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Posts posted by ArtTypeGirl

  1. On 1/2/2019 at 7:58 PM, Jennifersdc said:

    Are things different now? I didn’t get any college acceptance letters until the Spring (didn’t do Early Admission anywhere - which then was one college and you had to go if accepted).

    Gia - you actually seem like a fairly nice, normal girl. Here’s some advice - you’re from Northern NJ -  University of Alabama is not for you. 

    Oh hey now, I’m from NJ and my daughter is currently a junior at the University of Alabama. It’s an amazing school and there are plenty of NJ kids there. My daughter never had a problem fitting in there. Roll Tide! We don’t want any Guidices though, ugh. Go to Penn State Gia!

    • Love 5
  2. ?? somewhere Theresa Diguidice (however you spell it) is laughing her a$$ off at Amber flashing that cash and talking about how much money she has. Girl, I don't care how tough you want to tell me your Midwest a$$ is, the IRS is the baddest B in town and you just poured gasoline on their beef with you. Learn from Tre, they will get you and I can't wait.

    btw, her video, ? Tell me what a real woman you are and then explain why a real woman with so much going for her has to date some loser grandpa that chose her, like, 4th on his TeenMom-girlfriend hunt (after Farrah!) and is currently clowning her on her million dollar franchise every day. With results like that, you must be so proud. 

    I was almost starting to feel bad for her because Matt is embarrassing her so bad but then she posts that rant and calls viewers losers and jealous and whatever else and I'm like, nah, let her get what she deserves. BewBew has her life on the farm with Gary and her ImprovementMom, so she will be ok. 

    • Love 23
  3. My thoughts on this episode:

    if Farrah was my daughter, she'd have a permanent apple imprint on her face because that's how hard I would hit her with her MAC is she spoke to me like that. She's gross. I fear what happens when Sophia isn't pretty enough for her.

    Maci, ehhh. At least her kids are clean and healthy.

    Amber & Cait with the anxiety/panic attack bs.... stfu. It's such an excuse for their lazy, pathetic a$$es. I went through 5 years of total hell because of panic attacks and anxiety and it was never an excuse not to raise my kids, go to work, pay my bills, take care of my home and pets, etc. Amber goes to NY but can't see her lovely kid, my kids made me happy when I was stressed... because I LOVE them. These girls seriously don't deserve to be moms. 

    This bozo running his con on Amber. Omg, I know I should care but not one f will be given when he takes off with her money. She deserves what she gets. My bet is her weight is either from drinking or from Bozo breaking her down and making her feel bad about herself. That is not a happy person.

    I have despised Cait since the whole pot thing. Don't get me wrong, I don't care what anyone wants to do with their time but she was smoking in the car with her addict mom. That's scummy af. Her jerky boyfriend annoys me too but I loved the reaction he gave her during her "I need a horse" rant. He's gonna leave her a$$. He seems so checked out. And her needing an expensive horse that needs expensive care and boarding and vet care bc paying $30 to ride is so expensive. My math might be wrong but if boarding and whatnot are $1000 a month, that would be 33 hours of riding. Over an hour each day. Wth has time for that but a horseman who lives on a farm with his horses? That would be a lot of riding to break even. One serious health problem and she's $1000s in debt. I know this bc my FILis a horseman. And guess what, even with a barn and someone to care for them on the daily, feed them, etc my kids never even dared ask for their own horses. Because they aren't like a cat that you can (but shouldn't) ignore. They are 1000 pound animals that need A LOT of care and attention and money. When she has a panic attack she's gonna run right over, hope on his back and ride like the wind. Girl, please. When I had a panic attack I was generally in a ball, on the floor, trying to remember how to breathe again. This chick makes no sense. If animals help you, cuddle your 10,000 dogs and cats. My dog made me feel calmer when I was anxious. Sometimes I would take him along when I had to drive (bc fear of getting lost would make me panic but with my dog, I'd stay focused and calm bc I wasn't alone). But no, Crazy Cait has to buy something else, drag a new animal back to her private zoo. Ugh. That house smells like piss and poop. 

    Thats all I have to say. These girls are all morons.

    • Love 9
  4. Also, I'm from the lovely suburbs of NJ where a simple ranch house with not much of a yard in a good neighborhood is going to run in the $300Ks. Is this a thing? Can you buy houses for $18K?

    Right?!?! OMG, you could not get a crackhouse in Trenton for $18k. We are definitely living in the wrong state. Not that I would move to Indiana. I've been there- Not my cup of tea. 

    • Love 6
  5. I know Debra is crazy but good fucking god Farrah was vile tonight. I'm officially starting a kick-starter to fund my plane ticket to Austin so I can personally fight Farrah and knock some sense into her plastic skull. Please donate to this worthy cause. 

    OMG, there should be a warning before posts this awesome. I almost choked on my oatmeal when I read it. 

