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Everything posted by mytmo

  1. Gary needs to be aware of what lil Gary is doing or at least with protection. Ask Jean-Luc about that.
  2. Glenn should be a spokesperson for noise cancelling headphones
  3. Andy's problem is that he casts actresses that try so hard to make something happen and push manufactured drama instead of using ladies that had drama happen organically.
  4. The whole Rock N Roll party was ridiculous and should've been done for a younger child/grandchild. Terry could've done better with his get up as he probably still has his brother's stuff in a box somewhere. Shannon just needs to buy the VIP concert package of her favorite 80's bands and quit doing these ridiculous stunts. What the hell was her boyfriend supposed to be? Cringeworthy isn't the half of it. The only thing I liked was the season exit music they use at every season ending.
  5. Delores looks like an old leather handbag with a scarf attached
  6. Unpopular opinion here but I can't stand Delores. I'm glad Frank is not with that Teresa apologist. She reminds me of that commercial or is it cartoon with the 2 dogs with the big one named Spike and a little yappy dog that constantly follows and tells everyone how big and bad the big dog is. Delores giving the master to Teresa and wanting to chase after her after the blow up and Frank had to remind her she was hosting and had to stay was telling. To own a gym and then turn around and have everything surgically done is so misleading. Might as well tell the clientele to forget the squats just go get your ass done by surgery.
  7. Someone has to run the t-shirt stand at the show. Those shirts aren't gonna sell themselves.
  8. I just had a birthday and didn't know it was my right to fly in companionship. All I did was eat chocolate cake and lose $100 at slots within 45 minutes. Speaking of throwing money away I bet Ben actually spent the least with his $1,000 compared to the rest of the panel except Memphis maybe and Ella spent hers domestically.
  9. Unfortunately these Bible "colleges" are very common and promoted. For $2,500 per quarter you too can provide answers to essay questions on your opinion of scripture and receive a designation from a non-accredited school. Scam scam scam.
  10. Voluntary Firefighters are no joke. Stipe Miocic is a local volunteer here in the Cleveland area. Mike is a disgrace.
  11. Couldn't help but post this as it is one of my favorite GG moments and talks about sluts
  12. Ok. Never been in or will ever be in that position and didn't pay attention to that part in health class. Good to know though.
  13. To yank Antonia out of high school junior-senior year is terrible so that the Gorga boys are in a strong football program? First of all these boys have to be good like really good to even get playing time at a football powerhouse even if they have been there since Freshman year. A transfer with skills can knock one of these boys out of their position easily and happens often. Height is not necessarily a hindrance but speed, agility and muscle are key as long as they don't hurt themselves which happens more off the field than on while doing stupid stuff. They also need the right attitude. If you are good, the D1 colleges will come to you. Also having a solid video record of your accomplishments works too. Recruiters look more at the player then the school. Sorry I was channeling Mr. Mytmo who has coached football from youth league to high school for the last 24 years.
  14. Ramona just keeps delivering the cringe. The way she was trying to give that guy (forgot his name) a peek at her boobs under the guise of getting directions to the restroom and playing the lady of the manor was laughable at best. Here she is doing her best at trying to gain and keep his attention and here Lu just saunters up as a joke no less and gives him her phone number.
  15. Lol nope! Both times happened awhile ago, one was a family friend and the other was a colleague and I teased both unmercifully.
  16. I had a nice figure with long legs in my late teens early twenties. When I started gaining weight it went right to my middle. Today when you see me from the front or back its ok but wholly moley when you see a profile I'm 36 months pregnant and I've had at least 2 people ask me how far along I am.
  17. I used to work with a female co-worker that operated the same way of complaining at every lunch until she got a discount or something for free. We would all avoid her but she always managed to brow beat someone to get a lunch invite.
  18. Hello AR Traveler! Not only will you get some quality snark here but may learn something new from time to time (I know I do). This train wreck of a show provides some great snark along with others. Look forward to reading yours!
  19. Levi has had nothing but a self righteous plow forward despite the dangers attitude and needs to gooooo! Time for a good old fashioned Grey's Anatomy character killing disaster. We've seen disasters with planes, trains, automobiles and ferries. Maybe a big old sequoia can fall on Levi in the basement while he plays video games. Helms can be there too.
  20. I would've been interested in seeing how they navigate around the vacation weight gain traps. Did they ever show how much Tina weighs?
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