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Posts posted by Harmony233

  1. 10 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

    Today's episode is All About Haley which is almost as stomach-turning as when the shows All About Abigail:  Hope did ask the million dollar question though:  why didn't Haley file any papers that could lead to her eventual citizenship?  She came to US when she was 13, so she's been here for at least ten years, she went through high school, and college and became a nurse and never thought about her immigration status?  And was asking about the constitution and it's amendments supposed to be a blistering take down to a ICE agent doing her job?   Heck, maybe Haley should have brought up The Federalist Papers, that would really have put the agent in her place.

     I also loved Haley's "You can't deport me, what about my patients?" like she's a world renowned neurosurgeon and not a nurse whose job could be filled by any RN at University Hospital.  And the conversation with Melinda, "I'll be all alone in China"--she's a young woman in her twenties, not a teenaged waif.  Of course it would be hard, but she'd get through it.

    The Claire/Tripp conversation was horribly painful because Tripp is just so shocked that Claire could do anything so hateful to HALEY HALEY HALEY, the greatest girl in the world.  I know we're supposed to see Claire as the villain but I can't--I see a very troubled young woman who is desperately in need of guidance because she keeps messing up her life and she needs to get it together.

    I did enjoy JJ's telling off Eve and Jack but again, it's not because Jack is such a changed man who is acting unethically and hurting people, but it's because he and Eve had the gall to hurt HALEY HALEY HALEY, the most delicate flower in Salem.

    I just don't care about poor put upon Haley and don't get me started on self righteous tripp.

    • Love 11
  2. 1 hour ago, Chick2Chic said:

    I like Ciara having agency, even if it's misguided. When it comes to Ciara, it is either she's a doormat, a victim, or a brat so I'll take her being a brat if it means she's doing something other than twiddling her thumbs or being rescued. 

    And tbh, I don't care about Paige or Serena. They were terrible characters - Paige only became interesting when JJ/Eve affair came out - that I don't recall many mourning when they died. The only takeaway I had from all that was KdP gave a great performance of grieving Eve. Otherwise, meh. It wouldn't be the first time Days cut characters I don't care about for whatever reason. *shrug* Like some people don't care that Stefano was murdered by in cold blood by Hope, I'm not going to suddenly care about Paige, Serena, or racist Eve's feelings ... especially now with Eve going out of her way to destroy Jennifer and Haley out of misplaced spite - cause Days decided to bring Ben back and rehab the character. Day player Wendy, ok sure. She had potential. 

    I have a feeling the tragedy will be Hope being fired, which isn't really a tragedy to me. The only tragedy there would be if Rafe somehow is named commissioner after she's sacked. 

    I think the tr agedy is holly will be pressumed  dead.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, nilyank said:

    And with all the pomp and circumstance of returning back from the dead by having Nicole walk up to Eric's apartment and knocking on the door.

    That's the most surprising thing that she's not lurking for weeks also Nicole gets checked out by rex first for some reason.

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  4. I hope Nicole's return will make Sarah and Eric more interesting because there so annoying just please don't have Nicole weeping all the time lol.

    I don't get where there going with the brain tumor stuff we know will isn't dying 

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  5. 32 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

    That promo confirms what I suspected, Jordan tells Rafe "take" my baby. Which sounds like she wants Rafe to have the baby. Im no law expert but I would think in reality a birth mothers wishes would overrule a stranger. That is of course if this leads to a custody battle.  And why am I expecting Days to do anything realistic?

    Yeah how lani comes into the mix is confusing but the fact t hat eli and abe seem concerned about lani makes me think that lani will get too attached.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

    I am ok to indifferent on the younger women in Salem but I don't like to see women stepped on to lift up Tripp, who isn't all that smart himself if he thinks asking his girlfriend to keep their relationship a secret so he can bail out a virtual stranger by marrying her as well as asking his girlfriend to buy him a ring for that wedding. 

    I must have missed it but Tripp asked Claire to buy Haley a ring?

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  7. This doesn't seem to even be much about Ben there's a couple spoilers hinting that lani is going to become too attached to the baby.plus Jordan is going to be back in september not sure how long but she is still taping right now.

    I wonder who the father will end up being for some reason I'm getting the feeling Stefan might end up being the father I just don't think the father will be someone random.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    How does Lani have any right to keep the baby from Ben? Unless it's Rafe's, Ben is next of kin.

    I don't know I'm kinda confused at how lani ends up with custody.I mean as much as I don't like him rafe would make more sense since Jordan asks him to go get her baby.I could see her asking him to watch after the bsby.

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