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Everything posted by backhometome

  1. All Carter/Katie talk about is her ex husband. So boring and no chemistry. At least with Quinn they had chemistry together. I hope Sheila kills Bill once she gets what she wants from him.
  2. They better keep Li far away from Bill. I dont the whiny baby anywhere near her. She deserves much better. Which really stumps me why they did this to Bill, because I was enjoying them when he saved her and helped Finn escape.
  3. 🙄 His kids and grandkids say otherwise. I am so sick of his man pain.
  4. I am so sick of Bills tears. He is beyond stupid. Good to see Li finally in this story. Really haven't missed Ridge/Taylor/Brooke the last few eps. So, Mike/Deacon and Bill are all in love with Sheila. 🙄
  5. Well Bill was possessive post ONS with Steffy. Almost as cringe as he was with Katie recently. She wasnt taken advantage of but he was certainly creepy after. It was refreshing not to see a man on the show berate a woman for something that had nothing to do with him. Ridge and his anger issues with Deacon RE Brooke still makes no sense.
  6. Ew, Sheila and Bill just get worse and worse. The bloody kiss. 🤢 When exactly did Sheila go from living with Deacon to Bill. Wasn't he just begging Katie back a few days ago. The timeline of this is so stupid. Poor Finn, Because of Taylor/Steffy he wont get crazy Sheila in jail anytime soon.
  7. Gross, Bill kissing Sheila was nasty. I really dont get Bills reasoning at all. Katie/Brooke rejected him MULTIPLE (with good reasoning) times and he decides to take up with the psycho that is after Steffys family. After almost killing her and her husband. Dumb and Dumber to the rescue.
  8. Bill is such a whiny man baby. So, because no woman wants him he turns to a psychopath. Would he even be able to prove Taylor shot him all those years ago. Is Brooke going to tell her bestie about kissing Ridge at Christmas.
  9. Bill showing up at the end was random. Is he working with Sheila. Katie/Carter are beyond boring. I dont mind Taylor/Brooke as friends for now.
  10. Eh, Brooke you hardly loved and supported Thomas. Are either Brooke/Hope on the board. I guess Steffy didn't care about the board meeting.
  11. Brooke just couldn't resist kissing Ridge under the mistletoe. 😑 So, did Taylor see any of her kids/grandkids at Christmas. Li and Taylor should have been at Steffys yesterday.
  12. Can they just kill off Katie. How many health issues does she need. 🙄 Steffys outfit would look better outside of work. Like the hat especially. Finally Taylor knows about Sheila.
  13. Like others have said everything is so rushed. There is no breathing room to enjoy anything before a 180 happens. Like Kimberly/Canaan came out of no where. I could have liked it if it was built up at all. I liked Alicia/Leighton last year so I was glad to see them back together. I didn't like Tatum. Its good for Leighton to get out of her comfort zone. So I like her at the women's center. Its amusing seeing her interact with those characters. Though even her giving up her sorority was rushed. Whitney, you dont dump someone right before a presentation.
  14. KA and KKL look like are having a blast in their scenes. It was nice for a change to see them getting along. But I wonder how long they will hold out on the POS. Bill continues his creepy possessive man tour. Is Will at boarding school? if so, why does Katie have to rush over to see Bill.
  15. How long will both ladies hold out and who will break first. 👀 The high five did very much feel like a sitcom thing. Could have done without the Steff/Hope pow wow about their grown ass parents.
  16. The priorities these people have is insane. Why talk about the triangle from hell for the 546476478569 time when Sheila is on the loose. Steffy/Brooke didn't even tell Taylor about it. Just ridiculous. Please let Brooke & Taylor tell Ridge to stfu and choose themselves.
  17. lol they finally aged Beth closer to Kelly. Lest we forget they are like 9 months apart.
  18. Jeez, Deacon you running away wouldn't be suspicious at all. 🙄 Hope continues to be the biggest idiot.
  19. Where is Li. Why spend so long on Hope/Liam talking about Sheila. When she has nothing to do with them. I would rather see Li involved in this story. Steffy having a PTSD attack seeing Sheila made sense. Finn does not trust Deacon. Good.
  20. Sheila, why would you wear OPEN toe shoes. That is calling to get caught. Hope, you are dumb. And cannot read people at all. Why isnt Li involved in this Sheila is alive story. But Carter is??? like she was run off the road by her. She should have been there. Also wouldn't Steffy want to inform her parents as well. That was a good cliff hanger for once.
  21. THIS! he better stay away from her. She can do way better than his flop behind. Sorry but I liked Quinn/Carter better. They had more chemistry. Even if all they did was have sex. Deacon lost me when he knowingly slept with Sheila. That wasn't about protecting himself or his family at all.
  22. He is really creepy. Condescending, gaslighting, and arrogant Jerk.
  23. Can they please ship Douglas to boarding school now. Enough with this Hope/Douglas/Thomas stuff. Its been years. Also can Thomas get over Hope already. I feel bad that MA always has to play this same story over and over. Hope is married. Detective Finn is fun. Too bad he didn't do this months ago. 😒 They really suck at the pacing of stories on this show.
  24. So all of a sudden Finn has figured out Sheila fake her death. 🤣 After months of her "hiding" in plain sight. There was no lead up to this at all. Instead we had to have months of the triangle from hell for the 985105874510279 time. Thomas has no fucks to give. At least he is honest.
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