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Everything posted by Bessie

  1. He absolutely has a right to be angry. I just think it was misdirected. Bobby, Castiel and Souless Sam were the culprits. Not Sam.
  2. Gotcha. I still don't think it was meant sardonically, but I thought every word out of Dean's mouth was mean-spirited and meant to hurt. I hated that scene and wish it had never been written.
  3. Not true. He sometimes does, but not always. The crap demon Dean spewed has never come up. Has the shapeshifter Dean comments been held against him by Sam? I can't remember, but I don't think so. In fact, I think the coin thing is the only time Sam has been unreasonable about comments Dean has made under the influence.
  4. I don't think he was joking. If that's what was intended to come across onscreen, the writers and Ackles performance missed it by a country mile.
  5. That was me whining about people dogpiling, not Shatner. You should read his Twitter if you want to know his issues with her. I think he’s defending his friend.
  6. It definitely had something to do with #BlueLivesMatter. That much I can remember, because my ears prick up at that particular phrase. And it wasn't that long ago. A couple months at most, I think.
  7. I don’t have a primary source. I shouldn’t have brought it up without one and apologize for doing so. As for Shatner, he’s defending his friend who is at the bottom of a dogpile consisting of thousands of people where he has been for days now. Everyone should have such good friends
  8. I believe you. But it's not limited to Collins. They all get deranged hate directed at them.
  9. I agree with the sentiment, but it does raise a question. Are fans responsible for the consequences of the content on their social media or does that only apply to celebrities? And, while I think dogpiling on fans for some tweet is completely uncalled for, I apply the same standard for celebrities. The only people I don't care about when it comes to being dogpiled are politicians and journalists. But only if I disagree with them. ; ) ETA: Oh, and of course racists, nazis, animal abusers etc. Dogpile away on those folks!
  10. I don't know how you found this, but that is fabulous! Apparently, William Shatner is now going after @poptivist on twitter for her tweets about Padalecki. I guess she also went after Ackles for some tweet about #blue lives matter. For some reason, that tweet was never brought over here, but I guess it also caused quite the uproar in fandom. ETA: I can't get the full video to copy. Sorry!
  11. I was hopeful going into last season about the mytharcs, but right from the premiere, I started losing interest. I was not at all hopeful going into this season, but I really enjoyed this premiere! I liked Jack and the actor that portrayed him. I'm far more open to his storyline than I was before this episode. I liked his interactions with Sam, the sheriff and her kid. And I'm looking forward to seeing him interact more with Dean. Maybe this is a sign that I'll like the AU more than I'm expecting to as well. There are so many different directions they could go with it. Fingers crossed that they don't zero in on the angels to the detriment of other stories.
  12. That's really harsh. I'm out. ETA: No worries. I'm the one who confused them.
  13. Let's say Dean returned to Bobby's covered in bruises from head to toe, with five broken ribs. Dean then tells Bobby every single thing that went down, including the strangulation. Does this somehow change Bobby's dilemma?
  14. Which is exactly why he’d choose dean as the person to reason with and not sam. I understand if people don’t like how bobby went about it, but he only had two choices. Somehow get through to a despondent dean or agree to write sam off and allow Lilith to do whatever she was going to do. I think bobby made the right choice in a desperate and time-sensitive situation. And the boo-boo princess speech, while harsh, worked.
  15. I thought the whole point of the fight scene and the nurse begging for her life was to show that Sam was off-the-rails. He was gonzo. There was no sense in Bobby trying to get through to him. Dean was bobbys only option. Pretend that Bobby was around when Dean was a demon. If Sam told Bobby he was going to write Dean off as a lost cause, who do you think Bobby would try to get through to? Demondean or Sam? I expect he'd have gone after Sam not demondean.
  16. Which is why season four sucked for so many people who like Sam. I hated it. I never rewatch any of the episodes. And I'm glad the demondean story was wrapped up before the writers could do the same thing to Dean because I would've hated that too. I probably wouldn't have watched it. It was bad enough going through it once with Sam, I never wanted to repeat it with Dean.
  17. I was kinda bummed that he mentioned everyone except Rowena when he was praying. I loved her! Maybe it's a clue that she's not dead.
  18. Throughout that scene, I was waiting for the single man-tear!
  19. But, expressing his feelings is not something Sam does much. He compartmentalizes or sets them aside. Although I thought the writers did show Sam grieving in one of the flashbacks, but I could be wrong about that.
  20. Maybe since Sam has been dragged for years for not looking for Dean, he's learned that lesson. Guess it's Dean's turn.
  21. I always wonder about this. Does he react eventually? I honestly don't know. I read about how Sam is an introvert and not as emotional as Dean. So I wonder if that gives the writers an excuse for ignoring Sam's emotional life. Dean's is front and center and I like that about him. But Sam always seems to be on a heavy dose of Valium and very zen about everything. I don't expect this to ever change because "Sam is an introvert". Apparently, introverts never show emotion. I will say that I've never seen cas and Sam as being close, so I didn't expect much emotion from Sam over cas' death.
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