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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Can someone explain to me how that fire extinguisher was supposed to act like a buoy? One of the Gingers said there must have been a hole in it somewhere (umm, so apparently it didn't occur to either one of them to, I don't know, fill it with water and see if there was a leak? And if there was a leak, what different would it have made? The canister was going to be under water anyway and would inevitably fill up and sink to some extent. All I know is that like, they were bleeping stoopid and like they ended up being looking like bleeping like because they are too brain cell challenged, like, eh?
  2. Talk about not being able to think yourself out of a paper bag! Here's any idea: Why not put some sticks near the fire and hang your socks and your boots upside down so they will dry out? Yeah, too complicated for the Ginger Bros., eh? Did they ever resolve the baiting of the crab trap? Guess it didn't matter because they lost it the trap anyway. A couple of maroons.
  3. I've been thinking about how the different kinds of relationships that the last three pairs have (brothers, parental, spousal) lead to different pros and cons. I believe Pete wants to be a good role model for Sam and considers this a legacy trip. Brooke and Dave have been married a long while, spend time together every day, know how to deal with each other from so much shared experience in their daily lives. The Canadian brothers have their own dynamic and relationship skills ("No, you are." "Nah, nah, nah, boo, boo.").
  4. This actually makes a lot of sense to me. Because they are paired with someone, there is less incentive to set up the camera and use it as "companionship" to bounce ideas off of, basically talking to yourself out loud; the camera becomes more of a footnote.
  5. When the older bro presented his case to the younger bro, it wasn't as if younger bro really had a choice. What would be the point of staying out there with someone who doesn't want to be there? Every day would end up in a debate about leaving, when something inevitably failed (hunting, fishing, whatever) the thought of self-sabotage would rear its ugly head and their relationship would suffer. One more reason why the producers should have allowed singletons to participate.
  6. I agree with you but I do find it fascinating to watch them do the rationalization exercise. It validates my view of human nature.
  7. Funny, Zibnchy, because I said, "Ya think?" Also wondered about Pete and Sam building a new shelter without having an axe. Guess they never filmed that reveal after Sam finally met up with his father. Maybe Pete didn't make a big deal over it since getting upset wasn't going to change the situation.
  8. Weeks ago, I suggested that they should have allowed the person who didn't necessarily want to tap out (the uninjured partners, the father of the kid afraid of the big bad wolf) to stay as a single and compete. Would have made the season much more interesting.
  9. This show has gone from sublime to ridiculous in record time. First of all, it has gotten quite boring. Second of all, the whining about missing one's family after less than TWO friggin' weeks? Are you kidding me? When I think about all the soldiers stationed overseas who are not only missing their kids' birthdays but worrying about getting injured or killed, it makes the Southern Brothers look like whining babies (even though younger bro appeared pissed that older bro is a wuss). Third, did I mention how boring this has become?
  10. I was waiting for that too and wondered how pissed the old man was going to be once he found out.
  11. Funny you should mention that because I feel the same way. I love most British shows but I usually have a problem being distracted, first with trying to identify where I'd seen a certain actor before, and then when I do recall, I can't shake the actor away from his/her former role in that particular show. Sometimes it seems like England has such a limited number of good actors; it's like the casting directors just round up the usual suspects.
  12. Was just going to say that what would that kid use for a pillow then?
  13. I'm wondering if the producers realize just how bad their decision to change the format is. I think they should have allowed the not sick/not injured/not afraid of a big bad wolf partners stay on by themselves. Having pairs out in the wilderness trying to survive doesn't really make sense considering the title is "Alone." Not having to deal with the social isolation removes much of the challenge for the contestants, at least in my opinion.
  14. I turned it off after about halfway through. Too much patting themselves on the back for my taste.
  15. Let me get this straight: Next week the survivalists have a pissing contest and then the men compare penis sizes to determine who is the greatest Naked & Afraider ever? Because we all know how quickly that discussion will deteriorate. Ridiculous to even debate it, since so much depends on partner, environmental conditions, luck, etc. In tonight's reunion, that blond guy who tapped about five minutes after he entered the Amazon barely said a word. He must feel like an idiot sitting next to people who managed to stay till Day 2, much less Day 40. Amber really annoys me.