    For real, Farrah is evil. Debra is nuts, so is Michael. And wow, with Farrah dolling up her troll looking daughter with more make up that an average Vegas showgirl would wear. WTH? I realize it is dawning on her that the Lil one inherited some less than attractive facial features but putting piles of makeup on is not changing that. I guess we should be glad she hasn't scheduled her toddler's first plastic surgery yet. 

    And yes, I realize I am headed directly to hell for talking about a little kid but then that little kid opens her offensive little mouth and I'm like, Gloves off! The only thing I can say in her defense is that with that ridiculous family she has, she didn't have a chance in hell of coming out normal. 

    • Love 8
  6. omg, thank God for you fellow posters bc I saw some ridiculously stupid people blowing smoke up Leah's ass all over twitter about how wonderful she is and how awful Corey and Miranda are. At least I know intelligent life does exist, if only here at PTV. 
    Dr Drew doesn't deserve to keep his license if he thinks enabling Leah was a good thing to do. If she nods off in that car with her three children in the backseat on those mountain roads, someone could DIE. The fact that, probably every day they are with Leah, Corey and Miranda have to worry about that possibility is WRONG. Like, seriously FU'd wrong. Leah does not have the right to endanger her kids. We SAW HER fall asleep ON CAMERA numerous times this season and that is just on the few days the camera crew shot her. Imagine the stuff they DIDN'T catch? Noooo, Corey- and by extension Miranda - have justification for any anger, meanness, bitterness, etc that they hurl at that backwoods barbie train wreck. And shame on Dr Drew for being SO concerned with the stress level and comfort of Leah but none AT ALL for the woman in her LAST TRIMESTER, being attacked. Umm, ok. I feel like there should be a special place in hell for Sad Panda's role in all of this. 

    The kids missing school… that is another thing that would make my blood boil if I were Corey. Attendance in school is like, the law, right? I know I can't let my kid just miss days, just because. Now, in divorce the parent that has the main custodial role has way more control over whether a kid makes it to school on time, etc but the other parent isn't expected to just sit back and watch it, right? I have no experience with divorce but I can imagine that would land the custodial parent in front of a judge real quick. I just don't understand how no one can make Leah be accountable.
    It made me sad to think that Corey cheated with Leah… I thought he was better than that. I hope him and Miranda work out. I am #teamMiranda all the way. I think she showed great restraint bc seeing all of the nonsense coddling of Leah in person would make me want to scream.

    And whoever above pointed out the double standard on Adam's behavior being wrong (and it is) but the same behavior by Janelle or Leah doesn't even get a mention was 100% correct. They are the main focus of the show, so their behavior should be called in to question more than the supporting people. 

    Also, whoever pointed out that narcolepsy sufferers aren't allowed to drive: great point. Leah is so full of crap… even more than her car! 

    • Love 9
  7. that "monkey" bs is nuts. If you can't handle the heat, leave your MTV check at the door and get out of the kitchen. I'm gonna get in trouble if I discuss Leah on here because I truly dislike that chick but honestly, MTV… knock off the BS of letting this girl write her own script and give the viewers all a big FU. 
    Leah is a cheating, drug abusing, poor excuse of a mother. And she is DEFINITELY jealous of Miranda. OMG, its so obvious. I just can't with this chick. 

    • Love 14
  8. So I can't speak for the entire Northeast but I know at my kid's elementary school (central NJ) we were not allowed to have a "Graduation" ceremony and had to have a "Moving Up" ceremony. We were told it was because "not everyone graduates and we can't make the ones that don't feel bad"
    Blahhhh… child coddling at it's best. Gotta love life in the Dirty Jerz.
    No one else has to call it a moving up ceremony? Just us? We are so weird in this area.

    • Love 4
  9. I think the horror that Corey and Miranda live through every day wondering if Leah is gonna run off those mountain roads with the girlses in the car must be unbearable. If she was my ex, I'd probably be in jail for refusing to let the girls go with her. Seriously, Leah can make whatever choices she wants about HER life, but those twins are Corey's daughters and he loves them with all of his heart. And if Leah wasn't high as a kite, she would not want someone putting her girls in danger either. And Miranda is Corey's wife and takes part in raising those girls, like it or not. Her questions about Bad/good mom might have been a lil bit on the fighting words side, but I appreciate her frustration with the situation. If I ever heard someone put my nieces or nephews (not my children but ones I care about, similar to how a step mom cares about her step kids) into their car when they couldn't even stay awake mid-sentence, I would probably cut a b#%*$. If we are talking MY kids, yeah, I'd be in jail. And if she ever does drive off the road or something horrible, her mom and MTV should both take some heat for enabling her denial.

    The mom, Dawn, is so tied up with Leah being a Z-level celebrity in their hick town that she doesn't care about the safety of her granddaughters. Which is not really surprising since she doesn't even put them in booster seats in the car.

    And if anyone doubts that she is an opiate popper, I have a bridge to sell ya. Anxiety my ass. Labor complications my ass. Migraines my ass. And the revolving stories are a big give away.

