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Posts posted by Harmony233

  1. 1 hour ago, bobcat1946 said:

    So Julie had a problem with mental ill criminal Ben but does not have a problem with mental ill criminal Abigail.

    I really beloved Hope would be going after Ben just as hard even if he was not involved with Ciara.  Because she had it out for him from the get go.

    Come  on you know there's a special rule for Abigail where nothing she ever does is ever her fault.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Claire makes Ben enjoyable to me again. Her being such a little sociopath is such fun! I'd rather they put those two together tbh. Tripp and Ciara can stay together and be boring drips I can easily fast forward.

    I skipped the Valerie/Abe and Sheila/Abe scenes. Too bad because I love both women, but Abe is dreadfully boring. 

    I also skipped all the Will scenes and some of the Paul ones. I just don't care. Brady asking the PT if he had a partner and then his look to Paul when he said no was pretty great though.

    I don't mind ciaria but I have an awful feeling she's going to be the next abby lol.I also feel like there trying to redo the Carrie and Sami feud with ciaria and claire.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, boes said:

    Ahhhh, Petunia13, memories!  Abigail was the WORST, wasn't she?  I can still see her climbing Mt. EJ in his shower and then hiding when Sami stopped by, and either the same day or the next, smirking at her behind her back while "teaching" Sami about art.  I don't think I ever loved a slap more than the once Sami was finally able to deliver once the truth came out.

    Jenn's constant defense of her, no matter what she did or who she slapped, and how she seemed to even defer to her daughter as if she was some sort of profound moral force is the main reason that even now, with Mansi long gone, I still can't stand Jenn very much.  Her obsession with Dr. Tan the Dan Man sure didn't help, but it was mostly that freakin' Abigail crapfest.

    It's a sort of tribute from me to Marcy Miller that I've come to tolerate the character to extent I have since Kate Mansi's Abigail seemed like nothing more than a demented, rabid kangaroo, hopping through Salem on a slap happy trip.

    I just came across an abby and Sami clip where that abby sounded delusional and acted like what her and EJ had was more than sex not exactly sure why we were supposed to be rooting for her.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, nilyank said:

    Let us not forget that Will wrote that article attacking and embarrassing Sami because she had the audacity to be angry that Abby slept with EJ and wanted to get revenge on the twit.

    The only time Abby was on the losing end of a love triangle was when then boyfriend Chad kissed Melanie because he wanted her more than Abby.

    Yeah that was ridiculous I have no idea what the writers were going for back then.

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  5. 34 minutes ago, nilyank said:

    I mean Sami never got a chance to snap that little twig in half for what she did. It was completely out of character that Sami wouldn't have punched in the face after Abby slapped her. At least in EJ's nightmare, we got the pleasure of Sami throwing Abby off the stairs and killing her. If only.

    LOL also wasn't Sami considered the villain because she blackmailed Kayla into  firing abby?I still don't get the obsession with all these men falling for abby have you noticed she always has two men interested n her.

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  6. 26 minutes ago, nilyank said:

    To be clear, Abby was supposedly in her right mind when she killed Andre. The show insisted it was self-defense even though the flashback didn't necessarily show that Abby was in fear for her life. It was more like an accident as she didn't mean to kill him nor did she expect that hitting him would kill him.

    When she realized that she killed her best friend the serial killer, she had a breakdown and split personalities. It was stupid, stupid story where Ron got to play one of his favorite go to plots, multiple personalities so a female could wear props to distinguish her different personalities and have a rapemance unfold with someone not her husband/true love.

    Right I always felt it was more of an accidental death than self defense of course I'm sure nobody will throw it in her face because poor put upon abby has been through so much even though Gabi has been through just as much .I think abby was even out of the mental hospital before Gabi got out of prison.

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  7. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    A serial killer was threatening him! I personally hope he kept the money and ran lol.

    I'm probably gonna have to fast forward it. I can't deal with her anymore. It's astonishing how they write her so smug and horrible and yet somehow seem to think everyone should love and root for her. It doesn't work that way, writers! 

    I know she's beginning to remind me of Carly on GH.I think one of the things I hate about this story is how when Gabi vented her anger everyone would tell her it's not abby fault and acted like Gabi had been at the freaking spa when abbys  actions have had life long consequences on Gabi.I love how Gabi killing Nick gets thrown in her face when she spent a year or more in prison for it and abby didn't give a damn about him when he died anyways and Kate isn't even allowed to hate Abby for killing her husband.

    • Love 13
  8. 4 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

    Just wait

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    until KM takes over.  She can't play anything but smug bitch.

