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Everything posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. I thought that the smart board was actually rather dumb. There is no reason that it could not have added two zeros itself to the number. So when Vicki wrote 1,000,000 it would show 1,000,000.00. The fact that it kept changing the second comma to a decimal was ridiculous since no number would have three zeros after the decimal point. Interesting that Michael is still working for Vicki. I think in the previous epi when Vicki was giving Meghan a hard time about how easy she and her hubby were being on her step daughter, Meghan should have said that Jimmy plans to buy a business and give his daugther a job for life, so not to worry. Speaking of Meghan, I do believe the psychic was the real deal. After all, he told Meghan that she would have a baby. But didn't say it would be with Jimmy. I think that prediction will likely come true.
  2. It seems like Amy has been trying to 'find' herself for awhile now. There was a show a couple of years ago where she was renting out a restaurant and doing all the cooking for an evening. My impression was that she was hoping it would be a regular thing but nothing seemed to come of it. I think it was even before that when she taught a course at a school but that didn't seem to last past one semester.I hope she finds something she is passionate about and is able to look at her new found freedom as a blessing rather than a curse. She really does seem lost at the moment, while Matt carries blithely along.
  3. OK, I think I have figured out why the writers are making Herb such an unlikeable character. It came to me today when she smugly told Nicholas that she and Victor had an understanding, and that he respected her because she told him what she would and would not put up with with regards to TGVN. Now there is no way the writers could not know that the audience would be thinking "How f'ing stupid ARE you?". So I have concluded that Sage is here to direct ridicule and hate away from the pet Summer and towards Herb. On top of that she is being directed to make scrunchy faces, OTT gestures and to rub her belly 24/7. In general to act like there IS no director. Because why in the hell otherwise would a director not tell her how bloody annoying she is, and tell her to stop doing all these things that make her look like last choice for a cheesy high school production?
  4. Ninja, you absolutely nailed why I hate the actor who plays Sage. She was never this overbearing when she was with Adam in the mansion - maybe because she was always morose there? The scrunched up face where her eyes disappear into her head that is supposed to convey happiness makes me want to put my fist through the TV. She is like some bad sitcom actress from the 50s playing the happy home maker. My apologies to June Cleaver and company because that is really an insult to them. She easily surpasses Hunter King as the worst actress on the show. Joshua Morrow turns in emmy worthy performances in comparison. I know many do not think much of his talents, but to play someone in love with this dolt takes some pretty good acting chops IMO. Poor guy, what a let down from playing love scenes opposite Sharon Case and Michelle Stafford (who, repeating lines aside, could act). Who in the heck does she know to get such a prominent storyline with not an ounce of acting ability? I keep hoping that the rubbing of the stomach will cause her to disappear.
  5. I like Sharon and Dylan together, and have since Dylan first came to town and Sharon befriended him. They actually have chemistry and I like that their long friendship (at least long for a soap opera) has resulted in a romantic relationship. It is believable and happens often in the real world. (And did to Mr Username and me). Unlike Nick and Herb who would still be apart had she not found out she was preggers. For Nick to suddenly go from wanting a break because of his daughter to falling madly in love once he finds out Herb is pregnant, to not caring a whit about said daughter and moving Herb into the tacky house pronto is just ridiculous. Add on Faith being apparently doppleganged and Nick's 3rd walk down the isle in less than two years (but only completed walk) and you have a storyline that makes Jack/Marco's totally believable in comparison.
  6. OK, I haven't seen today's show as it doesn't air here for another hour. But I am confused about the above statement - I thought Victor wanted Chelsea at Newman? Why would he force her to stay at Jabot? I am so disgusted with this show, but mostly about the Nick/Herb insta pairing. Has there even been an more uninspired couple that this? And that is saying a lot for Y&R. No chemistry. No history (bear trap aside). Who cares about Herb? Anyone? I know I don't. And that this whole farce of a coupling, including Faith apparently being doppleganged and now thrilled with her new step mommy, is to bring grief once again to a long loved character is just beyond disgusting.
  7. I think Meghan's wish that she had birthed her step kids has more to do with the fact that she will most likely not have bio kids with Jimmy and she would like to have that connection with him. As a step parent I have never had that particular feeling, in fact because I never had an interest in either being pregnant or giving birth, I was happy that my hubby's ex was the one who gave birth. But that's just me. However as much as I do not like Meghan, I wish she had shut Vicki down by saying to her "you have never been a step parent so you do not know what it is like". Vicki was getting on my last nerve by telling Meghan she was doing everything wrong after telling her that she had no right to consider herself a parent. You can't have it both ways, Vickster. And I find Vicki's lecturing of Meghan hilarious considering that Vicki's husband Don was a step parent and Vicki treated him like crap. She was the exact opposite of Jimmy. Rather than expect Don to raise her kids, as far as I could ever she she totally shut him out. I remember several times that she and the kids went on vacation and did not even invite Don to go with them. I never saw any connection of her kids to their step father until after Don and Vicki separated. Before that he was nothing more than another person living in the house. As far as Vicki buying Brianna a car? It is disgusting that she is still trying to buy her almost- 30 -year- old -mother -of -two -married -daughter's love. And even more disgusting that Brianna is happy to be bought. So before you go looking at anyone else's relationships - either bio or step - look at your own Vicki. It isn't all that pretty.
