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Posts posted by LemonSoda

  1. On 5/14/2024 at 1:35 PM, RealHousewife said:

    Any of you still listening to Girls Next Level? Maybe I’m negative Nancy today, but as much as I enjoy the podcast, just like I felt they nitpicked Kendra, I feel like they’re doing the same to Crystal. I checked Reddit, and a lot of fans had similar thoughts.

    Couple things that stood out to me.

    Holly said something about her not being Hef’s type. Crystal was young, blonde, thin with boobs. Isn’t that Hef’s type? Where did Crystal fall short? 

    I think they all discussed Crystal not giving Hef credit for success. I admittedly don’t pay as much attention to Crystal (even less to Marston) and haven’t read her book yet. But what about the rest of them? Would Holly have become a bestselling author or headlined a Vegas show without Hef? She likes to portray herself as very accomplished on her own. I think she’s a smart, hardworking person, but she used Playboy every bit as much as Crystal. She is still making tons of money from it. The only one of the main girls who isn’t is Kendra. 

    They talk about Crystal not leaving, but Bridget and Holly both waited A LONG time before they left, several years. Why can’t Crystal express any negative feelings even if she married him? 

    Oh and my biggest pet peeve, “the right reasons.” What the heck are the right reasons? None of the girls would have been there if Hef made $40,000 a year. I’m sure some of the women were more opportunistic than others, but each and every one of them saw money and opportunities. They were young women trying to be models, make it in Hollywood, I get it. Doesn’t mean they’re not good people, but the “not like other girls” is so annoying. 

    Late to this but “The Right Reasons” is so annoying because they were all there for exactly the same thing. Every time I try to respond to this I lose my post when the page freezes or reloads itself due to ads. 

    It boils down to territorial issues. I think it bothers Holly when others speak about Playboy, Hef, or anything she sees as entering what she considers her territory and branding which again despite the fact that she left then spent years bashing that lifestyle, removing herself as far as she could from it, now it’s a huge buffet of bread and butter. Despite what she says I think in her head she’s still #1, Queen Bee of the mansion. I also think part of her regrets she never got to be the wife. She claims oh I was sooo deluded but I’ll always believe her affection was genuine. 
    She hasn’t done half of the self work she claims to have because she’s still jealous, tearing down Crystal when they’re both women who shared an odd, unique experience and have a lot of things in common. There’s something inside Holly that makes her feel the need to lift herself above everyone else. She’s “not like the others”, “the right reasons” and “everyone copies me”. That’s her own unhealed messiness that keeps it all going on. She wouldn’t have had the Vegas show, DWTS, or even the life she has without the show, without Hef. 

    Crystsl isn’t allowed to express negative feelings because if she did they’d have to recognize she’s human, shares similar experiences and they want to keep her down. You can’t sit with us. But Holly and Bridget are allowed to have mixed emotions, constantly contradict themselves. Crystal fell short because she’s not them. They’re still competing which is sad.

    On 5/22/2024 at 8:49 PM, qtpye said:

    There certainly was a good chance that she would not have made it to Hef's number one without the nose and boob job, even though I thought she was pretty without the surgeries.

    I always got the feeling that Hef chose his other number one girls, while Holly kind of pushed her way into that role.

    I think she was more like a caretaker to a very crotchety older man than a traditional girlfriend (with the addition of sex parties, shudder).

    I think none of the other girls would spend hours watching his old shows and playing board games with his elderly friends.

    Holly even admits that she got the role because no one else wanted to be the number one girl.

    Anyway, she has a house in LA and one in Las Vegas. It seems like she is doing well, financially with her GND fame.

    This is what many of the girlfriends have always said. That Holly pushed her way in to that role. With all of this so many of these things can be true at once. She wanted to be in Playboy, have a career, live at the mansion so she’s going to participate in whatever old tv show marathon, board game night to show favor or even good manners, gratitude for the place to stay. 

    More later, I don’t want to lose this post 

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  2. On 8/3/2024 at 8:12 AM, zenme said:

    I think the bipolar diagnosis explained a lot of that behavior.

    Absolutely. But it kind of bothered me how her “difficult behavior” is always mentioned but never said of her male counterparts who I’m sure could be just as difficult. 

    I met her at a TCM event. She was nice, seemed very appreciative of the fans there for her. 

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  3. On 8/7/2024 at 6:09 AM, chediavolo said:

    Should have been a mini series. 

    Agreed! This should’ve been a mini series. It felt unnecessarily rushed.

    As a fan I don’t feel I learned anything new about her from this. But hearing it from herself, in her own voice was so delightful. 

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  4. Sofia Coppola wrote kind words about the Shannon twins along with a photo series of them in her book. I had forgotten how pretty they were. Or maybe I never really noticed because I found them annoying on tv? 

