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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Part of being a mature adult is to have the ability to step up and take the blame/responsibility when things go sideways. I don't think Angel asked her to wash the turtle. He just agreed that she should wash it after she said she thought she should. Wonder which came first--her nasty ass attitude or her mother causing her nasty ass attitude. Her mother sound like she might be out of the "no wire hangers" mold, but who knows? If I ever see her being a nurse during a visit to Mass General Hospital, I'm running in the other direction. She seems like she has the potential to become Nurse Ratched, the 21st century model.
  2. Am laughing my ass off that Mr. Uber pulled out the "do you know who I am?" card. What an asshole.
  3. The Pavlok is just a wrist version of a dog's electric shock collar with a snazzy thunderbolt on it because, oh look, sparkly things! I didn't do that to my dog and I wouldn't spend $200 for that for myself, when a rubber band or thumbtack would do the same thing. What did P.T. Barnum supposedly say about suckers? Anyone? Bueller? Most of the products pitched this season sucked. The guys hawking the magic show in Vegas were just the tip of the iceberg,
  4. Next season: an entrepreneur visits the Tank with a taser that is used for wiping the vacuous smile off of Lori's face.
  5. If Elton is going on this show to plug his album, he needs to hire a new agent. I agree that is the most plausible reason, but it just seems like such a mismatch, not to mention the low ratings.
  6. There's an article in Daily Mail (U.K.) today about Pavlok and apparently people are buying and using it. One application was that it shocks you if you spend more money than you should be spending. Maybe our legislators in Washington can buy it at a bulk rate and get shocked whenever they decide to waste taxpayer money.
  7. My point, pattycake, was that so many of the plot lines have been repeated time and again, as if there is some kind of binary rule in place for writing scripts for this show. It started out really good in Season 1, the music was excellent (and I don't normally listen to country music) and the characters hadn't yet become caricatures of themselves. Rayna and Deacon? Lather, rinse, repeat. Scarlett and Gunnar? Lather, rinse, repeat. Avery and Juliette? Lather, rinse, repeat. Layla and her very special brand of manipulation? Lather, rinse, repeat. Even a daytime soap has more depth to the story than this idiotic show. Seriously, I hope they don't find another platform for this atrocity. For better (Breaking Bad, The Wire) or for worse (Lost, The Sopranos, The Good Wife, Mad Men, Dexter), I tend to stick with shows for the long haul and even 40 minutes (DVR time) is becoming too much time for me to waste at this point. YMMV
  8. I fast forwarded through Elton John and his ridiculous toupee...or was that thing just a lemur that fell onto Elton's head and went to sleep there? You have millions of dollars, Elton. Buy at rug that doesn't distract your audience. Maybe he spent all his $$ on that privacy fight with that London newspaper (I don't know the details because I wasn't interested in wasting even more of my not-so-valuable time). Here's an idea! How about they have Deacon getting drunk and having him do some destructive stuff? Because that hasn't happened often enough in every season.
  9. It just occurred to me that for all we know, we posters could be watching these folks for years! Wonder what they'd do if a couple of contestants lasted with no intention of giving up and even less likelihood of tapping out.
  10. Yep, the Larry we've come to know and love. The king of cursing and histrionics. Somehow, I can't get enough of him. He's comedy gold. Nicole has a really good attitude. I would have been terribly anxious with the wind gusting and the rain pouring down (geez, those kinds of winds make me nervous when I'm lying in bed expecting a tree to come through the roof at any moment). Either she's incredibly competent which she appears to be) or incredibly stupid (which she is not). Finding that fish in her gill net and smoking it so it will keep was a great boost for her. David is a scary mess. Yes, the experience is difficult and his lack of food just exacerbates things, but he seems to be a seething man just on the edge of exploding. Wonder what the divorce was all about (because I am nosy and would love to hear what happened there).
  11. Where the fuck was fucking Larry? When Randy was building his log cabin lean-to, was I the only one who wanted him to find some moss to plug the holes like the Lewis family does on The Last Alaskans? I learn so much from watching television!
  12. KidHorn, if someone said they wanted to kill me and then a minute later asked me for my knife, I wouldn't hand it over either.
  13. I couldn't figure out (because I am a rational adult human being) how she railed about the fire being hers, since she was incapable of making a fire to begin with. She had the tool, but what good is the fire starter if you aren't using it correctly? That being said, I never want to see Laura's face again on my tv unless she is paired with Honora's on another episode of N&A. Those two deserve each other.
  14. Yeah, Ragnar seemed like he would be pretty easy to hang around with. Maybe she just couldn't take his crying fits anymore. Seriously, though, she didn't exhibit any skills, she was a 47 yo housewife from Texas (I have the utmost respect for housewives, being one when my kids were growing up, but "surviving" meant hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes when I needed a break). How the hell did the producers think she was a good fit for Naked and Afraid?
