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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Feeling afraid that your partner will leave you makes for a good excuse to be controlling and abusive and turns the abuser/Perry into the "victim," which then is used to justify the behavior. And part of the controlling and abusive behavior is that the person is inconsistent; Celeste had no idea that Perry was going to be so angry about the kids going to Frozen. So the end result is walking on eggshells, never knowing when your partner is going to blow up over stupid shit, stuff that two weeks ago wouldn't be an issue. It is crazy-making. To me, Abby moving out is typical teenage stuff, always thinking that the grass is greener with the non-custodial parent.
  2. I'd be thrilled to watch The Daphne Show and have Maddie take a back seat. I've had enough tv teens with bad attitudes to last me a lifetime. Maybe the writers should have Maddie doing some volunteer work so she can see that it's not always about her.
  3. I just hope that she isn't among the group of the people expecting her student loans to be "forgiven" and happily allowing others (if you are wondering who "others" are, just look in the mirror, folks) to make good on them. I'm not interested in my tax dollars going to paying off a loan for someone who decided that she doesn't really want to practice medicine anymore. I don't begrudge her decision. In fact, I know of at least two doctors who never practiced after all those years of education (both women, one is my sister-in-law, one studied to be a psychiatrist and my SIL was a rheumatologist which would be an incredible money-making venture what with the baby boomers growing old). Spending $100K on fashion school/her curlers instead of paying her debt is like having someone who owes you a significant amount of money posting pictures of a fabulous costly vacation on Facebook. Oh wait, didn't something like that just happen to Tori Spelling after she threw an extravagant baby shower for Baby #5?
  4. The sharks had me roaring with laughter tonight. I love when they act silly with each other and show some personality above and beyond what we normally see in the tank. Those curlers brought back childhood memories for sure. When I was a little girl growing up in the 60's, my mother bought these pink plastic curler bobbin type thingies and made me her guinea pig. Couldn't get a wink of sleep. Between those and her using me to experiment with the Toni home perm kit, I look back and wonder if I should have called in the authorities. I love bags and thought the billboard bags might be cool and unique, but they looked flimsy and cheap. One sharp edge would rip a hole and out pours your stuff. At least they weren't donating 10% or a random backpack to a charity in order to appeal to the demographic that needs to assuage its guilt over material possessions, so I'll give them points for that. I put that miracle weight loss candy/lozenge into the same category as supplements, i.e., not interested in pseudo-science.
  5. Glad I'm not the only one, Gregg247. Maybe it's because I'm not a Millennial, but I've had it up to my eyeballs in seemingly do-gooder companies who overprice their crappy products so that they can make themselves feel better about being capitalists. I think I wrote something similar to your post months ago about the Brooklyn (of course) hipsters who designed expensive T-shirts. Or maybe it was the __________ (fill in the blank) who sold the ___________ (fill in the blank).........you get the picture (Bomba socks, anyone?). If you want to donate to a charity, no one is stopping you from donating. It makes more sense, to me anyway, to research the charity or foundation before donating, just to make sure they use your donations wisely and not on administrative fees or unnecessary travel. I have to say that I was roaring with laughter over that photoshopped picture of Kevin in a bathing suit.
  6. Ostensibly, since both Juliette and Rayna had orthopedic ailments, the same doctor could have been treating the two of them, but that would probably only happen if the hospital was located in Podunk, which begs the question of why two big deal country music stars would be patients at a teeny community hospital when they'd be so much better off at a larger medical facility. Guess that makes too much sense. The small town hospital approach is so much more of an soap opera trope.
  7. I think the doctors briefly (I mean one sentence that I had to rewind and turn on the closed captioning for) talked about throwing some emboli (embolisms?) which would speed up the process. Don't think organ failure was the main cause of the fake death. Not that it makes any difference.
  8. I'll go out on a limb and guess that Deacon is going to start drinking again. Because we haven't seen that enough in the prior seasons. And then he has some anger management problems. Because we haven't seen enough of that either. Yeah, I'm done.
  9. When Dustin impregnates another woman and a DNA test says that he's the father, Jaclyn will still be burying her head in the sand. She'll blame the other woman for forcing Dustin to have sex with her. I've seen and met a lot of stupid women over my years and unfortunately there are a ton of desperate females out there who will put up with so much shit. So sad. Find some self-respect, ladies! If Kelsey's father loves James so much, then maybe he should have married James himself or at least adopted him.
  10. I don't see any of those marriages lasting for the long term. The afterglow slowly fades and the problems reappear. When difficulties arise and there is a lot of stress, people revert to their old behaviors. I'm just happy that there are no kids in any of these marriages. The show should be offering the couples lifetime marriage counseling and foolproof contraception forever.