    The pig in the house is not my cup of tea. Plus, in my experience, pigs can be aggressive. Maybe farm pigs are different then the house variety? But whatevs, she's taking good care of her always clean and dressed and fed daughter and has her own home so do what you want. Cole is a cutie and she must just laugh when she sees Adam. Dodged that bullet (except for coparenting with that a-hole till Aubs is 18, and college too probably.

    Kail is just so negative, nasty, with a horrible personality. She just barged thru Jo's door like a linebacker, lol. Then her comment about his house being a fixer-upper was just low. For his age it's a fine house and I bet him and Vee will make it a beautiful home in time. Sometimes doing yourself means more, you moron. I bought all my houses that way and my husband and I took great pride in each one. Of course, I don't hate my husband so working on the house together was fun for us. I am sure Kail would stab Javi with a sawblade if she had to interact with him that much.

    I really don't like Javi but I give him props for going to help Jo and his bro move in. That's a class move. I will guess he was raised well.

    Janelle, I barely paid attention to her scenes. It's always the same storyline, just change out one loser for another. Hearing Barb had an abusive bF in the house with Janelle growing up explains a lot. But that said, at some point in your life you start making choices for yourself and Janelle is the root of her problems. Dumb girl, dumb boys, dumb choices. Poor Kaiser Roll, I feel like he is screwed.

    • Love 13
  10. Everyone's got the jokes in here this week. Thanks for that on this early morning.

    I am SO sick of the protected status Leah has achieved this season. It's complete and utter BS and makes me all stabby. I am not a fan of either of them (at all!) but why does Janelle's dirt get ran up the flagpole and Leah's doesn't? It's crap, it's not reality in the least.

    Let me get real honest here for a second... I've had more knee surgeries than you can imagine and for a period of time, we didn't know if I would ever walk and bend my knee again. For real. And I took some pain meeds to get thru this time bc there was no other way to get thru the brutality of all of those surgeries and the following PT (my husband has cried watching me suffer thru a PT session and my therapist- big burly guy, has has very moist eyes... It was no joke and I thank God every day that I kept fighting and regained full ROM and walk unassisted, even exercise. And I surrendered my Handicapped Parking Placard! (huge step, I was so proud). Sorry for all of that but I refuse to let people think I just "took" pain meeds. I wouldn't have survived without them.

    All this to say that I have NO doubt that opiates, taken in large quantities - usually not medicinal- will make you nod out mid conversation, sitting up in a room with other people. Without a doubt. It has also been my experience that there is much less side effect when you actually "need" the medicine... It's like the pain absorbs the meds and you don't truly get a high. I did not walk around (crutch) with pinned pupils and slurring words and falling asleep. So her back story doesn't compute with me, not at all. And her range of meeds was a little troubling... Most docs this day don't like to throw multiple painkillers at you. Surpressed breathing is no joke and can easily happen.

    I will tell you that there are some crappy docs out there that will still write a script for heavy duty stuff for the lamest stuff. That always bugged me bc you should really reserve that stuff for one day when you really might need it. I believe, with her MTV money and whatever she was skimming off Germy, she could easily buy painkillers on the street. They ain't cheap but she thought she was so flush with cash and then once the addiction kicks in, she didn't care about the money... She had to have those pills. And they aren't cheap, I believe it's a $1 a milligram and addicts can take 100 mg a pop, easily.

    Another side effect that we are seeing, and this one was a struggle for me, is that painkillers numb you to emotions, a lot. You just live in a fog enough that you forget how to deal with stuff. I actually went to therapy (hahaha, not rehab, but a shrink... And just office visits. I didn't take a month long vacation so I could take tie dyed selfless) to learn baby steps on how to start functioning in real life again.I actually developed anxiety and panic attacks and I think part of it was that my coping skills were crap. ( and so when Leah claims stress and anxiety are her problem, while she is nodding off like a pill popper, I don't buy it and I am offended that Backwoods Barbie thinks we are all that stupid).

    And another note... Her mom is such a damn enabler that I fear Leah doesn't stand a chance of ever admitting the truth. I think her mom thinks it would hurt leah's imagined "fame" to admit she's abusing drugs and she thinks she's the cats meow now that MTV agreed to play along with her bullshit. If something happens to those girlses while Leah is driving them high out of her mind, that mom of hers better look in the mirror bc she contributed to it. And MTV should also feel like shit if it ever comes to that. They are practically being her dealer at this point between giving her the money and helping her lie.

    And btw, those twins were not in car/booster seats or even seat belts on the way to the airport?!?! WTF?!?! 3 adults in that car and not a working brain cell between them. Disgusting.

    Ok, I've confessed enough of my deep dark secrets but now you know why Leah makes me so mad. Forget about the fact that junkies like her made me have a tougher time getting the meds I so desperately (& appropriately) needed.