  8. What I find the most interesting is that several episodes ago, Bethanny was having a conversation with Kristin and basically said "we all have stuff we are dealing with". I would assume she meant with regards to Sonia dealing with ongoing legal issues, Heather dealing with a sick child, Bethanny and Ramona going through divorces, etc. Kristin a couple of times insisted that she wasn't dealing with anything - as in everything was peachy keen in her life. Obviously it wasn't, she just apparently didn't know it.
  9. I thought TPTB were supposed to love Steve Burton? They certainly do not like his character, anymore than they apparently like Sharon. The guy comes to town with PTSD. He has already, as we find out, lost one baby-to-be with Avery. Then Chelsea Con makes him a daddy, but not for long. Now his third chance a being a daddy has been pulled out from under him. Meanwhile Nick Newman is about to have his 4th child with his 3rd baby mamma. And two out of those three women are supposedly infertile. Apparently Dylan needs to find a barren woman to have success at becoming a daddy. I am trying to figure out why Mariah was invited to the baby shower as family, which is what she stated. The Newmans didn't even blink an eye that she was there, but Nikki and Victoria thought Sharon should have been shown the door. Mariah is not related to Nick - he has never been her step father. But technicality aside, scenes are always better with Mariah, and Kevin too. Now Herb is another matter altogether.
  10. Wow, I was shocked that the actress playing Marissa just turned 26, and the actor playing Noah just turned 30. He looks 26 tops, and I would have guessed that she was early 30s at least. Certainly not a good thing for her as a actress down the road to look that much older than her true age. To me they don't work because she looks more suited to Jack/Marco due to her appearance. But unlike most here I don't mind the current Noah, they just need to give him someone believable to play off of. Courtney Cop was a Complete Snore. Was I hearing things, or did it appear that PB was infusing a bit of an accent when he played Marco today? Can't say I have ever heard that before, or maybe it was more noticable since he was in a scene with Jack. Silly me to think that the writers would let Neil be the bigger person and actually forgive Devon and Hillary. This has dragged on so long that bored to tears doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about this s/l. Not to mention given Neil's track record in the marriage department he should have racked up at least another engagement since he and Hillary divorced. I just don't believe that a serial groom is that choked up about being conned by someone he knew was a con when he married her. Nope. Not for a minute.
  11. Actually 'natural causes' means any death that is the result of a naturally occuring disease process. So heart attack, stroke, cancer etc. are all 'natural'. What is not natural is death due to an accident, or homicide. I taped the show today (i have to admit I never watch it) as I was wondering whether Kathy Lee would share any details of Frank's death. She said that he died suddenly around 9 am - was ready for church and they were discussing what they were having for lunch that day. A wonderful way to go - I hope I am that lucky. A friend's father just passed that way (about the same age as Frank). In fact when they found him he was still sitting up in his chair at the kitchen table. Kathy shared some pics where Frank didn't look like his hair was dyed. But also not everyone goes white. My grandmother's hair never changed from a dark steel gray and she lived to 101. On the other hand my MIL at 81 dyes her hair and I must say she looks at least a decade younger. I have other friends who go gray or white in their 50s and look a decade older. At almost 58 I dye my hair - have no idea how much gray would be there otherwise. And I have no intention of finding out. Kathy did give a lovely tribute to Frank - a little heavy on the religion but that was to be expected. I am neither a fan or a non fan, (I watched Regis and Kathy Lee years ago on and off and she often drove me crazy) but I did like hearing about Frank's younger years as he was the same age as my mom, and they definitely grew up in a tough era.
  12. And here I was giving Vicki the benefit of the doubt. I should have known better - lol. There are some pretty funny comments on other sites about the Vicki's claim to have gone to chemo with Brooks. One said that she likely dropped him off at the front entrance and picked him up at the gift shop. Another comment was that Vicki likely stayed in the waiting room while Brooks snuck off to the cafeteria to eat some bread. One thing about Vicki - she is great entertainment.
