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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Not only was this episode confusing, it was quite boring. I pretty much can't stand any of these characters except for John because, you know, Coach Taylor and all. The actor who plays Nolan was very unconvincing up against Cissy Spacek.
  2. If I had to guess, I'd say that Janet Reitman has some sort of thyroid condition because those big, bulging eyes are usually a sign of that sort of problem. Thus her reactions looked weird and exaggerated, due to her wide eyed expressions. That being said, at other times she was very distracting, especially when she was seated in the back row. The CO$ fascinates me. The premise that it is based on is so crazy and so dangerous. Cults prey upon people who are wounded and searching for meaning in life. Scary.
  3. Thanks. I just assumed Eve was still living at the Inn. She was there earlier in the day (Season 2 finale) when Nolan overheard her talking to Sally about Danny and how Papa Rayburn refused to give money to Danny for Danny's latest venture AND Nolan's support and that Danny had to choose one or the other. They really should include a timeline or put something on the screen so we can follow along.
  4. Yeah, I noticed that too and thought it was very sloppy. Come on, folks! It's called continuity for a reason and it's especially important when viewers are bound to binge-watch a show. Bec, I'm sorry but who are Nolan and Eve?
  5. I watched the last episode of Season 2 before starting Season 3 last night. Danny's son was still involved. He had a conversation with John's wife, blaming himself for Danny's death.
  6. Save me a seat on the Ozzy Hate Train. John Leguzema (sp.?) does a great job with the role because that guy is so obnoxious and intolerable. And I thought Danny was an asshole! I just kept thinking STFU already!
  7. The little dog was barking at Kevin who was trying to get back to the inn undetected, I think.
  8. I think John had an epiphany when he answered the phone when Sally called late in the episode. Sally said, "How could you do it?" and it sounded like she was asking John about killing Danny, but then she said "How could you lie to me?" and it was clear that she is more concerned about herself than anyone else.
  9. At one point in the ad, I believe that Saul Goodman held up a Polaroid camera and snapped a picture.
  10. Somehow I managed to screw up the highlighting and quoting. The original post mentioned a doctor's office displaying a sign warning the patients about the doctor not carrying malpractice insurance, but that was in 1975. We've gotten far more litigious since then and people sue doctors and lawyers (and anyone else they can think of) for what might be minor/trivial offenses/trumped up offenses all the time these days. Even if the suit doesn't hold up, the insured needs to protect himself/herself which means hiring a competent attorney. It would be quite risky to do without. Yes, many larger companies do self-insure (hee, my lawyer son does what's called "captive insurance," which can legally be set up only in Vermont and Missouri as far as I know), but it's not that common. ETA--I am a person who follows the rules, I'm no saint but I need to be able to sleep at night without worrying about something catching up with me. However, I've known people who skirt the rules, find and use loopholes, have been warned time and again, but still manage to skate. Makes me question why the hell I work so hard to keep my nose clean, sort of like no good deed goes unpunished. It is maddening to feel like nice guys DO finish last. Jimmy has tried to do the right thing, but for what?
  11. Yes, Chuck will get hoisted on his own petard. I also thought that the insurance lady will start spreading the word about Chuck to others in the insurance industry, it will become general knowledge in the professional community and the gossip will hurt whatever might be left of Chuck's career, as well as the reputation of HHM. Moral judgment aside, it was a brilliant move by Saummy. I had to laugh about Playah driving around town in an inconspicuous family van, a long way from his "blazing" Hummer.
  12. Do we know how many pills he takes at a time? I thought it was more than just one. Did Nacho mention what he plans to put in the capsules? Unless it is powerful or something that would cause a stroke (as opposed to a placebo), Hector would need multiple doses. And it would have to be something that wouldn't be detected by a doctor right after Hector's stroke. So much to think about.
  13. I assumed that when she mentioned the name of the place where her husband vanished (Gila Park or Gila Something), Mike knew it was a place where bad things happen, probably drug-related. I think he was touched by what she said about wanting to know what happened to her husband, so he'll investigate......maybe Nacho might know something? The Jim Garner-Mariette Hartley commercials for Polaroid were so successful because the actors had a lot of chemistry and the viewers assumed they were a long-married couple. I believe Jimmy/Saul might have started out the meeting with the insurance woman in earnest, but when he broke down, he decided to take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself, which is basically what his career has always been about. Ugh! Two weeks!