    • Love 12
  11. Once again, I have to call BS on MTV for editing Leah's story for their own version of the truth. So many people on Twitter saying they felt bad that Germy didn't stick around for "in sickness and in health"…. huh? It's not about sickness, or her dirty house and kids. She CHEATED ON HIM and she ran through ALL OF THEIR MONEY. This is not how happily married people behave. And again, all of her problems are her own doing so no, I don't feel sorry for her. You can have sex at 16 and NOT get pregnant. It's possible. And you can choose to not roll out of one divorce into ANOTHER MARRIAGE AND BABY (BOTH TIMES bc we know she is already living with a new guy). The only thing she has no real control over is (Ali? I can't keep all of the stupid A names straight) being sick… and that is horrible and hard to deal with and sad but she has MORE HELP then anyone I have ever seen in my life and she is a happy and well adjusted little girl in spite of her limitations so be thankful for that and take it a day at a time. Jesus. 

    And let's just be honest here, she is the world's WORST MOTHER. Like, dramastically bad. (lol). She leaves them in the car when she goes in to cheer. (OMG, was I the only one fearing Ali was going to put the TrashTruck into gear and peace out with the baby? lol)  Then she goes into the bedroom to have her drama-filled convo with Germy but leaves the kid standing on a rocking chair? Really? Could you just maybe get her situated in front of the tv or something? I understand not having that convo in front of your child but you have to make sure she is SAFE. How can she have 3 kids, been a mom for all of these years now and still have no idea how to be a mom? I honestly believe she NEVER interacts with ANY of those girls. Why do you even have kids if you are just going to ignore them and scream at them and put them in time out all the time? For all of the people I know that couldn't have kids… seeing Leah ignore her 3 is just ugh. 

    AND PS MTV: Leah is one of those chicks that gets through life never being called out on her crap. You are not doing her any favors. Make her own up to what she does, maybe she could learn and grow (doubt it but one can hope). Instead you rewrite history on a "reality show" so people can sit around saying "Poor Leah". Whatever. I don't like Germy, he always seemed to be a bit of a D-bag, but even he doesn't deserve what she has done. And she goes around constantly slamming Cory (while ignoring all she did wrong in THAT marriage).. that bugs me. In every scene with Cory and Miranda and the girls, they are playing with the girls. The girls look clean and dressed and their hair is brushed. Like, seriously. Take a little responsibility for what YOU do and stop blaming Cory. He should have those girlses FULL time. 


    Is it wrong that I am counting the minutes to the next season so we can meet the new winner boyfriend Leah has found? With two more kids to add in to the mix? hahaha. I think evil twin will be stabbing someone if they moved 2 more kids in. She's such a piece of fudge!


    Yay for Chelsea for winning at court but we knew Adam had no chance in hell. How the judge didn't do anything about him blatantly ignoring his supervised visit order, I don't understand. Seeing people wear flannel to court. In fact, the constant wearing of flannel has me thinking I NEVER need to visit either Dakota. Ever. (Just like Leah's rhinestone sweater is an indication that there is a lot of Fashion Don'ts happening in WV. And her Mary Kay eyeshadow, put on with a cement trough, straight up from her eye to her eyebrows was priceless. I guess they don't teach you how to apply MaryKay when you start selling it? Maybe Evil Twin can give her some lessons. OMG, who let's babies play with makeup like that? uhh uhh, no little girl needs to be dressing herself up with makeup at that age. Scary. I don't want to see her teen years. )

    Anyway, Adam and his MethBuddy are creepy. And the burning trash in the yard, what???? Is that a thing in the Dakotas? I was like, "OMG< call the fire department. That must be how wildfires start!" but then, nope, its just another day in the Dakotas. Alrighty then. 

    Janelle, just whatever. I bet the cops were even rolling their eyes at those two. So glad they don't live in my neighborhood. 


    Kail… and her 10,000th vacation of the year. I guess she didn't want to spoil the vacation centered around her birthday so she got along with Javi this week. He is such a kiss ass to her. Why? Not that I like him at all. Seems so slimy. And her thinking Jo wants ANYTHING to do with her when he has Vee? lol. Ok. She's gonna be so jealous of Vee, mark my words. 

    No Babs for weeks.. I'm missing her funny comments.  

    • Love 12
  12. My kids are 21 & 17 and I still won't just up and take off on the fam for some solo vacation with my friends. Selfish much? I couldn't even enjoy myself if I took off to do something fun and left my hubby home.... I want to share fun stuff WITH him. We are in this struggle together.... One of us eats, we all eat. I just don't understand this insane chick Kail. She almost killed herself rushing into a pregnancy and marriage with Javi and now he bugs her just by existing. Maybe this is why marriage and children should be left to the more mature people in this world. I'm not even saying older, because I got married at 18 and we've gone 26 awesome years so far so I know it CAN be done that young but you have to have a ton of maturity and selflessness. Our first vacation didn't come for 6 or 7 years and then it was a Disney trip because my son would enjoy it. (& as much as we wanted kids, we waited until our lives were properly set up for having a kid. It took 5 years to get to that point and I remember sometimes worrying that we would never get to that point where we could finally have a kid.) Kait possesses ZERO maturity, in any situation. And if my spouse threatened me with the d-word.... I'd help him pack his shit. You don't threaten each other in a normal marriage. Duh.