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  5. 2 hours ago, MCMLXXVII said:

    The Jill Ann Spaulding episode is on this week and Bridget is one of the talking heads.

    I can’t wait to see this one. I’m curious how they’ll handle her story given their treatment of her. 

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  6. On 2/8/2024 at 2:53 AM, aghst said:

    I recall in the forums people would get pissed with her nude scenes and the show in general.



    It seems like everyone, everywhere did. I wonder if the world would be kinder to them now? While the character was absolutely annoying the major criticism always seemed to be the nudity. 

  7. I’m behind a few episodes but so far I still feel the same. They’re doing super condensed rush jobs of cases that have not only had better shows dedicated to them but a lot is left out. A few times I’ve felt Holly’s commentary was unnecessary. For example the Dr Amie episode. The time she spent talking about all of their shared interests, how she wishes they could have been friends that time would have been better dedicated to talking about Dr Amie as a person. From the Dateline/48 hours shows dedicated to the case along with social media you can tell she meant a lot to so many people from all walks of life. Of course it’s Holly’s show though. 

    Every time I see a photo of Laurie Bembeneck, I expect to hear Bill Kurtis’ voice. I’m sad she never got to have the justice or healing she deserved. 

    I said it on the housewives forums too many times over the years but Jeana is gorgeous. In her heyday she should have had more of a career. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

    Thank you for the information about the book. It sounds interesting! Yeah, Kendra may have been masking depression. I have a soft spot for her because it appears she had the least stable upbringing.

    Has Holly ever said anything about her brother? I can't imagine the trauma of suddenly losing such a young sibling. 

    I appreciate that. You're so sweet. 🥰

    Crystal’s upbringing was similar to Kendra’s.  Her Father died, unstable home environments, trauma. 

    I’m not sure Holly has? Potentially for legal reasons. I think the show was still filming when his legal issues began. 

    Hugs to you! 

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  9. 1 minute ago, RealHousewife said:

    Do you recommend it? I read books by Jill Ann, Izabella, Kendra, and Holly, so I feel like I have a pretty decent idea of what went on at the mansion. But I might try reading Crystal's book if her experience is unique. 

    I recently experienced grooming and harassment by someone I cared about. I've had different experiences throughout the years, but the fresh stuff I went through got me to really empathize more with some of these women. Kendra felt gratitude  for being Hef's girlfriend but also recently said Playboy ruined her life. Holly was the most about Hef when she was a girlfriend, but she's been the most outspokenly against him since. Sondra went to the mansion for many years, but it's clear she went through a lot of trauma. I find it all really sad, but also very interesting. A lot of people are suspicious of these women, but I know what it's like to judge people wrong, want to believe the best of them, be in denial over abuse, and be in over your head dealing with them. 

    I do recommend it. It’s different than the others mostly because she focuses more on herself, her own feelings as opposed to slinging dirt. She does spill some interesting things.
    She has a similar story to almost everyone else who ended up at the mansion. Broken girl desperate to feel safe and have a home. Even the Disney love is a common theme in their lives. Crystal was accused of copying Holly even by Holly herself but it’s genuine. I think it’s from trauma, not having a proper childhood. Crystal lacked stability so she found comfort in fairytales. 
    Yeah, the complex issue is all of the things can be true and most likely are. Hef could have saved Kendra’s life by pulling her out of poverty, nothingness but she has also paid the price for it in many other ways. Holly and Bridget could’ve thought Kendra was having the time of her life while she was just as miserable as they were. 

    RealHousewife, I am so sorry you went though that. I’m a message away if you ever need anything. 

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  10. On 2/6/2024 at 9:52 AM, MCMLXXVII said:

    I watched ep 1 and 2 of season 2. I knew one of the Bentleys had been involved with a financial scammer, but didn’t know the whole story, so this was really interesting to me. I’ll look for the Dateline. The Brande, Sandy, Mandy era was when I started paying attention to the world of Playboy.

    I thought they made a bit of a stretch to Manson just because Victoria was friendly with Tate and Polanski, but ok whatever-he’s a true crime staple. You Must Remember This podcast did a great “Charlie Manson’s Hollywood” season on his celebrity adjacency.


    The Yagalla case is interesting. Hopefully the 48 hours episode is still available? It’s called Playing With Fire. 

    Here’s the original Philadelphia magazine article which was the first piece I remember reading about the case. http://www.thebillionairesvinegar.com/selected_work/yagalla.pdf

    I read Mark Yagalla’s book. I feel like he was a mess waiting to happen whether he met Sandy or not. Her lack of conscience is insane. 

