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Posts posted by producerchick

  1. 11 hours ago, politichick said:

    Good for them, but I don't like that house at all and would not want to live in the boonies, especially at her age.

    The house isn't in the boonies at all. It's right by Six Flags, FedEx Field, etc. It's a big family suburb for sure, but not too far to get into downtown DC - perhaps 25, 30 mins. My source is the fact that her new house is literally around the corner from my parents. I didn't grow up in that house but the area is nice. 

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  2. If anyone is interested in mormon history and/or culture, I highly recommend "Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith" by John Krakauer (author of Into Thin Air and Into the Wild). This book was fascinating and shocking. I already knew about the Mormon faith (I went to a Christian school and we were taught the basics of all religions) but the origin story is just...wow. Apparently it's in development to become a movie as well. 




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  3. On 11/12/2020 at 6:15 PM, itsadryheat said:

    I recently relocated to a what I found out was a heavily mormon town. Had no preconceptions one way or another about all things mormon. Quickly found out the culture was 100% not for me. Moved back. Real eye opener for me as well.

    Can you elaborate on what was eye opening? What was it about the culture of the town that turned you off? Lack of coffee shops and bars or deeper than that? I'm genuinely interested, having never traveled to that part of the US. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, drivethroo said:


    The person who is actually triggering Monique is Chris Samuels, because he wants her to behave like the Gizelle/Charrisse types but that's not who Monique is.  You cannot marry a dog from the shelter and expect it to act like an AKA purebred pampered show dog.  That's not how it works.  I wouldn't be surprised if Chris Samuels' liking Candiace wasn't behind a lot of the rage Monique feels towards her.

    Side Note on Wendy: I cracked up when they were showing scenes of Baltimore, then cut to Wendy.  Wendy lives nowhere near Baltimore.  Wendy lives on the road leading to Baltimore.  Wendy actually lives closer to where Ashley grew up than Baltimore, Potomac, etc.


    Interesting theory on Chris. I hope it's not true. Although the shelter/purebred comparison is cringeworthy. 

    On Wendy, they showed the road to Baltimore because she was speaking at an event in Baltimore. They showed the event sign before they showed her speaking. 

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  5. I'm late (per usu) but I wanted to comment on Imani's mom. She's definitely a straight to the point, tells it like it is woman in real life. I met her maaaaaany years ago when I was just starting in my career. I was distraught and frustrated about the uphill battle to get respect in the field of TV news. She ignored my dramatics and gave me great advice in the same deadpan voice she does on the show. I've always had massive respect for her and what she told me that day has helped me a lot in my (now) 15 year career. I was excited to see her on the show. 

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  6. In regards to Rob and Ro, I agree it's a career thing. I also think the hustle and bustle isn't a stereotype. I've lived in NYC for 10 years but I travel for work to places like rural Pennsylvania, Florida, Kentucky, etc - and yes, NYC moves faster than most places. Hell, we even walk faster than 90% of the country, I'd say. And I am tired of standing in lines for major events that would have a quarter of that line anywhere else (Global Citizen Festival, Afropunk, Seinfeld Exhibit, Alexander McQueen Met Exhibit). 


    All of that said, when I first moved to NYC, my career was pretty much a Devil Wears Prada situation, my apt had no heat and hot water EVER and I was in a long distance relationship. I talked about moving to Atlanta constantly, despite wanting to live in NYC since I was a kid. So I feel for Ro. It reminds me so much of myself. Fortunately, I got promotion after promotion and a banging apt that I will never leave and here we are. She needs to stick it out a bit longer - in her field (and mine as well), NYC is where she should be if she wants to "make it". Sorry, but no one is going to be checking for the hottest fashion blogger in Tampa. 

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  7. It's gotten weird watching this show - I see about 3 friends each episode now! 


    In regards to the girls being loud, one of my good friends was at the event and said they WERE loud. She could hear them and people were rolling their eyes at their behavior. 


    Also - re: Crabby Shack - the food is good but not good for that long trek! I need them to move a bit closer to a subway station or else this Harlem girl is sticking with Lolo's and The Boil. 


    In a way, empanelling a group to discuss whether black women are "objectively less attractive" imbues the statement with a certain measure of credibility and legitimizes the idea that there's a question worthy of an actual debate.


    I totally agree, Candall. And also - what were we supposed to gain from that segment? Ok, the world thinks we're less attractive. Great. This is a problem. Ok - all stuff I already knew and wasn't really excited to be reminded of. I came away watching the segment feeling worse about something I already knew but don't really pay much attention to in the first place. Were we (black women) supposed to feel empowered after that segment? 

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  9. This episode was a bit much for me. While I appreciate Mara Brock-Akil trying to give black women's issues a platform, after a long day I really watch the show to be entertained. I felt like I was watching a cable news segment that I didn't sign up for. The last piece was too long. 

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  10. I was pretty appalled by Kara's behavior as well. But it falls in line with what we've been shown thus far. That's one thing that I love about this show - the people are imperfect. They make missteps - small AND enormous - they have insecurities, they're all trying to figure it out without it all being so "pat" in the end. I don't have to like the people to like the show and the bad behavior makes me like the show even more. I hope we have a lot of eps in this season!

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