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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I watched the first episode of S1. I like that there is a faith-based show on Amazon (or any streaming platform for that matter) and appreciated seeing characters who believe in God and pray regularly. I remember Roma Downey from Touched by an Angel. Having said that, I found the show heavy-handed and the acting a little stilted, especially the actor who plays Kari. I'm hoping it gets better and the show finds its footing. I will keep watching. I find it so refreshing not to have to cringe at the f-word being thrown out all the time and other coarse language. I'm just tired of it. I didn't recognize Ted McGinley at first. The really dark hair threw me off. I remember him from way back.
  2. Agree. I don't like her. I was never really a fan but this season she totally lost me. I thought her behavior to Sutton has horrible, and she came off like a manipulative narcissist playing the victim card.
  3. I noticed in the intro to the article it says Answered Prayers was published after Capote's death. I thought the book was never found. He didn't complete it. Ah, never mind. Saw something saying an unfinished version was published in 1986.
  4. Did anyone else notice the roses were switched for daisies? Didn't watch the last part of the show and was surprised to read here that Daisy turned down being the Bachelorette. Not a fan of Jen and won't be watching her season. ‘Bachelor’ Fans Notice Something Unusual About Daisy Kent’s ‘After the Final Rose’ Set (msn.com)
  5. Agree. I was surprised she was brought back this season. I won't miss her.
  6. I saw this today and made a mental note to watch the next episode. Interesting that they added one.
  7. I was shocked by this. I didn't realize they had an arrangement in which Gordon is ok with her having an affair with a guy for their whole marriage. And the son might be his and not Gordon's. Wow. Agree it is tacky and inconsiderate of the children for them to discuss this on TV. Mia is low class. She needs to go back to the strip club, except she's too old now. I was chuckling at all the Sesame Street names for Deborah... Grover, Cookie Monster, etc. Candiace can be snarky in a funny way. I can't look at Deborah without thinking of Sesame Street.
  8. Thanks for the tip! I also thought he was great in Mad Men. I’ve been meaning to check out Fargo, at least the season he is in.
  9. In reading the book this show was based on, I’m struck by how Chloe Sevigny was miscast in this role. This is how the book describes CZ: What set CZ apart from her fellow debs was not her height but her beauty. Her looks were such that she won the title North Shore’s Prettiest. Beauty had been C.Z.’s magic wand all her life. All she had to do was to wave it and she got what she wanted. As a little girl, adults looked at her and praised her in a way they did not children who had more common looks. As a debutante, her dance cards were always full. I like Chloe as an actress but she doesn’t match this description. What is interesting is that normally in TV or movies, the actors are better looking than the real life people. But I’m not seeing that here with a few of the characters (CZ and Babe, but especially CZ). I also don’t buy CZ as a blueblood. Something is lacking in Chloe’s portrayal. Here is CZ and Chloe Sevigny.
  10. He seemed like Harvey Weinstein light to me. Entitled and drunk off his own power.
  11. I felt for his dad. He tried to protect him, but I wonder if a child can be truly protected at all in this industry? It's sad that Drake repeated the cycle, but unfortunately it is not uncommon. I hope he never repeats the behavior. I didn't realize Amanda Bynes was a big Nickelodeon star. I'm older so all this wasn't in my generation. This was difficult to watch. I was cringing at many of the scenes on shows that were obviously sexualizing these children. It was disgusting. This made me so angry. I couldn't believe all the people who wrote those letters. I think many in the industry do protect these predators. It is sad. I've always wondered about Hayden Panettiere, who has had a lot of substance abuse and mental issues. I wonder if something happened to her too as a child actor.
  12. Well I found the new season and barely got through the first episode. Too much of the Umansky family for me. The daughters' voices grate on my nerves.
  13. I doubt she will get any real consequences for this. Most celebrities don't. I expect the charges will be reduced, some of them thrown out as part of a deal, and she'll get off with fines, probation and possibly community service.
  14. Is this the new season you're watching? Has it finally aired?
  15. I'm surprised how many actors still get work when their faces do not look natural. It is distracting to watch, especially in period films when there wasn't plastic surgery back then. I guess on a show about network news it doesn't matter as many of the anchors probably have had work done.
  16. I've been distracted by her face all season. She looks ok from a distance but not in close-up. I know he's playing a bad guy on here, but Jon Hamm is fine and very watchable. I will miss him next season, as I'm assuming he won't be back. The ending scene with Bradley and Corey was touching. Nice piece of work by Billy Crudup. Chip's tirade reminded me of how much coarser language has gotten over the past several decades. In the movie Network, the worst thing Howard Beale said was "hell"... "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" and one GD. No F-word. And it was an R-rated movie.
  17. This is too bad. As an older woman myself, I watch these shows because there are few others that feature women of my generation. If it becomes all younger people, I will probably stop watching. I get my fill of that on VR, SC and some other shows. I fast-forwarded through the scene at the doctor's office. Ugh. Why do they subject us to this? I don't want to see doctor's office scenes, waxing scenes or anything else like that. I'd like to see a new cast member who could stand up to Gizelle. I don't get much out of Robyn. She is ok but I don't think she adds much to the show except being Gizelle's buddy. And I think she is one of the least authentic people in terms of what is really going on in her life, especially her relationship with Juan.
  18. Given that 8.5 already was notified, I wonder if they are going to announce the rest of the cast soon. Please let Kyle be booted too. It would be refreshing, although I doubt it will happen as Andy loves her. But I would prefer to see her gone, and she can take Erika with her.
  19. Maybe but I think Kyle had her own reasons. She commented that she was disturbed by how she was acting in some scenes that aired last season where she had had a lot to drink. She knows about her mother and sister’s history and may want to be careful. I also think Kyle pursued Morgan, not the other way around.
  20. This means little to me. Most celebrities also deny getting plastic surgery.
  21. Me too. There were three mean girls up on stage. I'm glad Sutton escaped.
  22. Agree. These HWs are in a runoff for worst reunion look. I'm giving it to Dorit from BH for her little red riding hood get up and ridiculous spit curl. Most of the Miami women looked like they were working in a bordello run by Madam Marysol.
  23. She was frightening to me and whatever she did to her face wasn't good.
  24. One thing I noticed in this series is Babe isn't as beautiful as I expected. I mean, Naomi Watts is very pretty, but the way Babe is described is like she's some goddess.... like a combination of Elizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner during their prime or someone similar. I looked up pictures of her and didn't see it in the real person either. Perhaps it was her poise and fashion and it came through more in person than in photos? I like Treat Williams so much that it was also hard for me to see him as Bill Paley. I'm reading the book now, and it paints a different mental picture for me of Paley. Me too. It was interminable. In the Hulu documentary one of men who knew Capote said he believes he did finish Answered Prayers. I can't remember who it was though. Another said the opposite. Yes it was too much for me too. And it seemed to go on forever.
  25. It's so boring this season. I couldn't make it through the whole episode. And Ariana and Katie being in scenes separate from the rest of the cast isn't working. It's awkward and messes up the dynamic of the show. I also don't care two cents about their stupid sandwich shop which will probably never open. Given how this season is limping along, I don't see anywhere for this show to go next season unless they recast it.
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