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Posts posted by atomationage

  1. @candall, "People say, "Really?  It's online?  It says that?  Only four?  Huh."


    Amendment IV

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    The right wing doesn't believe in fourth amendment rights, and Comey has violated HRC45's rights, and the rights of everyone connected to her.  This amendment is specifically meant to prevent fishing expeditions by government officials.

    • Love 6
  2. 16 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

      I posted something on the MSNBC site a few hours ago because I couldn't find this one; wish I knew how to bring it over here but my tech 'skills' are non-existent.

    @Ladyrain, You must be talking about this one:


    WTF?!  This is what Hillary should say about that:  "I am sick and tired of suffering the slings and arrows that should be directed at the philandering men in my life.  I absolutely refuse to take the blame because my husband and my assistant's husband couldn't keep their peckers in their damn pants.  What the fuck  does this have to do with me????   And from this moment on I will not be discussing that subject any further.  You wanna know about healthcare?  Ask me.  Foreign policy?  Ask me.  Supreme Court appointments?  Ask me.  If you want to know about wandering penises, go to the source.  I'm done."     * mic drop *

    Edited 1 hour ago by Ladyrain.



    I'm sure I will find a cuter one. I guess it's my mood. lol

    IKR, my fishies are much cuter than anything I could find on the net. 

    • Love 13
  3. 17 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

     3,500 lawsuits in 30 years, and a lot of those lawsuits involve ordinary people who did the jobs they were contracted and hired to do only to get shafted by a billionaire.

    And he lost almost all the lawsuits.  He must pay the lawyers, or keep a whole law firm on retainer, the way he sues people.   Maybe we should look into his lawyers.

    • Love 11
  4. I'm having to look up the things people are writing about.  I guess we don't have mallomars here.  The closest thing seems to be pinwheels, also by nabisco, but there's an off brand from Trader Joes, I think, that has a chocolate cookie on the bottom, which I like better.  I'm watching, well actually listening to Dark Shadows on DECADES, channel 2.2 in Chicago.  It's relaxing when no one is crying or screaming. 

    • Love 7
  5. John Karlen was so young.  Barnabas was a real villain in these episodes, but Jonathan's acting made him more sympathetic. 

    I think this show influenced the soaps that came later.   I don't want to spoil @peacheslatour about what she'll see in two hours.

    I love the theme music.  I didn't care that much for these episodes when I first saw them.  Maggie Evans wasn't my favorite character.


    I'm up to where they switched Anthony George for Mitchell Ryan as Burke Devlin.

    From Victoria's narration:   "the sound of the sea is a primeval whisper, tempting us to think the world will never change."


    Oh crap, are they skipping episodes?  Dr Julia Hoffman just showed up. 

    • Love 2
  6. 43 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

    I'm basically ignoring it because I'll vote whenever I wanna vote, thank you very much!

    I ran into trouble when I voted in the primary this year because I didn't vote in the next previous election, and my name fell off the voter roll somehow.  Years ago, I registered to vote at the local library, and I put down the street where I lived as River Rd.  When I went to vote, it was a problem, and I had to vote by affidavit, because the actual name of the street was Des Plaines River Rd, and I had no idea, because no one ever calls it that. 

    • Love 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, ebk57 said:

    Or a glass (or twelve) of wine...

    I thought your little picture was a brandy bottle.  I used to dose my grandmother's ice cream with brandy to help her poop.  My mother was a big fan of Southern Comfort.  I don't drink much, but the last time I bought a bottle of liquor, it was flavored vodka.  I put it in the freezer and had a shot sometimes at night when I remembered it was there.  It lasted a very long time.  I sometimes take a blue tylenol pm when I haven't been sleeping well.  You have to take it early enough so that you're not drowsy the next day.

    • Love 2
  8. 40 minutes ago, Padma said:

     Comey's latest in the spirit of this "comedy", a well-scripted 11th hour "plot twist", a "Hail Mary" from a desperate Republican that will keep suspense going for another week--until our heroine wins.

    The media is trying to make it into a horse race, but it isn't.  Comey has revealed himself as a secondary villain, cahooting and colluding with the GOP which he officially claims to have left behind.   

    • Love 14
  9. The baby bats are cute.  For reasons unclear to me, YT recommended a video to me about vampire bats.  You'd think they would be hideous, but they're also cute, when they're mouths aren't open.  I'm partial to goldfish, though it's hard to find  a good enough picture. 

    I'm neglecting to watch many shows lately. 

    • Love 8
  10. 45 minutes ago, ebk57 said:

    I think Comey needs to resign right now

    Comey looks so generic in the picture in that article you linked, that he could be almost anyone.   There are probably ten other GOP people that look exactly like him.   How is that even possible?  Loretta Lynch should Saturday Night Massacre his ass for attempting to interfere in the election.  It's Saturday today, I'm just saying, Loretta.

    • Love 6
  11. I started watching at noon central time.  DECADES is channel 2.2 on the antenna tv in Chicagoland.  I'm having trouble with the reception, but they started out with Maggie Evans trying to stake Barnabas, then Willie is trying to save her, then Victoria comes over.  Then I lost reception.  It's like living with tv reception in 1967.


    The first appearance of Sarah singing London Bridge is Falling Down to Maggie in her dungeon.  Then Sarah meeting David. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    There are similar operations in South Dakota and Florida

    The "Escapees" IMO should vote in the same manner as Americans overseas, and have no influence on the local elections in places where they don't actually live.   I wonder if these people vote in more than one state. 

    • Love 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, clb1016 said:

    the first question asked should be "where are all the devices you used for email purposes?"

    Say What?  Aren't the emails available through the email account no matter what device was used?  That's why this is probably stuff they've already seen before.  I have two laptops.  There are no emails on my laptops, they're in the email account, which I can access from either one or from any other computer by entering in my id and password. 

    • Love 13
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