    Ugh I dread it I hate how abby does horrible things and never had  to pay the consquences for anything she does.So yes I'll root for Sami I'll root for Gabi ect because I know they will pay in some way even though Abby is just as bad but we're supposed to buy her as the heroine.

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  9. Just now, Apprentice79 said:

    Kate was annoying today.  I do wish that Sami knew what Gabi was up to. I would love to see her reaction.  

    I don't care about Abigail and her pain.   I do think that Chad was wrong and it makes no sense that he would work with Ben in any capacity. 

    Stefan needs to die asap. I did not appreciate his attitude with Jennifer. 

    I don't care about Ciara either.  I lost interest in her as soon as they aged her.  

    I loved that Sami still hated abby when she was back I would love to see samis reaction too.Kate who's done much worse I mean she tried to kill Sami and chloe.

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  10. 38 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Abigail is insufferable. I just can't fathom why they're writing her as such a smug bitch right now. Horrible choice.

    CB continues to kill this storyline. 

    Kate can save it with her bullshit. As if she's above this kind of thing. Please.

    I pretty much hate Ben now, so great job, writers! On the other hand, Claire's sociopathy continues to entertain.

    I fast forwarded the Ciara/Tripp scenes. I'm just so bored by them. I loved Ciara's makeup though. And at least Tripp's beard is kinda growing a bit so it doesn't look so awful and sad.

    I didn't watch today but the show is doing a terrible job of getting me to feel sorry for abby she's so self righteous.

    • Love 7
  11. 15 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    LMAO but yes. When he was like oh I'll pop in for a visit sometimes when I'm not busy my sister was like, "Uh, you don't visit your kids." I get why they don't have scenes of Will with Ari, but they could at least pretend like he sees her regularly. So weird.

    They usually put in an, "Oh, and it'll fuck over Stefan too!" with all her plans, but it was always too much of an afterthought. Although I personally can easily get why she was fixated on the Abigail part of it all.

    I just hate that this story will end in Abigail (and Chad) once again getting off scot-free and getting a happy ending. Fuck that!


    Th will scenes about him visting  ari was weird lol.

    I just hate how self righteous abby is.she does awful horrible things and has never suffered the consquences.

    • Love 3
  12. 7 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

    I am not a Gabi fan, per se. I am just tired of Abby always getting a free pass when she hurts people, is selfish, or is malicious. So for me, I just want Abby to suffer some actual repercussions- long lasting repercussions, in fact - while she is on my screen and if I can't get that, I just want Abby to sod off.

    I think things would have played out differently where Gabi wouldn't have sought revenge if everyone's immediate response wasn't always to coddle and protect Abby at someone else's expense especially since Abby doesn't give a shit about the damage she causes. I mean, does Jennifer have a paying job? I feel all she does is run after Abby, talk about Abby, or wonder about Abby. And isn't just Jen. That black hole of time & creativity suckage known as Snowflake Princess Abby has been a bane of the show for years now. So on that level, I get Gabi's rage that Abby can destroy her life and folks still dismiss facts to only care about how Abby feels. That has to be soul crushingly frustrating to know there is a line in town to wipe Abby's ass no matter what she does. 

    On another note, Rex is a hot mess. Yikes. 

    Right I think today will is the only one who has realized that Gabi is hurting everyone else was like sorry Gabi that's too bad what you want through but who cares when abby is so much more important.

    • Love 6
  13. 27 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

    I always enjoy Will/Gabi scenes because the actors have such believable, natural chemistry and as much as she likes Paul, Gabi will always be Team Wilson which is rather awesome, especially for Ari's sake.  I also like that they can confide in each other and I like that Gabi talked about how angry she still is at Abby.  I kind of thought that it would be either Ari or Will who would help her take step back from her revenge plot.

    Brady is such a little bitch--"I don't want to play God in my brother's life but I'm going to play God one more time and implode everything in your life."  I don't know Brady, if you really want to help, maybe talk to Will and encourage him to tell Paul the truth instead of blurting out your version of events.

    I don't feel sorry for Abby at all because we all know she'll be out of the mental hospital in a couple of weeks--if her Grandma Laura has anything to say about it--and she'll be back with her baby.  Gabi was separated from her daughter and in that prison for months--talk to me about Abs suffering then.

    I really liked the will and Gabi scenes and surprise will didn't take up for abby.

    I don't feel sorry for abby either I know the show is going into overdrive trying to make me feel bad for abby interesting how for all of Gabi schemes she had nothing to do with Chad giving Charlotte to stefan.

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