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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. I enjoyed most of the show today. Anna/Paul had some nice tension, Michelle Stafford only repeated two of her lines and - the dress she was wearing looked stunning. Ava seemed to be having a swell time. I enjoy watching Rebecca Herbst and am glad that she will be getting a lot of screen time (albeit it's with a psycho rapist/killer) due to Roho's pet status. With each episode, my distaste of the actor playing Morgan Corinthos is nearing my limit. All he has done in the past two years is whine. Send him back to college out-of-state. Why does Sonny/Carly/Jason have to be in every episode? None of these people are doctors/medical personnel and all are middle-aged thugs, bullies and criminals.
  2. Curtis just seems to want to hit the hay with Valerie but I do currently enjoy his scenes with Hayden and Jordan.
  3. I had to stop watching as my rage meter was blazing and off the scale. It is bad enough that this is a guy who gets his jollies having his thugs tie up his foes and beat on them while Sonny pulls up a stool so he can sit with a grin on his face and watch the beating. This is a guy who was threatening to MURDER a woman throughout her pregnancy. If that sub-human behavior wasn't bad enough, the woman was trying to bring his own child to term. This is the 'hero' of our soap opera. I wasn't even watching when he pimped out a young woman and got her hooked on drugs but since he didn't physically rape a woman/man - the writers think that he's not repulsive. Daenerys Stormborn needs to come to Port Charles aboard Drogon and roar fire on him and each and every one of his descendants and co-workers and anyone who has any positive thoughts towards Sonny (see ya - lulu and molly) - and remove this blight permanently from this universe and any other universe that might exist and beyond for eternity.
  4. It felt like an implicit threat to me too. This show is incapable of making it through a week without a male threatening violence against a female. While a bit more evolved, Julian is as much of a thug as Sonny. It's just sad that the show somehow waves away the disgusting scumbag Sonny's threats as 'Sonny being Sonny'. Everyone is so happy to get Julian in jail but is blind to see the worse gangster - Sonny - waltzing around PC as its unofficial mayor. Carly's loud mouth makes this Sonny problem exponentially worse. The 'worship' (see. Spinnelli) of Jason just heaps on more of this insult to the viewers' intelligence.
  5. This was one of my favorite episodes of the entire run. Jon/Sansa/Bran, Theon/Ramsey. and Dany's 'grand' speeches were not missed. The Arya/Lady Crane scene was gold. Jaime avoided spilling blood - so some growth there and his interactions with Brienne make me think that Jaime will probably end up dead soon. Pod/Bron and the Hound were keeping things rolling. Cercei stares are awesome! The Varys/Tyrion scene was too short. Could have done without the Arya/waif's chase scenes but for a television show - there was enough stuff flying around to keep one entertained. This episode had the feel of the first season for this viewer.
  6. Could someone please point me in the direction of the last time that there was a thinning of the herd/cast? TIA.
  7. The only thing that I would pay MB for is for is a one-way ticket from Port Charles back to Bensonhurst. The only time that I want to see MB/Sonny again would be him climbing up the stairs to the bus.
  8. Nor in my book. However, even Jane Elliot can't sell Tracy wanting anything to do with Sabrina. It has to be amusing to be inside Jane's head when Tracy is forced to share scenes with Michael, Sabrina and Dillon. At least Maura West might have some scenes with Tracy as their kids are dating. It would have been real fun to have had Roger H. been a character in the Quartermaine realm.
  9. PLEASE LET SONNY GO ON VACATION. I can't believe that they have such an enormous amount of soap opera talent on the show and they wheel out Sonny, Carly and/or Jason during every single episode. [insert 'banging head against brick wall' emoticon]. What universe is it acceptable to feature two middle-aged killers as a way to gain viewers? [rhetorical question]. SMH.
