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Everything posted by Giuseppe

  1. I finally took the time to watch this one to see WHY dude was screaming like an idiot, and he's parachuting onto the Kit Kat bar, then the piece he lands on breaks off and I guess he falls (hopefully into a bottomless pit). Kit Kat has the most annoying commercials. Just about everyone of them is like an assault on my ears. I posted back during Halloween about the one with the vampire and the shrill alarm clock blaring. This one is even worse.
  2. I like(d?) Fallyn, but that party was pretty lame. I know most of those ladies must have been pissed that they spent hours getting all that elaborate make-up on for a couple of jump scares and some cocktail wieners.
  3. Don't most colleges and universities hold separate ceremonies for the different majors, or was my school just an outlier? There was no graduation ceremony for ALL the seniors, but rather, each school held their own ceremonies, usually back to back to back in a few different venues across campus. My brother's school did the same thing. So I assumed that this was just the School of Whatever Aaron is Majoring in's ceremony. Given that classes had gone virtual, students were sent home, and most in-person graduations in 2020 didn't happen or were postponed due to COVID, I think it's safe to assume that COVID does not exist on Grown-ish. I know these episodes were probably filmed before COVID hit, and since there were a hundred references to 2020 on this episode, it's gonna be kinda hard for this show to ever address it, unless they go with some slightly alternate timeline where COVID didn't hit until later in the summer of 2020. Goes back to the question I posed last episode about Sky and the Olympics.
  4. WHY AM I CRYING??? That was so good!!! I loved the end credits. I watched that sequence three times. I'm gonna have to go back and watch the entire episode again, as well. I know I missed some stuff, but damn, I was captivated. Y'all, I howled at "We are children." Had to replay that one as well. And, true story: I went to summer camp many years ago with a girl named April-Mae June. Haven't thought of her in years, lol.
  5. Yeah, like the rest of y'all, I just cannot deal with Kristen as Sarah. I had a little hope that Sarah would bring up the height/body difference and maybe we'd get some kind of far fetched explanation, but no, she just noted the voice difference. If I were Sarah, I'd have said something like even with the voice disguiser, there's no way Xander will mistake Kristen's 60 year old hands for her 30-something hands. And seriously, Kristen ripping her clothes off with Rex was stupid. She should have at least wanted to keep covered up. The mask is so good that it flawlessly integrates into your torso now? Like, not even a seam? And did Kristen stop off somewhere for a quick all over body tuck? When she was masquerading as Nicole, didn't she always insist on keeping the lights off when she had sexy times with Brady, or am I misremembering? God this drove me nuts. I mean, good grief, Claire. Ben literally just told you that Ciara only remembered him as the necktie killer, and now you can't seem to grasp that she has selective memory about you as well? C'mon writers.
  6. I didn't see it either, but I think it's coming. Alison Sweeney posted a picture of the new set on her instagram a few weeks ago (now since deleted), and the portrait was definitely there.
  7. I'm glad to FINALLY see a new Dimera mansion living room set. It's much nicer than before. I was so sick of everyone parading in and out of that study, or club room or whatever it was supposed to be. The new set seems more in line with today's style trends...I don't know why this show's set designers have always seemed so intent on using wood paneling and antique furniture in the more "upscale" sets.
  8. Pretty sure there was a confessional room starting with LA. I remember the last episode with them all gathered in there to record a goodbye message, someone asking who farted, and Aaron getting offended and leaving with Tami asking him not to go.
  9. I'm excited for this, but it kind of looks like it'll be sort of a standard season, just with old school players. I was hoping for more of the old field day vibe that the older seasons had. But, perhaps I'll be surprised. It does look like it'll be fun.
  10. I think David looks fine, but obviously tattoos aren't for everyone. Not a huge fan of face or neck tattoos, but his doesn't bother me. I started watching this by accident (pretty much same reason as the post above me), and I stayed because I liked the concept, I enjoy Ty, and I didn't know Brian from TAR15 was an HGTV host and was part of this! I liked his and Mika's kitchen the best, followed by David and Tiffany. Allison and Mike's was my least favorite and I couldn't believe it won. Aside from the pizza oven resemblance that others have pointed out, it just seemed so monotone. I don't really mind a monotone color palette, but I HATE that light brown travertine tile-color that seemed to have thrown up all over that kitchen. I almost wish they had painted the brick white. I'll keep watching because I love design competition shows, and HGTV screwed me out of seeing the rest of Design Star.
  11. So now the show's maybe in a pickle, with Sky heading to Tokyo for the Olympics. We know this show and Black-ish are in the same universe, and COVID definitely happened on Black-ish (even if it seems to be completely over), but that being the case, how is Sky going to the Olympics if the Olympics were postponed a year-ish? Maybe they will ret-con Black-ish to say the pandemic never happened, or it ended before the Olympics had to be postponed and we just never saw any of the covid stuff on this show. I'm obviously thinking too much about it. Anyway...is it just me, or did the "twins" look more identical during the first season? I know they aren't twins IRL, but in the beginning, they were being presented more as being identical and I thought there was more of an effort to style them as such. Now, I don't think anyone would ever mistake them for twins, unless they are fraternal twins. I don't care one way or the other...just an observation. Agreed. I was ready to write off Vivek last season as it seemed he had nothing to do. I'm glad he's being woven in more this season.
