, you know. Every ending doesn't have to be 'final' and tragic. Sometimes friends just drift apart and say goodbye and that's perfectly okay. There are other ways to generate drama.

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Yeah, I don't buy it. Actors don't quit their roles frivolously, and I doubt writers and producers are so enamored of JLC that they'd be willing to tear up scripts on her behalf. I'm thinking Clara's out by Christmas, and while I've come to like the character, it is definitely time for a new companion. 

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I'm hoping it's only a rumor too.  I like Jenna Coleman but have never been crazy about Clara.  I think her relationship with 12 is toxic and brings out the worst in both characters.  I have my doubts too about "tearing up the scripts" because that would set production back.


I think I could deal with Clara coming back for a few more episodes if the new companion was already part of the team.  Just something to break-up the unhealthy aspect of the Doctor/Clara relationship.

Edited by benteen
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