  16. Unless Kim somehow gets to that meeting she was going to, her client is going to end up paying taxes to two states, something she told him he could avoid but only had two weeks to achieve.
  17. The lawyers might have hand-picked Irene because she was non-confrontational, wanted to be liked, and her eyes probably glazed over before the end of the second paragraph in letters from the law firm. Are you telling me there is no retired lawyer or accountant amongst the entire bunch of litigants? Let's face it: at this point the firm spends all of fifteen minutes once a month, calls the lawyer for Sandpiper, refuses whatever offer Sandpiper gives, write a letter to Irene and will still earn millions of dollars for doing next to nothing at this point. Unless Irene was not allowed to talk about the case to her friends, I think she should have made it her business to discuss the offers with them. The firms are culpable in all this, at least in my mind. Lots of vitriol about Jimmy, but I still have a soft spot for him.
  18. An old room-sized refrigerator or freezer would have had those same plastic strips. Seemed to me like there was a lot of explaining in this episode, like Jimmy figuring out the Sandpiper payout out loud, the call from Eladio's guy, Kim explaining about the settlement offer, Lydia telling Mike how she'll deal with laundering his money. Not a lot of action, except for Jimmy's mall-walking.
  19. I thought it was the netting from the fishing thing, maybe strung over some leaves?
  20. My ex-husband was a lawyer (now disbarred) and just the mere fact that he was an attorney (and an asshole) would make average people quake in their boots. When we were divorcing, he even tried this same threatening b.s. on me, countersuing for no reason when HE was the one who wasn't paying his share of child support to the tune of thousands of dollars. Since he could represent himself in court (and I had to hire a lawyer), he thought I'd just give up. Sadly, it did cost a fortune to get what was rightfully theirs. But the strategy definitely works and that's why people settle out of court. Great catch on that, Wouldofshouldof. Those scenes in BB made me laugh. Not sure if I'm conflating the shows, but did Jimmy have someone walking on his back when he lived in the nail salon? Maybe he has always had a bad back from all his slippin' incidents? I want to believe that Jimmy is pushing Kim away because he knows he's not good for her and he loves her enough to let her go.
  21. Even though his license is suspended, he can still represent himself in court. So he was threatening the community service guy that he (Jimmy/Saul) could spend time every day filing motions, going to court, and basically using the legal system to squeeze the guy dry. It wouldn't cost Jimmy a penny. And it wouldn't matter if the case was bullshit. Lots of legal fees and days CSG would need to take time off from work even before it gets into a courtroom. I thought it was a great episode. Things are falling into place. To me it feels like Jimmy is intentionally alienating Kim. So Chuck can possibly "get better," but he cannot practice law without malpractice insurance and I'm not sure how quickly an insurance company would be willing to cover him, now that his problems are public knowledge. They'd want assurance that he was okay, but it might be a risk they wouldn't want to take. I don't believe Howard would do anything to harm Kim's career. We'll see.
  22. I hope Chance learned after hitching his wagon to Russell that sometimes the loudest macho guy isn't the one who is necessarily the best leader. Maybe it's what worked in the military, but it might not be the best decision in civilian life. In any event, Chance has a real opportunity to highlight the needs of soldiers when they return from the battlefield. It would be great if he could become the face of a charity or non-profit that helps emotionally damaged soldiers.
  23. Russell bailing on Chance was such an insult. Poor Chance. Yeah, sometimes families suck (I just finished watching Bloodline so this comment seemed fitting). I was annoyed that the group didn't ask Chance if he needed something to eat. Poor guy looked so broken. I hope he contacted Melissa upon his return to civilization because she seemed to be a person who understood him and could help him get his head straight.
  24. What a disappointment. I wish I had stopped watching after Season 1 because it was so fantastic and I simply couldn't figure out where they'd go from there for a second or third season. I should have known it would go down the crapper. Yeesh! And don't get me started on the wig that Danny was wearing. Where the hell did they find that? It looked like it was a replica of the wig that Sofia wore in The Golden Girls only tinted brown. Didn't anyone in the production company notice that it was horrible? I'll never understand how they spend so much money on production costs yet find the cheapest looking wig that even a blind person would find distracting.
  25. That was weird. And not in a good way. Is this Bloodline's answer to daydreams and snow globes? Oy vey.
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