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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. I love your theory, 8th Light. Makes a ton of sense, especially the trailer-roommate part. Kelsey is used to a much higher standard of living.
  2. Had to give the momtrepreneur more credit than the sharks did. Clearly they haven't looked at baby registers lately, but I am in the middle of it. Many of my friends' kids are having babies and people will buy anything you list on the registry, no matter how expensive or useless the items are. The cart guy needs to switch to decaf. Too hyperactive and he'll probably end up being a pain in the ass to work with.
  3. I know! What the hell? Years ago a friend was cutting a roast before serving it and, just like John, the drops of sweat were falling onto the meat. I was so grossed out.
  4. How did I miss the first season of this show? This is the kind of trash I LOVE to watch. Let me get this straight: Dustin and Kelsey had drunken sex together during which she railed about how boring her husband is and now Dustin wants to blow things open by telling James all about it? Is that what Dustin was referring to when he complained to the psychologist that Kelsey was different on camera than she is in private? In any event, James needs to dump Kelsey and Jaclyn needs to dump Dustin asap. Both Tony and Heather are so underappreciated in their marriages. Aaron and Liliya seem like nice people and aren't mistreating their spouses consciously (at least it doesn't appear as such). They are just so driven that they don't allow themselves to take a minute to reciprocate the support from their spouses. Aaron doesn't need a wife as much as he needs a cook and housekeeper; same holds true for Liliya. If both Heather and Tony stay with their spouses and things don't change, they'll become more and more resentful after living through The Switch. I hope Jaclyn starts to place the blame where it belongs (i.e., on Dustin). Even though Kelsey was obviously flirting with him, he COULD have told her to stop instead of encouraging it. Personally, I can't stand it when a woman blames the other woman for her boyfriend's/husband's/spouse's transgressions. The other woman wouldn't do it if the person's spouse wasn't receptive. Jaclyn, Dustin is a friggin' tool. He doesn't want to be married. Get a backbone, find some self-respect and get rid of that enormous jerk. James seems like a really nice guy who needs to find a nice wife who values him, doesn't spend all his money and acts like an adult.
  5. Ever since Ragnar was killed off, this show had been boring me. Guess I don't really care about any of the characters anymore.
  6. Is someone assigned to keeping a couple of fresh packs of Kools around just in case LRH decides to check in for a night?
  7. That sous vide machine will inevitably take its place along side bread machines and SodaStreamers at every yard sale in the not-to-distant future. I'm not the target demographic for any of those products except maybe the dog food (because I actually own a dog) and my dog, a somewhat picky eater even though she considers deer droppings to be a delicacy, wouldn't complain if I made a week's batch of the same food as PetPlate, refrigerated it and warmed her dinner up in the microwave every evening. Is having it delivered fresh and hot such a big deal? To a dog? Really?
  8. Can someone remind me why there is such hesitance to go after the boys/now men who really did rape Hannah Dean?
  9. If you looked closely, you would have seen his father mouthing Jack's post-Shark Tank hallway speech. It was hilarious. Obviously, the speech was well rehearsed and the opposite of impromptu. Next year maybe we can look for Jack's memoir that follows his hard-scrabble life (all 10 years of it!). Jack's dad really needs to let his son be a kid.
  10. Unfortunately for us, there's always the reunion show, the perfect setting for a faux wedding.
  11. This is an example of what I was posting about: https://www.amazon.com/Whimsical-Practicality-Quicktag-Silencer-Large/dp/B005XDJCWQ/ref=sr_1_33?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1477350498&sr=1-33&keywords=dog+id+tags
  12. I didn't see what the big deal was about the dog tags. In any Petsmart or Petco, you can purchase plastic/elastic forms in many different shapes, sizes and colors that go around the perimeter of the individual tag, thus eliminating the problem of jingling tags. The maple syrup kid was impressive but I live in New England where there is never a dearth of maple syrup products, so it wasn't compelling to me. No need for that plastic disk in this house. A paper plate under and over a bowl of soup does the trick. And I can use the paper plates for something else and then throw them away. No muss, no fuss.