  13. I wonder if Vicki made the decision because of losing her mom? I know when I lost my parents (12 years apart) after each death I re evaulated my life and made changes regarding things I no longer wanted to put up with. I found especially after losing my second parent and feeling like an orphan - even though I was almost 50 (and apparently this feeling is quite common) - I took stock of my life and in that case left a job I had not been happy with for some time. So Vicki's decision may have had something to do with finding out that Brooksie really didn't have cancer. Or maybe she just admitted to herself that he was not the great love of her life but rather someone in her life only because she is incapable of being alone. Maybe she decided that she deserved someone who would love her unconditionally as her mother had, and no longer wanted to settle for less. Regarding Brooksie, did Vicki never go with him to his 'chemo' sessions, or any legit doctors? I know we never saw anything on camera, but one would think at some point she would have some idea if he was indeed scamming her. But then again, this is Vicki. So maybe not.
  14. Re: the tires, apparently Williams did not always drive that vehicle so had he been driving a different vehicle on the day that the check was done he would not have aroused suspicion. I also found it interesting that he wore the same boots to the interview as the ones he wore when he abducted Jessica. Obviously Williams thought he was much smarter than the police and that he could literally get away with murder. Considering that he had gotten away with the break ins, assaults and one murder over a period of a couple of years his arrogance was not a surprise. And the distance between the various crime scenes certainly made it difficult to connect the dots.
  15. I have to say this story hit too close to home - and still does watching the epi over 5 years after the monster was caught. I am Canadian, and grew up in the same small town as the mother of Williams' last murder victim Jessica. (Two towns over from where WIlliams had his cottage on the lake and ultimately killed Jessica). I did not know Roxanne well as she is a few years older than I am, but our brothers were friends, and Jessica's grandmother still lives in my hometown. It is indeed chilling to know that Williams could lead a 'normal' life, even excel at his chosen profession and have such responsibility. Yet not only have a Jekyll/Hyde personality but to get away with so many crimes before he was caught. I just read today that the second victim that Williams tied up and assaulted won a settlement with the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) over her treatment by them, and the fact that the first assult just down the road from her was not made known to the residents in the area, or the lingerie thefts from over two years previously. I am glad for her, and that changes have been made. It is just too bad that he was not caught until two women died. Evil really does come in many forms.
  16. Maybe Harding shot Marco before Marco could shoot Harding. Maybe Harding was wearing a bullet proof vest to protect that amazing chest. That fact that we did not see Harding go down makes me think it is not what it seems. Personally I don't want either one to die. Harding for obvious reasons, and Marco because I like his cheeky side. I much prefer PB as Marco than Jack. If Neil did indeed decide to forgive Hillary and Devon I am glad. It never fit Neil's personality that he would carry a grudge this far. Not to mention Hillary was hardy the love of his life - the guy changes wives like he changes his sox. BTW I keep forgetting to ask, where is Jill supposed to be? And where is JW - has she been demoted to recurring status?
  17. OK, if I am going to complain to the CBC feedback site about Y&R it won't be about the pathetic writing. TPTB obviously don't care about such things. I will complain about the travesty of today's show where we were subjected to Gnomie's bare chest. Meanwhile Harding is always dressed from head to toe - you'd think he was a member of the FLDS. If the writers can't come up with a decent storyline they can at least give us distractions like a half naked Chris McKenna so that we don't care. To the writers - my wish is that Harding turns out to be an FBI plant after all. He decides that police work is no longer for him and that his true passion is body building. He then spends the rest of his days hanging out in the workout room of the GCAC or the roof top pool. Thank you.
  18. There is a simple explanation as to why Fen drugged the Scoobies, and why Harding would pick that night apparently knowing the Scoobies would be drugged and he could access Austin's computer. It is because the writers come up with this shit as they go along. They had no more idea when they wrote the scene at the cabin who the perp was than we did.
  19. I think the half brother (who of course Savanna grew up thinking was a full brother) was mentioned in the show and yes he was the son of Lee's second husband. Interesting that so many people were interviewed/featured including old friends of Lee's, their children, Lee's mother, etc. but not the relative closest to both Lee and Savanna. You would think that if he felt the same way Savanna did he would have travelled to the U.S. as well to support his mother at her trial.