  14. Exactly how has Rebecca been communicating with Chuck since their divorce? Chuck doesn't use a phone, he doesn't use a computer. If Rebecca had to resort to snail mail, don't you think a light bulb would have gone off in her head that it is highly unusual that a high powered lawyer like Chuck was so difficult to get a hold of? Wouldn't she have tried to find out what was going on with him?
  15. If Rebecca had visited Chuck from time to time after their amicable divorce, she would have gotten some inkling that Chuck was going off the rails. He wouldn't have been able to keep up the appearance for long. So Rebecca was innocent only because she didn't really care all that much while Jimmy did all the heavy lifting. I don't think he owed her anything, actually. In some ways, she owed HIM an apology for having her head in the sand.
  16. Finished binge-watching the second season today. Really enjoyed the show. For some reason, it was easier for me to follow the action and to figure out which team was which. I don't know much about English history, so I don't question the plot lines. Beocca and Thyra make an incredible, if unlikely, partnership. Glad she survived the onslaught brought on by the evil bros. Uthred is a Danish-Saxon superhero. From now on, I will be asking my kids to call me Lady Mother.
  17. I wondered about that too. Or they could have made the fire wider and bigger? It's not they are so starved that they couldn't think straight. And with do many idle hands in the group, what else was more pressing?
  18. Jimmy was desperate to get out from under the financial obligations he had with the television station. He came off looking ridiculous and he seemed like a carnival barker, but what were his options? He's an excellent salesman, he knows his audience and he's not afraid to go out there and make a fool out of himself. At least he isn't a hypocrite about persuading people to buy something he's selling. He knew he had to go for it, just like he knew that the original D&M commercial wasn't going to attract attention. And this really is all about keeping Kim in the current premises and keeping Francesca employed. Throughout the run of BB, I posted numerous times that I'd love to see a show with Saul Goodman as the main character and here we have it. I find Saul fascinating and funny.
  19. Unlike Mike and Gus, Hector doesn't abide by the rule of not involving people in your schemes who aren't already in the game. It's sort of an "honor among thieves" situation, which makes Hector even more vile. Except for Mad Men.
  20. I don't think Stacy cares how Mike is making money as long as she gets to use it.
  21. I'm not a lawyer but I happen to know the answer to this question, at least in regard to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. My ex-husband was suspended from the practice of law (due to co-mingling client funds) and started to hang out at his sister's law office until she was notified that he was not allowed to be involved with any legal practice in any capacity whatsoever (even as a messanger) and if he was, it would put THAT lawyer's license to practice in jeopardy.
  22. Glad that Jimmy wants nothing to do with Chuck. This was what Chuck has been asking for. Jimmy realized he didn't need that toxic relationship in his life and he has better uses for his time. Chuck had taken advantage of Jimmy's love and good nature. Enough was enough. Plus, in retrospect, Chuck would have been much better off if no one had been enabling him all this time.
  23. Wow! I was having high school flashbacks and I don't mean it in a good way. First of all, how many times does she have to tell you "NO" before you stop badgering her to cuddle? I bet this guy is a real asshole in social situations. She was trying to be nice about it ("It's not you, it's me") and he wouldn't let up. What a jerk! Then he tries to bully her into sleeping next to him? Really? It reminded me of being at a party and a guy coming onto you, wanting to make out but you rebuff him, and then he starts yelling at you because you won't make out with him, and that's supposed to make you WANT to make out with him? Other than that, this was a boring episode, showed next to no survival techniques other than the fire building which we pretty much see every episode since contestants finally realized it is something you need to know when you sign on and maybe it would have been nice to see how they managed to find food. Just saying.
  24. Russell really needs to get a handle on his Short Man's Syndrome.
  25. And Chuck would have lied to himself about why Jimmy couldn't have had it, saying it was because Jimmy wasn't a good lawyer and that he played hard and fast with the rules, never admitting to himself that it was all really a case of too much pride and his inability to stop playing the zero-sum game with Jimmy.
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