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Posts posted by atomationage

  1. Hopefully, the lame duck Senate won't rush through a confirmation of Garland.  The fact is that President Obama has had to appoint many people to positions that require confirmation, like FBI director Comey, because they were acceptable to the GOP in the Senate.  If he thought Garland was acceptable, then Garland is probably too conservative, and Hillary should be able to appoint someone else, like Barack Obama, when he is the former POTUS.   If she doesn't get a majority in the Senate, the SCOTUS may have only 8 members for her entire term.

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  2. I never got into This Life, because I was watching Chasing Life, and re-watching The Big C in between, so I didn't want to watch another show about a younger woman with cancer. 

    Originally, Previously didn't want to have separate sections for shows from different countries, but there was a breakthrough recently with U.K. TV in the Shows & More/Misc TV Talk/Genre Talk section, so I'm wondering if anyone else would want forums for Canadian and Australian TV.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, theatremouse said:

    Trump is deskful of raisins, Hillary is a dozen in one cookie, but if they think Stein or Johnson are rainsin-free, time to wake the fuck up.

    I was wondering how many raisins were in that shitstorm.  That was a lot of raisins. 


    1 hour ago, Victor the Crab said:

    Personally, I would like to see Joe Exotic ahead of the three mentioned idiots in the upcoming election. Just for shits and giggles.

    I would like for Drumpf's vote to be at the level of a third party candidate.  He certainly doesn't deserve as many votes as even Perot got, and wouldn't get that many without that R next to his name, IMO.

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  4. I thought Joe Exotic was the funniest part of this episode, but I wondered why JO didn't mention Evan McMullin, the guy from Utah who decided to run because he can't tolerate Drumpf.  He'll probably get more votes than Jill Stein if he managed to get on enough state ballots.  I don't get why these shows feel that have to give equal time to negativity about Hillary.  Some people who were very negative about her when Bernie was running against her have come around, like Bill Maher.  JO did conclude that she's the sane one running against the three main loons and a pack of even loonier loons. 

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  5. I had my lunch at an outdoor cafe.  There's a Chase Bank next door.  A very large vehicle pulls up at the bank, parks on top of the curb, in a no parking zone, and a man in some kind of uniform shirt walks into the bank.  I thought that was pretty weird.  (He wasn't from Brinks or anything.)   I thought about calling the local police department after a while.  He was in the bank for at least ten minutes, while his vehicle was parked blocking the sidewalk and entrance, and then came out and left.   A while later another man with the same uniform shirt walked into the bank from where his vehicle was parked legally,  spent two minutes in the bank, and went back to where his vehicle was parked, and left, all in less time than the other man spent parked over the curb.  There are people who think they're entitled somehow to more, are less considerate of others, and don't care at all what anyone thinks of them.  To me, this is the difference between a Drumpf voter and a Hillary voter.  When this bombing occurred in North Carolina, I thought, that's deplorable.  Who would do something like that?  Someone who thinks they're entitled to do whatever they want, doesn't care about others, and doesn't care what others think of them.   People who care, care, and people who don't care, don't care. 

    • Love 10
  6. I wasn't sure about which place to post this, but this is Keith Olbermann's take on Laura Ingraham's offer to get him to be the video equivalent of Drudge, in the days of the not yet so vast right wing conspiracy.  She clerked for Clarence Thomas.  Kellyanne Fitzpatrick is also mentioned as marrying a Conway who was a lawyer for Paula Jones.  He also mentions the connection to Citizens United. This video connected a number of dots for me:

    • Love 3
  7. 5 minutes ago, Padma said:

    I think his run for the presidency probably had something to do with making money (pimping his new DC hotel?) or distracting people from the Trump U lawsuits or some other self-serving goal--making the "name" even more expensive for licensees?

    Maybe he thought that if he got elected he would have immunity from further prosecutions. 