  10. At least the set designer in Maxie/Nathan's apartment went to town with plenty of paintings hanging on the wall along with a new lamp and flowers. At least they kept a patch of the cool wallpaper to keep me distracting from the mind-numbing script as did the dress and pearls on mama Hayden. However, not even the wooden horse bookends nor the patterns on the rug could distract me from the ennui that arises when Sam and Jason interact.
  11. When he left as Silas, he had just inked a 3-year contract - so not really a surprise. I was sad to see him back after his vampire dreck but not so much in this incarnation. Anyone know if Nina/MS was offered a new contract? Her two years are up.
  12. Screen time. I like both RH and RHo as actors and their scenes probably won't involve Sonny.
  13. I guess that the only good thing about Sonny/MB is that his absence makes every other story all the better by comparison. What I really would like is to watch an episode without Sonny, Carly, or Jason making an appearance. It would be such an improvement, I don't see why any of these actors are highlighted. YMMV. I forgot to mention how wonderful Laura is and so is Kevin (away from Lucy). And I enjoyed Spencer this week. Drones are a perfect hobby for this kid.
  14. It seemed that they were psyched to be able to secure a camera shot of the long conference table and that the actresses playing Jordan/Diane seemed to be having fun. Those scenes were much more palatable than watching Sonny/Carly, but not as much fun as watching Jane Elliot interact with whatever weak-sauce actors for which she has to do the heavy lifting. Liz and Hayden are fun to watch. Alexis must have not been nice to the make-up artist.
  15. Never thought that a scene with a dragon in it could be boring but TV's Dany succeeds. This show has managed to simultaneously capture both the repetitive nature of GRRM's writing and his inability to successfully juggle the story lines after his first two books. Dany should have been given a nap for a season or three.
  16. It didn't seem out of the ordinary for this viewer. Sonny and Carly are this generation's Edward and Lila - the main staple of Port Charles. The only reason that I would want Dillon and Kiki together is so that Tracy and Ava share some scenes again with nary a Corinthos in sight.
  17. Finn was a much needed reprieve from the NB. Not a huge fan of Robin sharing the same oxygen as Sonny and Jason, but I enjoyed her speech.
  18. My favorite part of the show was Scott! My hatred for the resurrected Jason continues to grow but at least BM looked 'alert' (or he switched to a sativva strain) in his scenes for a change.
  19. The Corinthos Family Hour is infuriating to me.
  20. How did Laura and Kevin end up at the old disco? If you miss one of their scenes, it's snooze and lose. TIA. ETA: grammar again. Jason/Sonny scenes today were rage inducing (yet again).
  21. Unfortunately for Lucy, Nina has taken her 'slot' and ruined any good will that the Lucy character had established. I am not a writer, but shouldn't Sam not be necessary in every scene to explain that Jason is whole again to every person in PC. BM needs to WAKE UP. The violence in this show is revolting. It's one thing if it's inferred fantasy/'control the weather' type of violence, it's another to see two middle-aged actors pretend to be tough, when they look like they belong on a golf course. {{{Set Designer}}}
  22. BH has chemistry with everyone from an 8-yr-old to a serial killer to day-player cop to new nosy nurse.
  23. Who needs a doctor on this mob-infested show? See. Dr. Matt and Dr. Larrs are rotting in prison and Sonny continues to waltz into police stations and emergency rooms at will and a serial killer still has a job at a hospital working with children.
  24. This is one character the soap and actor did right. Carlos took one for the team by making his presence around Sabrina the only thing that gave my index finger give pause from immediately pressing the fastest mode on the remote-control. Sabrina is another in a long list of failed characters and actors on this show. This viewer can sense the lack of warmth the other actors feel towards her when she's on the screen (except for Felix who is happy for some screen time). MB was particularly lacking in his ability to enunciate this week. {{{closed-captioning}}}. Besides the disgusting double-standard of 'Sonny being the 'good' mobster', i particularly hate that these writers continually provide this vile character carte blanche to waltz into police stations and emergency rooms at will.
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