    I can't even fully comment bc I fell asleep on this epi (during a Kail scene, naturally)... Had to watch the debates!

    Leah's excuse "I have trouble hearing the alarm" is crap. I could sleep thru anything too but you learn. And with 3 youngins in that house, I'd be sleeping light anyway. Listening for them. To this day if my 21 year old wakes up sick, I will hear him immediately but when he comes in late, I don't wake up at all. It's a mom-instinct. Which explains why Leah doesn't have it bc she is definitely a shitty mom. Her sleeping late has more to do with her Oxy habit then her sleeping habits, IMO. And as far as therapy, she had someone at her house already.... Let her stay with Satan-twin and Baby Adderall while you take the other twin to therapy. Life doesn't stop because one of your kids puke.

    All of the cursing during her call with Corey when she seemed loaded up on her "migraine" meds.... Wow. Listen to yourself for a minute Leah. You are Out. of. control. Your house looks dirty as can be. Your baby is never dressed. Your car is an upcoming Hoarders epi and your Hair and general style are just a hot mess. I feel like Corey is trying to show restraint and not put all of her dirty business out there but she is just trying his patience. And why is MTV editing shit and not showing us that Germy has left her ass, and why he left? I call bs to claim to be a reality show and then leave out a MAJOR life event like your second marriage breaking up. She wants that reality $, then it's all fair game and part of the story. I shudder to think of the stuff we aren't hearing about since what we are seeing is so bad.

    Next girl that texts and drives with their kid in the car should get knocked tf out. That's not even funny and MTV should put a stop to it. If you don't care about yourself and your kid, well, what about the other innocent people on the streets?

    Chelsea is the only normal girl on this show. aubree is too cute. And of course Adam doesn't give a damn about visitation rules and sadly, judges don't always enforce that stuff from what I've seen with friends. They sometimes give the dads way too many chances. Adams friend looks sketchy as hell, for real. Whoever said him and Adam look like a pair of kidnappers is right! And parking on the snow mound is super douchey.

    Janelle.... What can you even say? She was so embarrassing on that school conference phone calls. Calls in late and she's like, " can you tell me everything you've discussed while I was too busy to call in on time?"... Then she tried to throw shade at Barb, " well Jace is always happy at my house but when he goes back to her house, that's the problem".... Ummm, ok. You barely know your own son, trick. Keep it moving, he doesn't need you taking over his life. Barb is far from perfect but she deserves sainthood for putting up with Janelle's mouth.

    • Love 7
  13. Omg, this episode was tv gold. Seriously, Thursdays are now my favorite night!

    First up, Janelle.... Umm, did they change parenting bc I swear the rule was NEVER let your kid drink a bottle lying down bc they develope chronic ear infections and stuff. Plus it's lazy as hell. Hold your damn baby, asshole! God, these girls don't deserve to have babies. They are mostly such terrible mothers. We never see anyone playing with their kids, reading to their kids, organizing games for their kids. I spent all of my free time playing barbies and trucks and I would read until I was going hoarse. My daughter is in line to be valedictorian at graduation and I credit her academic success (& my son's) to that reading. You aren't supposed to just leave them to entertain themselves. Jeez. Even when I had stuff to do around the house, I involved them. They did little things to help me cook (not running a damn toaster tho... Wth?!). If I was gardening, I gave them little jobs. They enjoyed it, took pride inn what they did and we made wonderful memories. Man, those were so amazing years. And these idiots are squandering that time with their kids and once it's gone, it's gone forever.

    Chelsea... I feel for her about the Vis Center. No one wants their kid to have to be that kid, with the deadbeat dad. This is why you don't sleep with stupid high school boys without serious protection girls! Or better yet, recognize they are losers and don't sleep with them at all! And a side note, Randy is an awesome dad. I applaud him, he loves his family and tries to guide Chels as best as he can.as a parent, it has to hurt you to see your kid and grandkid caught up with Asshole Adam. Unfortunately, we can make decisions for our kids. Only advise them and teach them and then say some prayers and pick up the pieces if/when it all goes bad.

    Kail... Ughhhhhh.... I groaned every time her scenes came on. I just don't care about her or Javi. She's a miserable fucker and I would have to slap her silly if she was in my life. The one thing that I couldn't stand was her on that phone while driving, in bad weather, with her kid in the car. My hubs had a horrible accident while he was talking to me on the phone... It was horribly traumatizing. My hubs was knocked unconscious and I was screaming into the phone bc I knew something terrible had happened. A cat ran out, he over-reacted, flipped a bunch of times and had to be cut out of the vehicle. Then I had to search hospitals for the next couple of hours bc I had no idea where he was. (we have 4 major hospitals in our county). Luckily, after a week in the hospital and whatnot, he was ok but that scare is still with me. Even years later, if he so much as touches his phone I will flip out and demand to be let out of the car. If Kail doesn't care about her own damn self, whY about her kid and what about the innocent people that could be hurt? Things can go wrong in an instant. It's just wrong and MTV just films this shit like it's ok. It's not ok.

