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Posts posted by Harmony233

  1. 1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

    I know Claire is an official villain now and apparently the show wants us to love her being emotionally hurt and in pain but man, Tripp really doesn't care that he's hurting her does he?  And he's supposed to be a hero right?  And this is all being done for a girl he barely knows who is as self-absorbed as Ciara is--I guess Tripp has a definite type.

    I loved Rex's "Nephew," when he sees Will--his line delivery was awesome.

    Gabi and Stefan's kiss?  Now that was chemistry--DAMN!! 

    Yeah what Claire is doing is wrong but honestly I find Tripp more annoying.

    • Love 4
  2. 9 minutes ago, nilyank said:

    Well Jordan already met Rex and he didn't know her.

    What about Xander?

    I wonder who will have custody of David while Jordan is going through her mental issues. The only other family in town is Ben.

    Yeah I have a hard time buying that RC will make this a random baby daddy after all.he had Mimi baby father be Rex.

    maybe lani ends up with custody and there ends up being a custody battle when Jordan is released.

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  3. 45 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

    I started watching in the late 80s, drawn into the soap by Patch and Kayla, Jack and Jennifer, and Bo and Carly -- so I missed out : ) I do appreciate what she means to the soap but I missed her best days for sure. My timing is probably also why I'm not a huge Hope fan and think Bo/Carly was a better match! 

    Same I started watching in early 90s and I loved bo and Carly and John and Isabella more than there them with hope and marlena.

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  4. 11 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Seriously. At this point she has what - three daddies, two mommies (one dead) and three "siblings"? Yeesh. I really would prefer to see a child born normally on this series - to parents who planned to conceive, carried the child to term and birthed them within a stable marriage. That would be a refreshing change.

    Yeah, that's the thing that really makes it brutal. Gabi was sent back to prison, beaten and rendered sterile and now has two prison stints on her record...and Abigail got nothing. Nothing! That's crazy! So I feel like Gabi is almost on a meta-quest to try and fight the forces in the DOOL universe that bend reality in Abigail's favour no matter how shitty she behaves. I also really wish the Show would drive home the point that she nearly killed Marlena, Kate and Viv. The intensity of that moment where she hit Marlena over the head with a fireplace poker was severe. You'd think Marlena's brains would have been splattered all over the carpet after that...but nope. She's laughing it up with the other two captives in the cellar hours later!

    Team Gabi all the way. No one else on this show is going to hold Abigail accountable for her bullshit, so thank god for for Gabi.

    still not sure how abby spending like a week in a mental institution is worse than gabi's months in prison getting beat and becoming sterile.

    • Love 5
  5. 44 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

    The Kate/Lucas scene was divine. Their relationship can be toxic at times, but, I never doubted that they love each other. It is a shame that the show has never cared about investing in Lucas. 

    I love Julie warts and all.

    Why is Leo holding all the cards? Why don't Wilson call his bluff? This is Nick all over again.

    Why doesn't Ron bring Alex to town and he can oppose the Wilson relationship and team up with Victor to break them up. Perhaps, he wants Titan and Victor tells him, if he can end Wilson for good, Titan will be his. Ron could explore Sonny's dynamic with his big brother Alex who did have a problem with Sonny's sexuality once upon a time. In time the twins Joseph and Victor Jr. could also come back. They are legacy kids who were born on the show and the show could care less.

    They de f should bring Justin and Adrienne sons back especially Alex they could just change the twins names like they they did with Theresa if that's a problem 

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  6. 56 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

    I...kinda love that idea lol.  Kinda puts a gay twist on the soap trope of a schemer trying to get pregnant/have a child with someone to hang on to them.  Certainly sounds more interesting than Will and Sonny blandly smiling and holding hands while patting their surrogate's stomach.

    *small voice* I actually had a fan fic idea for Kyle/Fish from OLTL of them deciding to having a second child via surrogate and their scheming nemesis Kimberly Andrews somehow arranging that she got implanted with their baby in an effort to get access to Sierra. *small voice*

    I'm not sure what to think of this although this would be right up RC alley.I've actually been wondering who the next person to have a baby would be since RC loves those type of stories but I couldn't think of anyone lol.

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  7. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    They hate each other. I love it!

    Chad did that, because he's an idiot and the worst. Again, Gabi is barely even to blame for the shitty things with Abigail at this point. She set something in motion, but Abigail and the love of her life have done all they can to fuck themselves. It's actually quite hilarious.

    I think it'd be easier to feel for Abigail if she wasn't such a smug asshole. KM has no warmth, so I don't even buy that she gives a shit about her kids. 

    There was also the time she faked her death and spent months away from Thomas lol.

    • Love 7
  8. 2 minutes ago, tribeca said:

    The way Abigail walked up the stairs at the Demira mansion made her look so defeated.  

      Still find Ben creepy.  Hope is losing it she is so afraid of losing her daughter.  I can’t imagine any mother wanting their daughter with someone with Bens violent  history.   I feel so alone understanding her point of view LOL. 

    I understand her point of view I just hate hope lol.

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