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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. In my head, I've started to refer to this show as "Deranged."
  2. I vaguely recall that she had some sort of desk job when she was in the marines. Maybe I imagined it. That picture of her in a bikini on her hands and knees in the sand said it all. I believe it was right before she started being showcased (as in, rationalizing why she should tap out) that the producers added the text at the bottom of the screen about how they chose the 12 people whom they thought had the best chance of surviving the 40 days. They knew the audience would be wondering how the hell they even considered having that woman return. How come WE all knew she wouldn't make it past day 2 or 3?
  3. Gynecological problems don't make a woman be a bitch unless she was already a bitch. I know this from my own experience with very serious female troubles.
  4. Good question. In my world, if you consider yourself enough of an adult to jump into an arranged marriage, then you are enough of an adult to find yourself a job. I still find myself fascinated and distracted by Mayur's flat head. I didn't realize how huge Taylor's mother was until the shot of her "cleaning" the tile floor. And what a lame party!
  5. Was there ever any explanation about how Ben became an Orthodox Jew? I missed the first episode or two. I know Vicki's deal. And let me just say that there are few things I hate more than parents who attempt to guilt their kids into doing something that is absolutely none of the parents' business. I'm sure that whole skype chat with Ben's parents was a set up by the producers to try to wring some drama out of the Seattle-NYC situation; that being said, I've always told my sons that they need to go where their lives take them--their lives, their decisions. Can't stand selfish parents of grown children.
  6. With regard to the poop pieces and all the other stuff in the water that Clarence's group is boiling and drinking, why aren't they using their burlap bags to "filter" the water? Are they not allowed to use the bags for anything, because I've never seen anyone cut them up for clothing or foot covering.
  7. "Clarence. It rhymes with parents." Okay. Got it. I'm confused because I also watched the second episode last night (it followed right after the first one) and I'm not sure if it I can comment on it. I'm having trouble separating out what happened in each, especially since there was a lot of repetition. In any event, and I don't think this is a spoiler, I laughed at the subtitle saying the producers chose the 12 people whom they thought could actually survive the 40 days. It was like they knew the audience would question some of the choices......for good reason!
  8. Big Mother, I wouldn't be surprised if what you said was true. I definitely get the feeling that David and Taylor (especially Taylor) were told to go for the drama. At some points, she can barely keep a straight face. I don't watch much reality tv anymore, because it all seems so manufactured to me.
  9. I find this show depressing. You've got David, who seems like he had one too many concussions and Taylor, who makes my ears bleed. You've got Ben is a spoiled Jewish American Prince and doesn't deserve Vicki, who should probably seek some counseling because no one in her right mind, no matter how desperate to find a "family," should marry a boy who is less mature than a 12 yo. kid. Please, Vicki, no children with this prick EVER! Maneka set back the feminist movement about 50 years and I simply have to get this off my chest: What is with Mayur's flat head? It looks like the back of his head is one large Lego. So glad that others mentioned Ben's parents with regard to his refusal to do anything around the house. Wow, good job, folks. Someone taught him that if you don't do anything (for fuck's sake, can you take out the garbage at least?) or you make the person nag you to do a chore, eventually you just aren't asked (or "reminded") any more.
  10. Nicole must be haunted by the big salmon she put back into the water because she decided she didn't need such an over abundance of food. Like many posters, I couldn't believe she didn't build a smoker or figure out some other way to preserve it. Even a couch survivalist like me knows that you keep whatever good stuff is thrown in your path.
  11. Hard for me to believe that he didn't have a liver problem or kidney problems for that matter, what with the amount of liquid--alcohol+mixer--he consumed every day. The paranormal stuff turned me off from the get-go, so I didn't have much sympathy for him. The wife seemed scripted, but she and Daniel have both had experience in front of a camera so they were "on" the whole time. I do love Candy.
  12. Andy seems to be one of those people who gets frustrated easily and then takes his frustration out on whoever is nearest. Yeah, I was married to one of those types and it sucked the life right out of me. Either he's more even-tempered now that he has to do everything without help or he saw how badly he came off in past episodes when Kate was around. One of the things that I don't like about this show is how repetitious the folks can get when they are describing their lives. Yeah, Chip, I don't have to hear about setting traps and letting them do the work for you while you sleep six thousand times. Glenn, I know you learn something new every day. And on and on and on. Also, I figured that this was the perfect opportunity for Glenn to build an "igloo," since the cameraman would be there to rescue him in case the thing caved in. Finally, I miss Foxy!!