    Leah.... What a hot mess. She keeps denying the obvious: she is a raging drug addict who has time for nothing but drugging and laying around in her drug-induced haze, talking about how people are plotting against her. Bitch, please. The fact that Cory is being this nice to her makes him a saint in my book. But on the realz, he needs to put a stop to this crackhead driving his daughters anywhere in her trash truck, period. (I say crackhead bc it's a catchy word, but we all know it's the Oxy that she's on- hillbilly heroin... And thanks ho for making it hard for people with pain to get the meds they need to function bc people like you take them for fun.)

    Leah's kids always look dirty and unkept when they are with her. Are they playing with the stupid Mark Kay from her "business". Lol... Sooooo shocked that she was not successful with it... Not.

    When she was on the phone and the young one was circling her, climbing around the couch, hoping she could get some interaction out of her crackhead mom, I wanted to cry. Kids aren't cats... You can't color them blue and leave them to their own devices. They need love and interaction and structure. And clothes occassionally. Notice Leah has no time to make her girlseses look presentable. But shes walking around with her Pink and her Uggs thinking shes da bomb. (she's be wrong to think that but you know she does. Shes on that Oxy diet, looking thin and thinking she's a prize. Meanwhile, Miranda is pretty, always looks nice and isnt a crackhead. She must hate Miranda!)

    And then the one with the glasses (who the hell can remember which name goes with which) was writing with that Sharpie and I was like, "who gave a toddler a non-erasable Sharpie?!"...

    Saving the best for last.... OMG, the Evil One brained her sister with that door to the face! Poor little other-twin was like "We're gonna talk, sissy," and Evil Spawn Gracie was like, "Nope,"- BAM!!! IMO, Cory should have handled that situation better. First off, I don't know who's ring it was but he can't ask Satan to let the sick sister have stuff bc she is sick (if that was his reasoning). That said, I would have taken BOTH rings and said "You'll get them back when you behave". Evil Gracie has some real problems, probably due to her moms current situation, her step dad up and leaving and her twin being sick... They better nip that shit in the bud or that girl will be in Juvie by 14. Seriously some straight up nastiness in that child.

    PS: I caught the last few minutes of last week's epi and lol'd like crazy over Leah's Trash Truck again. Omg, that is not how normal people live. That baby was fighting for her life against the coats and book bags and all the other stuff in the trash avalanche and neither of her asshole parents noticed a thing. Ummm, your baby is screaming in the backseat... Maybe someone wants to check why?!

    • Love 11
  14. My family thinks I'm nuts because I insisted on being in front of a tv at 10pm, even though we are on vacation and were out having ice cream. This show is my guilty pleasure.

    Leah is such a train wreck! She was so high in just about every scene IMO. And her coming problems with Germy is KARMA at it's finest. Remember when she started dating him and bragged all over social media how he made like $100k and she had more money than she could spend.... Karma. And I gotta say, those twins throw down hardcore! Stabbing each other and chucking lunch boxes at each other's head? Wow. And Gramma had to remind the baby (?!?!?!!) that spitting on people wasn't cool? Dear Lord. For a stay at home mom, she isn't doing anwhole lot of parenting, is she? Drugs will don that to you, I guess.

    Janelle, cursing out her mom on the phone and telling her to shut up.... I cannot imagine who would speak to ther MOM that way AND let it be taped for others to see. Omg.

    Kail and Javi- wow, stick a fork in that one from the looks of it. Such hate in their words, IMO. And having all your friends in your marriage problems ain't ever gonna help! I hate controlling guys but Kail seemed guilty af when she told Javi "at the end of the day..." I say she's probbaly doing some hardcore flirting and got caught.

    Chelsea seems level-headed and happy, as does her kid. Love Randy. Adam looks like hell. How embarrassing for him.

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  15. Oh thank  God… I have been fretting all day wondering if it was just me. 
    Listen, I don't have a problem what anyone wants to do as long as it won't harm another. Really. I have no time to police the world and I don't pretend to be the keeper of all that is right or wrong. Bruce wanted to be a woman.. go for it. But this whole thing is a huge pile of ick for me. First of all, yeah, the name bugs me. I get he wanted to do a cute FU to the K names by picking a "Could have been a K" name but seriously, names are generational and there were no Caitlins when I was a kid, so forget about 20 years before to Bruce's childhood. But again, I say Whatever floats his boat. 
    But then I see the pictures and it feels like her understanding of what it means to be a women is makeup and painted nails and clothes and big fake boobs and I am just sitting here thinking, "WTF? My life isn't about all of that material bulls%$t! It means way more than that surface stuff." I can wear sweats and not have polish on my nails and it has nothing to do with it. I don't know how to quantify or qualify being a woman but I just feel like she is living a mockery of what it is to be a woman (not too unlike the rest of the Kardashians, interestingly enough). Anyway, if Caitlin were my friend I would say to stop being such a jerk off with the surface bull bc it is insulting. 
    And then I read how the "story" will be on KUWTK and I was like, Of COURSE it will be. Barf. I am so over everyone involved with the Kardashians but I guess they will never leave our rag mag covers now. 