  20. I can't remember - was it revealed in the epi that Lee was actually in the process of divorcing (or maybe was divorced from) her second husband when he died? I found these quotes in the above article from the former friend who turned her in interesting : “But as I saw what Alex did over the years it bothered me to the point where I said to my wife ‘I think we’re wrong, I don’t believe the story any more and I need to find out.” After watching the terrible breakdown of his friend’s marriage, Mr Schofield undertook his own research, discovering Sam’s real father, Mr Todd, a wealthy stock broker from South Carolina, had been searching the world since her disappearance. I have two relatives who experienced dealing with someone like Lee. My cousin was married to a "Lee". She turned their three children totally against their father. Rather than continue to fight her and put the kids in the middle he waited for them to become old enough to see the truth for themselves. All three did, and since they have been adults have wonderful relationships with my cousin, and no relationship with their mother. A worse scenario is my nephew in law whose mother raised him and his 3 siblings without their father from young ages. She told them that he was no good, never able to hold down a job, an alcoholic, etc. For years she drummed into them that everything they had was thanks to her. She was a very controlling person but they worshipped her, thinking she had saved them from a terrible childhood otherwise. Then after my niece and nephew in law married, a situation came up where they tried to warn her of a situation involving one of the other sibs. She totally turned against them. They began to wonder if she could turn against them that easily, was what she had told them regarding the father actually true? Turns out it wasn't. He was a stable, loving person who had held the same job for 30 years. She was the unstable one unable to hold onto a job (but that was always someone else's fault). The kicker was he had been paying child support for all 4 children for years, past even when he no longer had to! She kept that little tidbit from the kids too, including the years he was paying while they were in university. My nephew in law now has a wonderful relationship with his father, and none with his mother. She is also missing seeing her two grandchildren grow up. So when Lee was in jail and told Savanna that everything she did, she did for her it made me think that she has brainwashed her for years. And unfortunately it is possible that until Savanna does something to displease her mother and she sees her true colours, she may never let her father into her life.
  21. I just watched the Ginnifer Goodwin episode and loved it. I had the same questions as others regarding when Pearl died, and about the half brother of her grandfather. Was he ever even mentioned other than when Nellie recorded that she had three children, and her obit which mentioned her two surviving sons? I also thought that Ginnifer's great grandfather was hot, and thought she looked very much like him.
  22. Hmmm, so Faith is now totally onboard with Herb and the little sprout? Really? She hated Easy Bake even after EB was no longer with her daddy. And Easy didn't even have a bun in her oven. The only explanation I can come up with for this complete personality change is that Faith has been doppleganged. I love that Sharon did not let Nick get away with painting Sage as a paragon of virtue. I laughed out loud when she pointed out that giving up the Bingham fortune was not such a sarcifice considering where Sage landed. How long will it take for Nick to find out that Herb has been hiding his brother's true identity for ages, and kick her to the curb? I can't remember when a couple has had less chemistry, and that is saying a lot. I am always fascinated when the women of GC parade around in backless dresses and bare legs in the dead of winter, but in the heat of summer wear long pants and sweaters as Phyllis was today. Even Nikki was wearing a sweater in the GCAC.
  23. I was thinking the same thing when Phyllis said that dopplegangers just don't happen - lol. Yes Phyllis, it has happened many times, and to you too! At this point anyone in GC who has not been dopplegangered (is that a word?) should feel left out. And of course Gabriel Bingham is another current DGer. I thought GT did a pretty good job with the material she was given. She did manage to do the normal Phyllis thing and make it all about her. However since she is a much better actor that MS she was able to get through the dialogue without repeating everyone sentence two or three times in a row. Two or three times. In a row.
  24. Oh please, the Hillary/Devon storyline is a total snore. Devon is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he also isn't stupid. Why in the world would he believe Colin of all people? Not to mention when Neil saw Hillary and Devon together he said something along the lines of "oh, so you two are OK". Why would he think otherwise unless Colin told him differently? But Colin said Devon's (non) discretion was between them. And Neil's visit to Hillary? Between Devon and the con Hillary I just do not believe that they would not know it was a set up. I hate hate hate when writers write like the audience is stupid, when in reality the writers are just unimaginative or untalented. Oh and one last thing - did Devon think that the services of the lady of the evening included her giving him a sponge bath after their wild night together? Because otherwise there should be some indication on his person...umm... that he apparently had sex. And according to Colin all night long. Ugh. I laughed when the term 'Scooby gang' was brought up by the cop yesterday (whose name momentarily escapes me). Too, too funny. Now if they would only start referring to Summer as Dummer. Too much to ask?
  25. More stupid writing. They show in the preview for tomorrow's epi a bewildered Devon asking Colin if he cheated on Hillary. Yes, asking the person who has previously blackmailed him if he cheated. And I don't know, but don't people who have been drugged generally wake up knowing that they did not drink themselves into feeling the way they feel when they wake up not knowing what the F they did? Also in the video it is quite obvious way Devon falls on the bed that he is totally out of it. My other pet peeve is with the insta weddings that the writers seem to favour. Then the bride freaks out because there is SO MUCH TO DO IN A WEEK!!! Or sometimes even a day or two. The horrors!!! But there is absolutely no reason to have the wedding in less days that you can count on your fingers. Any bride that agrees to get married in such a short time frame does not care about pulling off a wedding with flowers, photographers, food, etc. Trust me.
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