  12. Becky and Kevin redux. I found myself wishing she'd just be quiet. She seems like she thinks she's been enlightened on these matters but still can't listen. Lack of self-awareness is right. And then there was the John Lennon story. That was certainly...something. I have no idea what to think about that, and I felt like the others didn't, either. I mean, it's one thing to feel in tune with the spirits, but a whole other thing to say a famous musician you never met talked to you off and on for over a decade. Hmm...interesting. I did enjoy getting more insight into what some of them have been up to the past 29 years. I had no idea Heather B was staying so busy on the air. I may have to look up her cooking channel. I felt so bad for Eric when he took that Covid test with everyone watching and it came back positive again. The way they keep focusing on testing him makes me hopeful (probably wishful thinking, though) that one day he'll test negative and will be able to get into the loft, even if it's on the last day.
  13. I wondered about all of this, too. I wanted some updates on Baloo and Rebecca! Also, slightly OT, but do y'all remember Rebecca's cool-ass apartment on top of that waterfall? I fucking LOVED that building!! In fact, as a kid, I used to marvel at the "architecture" of Cape Suzette. I always imagined that someone on the animation staff must have had a real love for art-deco architecture because all of the background buildings seemed to reflect that. Cape Suzette was a beautiful city. Sher Kahn's office was incredible, as well. Damn, now I wish I could find a picture of Rebecca's apartment building. Anyway, another great episode. Loved seeing grown-up Kit. Don Carnage looked like he has aged in reverse. I do wish he had the accent from the original show, though. As was the multi-arm mutant. How did it see??
  14. Got it, thanks. I was looking forward to the return of this show, but ,meh, I don't care that much, lol.
  15. So did they just show the first ep on HGTV as well as Disovery +, and now all the other eps will only be on Discovery +? Will they ever air the rest on HGTV?
  16. They all obviously wanted to come back to do this. Any one of them could have refused.
  17. FYI, MTV2 is doing a marathon of the first season right now.
  18. Nope, I did the exact same thing, lol. I felt almost the exact same way, even down to the crying, lol. Julie's daughter talking to Kevin really got to me, for some reason. I feel like I really know these guys, probably due to how much MTV used to re-run these episodes back in the day (and I would watch every one of them!), so watching them all get back together almost felt like a family reunion. Sucks about Eric, because this first ep was almost perfect! Really looking forward to watching the rest, though from the previews, it looks like things are gonna get uncomfortable pretty quick.
  19. Yep, CBS All Access is morphing into Paramount +, so you won't have to sign up for a different streaming service, your subscription will automatically switch with no change in price (for now). You know, it took me several viewings when this show was originally on to realize that I thought Andre was the most handsome dude of the bunch. I think it was the episode where the girls went to Jamaica leaving the boys behind, and Andre was kind of pouting around the loft. I also remember thinking he was the same dude from Blind Melon at first, lol.
  20. Marlo had a bedroom, she just didn't like it. Probably because it was too small. Based on the floor plan, it was about the same size as the "open" bedroom, so she wouldn't have been happy in that one either.
  21. So far, I think Chris Redd is the best thing about this show. His lines kill me. But...I'm not engaged yet. I liked this episode better than the pilot, but he morning show bits aren't working for me. Feels like this show is trying to be two different sitcoms - work place, and family - with two separate casts. Some shows can kinda pull that off, but this one isn't for me, yet.
  22. I'm stupid excited about this. Luckily I never cancelled my CBS All Access soon-to-be-Paramount+ subscription after I got bored of Big Brother last season. I am such a sucker for 'reunion in their original format' shows, so I'm really glad this has them all (except Eric, I guess?) reuniting in the original loft that started all of this shit. I hope it's as much fun as I want it to be. If they move on to an LA reunion, I wonder if Aaron and Dom would participate. They seemed to cut ties with RW after the season ended.
  23. The article's gone...did it explain WHY this was happening (if indeed it is and wasn't just a rumor)?
  24. I've seen it before, but man it's hard to imagine all of this stemming from that pretty boring (aside from Julie's histrionics) pilot episode, lol. I know it was a lot of exposition, but still. I wish I had access to--and time to watch--all of these beginning episodes at least up until the 80s when I pretty much know the storylines even though I didn't start watching until '97. I know it was a different actress, but I would have no problem believing that was Susan Seaforth-Hayes playing original Julie based on the acting!
  25. Wow...that could actually explain why the layout of the kitchen is completely incongruous with the living room set, what with the back/garage door seemingly leading back into the bedroom hallway, and Sophia and Dorothy's bedrooms appearing to exist in some weird 4th dimensional space between the hallway and the kitchen. I wonder what sitcom the kitchen set came from.
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