    AND PS: It also seems like there is a lot of pressure for everyone to just exclaim how beautiful she is and if you don't you will be labeled as not supportive of the transgender community. Sad part is, Caitlin is setting such a standard for the rest of the transgender world and I feel like everywhere are transgender people that cannot possibly afford the plastic surgery or wardrobe or Annie Lebowitz photo shoots to look "beautiful" so they will be left to feel "less than" Caitlin, the self-proclaimed Face of the Transgender community. That's too bad.
    I don't know, I don't mean to be rude, I am just being honest. And I am really glad that there were other people that felt similarly. 
    Either way, good luck to her. It ain't easy being a woman in a still-largely male world. 


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  16. I agree that there is something shady about Gary's gf Kristin. My theory is that she thinks getting knocked up by Gary will make her MTV-famous. Gross either way. 
    Speaking of MTV-famous, Tyler just doesn't mature at all, does he? All these years later and he is still acting like a punk and calling Carly HIS. Dude, get a clue. And I have to wonder how long his career as an adoption speaker is going to last if he continues to sit on tv and say it was all bull and complain about the parameters. B&T were saints bc he was popping off at the mouth too much for my liking. I would have responded back with a few wisecracks of my own about how he was going to revenge himself right out of Carly's life. I do agree that Catelynn looked like she wanted to tell his shut up but didn't dare. I fear he is twice the JO offscreen that he is on. Sad for Catelynn. 

    Maci, the safe sex speaker. hahaha. She should have just said the pregnancy was planned if she didn't want to undermine her "career". 

    No words for Farrah and her ridiculous face. 


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  17. There are no words to everything that came out of Gary's mouth tonight. WTH with his reaction to hearing he will be a dad being "I wonder what Amber will think?" Is it because they are acknowledging the $$ they are making off MTV?  Christina probably knows that without Amber in the picture, the MTV gravy train will stop running through their house. Is the reason she is with Gary at all bc of MTV? I don't claim to understand anything about Indiana… but it seems odd that he gets any girls at all. hmmmm… Pickings can't be that slim out there, can they? 
    Tyler is definitely going to go off the rails one of these days. What happened to him going to to New Orleans and studying acting? I think he is primarily with Catelynn bc of MTV and the fame. And if he left him, the fans would most likely turn on him. Sad for Cate. She deserves better (everyone would deserve better than that). I also worry about his temper when the cameras are not around. We have seen him go off on the pets. Scary. 
    Maci… ehhh…. IDK what to say about her new pregnancy. I do think its weird when people think they aren't ready for the commitment of marriage but are ready to have a baby. They do know that divorce is legal and acceptable in this day and age but your baby is for life, right? Idiots. 
    And Ryan is a God-awful father. Even his dad is sick of his bull. You don't get to let your parents do your part of your visitation and then just blow through for a few minutes here and there. It is a blessing that Maci didn't actually marry that idiot. And she should have finished that thought with, "And how big of an idiot was I to have a child with him?!" 

    • Love 4
  18. ahhhhh, I have been sick so I wasn't up to coming on here and commenting about how much I hate Tony. Rest assured, I continue to hate him. I don't even see his cuteness, its just "What. A. D-Bag." 
    He was REALLLYYYY reaching for an excuse with the whole "I grew up so poor, I didn't have AC" bull. Just as ridiculous as his little story about the house built for his grandmom didn't have insulation (in Texas… right? I gotta think that is not exactly hardcore, like I live in Boston or Chi and have no insulation… Texas is pretty hot, right?). Tony…. I would like to introduce you to a reality, the moment your sentence started with your grandmom HAVING a house, she was a lot better off than many people, people who never steal bottles. 
    I know kids that attend school because it is the only place they will get a real meal (and its a school lunch, so they are aiming low at that)… so please, step off with your story. I am SOOO glad that Jason called him out on it. 
    And also, I am not up on da club but that stolen bottle would probably have come out of some poor server's pay if not cleared up… that's bull too. Not all of us can loaf around on the Real World, those servers have bills to pay. 
    Grrrrr,,,,, I hate Tony. 