    • Love 2
  8. As the President said over and over again,  "Don't Boo, Vote!"  I don't want to believe that Drumpf has a chance of winning, but the American voters are very lackadaisical about voting:

    Percentages of registered voters who voted in the past 11 Presidential elections:

    1972 - 55%
    1976 - 53.6%
    1980 - 52.6%
    1984 - 53.3%
    1988 - 50.2%
    1992 - 55.2%
    1996 - 49%
    2000 - 51.2%
    2004 - 56.7%
    2008 - 58.2%
    2012 - 54.8%
    2016 who knows?

    • Love 6
  9. Coming in to Not recommend Zapped, with James Buckley from Inbetweeners as a tech guy who gets zapped into some kind of medieval fantasy cosplay world.  It's somewhere between Yonderland and This is Jinsy.   Steve Coogan and  Sharon Rooney are the best in it.   I may eventually watch the rest, because I don't like to miss anything with Steve Coogan.  

    Yonderland has apparently started it's third season.  I only watched the first.  It seemed like a children's program to me. 

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  10. I watched two episodes of Kim's Convenience last night.  I thought I saw a discussion of it here, but nothing came up in searches.  I liked the show and the characters, but I thought the accents the actors used were somewhat offensive.  Maybe Margaret Cho does something similar in her act.

  11. 11 hours ago, bannana said:

    So, I am a Canadian, and I have the understanding that in the US a Libertarian is against big government but is not against social programs etc.

    No, the libertarians are against social programs too.  Look here for further discussion of that;

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  12. On 538, what seems to be happening is more polarizing.  They still have Arizona and Iowa going for Hillary, but Missouri and Georgia, which were starting to slip away from Drumpf, are now trending back towards him.  It doesn't matter much, since he's only campaigning in four states, one of which is Pennsylvania, because he's delusional.  He's probably exhausted, which only shows mentally, and not physically yet.  I saw a clip of Ben Stein saying that he's nuts.  Drumpf has a ceiling of 40% of the vote, which is probably what he will get.  The scary part is that HRC45 has a ceiling of 50%, which is enough to win, especially with the electoral college, but what about that other 10%.  Gary Johnson is probably going to get over 5% as The Weed Candidate.  Maybe Jill Stein will get over 1% but I doubt that.  IF HRC is elected and the Senate and House stay with the GOP, then it's going to be a disaster.  Not just for what they will do, but for what the Bernie people will do if she keeps trying to compromise with the right wingers.  My theory all along is that HRC45 will only be a one term POTUS.  She's as old as Reagan was, and isn't going to get younger.  They're going to have to keep Bill from saying and doing anything troublesome.  Apparently Chelsea is going to be there to make sure they all just get along.  The best thing is that HRC is breaking that ceiling, and will inspire others by her example, just like President Obama.  The wild card is whether Drumpf's foreign allies will create some kind of international incident before the election.  I honestly think that he's hoping that the Russians will save him somehow.

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  13. @Queena, here is the wiki on Blair Hull: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blair_Hull

    He was rich and willing to spend a lot of money to become a Senator.  Axelrod left after a while and went with Obama instead.  I have to wonder if Brenda Sexton told him what Blair was like in private, or if he figured it out for himself, or just concluded that Hull was not charismatic enough to convince anyone to vote for him, even though he looked very good on paper.


    He looks just like his granddad!

    That pic is from a Huffpo biographical article.  It was published in the Chicago Tribune at the time of the 2008 election.

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  14. I thought it was an interesting episode with a scary title.  I liked the Virtual Reality scene the best.,  Not enough Diana, but it looks like she might be in next week's episode more.  I hope Bryce goes away soon.  They managed to get everyone into the episode, so maybe that's why it seemed a little disjointed.,

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  15. 20 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

    They look like they're doing Patrick Bateman cosplay."

    I think it was John Oliver who referred to them as his 80s serial killer looking sons, so yeah, Patrick Bateman sounds about right.  I just hope Barron escapes.  Tiffany should get away from him too. 

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