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Posts posted by Harmony233

  1. 4 minutes ago, tribeca said:

    😞So Eric still won’t have any children.  Sami has a 100. Brady will have two. Belle one. 

    Miscarriage are so sad and they do them all the time. 

    I get what your saying I def think it's about time Eric had a child of his own although I guess he loves holly like he's his though.

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  2. 2 hours ago, tribeca said:

    Eight months ? So we will miss Sarah and Kristin’s pregnancy’s.  

    I'm pretty sure it's a year because the Jason guy has already starting giving hints about Christmas and said there would be flashbacks to the Christmas before.

    we're totally going to miss there pregnancies can't say I'm sad about that Sarah says the same thing every day lol.

    • Love 9
  3. It will be hilarious if Kristen tells Eric that Sarah is pregnant lol.

    7 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

    Please don't let Eve be pregnant.

    Don't think she is I read a rumor that Gina pushed Jennifer and that eve is arrested for it.

    • Useful 2
  4. 2 hours ago, ouinason said:

    Violet in needed on the show because there has to be a girl that Leo, James and Willey/Jonah fight over when they are all SORASed to the same age in a year or so.

    ETA: this leads me to think about who can and can't hook up, of the youngest generation.  Sexauality not withstanding, Danny or Scout could date Aiden, Violet, Georgie, James or Donna.    Aiden would be pretty free to date any of the above, except Donna or Violet.  Georgie and James could date any of the others since they are the ONLY kids on this show not related to half the damn town.  Leo could date James, Georgie, Aiden, Violet or Donna.  Avery could only date James, Georgie, Violet or Aiden.  Donna could date Leo, James, Georgie or Violet.  Violet could date anyone. 

    ETA2:  I forgot Willey in all of this, but he's destined to be as bland and chemistry free as his father, so I I won't bother to go back and adjust.  He is related to Donna, Avery, Aiden, Scout, and Danny though.

    Dang that's a lot of kids you forgot Noah though he isn't re leated to anyone well they might consider robin and maxies kids cousin but he could date scout,avery,donna.

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  5. 13 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

    I wonder if we'll see Rory again before JJ leaves town. I doubt it.

    I hate that Claire's considered a psycho now. To me, she's still the sweet girl playing on the electronic keyboard hoping her parents will get back together.

    Ron is pretty good at the Halloween episodes though, so if I have to see her being evil and setting things on fire, at least I have some faith it'll be entertaining.

    Can they really show anybody smoking on television these days? Are we actually going to see Hope sitting there with a lit cigarette puffing away?

    I don't know I read abby was smoking on the web series lol

  6. 1 hour ago, Kitty Redstone said:

    Thank you again, @JBC344!  I knew Claire was on her way to a breakdown and had tried to burn Ciara alive, but didn't know she tried to kill Tripp as well.  I came to really enjoy ORK as a disturbed Claire and hope she comes back some day.

    Very glad to hear that little Holly wasn't killed off!

    Hopefully the reveal of little David's father will be a good one.

    I'm trying to think of who David father will be because we know it will be someone who has connections to Salem lol.

    • Love 6
  7. 1 minute ago, tribeca said:

    What does it matter who Marlena likes.  Eric is a grown man. That apartment is to small for Marlena to have the conversation.  She’s to smart too so she probably did it for I don’t know reasons. 

    Wasnt eric on the phone with Sami today?

    i thought Nicole looked beautiful.  She made Eric smile.  That’s all I need.   

    I liked that Nicole talked to Eric about what she overheard marlena saying about sarah.I mean I'm sure Nicole will become insecure when she finds out that Sarah is pregnant with Eric's baby.

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  8. On 10/9/2019 at 12:58 AM, ulkis said:

    I was wondering if BB was now willing to sign a contract with a soap why didn't he come over to GH. I can't help but think they'll probably never sign long term again because of KSt. Which sucks because Lulu/Johnny right now would be soapy, not milquetoast Dustin. Not a huge ER fan but she and BB did have major chem imo.

