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Everything posted by applecrisp

  1. There was a case in Texas-in fact Kelly Siegler was the prosecutor. The women stabbed her husband close to 200 times. Kelly demonstrated and asked "did your arms get tired then", while still making stabbing motions. I remember I was so impressed by her. Yet she was criticized by some. Lifetime made a movie called The Blue-eyed Butcher. I think she got life but the sentence was reduced.
  2. Well if I can't fly, I would like the speed of the cat so a leopard or cheetah. Can't remember off- hand if they have had both. The eisbeibers are good with their hands so that would be OK, too. Just would not want to be a vegan like Monroe.
  3. When Sabrina was on cross, I felt at first she was sobbing and then when the lawyer questioned her more she seemed fine and a little defiant. This was not a satisfying case because I am not sure about the outcome. Noticed crochet lady too.
  4. I don't remember what was said about Chad or by who? Could you clarify? Thanks.
  5. Tattle and Maizie I feel for you, kittens are such innocent creatures. On one of the threads in Everything Else TV, there was a discussion about the ASPCA adds and how they upset so many people even more than the ones for children. I am the same way and am a little disturbed to admit it. Did anyone see the latest Murder Comes to Town? A mother of four grown children is killed and they eventually find the killer. Here's the weird part, TPTB told the family the killer took a plea deal and will serve 15- 19 years. This was a pretty brutal murder and they were shocked, me to.
  6. I do too. One time Stacey(I think) stated how this ungrateful bitch killed her very nice husband and so many women were out there looking for nice guys. I thought that really is a shame. And it happens sooo much. On the most recent Wives With Knives-yes I've started watching that,too, a girl stabbed her BF with a corkscrew. The only thing I could think of was the list that was on this board. It should have been called Shrews with Corkscrews. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  7. Jenkait, I have thought about that too. Like who would show up to my funeral or how many people would search for me. I am an introvert so I don't think many and that's OK because it may just be a few who really liked me and knew me.
  8. I think you may be on to something. People really seem to enjoy ripping Lena apart for her less than perfect body. I am 52 and from Iowa, I am probably not their target audience yet I like the show now more than when it started. Hannah is self-centered and she gets called on it a lot. She digs her own grave when she talks non-stop about her feelings -like in the episode where her publisher died. If she had kept quiet she would not have looked so bad. She "shares" way too much. I just like the show. They are still young and trying to figure things out. It shows a life style I have never been a part of.
  9. That seems to happen on a lot of theses shows, especially Who the Bleep Did I Marry? Also on the most recent epi. of Dateline, where a lady married a guy soon after meeting and was separated about a month or two after. Why the rush to get married? I just don't get it. I always wonder if the families are involved and urging them to get to know the person better. Red flags are going up all over, wasn't he married a couple of times too?
  10. Completely agree with both of you. That relationship was not as the mistress states otherwise why would she care if he is free. They were just friends. I have this bridge for sale. I am so glad he did not take the plea deal.
  11. Hincandenza, I agree about the show not giving us well thought-out explantions. I would not be happy being a hexenieast, but if you could have your pick, what kind of wesen would you want to be? I think I would want to be the eagle one. Because flying would be great-even though I am afraid of heights. What about everyone else??
  12. I just can't watch these stories. They are so heartbreaking. I always end up turning them off. Too raw.
  13. I couldn't help but think she had poor taste in men. She was an attractive woman. Maybe because it was a small town. Her daughters seemed lovely, did they really have much negative to say about the killer/ ex.?
  14. I prefer the little vignettes. I would have liked seeing them set up the store in Portland. That's it! I missed Portland in this ep.
  15. Did anyone watch Unraveled? It's a new series. It was about a woman who can't deal with her husband wanting a divorce. Here are a couple of tidbits. She got bone lengthening surgery, which cost $80,000, but told her husband she had a bone disease. She promised never to get plastic surgery again. Then she comes home with 2 black eyes and claims she was in a car accident. He wants a divorce and so she does something drastic. Anyhow,so far I like this show.
  16. I hear "I seen" a little too much both on the news and people in general. It really bugs me. I am in Iowa. I make mistakes as we all do, this just grates. Also, does anyone remember David Letterman's show that was on in the morning? It was short-lived. He would have Edmund Newman (hope I got the name right) who was an old school news guy. He would correct David's mistakes at times. He was a delight and he would give a news update and then talk a little about word usage or grammar. I am a little intimidated by posting on this thread.
  17. I messed up that post. I had seen this story on 48 Hours or Dateline and they interviewed a couple of the teenagers, who thought they were going to die. This show focused mainly on the polce. I thought the police did a good job of getting evidence and they did get lucky with the fingerprint. The guy had no record after that and lived a seemingly crime free life. I wonder about that too. He had no remorse and said he rarely thought about it. Guess he was good at compartmentalization. At least he has to spend his "golden" years in the slammer.
  18. Yes and on my TV guide they have had unannounced title for the Selfie spot. If you don't have something to replace it......WTF. still mad.
  19. I reallly love Yo's house it looks very comfy, yet still elegant. If I could have my pick of any house it would be hers. I don't feel the same about Yolanda the person. Eileen's house is nice but maybe too grand. I can't stand Lisa V's especially the front. Seriously who has a moat?
  20. I have a question about this show, they do split up the season? SW was on in July 2014 as well.
  21. Could you give a synopsis, I don't always watch this show? Also, Maizie in the general crime thread someone mentioned that a couple on this show was on the reality show Wife Swap. Wold you know anything about it? Just curious. I watched Stranger in My Home- Bitter Pills and thought it odd. An older lady lives with her neighbors after being sick and is murdered. I was very irritated with the daughter. First a lady who needed a place to stay moved in to help out and it became too much for her. Then the neighbors take her in while she is doing renovations on her house. It seemed to me both she and her mother took the easy and cheap way out and should have hired a care worker of some sort. Just angered me.
  22. I like the idea of their powers being diluted.
  23. Ed Herrman was such a great narrator as well as an actor. His voice was distinctive but not distracting. He is of course remembered as the patriarch of the Gilmores, but he was in so many things. He even played Herman Munster. He was a character actor and I am afraid a dying breed. I think that is what makes me the most sad. When I watch old movies,I always marvel at all the unique people who were the supporting cast. I am especially fond of his role on St. Elsewhere as the priest who started the hospital. The highest compliment is he was a true character.
  24. Oh, I wish I had known it was on. Truth be told, in the lean years I've re-gifted things. If I thought someone would like something I got for free. I would probably just give it to them, but if times were tight.... Also, what is the etiquette when you give someone a present you really like but know they don't use it. Is it OK to ask for it back?? I think I know the answer but I realllly liked the present.!
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