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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. I couldn't get over the hypocrisy; let's all get together and eat like pigs at a trough with $6K of food from the local WF market instead of donating that money AND the money that the participating Beefsteak diners spent to attend. Yeah, just another day for the beautiful people to gather and feel good about themselves. The entire thing was stupid and insulting, at least in my opinion. This season is particularly boring to me and has jumped the shark. Don't really care about any of them although Man Bun can go home any time now. I was a little intrigued by his backstory; sounded like he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth.
  2. Grady is my television boyfriend, man bun and all. I'd feel very safe with him if we were stranded in the wild. I think Bill will settle down as the season progresses. I've already started to get used to him and it's only been a few weeks. It seems like he's spent a lot of time alone and never really had to think about how he is perceived by others. Got to give him credit, though, because he does seem to know his way around a survival scenario.
  3. Oh, People's Couch, how I've missed you! Aren't many shows on tv that make me laugh, but you have me roaring just every single week. This and Top Chef are the only shows on Bravo that I watch. I ditched the Housewives shows years ago because I disliked all the fake drama.
  4. I don't know if that is true. Disposable diapers seem a lot heavier when they are wet than when they are first put on. But it's been a long time since I changed a baby so.....
  5. If it's a legal operation, dealers could even write it off as a business expense. The woman and her husband can change their company name from Hatch to Batch and sell it to aspiring Jesse Pinkmans.
  6. Gee, I imagine Uber drivers would be lining up to drive me and my big, wet, muddy dog around after a walk in the woods and then be happy to take my trash to the dump. I laughed out loud when Sacca was bemoaning the loss of revenues that cities and towns would suffer from getting parking tickets fixed and Mark Cuban counter punching about how Sacca doesn't seem to mind all those sales/excise taxes, license renewal fees, etc. being lost because of the likes of Uber. And since the government is so careful about how it spends our money, Chris, let's just give them more. Sacca is such a limousine liberal (no pun intended). Hey, if you are so concerned about the loss of revenue, Chris, no one is stopping you from paying extra taxes. Yeah, didn't think you'd be too interested in that. Nothing I can't stand more than a self-righteous hypocrite.
  7. This just occurred to me regarding the baby scale: Most mothers feed their newborn infants because the baby is crying and they want the kid to go back to sleep. So why the hell would you feed your baby, have the kid fall asleep while nursing it, then put the baby on the scale so you can weigh him/her and gamble that the kid won't wake up by first being placed on the scale, then picked up, then put down again in a crib? After that happens twice, the scale no longer gets used. Parents should take that $300 and put it in their child's education fund. Gah, this is such a .0001% problem. ETA: I am spending far too much time thinking about it, but how do you account for a dirty diaper or a clothing change? Yes, I am sure you can remove the diaper/clothing and weigh it, then subtract to get the difference; the scale is very sensitive so any clothing change would skew the numbers, amount of pee or poop varies every diaper change. If you consider all the permutations and combinations, it can make your head ache. How has humankind lived without this scale for all these thousands of years?
  8. After one minute with those Hatch parents, I would have said "I'm out." How about "inventing" a device that gets parents to have some common sense and a little bit of self-confidence. What a waste of money. Maybe I should rent myself out as a grandmother type whom new parents can call whenever they feel the need for reassurance and I would also be willing to kick their asses to make them stop thinking they need to do everything absolutely perfectly or else they will damage their baby forever and ever. And since it really is something only first time parent would consider buying (and then using for two weeks), I can only hope you'd have room in the closet next to the never-used bread machine, soda streamer and waffle maker that you so desperately needed.
  9. They can always save the fertilized ones for a "Survivor" eating challenge! I vaguely recall that some cultures love fertilized eggs and they are quite the delicacy. Different strokes, I guess. Nothing goes unused. I feed my dog good quality food, excellent mix-ins and some delicious human food, but she thinks deer poop is like caviar, so who knows?
  10. Just finished watching the episode. I think Lopez had a number of other Team Martian guys with him who were supposed to get Holden off the Donnager, presumably one was a pilot, but those guys got killed. I think?
  11. I call this America's Most Mediocre Baking Show. One way to improve it would be with contestants who actually knew how to bake. Get rid of Nia and her Forever 21 rompers. Stop making believe that it is December when it is clearly the middle of the summer. It's not good when you are relieved that it's over.
  12. I don't have much to say except how much I enjoy watching this show. I think the acting is great and although the plot has been convoluted, it's now all coming together for me and I am able to follow the flashbacks. Do we know what Tamir's "legitimate" business is?