  13. I had a hard time understanding Justin's comment about it being 11AM, already having all his chores done and being bored because he had nothing else to do. How about exploring the area a little bit more? How about making his camp better? I know people might scoff, but last night made me think that bringing a pad and pencil (with a big eraser) would have been a great idea (I know, you'd have to eliminate some other items). If I were out there, it would give me the opportunity to do some writing without having distractions (like my computer, the tv, phone calls) and be able to concentrate on that collection of essays that I've been trying to write for a long time now. I wonder if Jose's long and drawn out canoe building is a result of his attempt to keep boredom at bay. I'm not saying that Effin' Larry has bipolar disorder (overly diagnosed in my opinion), but he seems unable to regulate his emotions. His highs are very high and his lows are very low. I doubt that he's much different emotionally in his day-to-day life off the island. David got a better edit than in the past. I actually almost like him now. Guess nothing exciting happened with Nicole during the Day 31-33 interval? Yesterday in the garage when I got into my car, I saw a mouse that had died in one of my mouse traps. I hate mice with a passion! And I thought of Effin' Larry! Not much meat on that little thing.
  14. Are you sure, SRTouch, about the four wheelers? The website says they are no longer "avaiable." Not sure what that word means. ?
  15. Sue said something about bartering and/or trading for the CAT. I spent a few minutes thinking about what she might have traded for it--Gasoline? Vacations at the camp? What could she have that would be so valuable?
  16. Add me to the Nicole fan club. I wasn't keen on her initially, but she has definitely grown on me. She is smart, savvy, and comfortable with herself. Seems like she has nothing to prove and somehow is using her Alone experience to end one chapter (losing her beloved stepson)/begin a new chapter in her life (go forward keeping him in her heart and making peace with the loss). I'd love to see her win this. Her young sons would be so proud of her.
  17. The minute Sue said she was planning to drive the tractor across the tundra for 85 miles, I thought, "What could possibly go wrong?" I guess it's "light winter" and a balmy zero degrees, but getting stuck out there overnight would suck. She's actually lucky she could get rescued without too much delay. That big machine that pulled her out was the mechanical equivalent of the Star Wars AT-AT walkers.
  18. I imagine that Mike is a lot like Doggy Anxiety. She has to follow me into the bathroom and doesn't like it if I don't allow her entrance. There are days when I take her to daycare just so I can be on my own.....and she's just a dog, folks! Maybe Barbara should get Mike a puppy, just so he has a constant companion. Can't figure out the deal with David. Wasn't he a pastor or some such thing? Did he get fired? Was it the cause of his divorce?
  19. I thought the contestants drew lots for their locations but I might have imagined that. When I described the show to my son, he thought there should be a Hunger Games-type sky display whenever someone taps out. I was surprised that Nicole didn't just smoke that extra salmon so she could use it for another day.
  20. Well, slow and steady definitely won the race this time.
  21. At least we can put The Beverly to rest. Even if the show is renewed, I don't think I will be watching. There are just too many other (cough*well-written, well-acted, interesting) shows to waste my time on.
  22. I started watching a show called Mygrations on National Geographic Channel and it was something I think all of you survival types might enjoy. The premise is that 20 handpicked people are thrown together to cross the Serengeti, following the wildebeest migration to a river 200 (?) miles away. It's sort of like a Naked and Afraid XL but with clothing and provisions which the herd of people have to carry themselves (including those big jugs of water). For me the group dynamics are interesting. First episode repeats on Monday at 9PM and a new episode is at 10. Just in case you need your weekly man/woman vs. nature fix.
  23. Candall, if he's peeing on the couch, he isn't housebroken. Yuck. If you're going to have a dog who pees and poops in the house, you might as well just get a cat; at least a cat uses a littler box. I love this show and look forward to it every week. No other show on tv makes me smile and laugh out loud the way this one does. And we've been watching Peanut grow up right before our eyes!
  24. Even David had the good sense to stop filming himself a couple of episodes back when he was having a(nother) bad day. Maybe it takes a bit of self-awareness, which Larry doesn't seem to exhibit.
  25. People like Larry scare the hell out of me. Yes, up until this week's episode, I thought his swearing was comedy gold, but it has gotten so out of hand and so indicative of his inability to deal with the slightest setback. I can't imagine how scared a homeowner would if he got frustrated while fixing a wiring problem. If he's having an existential issue, perhaps he should have rewound the tape and watched himself fly off the handle over a silly hassle that he could have easily addressed if he kept his wits about him (umm, Larry, if you are cutting the trees too short, how about using a too short one as a measurement for the next one you cut down.....just add the length of your shoe and you'd have what you need). His resistance to finding a new home site after, what, almost three weeks(?), is indicative of his mindset: Nothing I do will make my life better, I'm happiest when I have something to complain about (because I don't have to come to the realization that I am causing my own misery), I'm doomed to living a miserable life, etc. I think he is married? I feel very sorry for his wife and children. Can you imagine? I'm warming up to Nicole. She is well-balanced, realistic about herself and her life, allows herself to feel the feelings and move on, and doesn't seem intimidated by the forces of nature or the forces of emotion.
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