  15. I'm going to guess that if one person is feeling overly threatened by the other partner, the producers have to take it seriously. Clearly Laura was a loose cannon and all we saw was what the editors left in. Who knows what else happened! I assume the participants sign a waiver of liability about getting injured or sick, but there is probably no such waiver of assault from a teammate. The show and the network could get sued big time.
  16. Was glad to see Ragnar manage to do the last two weeks by himself. Laura was one crazy-ass bitch. I'd maybe cut her some slack if her behavior was out of character, but since she doesn't have any friends, I would assume she is difficult to have a relationship with because this is pretty much how she always is, sleep or no sleep. That crap about how none of this was her fault makes ME crazy. I cannot stand people who simply won't see how they are projecting and refuse to take any responsibility for things going south, even when it is clearly their/her fault! So does that make it two weeks in a row (not counting last week's highlight reel show) when someone was forced to tap out because they were psychotic? Question: If the Naked and Afraiders can't sleep at night, why don't they sleep more during the day when it is warmer/not raining/less buggy?
  17. Shallow comment alert: Alicia Witt had the bad luck of inheriting some awful under eye bag genes which make her look ancient. I'm usually not a fan of cosmetic surgery, but she should get a brochure and check it out. Reminds of me Little Georgie Stephanopoulis' wife, Ali Wentworth. He looks like he's about 12 yo and she always looked like she was old enough to be his mother. I think she finally had the surgery.
  18. There is nothing proprietary about this. My 30something son and his high school friends (and their wives) do something similar every Labor Day weekend and over the 15+ years, that weekend has become sacrosanct. In fact, since they are scattered all over the country now, a number of them have had their weddings on Labor Day week because they know everyone will be in one place and not have to travel across the country a second time. I was surprised that none of the sharks thought about how useful the car bags would be for dealerships in flood-prone/hurricane locations. A few years ago when the south was pummeled by torrential rain/floods for weeks at a time, a lot of new and used cars were rendered unsaleable (did I just make up a word?) because their undercarriages were damaged by the water.
  19. I agree with this. Tracy felt herself getting out of control, something that she's been desperately working on to curb, and it scared the hell out of her. Probably reminded her of a situation wherein she DID lose control and felt like she caused (and took the responsibility and blame for) the ensuing violence and bad outcome. After her run-in with the bears, she just didn't trust herself and didn't seem capable of rationalizing her behavior (like other "normal" people would be able to do: "I had to protect myself, it was a tense situation, I reacted the best I knew how, bears can kill people, etc.") Many folks who suffer from PTSD simply cannot heal from it, no matter how much time they spend in therapy.
  20. Being Mike's wife would wear me out. Too much responsibility for someone else's moods. Veers much too close to codependency for me. That being said, Mike is killing it! That faucet Clorox bottle was genius. When he crafts himself a cellphone and a telephone tower, let's just concede the victory to him. Didn't see much from Jose last night, so he might be keeping pace. Did Randy tap out without me knowing it? Let's put an APB out for him.
  21. I just can't with this show anymore. Somehow, I find that it not being renewed is so liberating. Yes, I could have stopped watching when things started going south (Season 2) but I tend to stay committed much too long to things, even if they get unbearable. What happened to the Rayna-Deacon relationship that I used to love? Scarlett and Gunnar remind me of an old vinyl record that has a scratch and keeps repeating. The Maddie plotline is in desperate need of some tough love. Avery and Layla? Aren't there any other potential romantic partners in the whole of Nashville and surrounding towns? Derek Hough? Really? Now I will have my Wednesday nights free to watch The Americans, a really good piece of tv drama.
  22. I simply cannot stop laughing when Larry is doing his thing. He is hilarious. Felt bad for Tracy. The ghosts of the past were haunting her. Although I so wanted her to win, it appears that her mental state was going to force her to tap out at some point and she knew it. Guess she figured she might as well cut her losses.
  23. Yep, Bob really had me tearing up (okay, sobbing) and I hope he can regain some weight and get his health under control. Sounds like he might be able to manage his cancer with the proper medical attention and rest. As a cancer survivor, I've got to say that the fatigue caused by the chemotherapy is unlike any tiredness you've ever experienced. I remember changing the sheets on my bed and having to rest on the bed after I stripped it, then after I put the fitted sheet on, etc.. Took forever to do what used to be a simple task. I hope Bob can have a few more adventures; he is such a sweet, kind soul. Heimo's and Edna's daughters are warriors. What a beautiful family. I love this show and watch in wonderment how they all can deal with the elements and adversities. I would last about five minutes.
  24. Is it on Netflix yet? I loved Seasons 1 & 2 but fear I'll have to rewatch all of it before I start viewing Season 3.
  25. Now that you mention it, I do remember cringing every time she used her knife to whittle that stick at the start of the episode. It was an accident waiting to happen. I just thought it was curious that within a night of each other, I saw two people cut the same tendon in the exact same way, something I hadn't seen in all my years of being a lounge chair survivalist.
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