  13. If the corn at Whole Foods was crap, Grayson and Angelina shouldn't have bought it. I'm getting sick of Padma in her skimpy outfits. The desert romper with those ankle boots (does anyone in the universe think that those booties are attractive?) was a real fashion "don't," although I'm not the target demo for that kind of get-up. I did think her golf outfit was cute even though it was a thousand degrees out there and black spandex pants wouldn't have been my first choice. It doesn't seem fair to me that some chefs are judging cheftestants who worked for them in the past.
  14. Grayson definitely put that spoon back into the hash after eating off of it. This is a big pet peeve of mine. Gross!!! I really do feel like she was a asked to come back because they needed the drama and was told to ramp it up. It felt like she thought she was doing TPTB a favor by being there. But her behavior was atrocious and would be so off-putting to any future employer who may look at some of the video before deciding whether or not to hire her. I'm giving Wesley a break. At least he is self-aware, unlike ManBun.
  15. Maybe the judges felt since Grayson was older and more experienced than Angelina, she should have known better than to cook the corn. Seniority is a double edged sword.
  16. Man Bun is a twit. Has he served a decent plate of food yet? Hey Grayson, get back to me when you are willing to take responsibility for something. Being on the bottom every single challenge (except for one, maybe?) should be a clue that you're not the fabulous chef you believe yourself to be. Time for a reality check.
  17. Wasn't "the man" Kate's cousin, Tamir's wife's sister's son? The same guy who picked her up in the truck?
  18. Exhibit A: They were extremely lucky that the Cheerleaders sucked at the water show task, so lucky, in fact, that they were still able to squeak by even though they (Justin and Diana) had a penalty. Couldn't stand Justin from the first minute. He's the embodiment of all things New York (like the Jets and Yankees) that we Boston fans loathe.
  19. The only positive that might come from Justin and Diana being on an All-Star season is watching them lose again. He is quite a douchebag. I can't stand people whose default key is "yelling and blaming" when things go awry. Sort of wonderful that they know the exact minute they lost the race because it will be like a recurring nightmare. Also hope their friends give them tons of shit about it.
  20. Wes needs to watch Chopped, because even I know from that show that if you have a tough piece of meat, it's best to slice it thin (against the grain?), maybe marinate it a little bit and hope that it will become more tender. I really can't stand hipster beards and the thought of someone cooking my food with beard hairs falling into it makes me sick. In fact, they should ALL be wearing hairnets or kerchiefs or something to protect the food from stray hairs. Grayson was probably invited back because the producers realized that they needed some more nastiness for dramatic purposes after the other chefs came on board. I would also venture to guess that they told her to ramp it up and that they'd assure her a certain number of weeks of safety if she agreed. Hey, I watched unReal (as well as being an ardent tv reality consumer) so I have figured out how it works.
  21. What would prevent someone else from doing the same thing as the handbag lady? Nothing proprietary about it. I'm not in the Glow makeup demographic and have a hard time understanding the allure (my skin care regimen is Cetaphil and Olay face cream), but lots of women will spend outrageous sums on cosmetics in the hope that they'll look like <put any actress's name here>. That being said, I just recently read an article about those facial masks and how they are all the rage, so what do I know? Was waiting for one of the guys to hurt himself on those bikes. That was an orthopedic surgeon's wet dream. The luggage guys were much too hip and cool for me, not to mention their overinflated egos (and valuation).
  22. I'm not sure how much longer I can stick with this show. It's boring, it's stupid, it's repetitive, it's poorly written and I just can't anymore with Scarlet and Gunnar. What's the point? I actually missed Layla and Jeff, so what does that say?
  23. I love this show and not enough people are watching it. Sean Bean continues to hit it out of the park (although I could watch him read the phone book and be happy). No wonder TPTB decided to hold off a couple of weeks ago because last week's and tonight's plot was eerily similar to the Paris terrorism.
  24. I'm a little embarrassed to report that I bought some tapioca flour today because everyone is raving about how delicious those cheesy bread balls are and the recipe looked easy enough for me to try. If I get a chance to make them in the next couple of days, I'll let you all know. In the meantime, can you imagine working for/with that soccer ball guy? Aside from looking like a psychopathic serial killer, he was such a tool.
  25. And you still get to pat yourself on the back and tell yourself what a wonderful person you are! Not taking at shot you personally, leighdear. I mean the plural "you." Which I think is what's behind many of these "buy our merch and we'll donate the money for you" companies. Maybe it will make you feel less guilty about buying overpriced crap that you didn't need in the first place? I don't know since I am not in the right demographic. Question: Do these companies get to write off their donations to these charities? Because if they do, they are benefiting a lot more than they put on and you are much better off sending in your own donations and getting the tax break.
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