    I’m still very mixed on the show. As others have noted some of the Playboy connections are stretched such as Victoria’s episode. Others there is too much to cram in to a 40 minute episode. Many are cases that other shows have done a much more thorough job dissecting. 


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  11. Is anyone else watching this? 

    I did not like the first episode of S2. The problem for me was they seemed to gloss over and do a super condensed rush job on a case that had a lot of twists, turns. Dateline, 20/20 did much better jobs on the  story. This case had too much to shove in to a 40 minute episode. I feel like a few episodes could have been devoted to the case. Just the Bentley Twins shenanigans alone could be a series. 

    I really hope this case is solved someday. The victims and their families deserve justice. 

    For Girls Next Door fans, those who remember the old forms, gossip: 


    It looks as though Jill Ann’s case will be featured. I’m curious how Holly will handle it given their sensitive history. Jill Ann was very sweet, hard working. I went to her old store a few times. The girls labeled her a try hard, wannabe and a liar which later everything she said was proven to be true. Like most girls who come from nothing, she wanted to feel special and matter. 


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  12. On 8/8/2023 at 2:39 AM, TrixieTrue said:

    She really did. The twins certainly had more personality (or maybe they were just louder), but they really lacked the charm. The original three each had qualities that made them different from one another and they all appealed to someone watching. Maybe you weren't a Holly fan, but you liked Kendra. Or maybe Bridget was your favorite, but you didn't get Kendra. Regardless, there was something. 

    I sometimes look at Crystal's social media and she seems to have way more personality now. Maybe she was nervous, insecure, unhappy, who knows. But she  comes across quite differently now. 

    I think the twins’ defining trait was they are twins. That was enough to Hef. 

    That’s how I see Crystal when I see old clips of her. Nervous, insecure, unhappy, blank and at times scared. On the Runaway Bride special she looks scared. 

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  13. On 7/4/2023 at 9:18 AM, RealHousewife said:

    Kendra's tweets slut shaming Holly were disgusting, and they were definitely worse than anything Holly or Bridget ever said about her. But Kendra lacks impulse control, and it was many years ago. So a part of me still feels bad for her. Like one of them recently brought up Kendra sitting on Holly's birthday cake on purpose to get attention. I'm sure they all hammed it up for the cameras. Maybe Kendra did it the most, but I doubt that was deliberate. 

    Claire is a pretty girl, and I thought she'd make great TV too. But I soured on her after stuff she said about Holly. (Think I read about it on Reddit.) As foul as what Kendra said was, Claire's comments weren't made impulsively. She seemed obsessed with Holly. 

    There’s probably more to that than we’ll know because they were close, off camera friends and hung out a lot. 

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  14. On 6/28/2023 at 11:52 AM, TrixieTrue said:

    On a different, but GND related topic, I watched a couple of episodes from season six and the difference is astounding. The original three had a certain charm about them and they each had things that made them unique. The personalities of the new girlfriends just didn't come across on camera. I'm sure they had their own unique qualities, but it was flat and boring. Holly said in her book that Hef and the producers made it clear that they were replaceable. But that proved to be false. 

    What’s crazy is the info in those tweets was in two other books years before Kendra said it. But she was going to defend Hef no matter what. Personally I thought that era of Holly bashing between the tweets and the fake book signing confrontation were less about Hef but more about content for her second show that was on its last legs. She was really grasping at straws there. 

    I’m not sure how much of season 6 I watched but there’s no replacing the original 3. Some of the bunny house girls I thought had potential for their own shows/spin offs. I feel bad typing this but Crystal came off so blank to me on the show, vacant like nothing was there behind the pretty face. Was Claire Sinclair on Season 6 or just the bunny house stuff? She was really great on Holly’s World S2 to the point I would’ve liked to see her own show, adventures in Vegas. I saw her perform in the Calendar Girl show, it was cute. 

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  15. On 6/19/2023 at 8:46 AM, RealHousewife said:

    Exactly. None of them would be there if it weren't for the $. Bridget said once the other girls were there to see what they cold get out of it, and she was there to have fun. I believe she really is a sweeter person than most of the girlfriends. But she wasn't there because Hef himself is a good time. There are men who aren't rich or famous, but anything with them is fun because they're fun. The women stayed in a famous mansion, could order amazing food 24/7, have plastic surgery paid for, attend all these parties most of us only ever see on TV, a bigger chance for Playmate, etc. Just because some girlfriends expected bigger Christmas gifts than others doesn't mean they weren't all trying to see what they could get out of it. Most relationships are transactional, so I don't even fault the women for Hef's money being his appeal. He wouldn't be with them if they weren't young, busty blondes. But it is what it is, so I don't know why every girlfriend pretends she's so unique and above the others. 

