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Posts posted by atomationage

  1. 13 hours ago, Kromm said:


    Lets start with this video: the vlogbrothers on the reality of Voter Fraud in the US.

    I'm very optimistic about the 36 lightning strikes so far this year.  There's plenty of time left for death from above. 

    A lady in Iowa was arrested for voting twice, and there were two more cases in Miami:


    One was an election worker filling in a mayoral candidate that was left blank, and the other filled in votes for a marijuana iniitiative on 5 ballots.

    • Love 2
  2. 10 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

    I've already voted absentee and I didn't tell him.  I'm hoping that come November 8, he'll forget what day it is.  If that doesn't work, I'll remind him that since our votes cancel each other out, it'd be a waste of time.  Fingers crossed.

    Thanks for the laugh.  I was proud to vote early for Hillary and Tammy, and I'm hoping for a very large turnout and a 50 state victory with 100 million votes for HRC45. 

    • Love 6
  3. After the Comey news, I actually felt week in the knees when I stood up.  I went out for a walk.  I ended up at the Entenmann's outlet store and bought two boxes of donuts, one chocolate and one cinnamon.   On the walk back, my thoughts turned from Comey, who I wouldn't recognize, to Rush Limburger, who I would recognize.  I kept thinking of him being found without his head.   "He doesn't have a head, no lips, no vocal chords,"  (Whoopi in Soapdish)   Later, I re-watched David Letterman's final episode for the umpteenth time.  That was very calming. 

    • Love 15
  4. Chelsea said on The Talk that he wants to be called "The First Laddie".   Maybe she was joking, or he was joking.  Hillary said that she wants to send him to some of the poorest places in America to see what can be done to help people.   I read that as keeping him as far away from The West Wing as possible.  I recently watched an interview on Letterman from 3 years ago.  WJC42 knows a lot.  One other Letterman from last year .  He seemed to have slowed down in the interim.  Michael Moore was shocked that he knew so much about his career when he was at The White House back then. 

    • Love 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, maraleia said:

    He can go fuck himself (Comey I mean).

    The President should relieve him of his duties now, and someone else should start looking into Comey's emails.  We're sort of on a news blackout locally here in Chicago, because a plane caught on fire at O'hare.  After the initial report of Comey's nonsense, I had to go for a walk.   I went to the Entenmann's outlet store, so I have Comey to blame for that. 

    • Love 13
  6. 56 minutes ago, Padma said:

    Just in case anyone needs a reminder what a jerk he is

    The first thing that came to mind was Hillary at the debate saying he likes to hang around backstage at pageants.  This drumpf quote should be used in Hillary's ads:


    “That wouldn’t have been true, but I would have said it anyway.”

    • Love 6
  7. 6 minutes ago, Revlonred said:

    I can't take it anymore!!!! 


    When they go low, we go high

    When they go low, we go high

    When they go low, we go high

    This Comey story has me glad that Guantanamo is still available for Hillary to use for some of her enemies, but that would be low.  Comey is alleged to no longer be a GOP partisan, but it sure doesn't seem like it to me.   When HRC45 is elected, Comey should be fired for politicizing the FBI. 

    • Love 14
  8. 14 minutes ago, roughing it said:

    What concerns me is the unknown, the number of independent voters - will they vote Trump? 

    The thing that seems to have given drumpf the recent bump is that fewer people are responding for Johnson. 

    1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

    How can you find out if you need to show ID to vote?

    I bring ID and at least one piece of mail with my address on it.   I don't want to take any chances. 

    • Love 6
  9. WIKI


    William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III; August 19, 1946) ... served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Clinton was Governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992, and Arkansas Attorney General from 1977 to 1979. A member of the Democratic Party, ideologically Clinton was a New Democrat, and many of his policies reflected a centrist "Third Way" political philosophy.

  10. 34 minutes ago, Pixel said:

    Fun fact about Beecher. We are a sundown town. Sundown Towns

    Very interesting.  I looked up Beecher on Google Maps and they don't have street views for the entire town.  I wanted to see a picture of Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church and went to their website.  This is the excerpt from Sundown Towns for the town where my grandmother lived:


    "The ownership and occupancy of lots and buildings in these additions are forever restricted to members of the pure white race. No negro, mulatto, Chinese, Japanese, or person of any race, or mixture of races, other than a person of pure white race shall acquire title to any lot or building in these additions or acquire the right to occupy any such lot or building"

    So yeah, drumpf country.  Much of that website is about the Klan resurgence in the the 1920s, so this is before the nazis even.

    28 minutes ago, Dresdengirl said:

    It appeals to the uneducated only.

    I have to disagree on that point.  I know at least two teachers who parrot the nonsense that drumpf spouts. 

    It's funny that drumpf and son thought Michael Moore's Trumpland was something that favored them.  I wonder if they'll try to use the clips where MM sympathizes with the voters that he's trying to get to vote for Hillary. 

    • Love 3
  11. This link is to the timeline of the sex assault charges:  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-11949341

    This is where it began:


    14 August 2010

    "Miss A" and Mr Assange attend a seminar by the Social Democrats' Brotherhood Movement on "War and the role of media", at which the Wikileaks founder is the key speaker. The two reportedly have sex that night.

    17 August 2010

    Mr Assange reportedly has sex with a woman he met at the seminar on 14 August, identified as "Miss W".

    Some time between 17 and 20 August, "Miss W" and "Miss A" are in contact and apparently share with a journalist the concerns they have about aspects of their respective sexual encounters with Mr Assange.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    I have my issues with Hillary, but her willingness to grab this political third rail in both hands and say, "Women should have the right to choose, period" is much appreciated.

    Samantha Bee appreciated it a lot this week.  Her YT page has four extended interviews with women who were featured on her show after experiences with Catholic hospitals. 

    On the hot sauce thing, that may go back to Justin Wilson's Louisiana Cookin', which was a popular show in the 1980s.  He stuck hot sauce in everything. 

    • Love 10
  13. The show put up four extended interviews from the most recent show, First, Dr. Rupa Natarajan talks about the real life effects of Catholic hospital regulations:

    Jennafer Norris, denied tubal ligation during emergency c-section:


    Melanie Jones, refused care for a dislodged IUD:


    and Mindy Swank, denied termination for unviable pregnancy:


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