    And I am glad that Jason called out Cole on her sticking up for the boys. I just about threw something through my tv watching her kiss Bruno (hate him too)'s ass when he left the van like the baby he is. Listen, sounds like his dad was a JO not showing him any love or whatever but you are past 18, time to clean up your act and be the person YOU think you should be. Stop taking that easy out by pointing at everyone else and blaming them for your actions. Yeah, your parents sucked, you were poor, some guy got you into drugs… MOVE ON and DO BETTER or just shut up about it at the least. Life is tough all over. 
    Bruno's gf is an idiot if she is still with him. Roid Rage for sure. 

    Its nice that someone has believed in Madison. Skylar seemed like a nice guy… i.e.: Madison will NEVER appreciate him bc she likes losers like Tony. 
    PS: Is it wrong that I was overjoyed that the epi was V-lite? Forever keep that chick in the background. She annoys. 

    • Love 4
  19. I was really disturbed by Bruno this episode. As someone that has been on the receiving end of that kind of rage at a point in my life, I see a huge difference when the violence involves a guy going at a woman like that. I might be wrong but I have never felt the same kind of fear from another girl's anger than I did when I had a 6 ft guy coming at me raging out of control. It was a similar situation, a guy friend who had temper issues and I dared to say something he didn't like when he was in a mood and he hunted me down. Scary stuff.. I still don't like to remember it. It was a close friend and at that moment I walked away and we didn't talk for 10 years, no lie. Partly because I knew if my husband ever came near him, it was not going to end well. 
    As for the rest of the episode… I thought it was kind of funny that when Bruno came at him out on the smoking deck, Tony was hiding behind his brother. lol. Tough guy. 
    Madison and Tony continue to make me want to hurl. He has not changed his ways, he's just going for the easy ass right now. Dumb girl. 
    Violetta has a mad crush on Bruno I think. That is why she was trying to bug him with that cake pop. He isn't having it. 
    I did like how accepting of his brother Tony is. That's awesome. 
    I don't know if Nicole is cool to try and look out for people or a damn idiot. Can't decide. I mean, it is nice that she tried to look out for Bruno but he was in her face quite a bit too and I would have to let him fend for himself. I sure as hell wouldn't go do sprints around Chicago with him. Get yourself together Bruno, you are acting like an ass. Grown men don't barricade themselves in confessionals, carrying on. 

    • Love 3
  20. true, Nicole seemed to be a dim bulb with those comments but as someone that has never seen any of the Great Lakes in person… my Jersey brain has a hard time wrapping around that giant body of water "just" being a lake. In all of our lakes, you can see across to the other bank, you know? I would probably say something equally dumb about it being a lake and not an ocean, although I know it is. But I understand the concept of fresh water. :)

  21. I'm a few posts late to the party but my favorite new terminology from this show is "Cop Caller" (actually "Kahp Kawla" is probably more phonetically accurate) and I am trying to work that into all of my interactions. If I don't like you, You're a kahp kawla….. we have a disagreement, "What do you know, you're a kahp kawla"… it's obviously the greatest insult one can make. :) I had no idea until now. Thank you MobWives!
    As for jerk off… that is probably our state's (Dirty Jerz!) official term of endearment  …. I call everyone a jerk off and when I am in a formal setting, I shorten it to JO. "That kid is a freaking JO if I ever saw one" 

    • Love 2
  22. I have to call complete bull on Nicole's accent now that we have seen her sisters and her mom. Uhhhh-uh. One person in the house has the thickest accent I've ever heard (I'm in Jersey, so I know NE accents) when the rest of them have nada and then they can't even understand Nicole = they are not used to hearing her talk with this accent. I was afraid from the get-go that Nicole was creating a character and now I am a little blah on her bc she's now the Brian Williams of the cast. It is still called The REAL World so lay off the phony accents. grrrr.
    As for Tony and Madison…. Silvia was funny hosing them down but of course Madison is going to be an idiot and take him back… again. And you know he will be creeping again next episode. Madison… here is a tip for you: If a guy disrespects you as BAD as Tony did (repeatedly) he is NEVER going to just suddenly love and respect you. Tigers don't change their stripes, girlie. 
    I thought Nicole didn't fit the skeletons theme and they just wanted her on the show. I wonder if Jason is also going to have a lame skeleton too now. Will it just be the chick he knocked up and whether he will be a good dad bc he has relationship issues with his dad? I really like Jason, I love that he always has good advice for his roomies and more than once has talked one of them out of acting like a lunatic or doing something they shouldn't. 

    As for who from this show should go to the Challenge in the future… Nicole is my number one pick. She is in insanely good shape, strong as hell and very loud and she likes running game on girls. Sounds like a perfect Challenge addition and probably why they cast Nicole without a real skeleton. 
    Tony might get picked bc he will try and sleep with all the girls but I think he would suck at all challenges. He doesn't look like the kind of guy that can get that kind of stuff done. Bruno I guess bc he's in good shape and that temper would probably make for lots of drama. I don't see V or Silvia as being challenge material. Jason, maybe? Madison- ugh, hopefully not. I just cannot with her voice and her actions. 

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