    Exactly. I totally believe that Kendra was immature even for her very young age.  I'm sure she wanted certain things to herself, just like Bridget and Holly did. But as frustrating as it was for Holly and Bridget to deal with Kendra, Hef, and Kevin, a part of me feels bad 20-year-old Kendra is regularly picked apart. Like, I'm here for the tea, but I wish they would cut a little slack given Kendra's youth and trauma. Some people say well Kendra hasn't moved on either. But Kendra really hasn't made her entirely livelihood talking about the mansion like Holly.

    Thank you. :)

    I know I’ve said it a million times on here but I think Kendra’s greatest mistake was riding the reality tv wave too long instead of turning her hobbies and interests in to a profitable business. I also believe not healing herself, doing the necessary self work plus all the manufactured drama simply to stay on tv did a lot of damage. 

    I wish she had stayed with the fitness path, got certified, expanded upon her workout videos. 

    Exactly. I know Holly has investments, a RE portfolio but it is amusing how things circled back around to the mansion life. For a long time she didn’t want to talk about it, tried to do everything she could to break away now it’s her livelihood. Which is her right to do. Now that Kendra wants to move away from it all, seeing how they’re treating her is kind of sad. She deserves the same space for growth and empathy that they both allowed themselves to have.

    I’ve heard Holly discuss trauma, mental health on other podcasts so I don’t know how she can’t look back on everything and not have a little empathy for Kendra’s situation given how much damage, trauma they all know she carried. It’s like oh Bridget can move on. I can move on. Let’s keep Kendra in the annoying 19 year old box. 

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  16. On 9/1/2022 at 9:19 AM, chenoa333 said:

    I have often wondered if SJP was a hard core smoker in real life. Thus, the realistic ability to smoke in SATC. Buf i didn't notice Carrie smoking again after Big died. I haven't found AJLT to be Just That Interesting so it makes sense that I missed the whole "Carrie smoking" thing. Thanks for the info Luna!

    Years ago on Larry King Live she was asked about smoking and said her lawyer told her not to answer any questions about it. 
    During the original SATC run, I saw her smoking outside a theatre with Matthew during intermission. I was more surprised to see how they blended in with everyone else than the actual smoking. She’s tiny in person. 


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  17. On 5/23/2023 at 6:23 PM, RealHousewife said:

    So glad you still post here! 😄 Always enjoy reading your posts LemonSoda. 

    I think that's exactly it about Kendra. She didn't try to portray this First Lady of the mansion vibe. She didn't obsess over Playboy or wanting to become Hef's dream girl. She was a regular girl who wound up Hugh Hefner's girlfriend.

    Thank you! I keep getting behind on shows then by the time I want to talk about them the boards have moved on. 

    It’s difficult because at the end of the day Holly, Bridget weren’t without their own entitlements too. You saw how Holly was over the car situation in the book then left out that the hand me down was replaced with a series of customized Porsches. We’ve discussed it in this thread before but whether they were in the mean girl group or not, every woman who lived in that home had a shared experience that only they understand. 

    As annoying as Kendra could be she recognized the game and played it with gratitude. Also the me who has had therapy also looks back on this and wonders why they didn’t do more? I’m not saying she would’ve listened. But why didn’t they approach her, her situation from an angle of empathy instead of being snarky. I know I’m all over the place. That’s the problem with this situation. A lot of different truths from different angles. 

    Another issue I’ve noticed is despite the passage of time, Holly mostly and Bridget too still comes from a place of defensiveness. I think some healing and self work really needs to happen. 

    As for you RH, you’re going to be okay. You need some confidence to push yourself out there for the life you want. It’s hard but I know you can do it. 

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  18. My phone isn’t allowing me to find the post but I wasn’t surprised by any of the news. We had a poster on here who I hope is still here, Are you out there? post about her casino habits years ago. I think some thought it was preposterous but it seemed on brand. 

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  19. 2 hours ago, qtpye said:

    I really like Holly after she left the mansion.

    Her Youtube channel was interesting and great for anyone who likes witchy things and Disney. I liked it when she talked about her life outside of Playboy.

    However, she seems unable to see that Hef was a user and that many women were with him because they had little in the way of life options or wanted to further their careers in some way.

    In her mind, she loved Hef, and that is the only valid reason to be at the mansion as a girlfriend.

    Is it weird to anyone else that being a Playmate used to be such a big deal and now it does not even exist?

    I’m with you on the Holly outside of Playboy stuff. I even loved her old blog where she’d post recipes, fun things. Then when she joined YouTube, I love all the Disney, Beauty, general life stuff. I wish she’d talk more about her Vegas life. She really was great in Peepshow. 

    It’s very weird. I know Playmate lost its cache a long time ago but it’s so weird it’s not a thing anymore. 

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