  13. I also immediately thought the lights would be useful when I walk my dog at night. Guess Barbara is unaware that there is the REST of the country, not just NYC, and we do stuff after dark because it's safe in my rural area, my dog needs to pee in the evening not just during the daytime, (daylight savings time ends in a few weeks, folks), and I can't afford to hire someone to do it like she and her rich friends might have. It is also a safety item. Joggers running during dusk would be far more visible on the side of the road. Not sure I bought the story that the husband is a marathon runner; he's dragging around an awful lot of weight. For the swimsuit moms, I would trade my entire dumpster full of troubles for an ADHD kid. Everyone in the universe has, at some point been challenged in their life, yet it doesn't make you an entrepreneur. Catalogue stores (like LL Bean) offer tons of bathing suits in an array of styles in an array of fabrics. Why would I want to purchase a suit that looks crappy for $149? Wally Amos was pathetic. He already lost one fortune and it would idiotic for a shark to sign for that inevitability knowing his track record. I'm outside the phone dryer demographic. I don't put my life on my cellphone because I actually have a life.
  14. The magnet product was pretty much the exact same concept as the eyeglasses holder from a number of seasons ago. I think Lori was in on that deal too. If I remember correctly, you pinned a magnet to your shirt, there was a magnet that attached to the frame of the glasses and you could take off your glasses and hang them on your shirt for easy access. That guy's product was very successful, I think. In addition to Staples, she could sell the product in The Container Store, Michael's, Home Depot, campus bookstores.....clearly I've been spending much too much time thinking about this.
  15. Thank you, Netflix, for offering up this great show. I was raising kids throughout the time of the Colombian drug cartel and didn't really know much about the situation. It was fascinating. That being said, it took me a long time to figure out why Pablo's mother looked so familiar and I finally realized that she was a dead ringer for Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie. The resemblance is uncanny!
  16. Did Erin say something about how her father saved her from the Mormons of Utah? That's a pretty nasty piece of work there. I'm not a Mormon, but I thought it was offensive and it would never fly if she had said something similar about Jews/Muslims/African Americans/you get the picture.
  17. For someone who is supposedly such a genius, Cameron should know that there are probably dozens of people working on similar projects and that there is a strong likelihood that while she's trying to get Mutiny overhauled and prettied up (in a year or two) someone else will have surpassed Mutiny. Cam, the company is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it! I've had it with her.
  18. Although I too missed Ross' first season hair, I still swooned and was lucky that my fainting couch was nearby. I was waiting for Demelza to somehow get the message to Ross during the trial that she was pregnant and thought he would take his lawyer's advice. Guess I was wrong.
  19. Can't we just make this the Donna and Diane Show and lose everyone else? Because I don't gave the patience for these childish adults anymore.
  20. Well, I am grateful to this show for reminding me why I shouldn't watch anything that network television offers (other than sports). What a waste of time. The first couple of episodes fooled me into thinking it might be interesting. I've learned my lesson.
  21. Is there anything we should glean from Eve being the girl working at the pharmacy that Danny and Ozzy robbed? Was she a part of the robbery or did they get her to go along with them after the fact? I'm pretty sure it was Eve; I distinctly recall her bad hair/wig in that scene.
  22. I was surprised that Ragnar wasn't invited (or declined the invitation) as well as Stacie's partner from her first Naked & Afraid experience. If they have a reunion like they did last year, I'm not sure I would tune in. Because who even cares?
  23. I know, right? How lucky can you possibly be? I think I need to put this XL season behind me and stop regretting all the hours I wasted watching it while I could have spent my time watching something that is much more plausible, like KUWTK. <sigh>
  24. Thank goodness that hot mess is over. Would have been nice to have seen them actually put some survival techniques into use. Question: Did Steven listen to Darren, fishing in a deeper area of the river just like he (Darren) had suggested? You know, the idea that Steven balked at? I was happy that Stacie redeemed herself. I always thought that her burns were caused, at least in part, by her partner in her first N&A experience.
  25. I just can't with this show anymore. It's gotten too stupid, even for me (who watches incredible amounts of dreck). I'll watch to the end because I like to start what I finish (even crappy novels!), but I can't spend an extra minute wondering about any character's motivation. It doesn't even matter to me at this point; none of it makes any sense.
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