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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Her lack of upper lip? Her low gums and weird teeth?
  2. ^ Maybe that’s the reason why Megyn won’t be joining the rest of the Today Show cast for the Olympics in S. Korea. NBC wanted to reach her a lesson and show her who’s the boss. So humiliating that she wasn’t invited. Seriously, can you imagine how cringe-worthy her interviews with the athletes would be?
  3. I can only speak for myself, but I hated the accent. It was way too over the top for my tastes and ruined the character for me I found it annoying and it seemed like the entire portrayal was more like a caricature. Kind of lazy acting, if you ask me. I was surprised to see Little Finger in this. I’ve enjoyed Aiden Gillen since his role in The Wire.
  4. Yes, I kept getting confused between the two shows and tried to figure out timelines. Finally I understand how/where King Alfred fits in. I was hoping the Vikings would take that baby crying in the church in York after the massacre and raise him as a Viking a la Uhtred. I wasn’t sure I was going to stick around for this season, because I found last season a little slow and boring. My DVR decided to record the new shows and I had them stacked up. Finally got around to viewing them after five seasons of Ray Donovan, the newest season of Peaky Blinders, and Season 1 of The Magnificent Mrs. Maisel. I have eclectic tastes. I binge watched the first four Vikings episodes last night and was pleasantly surprised.
  5. For those who might think that Meagain will take over the reins at the Today Show, there’s this from the NY Post Page Six: Meanwhile, we’re told that Kelly isn’t a viable savior for NBC. She was hired by the network amid great fanfare for a reported $23 million a year, but she just had the worst November sweeps ratings of any in the history of the 9 a.m. hour of “Today” — across all demos.
  6. larsonb, if enough people turn off their tv or change the channel, KLG will go away. NBC will keep her around as long as the ratings warrant it.
  7. I’m probably the only person who remembers her on “Name That Tune.” She would sing a few bars of the songs after the contestant would guess the title (or something along those lines....I loved that show because I knew most of the songs and, after hearing the description, could name them in very few notes. It was one of the skills I picked up from hearing Muzak all day long at my father’s dental practice). She’s come a very long way. Yes, she was pretty obnoxious even in the 70’s.
  8. The $60M figure doesn’t sound right. Today I was listening to someone on the radio who was reading from a published report all of Lauer’s real estate holdings. He owns something like 4 or 5 properties in the Hamptons and also owns a condo in the same building that Bernie Madoff resided in before his own reversal of fortune. Matt is worth at least $100M in that same report.
  9. He locked the door, made his victim bend over a piece of furniture (I’ve heard it was either his desk or a chair), had sex with her for a prolonged period of time and she passed out on the floor. When she awoke, she found her pants down around her ankles and was in such bad shape that one of Lauer’s assistants escorted the woman to the nurse (I believe it was a nurse who worked for the network). So there goes the b.s. about no one knowing that the guy was a disgusting perv who got pleasure out of preying on female co-workers.
  10. Who knows? Maybe he had done something to her in the past and she’s happy to be rid of him. One less obstacle In her path to the top. Now she can demand more money and top billing, although I think Megan Kelly will challenge Savannah to a steel cage match or something like a Today Show Thunderdome Match. I’d watch!
  11. I’m getting a little sick and tired of these big name hosts getting booted for their sexual misconduct and then the networks sending their female counterparts out to clean up the mess. I think it’s demeaning to ask Savannah and Hoda (and Gayle King and Nora O’Connell) to make the announcements and give their emotional reactions. I’d love to see them put the offender on the air, make him explain why he’s leaving, and then the women start the next segment fresh.
  12. Looks like Me-again Kelly is going to get what she set out for by hook or by crook, a seat at the Today Show desk. The stuff that will inevitably come out about Lauer must be horrible if NBC acted so quickly to distance itself.
  13. Yeah, he still does. Dead bodies floating past him on the main streets of New Orleans? Under fire from enemy aircraft? After those whoopers, why would anyone believe anything he says? They moved him to 11pm on MSNBC; the test pattern that used to come on in the late hours when I was a kid had better ratings.
  14. I’ve kept watching this show, hoping it would improve. It hasn’t. If I want to watch 30 minutes of someone wandering around in the bush, I can always catch reruns of Naked and Afraid. So boring! So contrived! And such terrible writing. Nothing ever happens. If the priest and Mr. Potato, I mean, Coconut Head was supposed to be comic relief, it wasn’t comical nor was it a relief. I’ll watch the rest of the season and that will be it for me. Too many good shows to enjoy and can’t justify wasting my time on this.
  15. Just what the world needs because there aren’t enough crappy children’s books out there.
  16. Just finished watching this on Amazon. It was very meh. I did love the fashion aspect but the rest of it was a failed melodrama in my opinion. If you are looking for a show to binge-watch, look elsewhere. Not worth the time.
  17. I was walking my dog today and saw a small piece of metal lying on the ground and figured that LRH had been there and a piece of shrapnel just happened to fall out of his leg. ;-) Come on, Scientologists! How can you believe that stuff?
  18. I just came here to post the same thing. I’d love to see this happen.
  19. I hope Leah and Mike manage to clear the planet of all the Co$ cultists. Chantal and Ramina made me cry; I can't imagine losing my sons to anything or for anything. Nothing in the world would keep me from having a relationship with them and their families. It's the most precious thing to me.
  20. Not only do women's sizes go from petite to plus, some places have petite plus for curvy, but short women. With the right marketing, I think those two guys could actually do well in the men's wear segment. Daymond, you really have to resign yourself to the reality of your height. You're not 5' 8", you're not even 5' 7", and god knows how tall you'd be if you took the lifts out of your shoes.
  21. Was in Costco today and they were giving out free samples of maple butter (on pretzels) from that kid who was hawking the syrup and cotton candy a few seasons ago. It was delicious but it would take me two lifetimes to finish the jar.
  22. My first thought was that she was in a community theatre production of HMS Pinafore. Does that woman own a mirror? If that get-up is an example of her design aesthetic, I cannot wait to see future episodes. Yikes. I'm a Patriots fan and love all things Gronk (my fantasy football team is Gronk If You Love Football) but he's an acquired taste for the uninitiated.
  23. ^^ All good points. The wild card is if TPTB would be willing to have her hang around long enough for all that to happen and at what cost? KL and Hoda are paying with their own ratings and I think I read recently that Maddow's numbers came down after Hannity took over the 9pm spot on Fox; if that's the case, the gamble isn't paying off. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Whatever the outcome, I probably won't be watching.
  24. Megan Kelly is an extremely expensive mistake. Whoever agreed to pay her that ridiculous salary should be fired. And no matter how much she sucks on her morning show, I don't think she'd fit in with those wackos on MSNBC. After all, she did do a fairly lengthy stint on Fox and that will be held against her. She might have to step up her Kool-Aid drinking skills before landing there.
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