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Posts posted by atomationage

  1. AFAIK, the moderator is just Chris Wallace of Faux News.  I can picture Drumpf going into a snit if CW actually asks a difficult question or a followup. " WAH!  You're picking on me too.  It's two against one."  Drumpf is such a whining baby, I don't understand why his followers don't see that.  My opinion/hope is that Drumpf is going to lose Big League, that his followers are people that don't actually vote, maybe they're being paid somehow to come to his rallies, and it will be clear very early on election day that he has lost.  That, or Death From Above, preferably a lightning strike in broad daylight without a cloud in the sky, leaving him twitching like that disabled guy he was mocking.  Really, is it too much to ask for?

    • Love 4
  2. 7 minutes ago, Padma said:

    So I'm super grateful for his narcissistic personality disorder and that he's an inveterate liar who just can't stop himself. Yay! Thanks!

    Yeah, but what if the next guy has all the same views, but is a smooth talker, hasn't assaulted anyone, and actually has "the best words", unlike Mr. and Mrs. Drumpf?  Then what?  IMO, it's all the fault of the GOP/Faux "news" pandering to the lunatic fringe.  I don't think there's anyway of putting Alex Jones, Breitbart, Limburger and the rest back under the rocks they crawled out from, as mentioned very ably by, well, a poster whose post I can't find right now. 

    Anyway, this is trending, from Liz Garbus, It's not ok:

    • Love 13
  3. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Then yesterday was the dress that looked like a noose. I wish she had choked on it. And she walked out of Life of Mormon? She proves herself a moron, ignoramus, nimrodic maroon for not KNOWING what it's about. Her friends may not openly not criticize her for walking out, but if they enjoyed it, then they're secretly mocking her.

    Laughing Out Loud.   I know the show is supposed to be a group of women, but after Joy and Sunny, Clay Aiken would be my next vote for a new panelist, or someone like him, with a southern accent, who can speak to the people like he was the other day, instead of having right wing or "center-right" fast talking Jedi Bile.  Martha Raddatz would also be a great serious panelist who knows what she's talking about. 

    • Love 7
  4. I've linked to the Tea "Consent is Everything" video several times in various threads.  This is a new one from Vox called Consent, Explained For Donald Trump, referring to the orginal Tea Consent video, featuring Jill Harth, Temple Taggart, with  nonsense from rush limburger, corey lewandumski, ghouliani, and other assault justifiers.

    • Love 4
  5. 14 hours ago, Enigma X said:

    I honestly could not make it past an episode of Entourage

    Just watch the Ari Gold clips with Piven:

    I didn't care for the rest of the cast.  Grenier's character was supposedly based on Leonardo di Caprio and his "entourage", which included his brother, Jesse Bradford, and Mark Wahlberg at the time of Basketball Diaries.   At least one of the entourage was a Wahlberg follower, so it was sort of a combination of both I guess.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Kromm said:

    I bet if we'd sent this post back in time two years and someone read it then, they'd think it was ridiculous hyperbole rather than real legitimate fears we have now.

    Even earlier this year, people thought the idea of Drumpf's candidacy was a joke, but no one thought that he was the actual person that they saw on The Apprentice.  He's not an actor.  That's really him, and the closer you look at him, the worse it becomes.  Hillary, or one of the PACs that support her, should do an ad just with quotes from his GOP opponents from the primaries.  "You know this man", you just didn't realize it.  His campaign seems to be based on The Sapir Whorf Hypothesis

    See also Newt Gingrich's "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" from


    Or you could just go back to the Drumpf family's homeland of Germany, for The Big Lie:


    • Love 2
  7. 21 minutes ago, susieq147 said:

    What is it exactly CCB and her ilk want? 

    A blonder future for America with her husband, Valeri Vladimirovich "Val" Bure?  Their children are named Maksim Valerievich Bure, Natasha Valerievna Bure, Lev Valerievich Bure.   It doesn't look like CCB has much of a say about anything at home.  Maybe that's not even her, but a Stepford Wife version of her, that goes out to earn money for the family.  Wiki, about their winery:


    Bure modified the Russian imperial seal his great-grandfather stamped on his watches to use as his company's label.

    • Love 7
  8. 14 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

    Delta Burke began believing that she was the star of the show which many lay at the feet of her husband Gerald McRaney.

    I never liked McRaney after this whole mess which I do put at his feet.  Delta Burke was and may still be a beloved icon in Orlando.  WIkipedia doesn't mention that she went to Rollins College in Winter Park, and I can't find a source for that,  but  they have this:


    she won the Miss Florida title for 1974; she was the youngest Miss Florida titleholder in pageant history. She was subsequently paired with Miss Georgia, Gail Nelson, in the Miss America 1975 pageant. Burke won a talent scholarship from the Miss America Organization, allowing her to attend a two-year study program at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    Is CBC Christian Barbie Candace? If not I'm having trouble remembering what it's short for.

    I believe it was mis-typed as CBC instead of CCB, Candace Cameron-Bure, Bure being a Russian sleeper agent working for Putin. 

    • Love 4
  10. I did a search on YT for Shepherd Smith and Gay, and that video from two years ago came up.   I happen to subscribe to David Pakman's channel, so that one stood out for me.  I don't ever watch faux news, and really didn't know anything about him myself.  In the video, the speculation towards the end was that Smith knew something damaging about Roger Ailes, and that was why he was allowed to be the voice of sanity.   I thought that part was fortelling the future.

  11. 1 hour ago, backformore said:

    Basically, overlapping voter registrations.  If you register to vote in one state, then MOVE, and register to vote in another state, you are registered twice. 

    But people who have residences in more than one state can vote in both, one by absentee ballot, and the other in person.  In person, you would show proof of residency.  By absentee ballot, all you need is to be on their mailing list.  This is especially prevalent in Florida where many people just go down for the winter.  The experience of 2000 says that most of those are GOP voters.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    But who would advertise on a channel like that to pay the freight?

    Churches and companies that sell insurance, drugs, guns, pickup trucks, real estate scammers, and anyone who wants to bring themselves to the attention of the demographic that watches bloviating idiots telling them what to think.   Drumpf probably thinks he can get free publicity for his own ventures, but that's unlikely unless he changes what he's selling.   One side effect might be that Faux News would turn on some of the people and ideas that they've been promoting all these years. 

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  13. 18 minutes ago, ABitOFluff said:

    In 10 years, the Donald will be trading her in for a younger model.

    Nah. he'll be dead.  His father lived a long time, but from the pictures I've seen, Fred was very trim.  Drumpf looks awfully unhealthy.   I'll be surprised if he doesn't drop dead at the next debate, although I'm still hoping for a lightning strike. 

    • Love 4
  14. With CCB back on preaching the gospel according to Drumpf, and Jedi Bile re-branding herself as center-right, center-right, center-right, they clearly don't want me to watch this show.  I was so sick of Raven that I was glad to see she wasn't on, but this was just a mess.  They should rebuild the show around Joy and Sunny, and find some other women with whom those two could intelligently converse.  I'm going to watch the Clay Aiken clip.  I couldn't stand the rest of it.  

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