  11. I've started purging idiotic drama shows from my "must watch" list and this is the next one on the chopping block. Life is too short to spend an hour (okay, 40 minutes if I fast-forward through the endless ads) on this tripe. Just too stupid for words, especially after the Scarlett-Gunnar on-again, off-again extravaganza and the Rayna car accident. Didn't we already see that? Ugh. Maddie is a shit, don't care about her romance (can't remember his name but her "boyfriend" is a horrendous actor), Juliette has become boring, Rayna & Deacon is lather, rinse, repeat. Only ones I care about is Daphne and Cadence. What does that tell you?
  12. I thought that Wendy was naked in the pool because Axe wanted to make sure she wasn't wearing a wire and she needed to prove to him that he could trust her. That's just how I read it but I've been known to be wrong before.
  13. Maybe I've become a more sophisticated viewer after watching a lot of really good shows (i.e., not broadcast tv), but I just can't seem to turn off my plausibility switch anymore. That hospital scene was ridiculous; Amira(?) would not go undetected, nurses would have been running into the room the instant the machine starting beeping because they can hear it/see it from their stations, her fingerprints are all over the hypodermic needle plunger, there are cameras everywhere and on and on. I don't find Eric compelling, I rolled my eyes during the Smits-McRaney scene (having just finished watching a similar father-son argument on Billions and done so much better) and basically I thought I could hold on until Eric's first "dammit" and Eowyn's "I am no man," but I might not make it.
  14. She's written to be a very smart psychiatrist who is self-aware to some degree (except for staying with Axe and his questionable practices all those years), so I would hope that she would need more than a mutual interest in S&M as a basis for marriage, although we really haven't been shown anything else. Regardless of one's opinion of Lara, at least she and Axe seem to enjoy each other's company.
  15. Binge watched the first season and the start of the second over the weekend and I think it's a fun cat and mouse type show (or Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote--I'm awaiting the Acme anvil). In any event, I never bought the Rhoades' marriage. Just can't see what would attract Wendy to Chuck. No matter how smart or accomplished he might be, underneath he's still a buffoon. Sort of brilliant, however, that the writer named her "Wendy," since she's had to take care of the lost boys (Bobby and Chuck).
  16. I'd bet the farm on it. The female therapist was alluding to that when she saw the body language going on between Kelsey and Dustin when she visited them. Even Stevie Wonder would have "seen" it. Dustin rationalized it by believing he was on a "break" so it was okay (even though he knew it wasn't.....didn't they discuss "boundaries?") while Kelsey couldn't give a shit if she was hurting James because she loathes him anyway. All the alcohol consumption was yet another excuse to do whatever they wanted without a care about how it would ruin their relationships.
  17. Jaclyn wouldn't be the first woman in the world who thought she could change her husband after they got married. Before my son got married he asked me what advice I would give someone and I said that if you think you're going to change someone, you're not. Also, to repeat what the female Psy. D. said, what attracts you in the first place oftentimes is the very thing that eventually turns you off.
  18. So do you really need to get $2M in cash for a guy who won't get a chance to count the money in the bag until AFTER he gives you list of terrorist cells? As I watch this (and not sure how long I will continue because I'm finding that I don't really care about any of the characters), I just miss Jack Bauer more and more.
  19. ShaNaeNae, can't remember after which episode I posted the same thing but it drives me crazy when women blame the "other" woman, when they should be blaming the boyfriend/husband. HE was in a relationship with you, HE knew he shouldn't be cheating, HE was supposed to be loyal. The other woman can easily be shut down just by refusing the her advances. If Dustin somehow explained away his behavior and Jaclyn bought it, she's a fool. Guess Dustin convinced her that what she saw wasn't really what it was and he was just playing to the camera so he could become a reality show villian.
  20. If Jaclyn watched the tapes and still thought it was a good idea to stay with that creep, there's nothing anyone can do for her. She's going to have go learn the hard way. I hope they don't have kids any time soon.
  21. Glad Fowler won, although Carleigh and Meghan were deserving. Incredible job out there. I was waiting for Fowler to ask his wife if she brought him some food.
  22. If there was any question about Dustin being a complete douchebag, the comment he made about the size of his penis clinched it. Run, Jaclyn, run. He'll never understand what being a man really means.
  23. First of all, I think I've heard enough of the word "like" to last me the rest of my life. Stop saying that! It makes you sound stupid! Am hoping that Jaclyn wakes up and realizes that Dustin is a dead end. He drinks way too much, doesn't seem even close to ambitious and is totally untrustworthy. The psychologist basically told both her and James to wake up, find some self-respect and stop wasting their lives with spouses who really don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Aaron will sustain his newfound enlightenment for about a week or 3 home-cooked dinners, whichever comes first. Liliya will never allow Tony to be an equal partner; she's too much of a control freak. ETA--I would loooove to see this show on The People's Couch, if it ever returns.
  24. I think of Dustin more as a man-boy tool. And Kelsey is a low class sleaze.
  25. I thought that soccer game was an old one that Voiello was watching because he loves whichever team was playing. Could be wrong but the soccer player was Maradona, who was one of the best in the world in the 80's. One of Maradona's famous goals was called the Hand of God; I think the ball went into the net because it rebounded off of Maradona's hand. I'm foggy on the details.
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