    (KSt and BB obviously get along great, but that's different than working with an ex, which is why I said because of KSt. Plus factoring in her depression.)

    I think BB exit interview with days was interesting.He said that everyone from top to the bottom wants everyone to succeed I feel like it's not the way on GH.

    • Love 4
  9. 25 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

    Per Jason47


    Harper and Sydnee Udell, who have played Arianna Horton since the character's birth in 2013, are wrapping up their six-year run. Their last episode will air later this year. The role will be recast. Good luck to Harper and Sydnee, who started on "Days" as babies and leave as first graders!

    I wonder if there going to age her up a couple years.

    • Love 3
  10. 47 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

    Did Jen really say Gabi, whose husband was shot and killed, was getting "the last laugh"?  WHAT THE FUCK?!  When did Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux lose her last shred of compassion?

    I cannot believe all that "Gabi will donate Stefan's heart on one condition" stuff turned out to be a momentary humiliation of Lani without an audience.  That's it?  That was the huge ask? Not Lani giving up Eli or quitting the SPD?  Seriously?  Am I supposed to think that what Lani "went through" in those less than 2 minutes was so awful that Gabi's gift to Julie is null or even tarnished? 

    I don't expect Jennifer to like Gabi after what she did to Abby but saying Gabi got the last laugh is ridiculous when she's grieving for her husband.

    It's not like she's off on a shopping spree.

    • Love 8
  11. 24 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

    Yeah Brady is at least loyal to the one he's with even if he has the worst taste in women. However I found it gross that Victor chooses now to say this to him instead of when it was Theresa etc especially since Brady consented to sex with Nicole not Kristen. If the roles were reversed there would be a lot more outrage over how this is being portrayed now.

    It's not like Brady is like sonny on GH whose gotten a bunch of women pregnant.This is only Brady's second kid and that's really not a lot for a character that's been around since the early 2000s.

    IA with the whole Kristen raping Brady thing though.

    • Love 4
  12. 4 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

    I have a friend whose daughter is Georgie, short for Georgina. She's named after my friend's father, George. When she was pregnant she said she knew she'd call her daughter Georgie, but had to decide whether that would be short for Georgia or Georgina. She chose Georgina because she said everyone would assume if she chose Georgia it was because of the state. The girl is about 17 now.

    That was the most boring birth episode I think I have ever seen. It wasn't even so-stupid-it's-funny, it was just boring. And of course the baby is going to be just fine after surgery because it turns out the spina bifida wasn't as bad as it could have been. So...what's the point of them having this baby? Where's the drama? The progressing of a story?

    I'm not a fan of the name Donna, mainly because Sonny's daughter just got out of cult called "Dawn of Day". I don't know how far in advance writers/showrunners plan stories out, but couldn't someone have realized that if they were going to name the baby Donna the cult should have a different name?

    And if the baby is named after the late makeup artist, is that why the PTB decided Carly and Sonny needed another child? So they could honour the makeup artist?

    The boring birth illustrates (one of) the problems right now. Stories just...die. Shiloh is killed by Sam, while assumed there would be a big "Who killed Shiloh?" story - given the circumstances of Shiloh's fixation on Wylie, it would have made a whole lot of sense. But no, we can't have that. Peter's concerns with his secrets coming out have also just disappeared with Shiloh's death - no one else is blackmailing him. Cassandra appears briefly, and then is promptly arrested and fades away. I don't get it.

    Also, we do NOT need any more babies. There are so many kids "on the show", and only three teenagers. As much as I found Oscar and his death boring, and least it was something. There really aren't many stories that can be driven by Jake, Aiden, Danny, Scout, Leo, Rocco, Charlotte, Avery, Donna, Hayden's unnamed daughter...am I forgetting anyone? That's 10 children - and 3 teenagers. The balance is wrong.

    Finally...Nelle's up for parole a year after going to prison? Seriously???

    James,georgie not that we ever see her,wiley.

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