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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Craig went back into the school when he saw that there were still kids inside. So his face got burnt. I didn’t realize that getting burnt leaves you mute and intellectually disabled. I watched it over the course of a few days. Figured there was going to be some sort of a twist surrounding the necklace because in the picture of drowned Chris, the necklace somehow became more noticeable in each subsequent episode. At some point, maybe when Pete was in the hospital, there was mention of him being 47yo, thus it’s possible for him to have a twenty-something child. Does everyone in England go from cradle to grave living in one neighborhood? Talk about failure to launch. I wanted to like this show. I liked the way they fleshed out the story at the beginning of each episode, showing the backstory. Sadly, it became too stupid but I’m the idiot who keeps watching even crap shows from beginning to end. Guess I need to reread the memo about life being too short to waste it on hours of bad TV.
  2. Looks like Sam didn’t even think about using the leeches as bait. I’m convinced that he’s a halfwit. I have a very tough time with people like Larry. He has some poor coping mechanisms and screaming because you are frustrated makes me uncomfortable. Larry, you can yell about the weather in Mongolia all you want, but it’s not going to change because you scream. Grow the hell up. It sucks that there are no women left.
  3. If you live in Alaska and have suffered from SAD in the past, don’t you maybe sorta factor that into the equation when you decide to say yes to Mongolia?
  4. Guess they haven’t shown Sam for the last two episodes because sleeping and lying around doing nothing doesn’t exactly make for interesting television. Shouldn’t they have known that when they invited him back?
  5. I was wondering how he thought he’d be able to carry the deer across a cold, pretty fast moving river. Turns out it was a moot point.
  6. To me it looked like he had a big filling in that molar and the tooth around it just fell apart. In any event, Trent (I think it wasn’t Gary) will be needing a crown....$$$$$$. (I’ve had my share of dental work.)
  7. Just as we’ve all come to expect, the Naked and Afraiders miraculously bagged a couple of large animals just in time for their extraction. Go figure. Never saw it coming <eyeroll>. Hope Matt gives Gary and Lacey the beat down they deserve next week.
  8. Starting Over was the first and best reality show ever! The first couple of seasons were great but when Iyanla came on board, oh sweet Jesus!!!!!! She made that show (unintentionally) hilarious. Every time I pass a Burger King, I think about the woman who was desperate to lose weight and said that croissandwiches were her trigger. Do you remember when Toni Braxton’s fanewhore sister was on? How about the woman who wanted to be a stand up comedienne? Oy vey. So many memories of that show.
  9. I’m thinking something along the lines of “Jaws.”
  10. She should have just said, “How cute!” I’m always struck by how bad these people are at communicating. There were many better ways to have the conversation between the hunters and gatherers without causing resentment, but it requires a little thought, so.....
  11. When that door opened up in the desert for Delores and Bernard, I got some serious Lost flashbacks, and not in a good way. I’m a smart person but I shouldn’t have to work so hard to figure out what the hell is going on.
  12. Gary was having a one way pissing contest. He was trying to out alpha Matt and Matt didn't even need to fight back because Matt already won just by existing. Gary needs to learn that being a tool is not a leadership quality. No one chooses to follow a tool.
  13. I was totally underwhelmed and won’t be coming back. I get that this is supposed to be a little lighthearted, but it became much too stupid for me.
  14. Boy, is Henry going to be surprised! Guess he's not going to finish this semester, let alone his senior year.
  15. Stan and Alderholt are going to look like schmucks when everyone hears that the spies were Stan's next door neighbor and Alderholt just spent Thanksgiving with them. Hilarity ensues. When I saw Kelly AuCoin's name in the beginning, I thought, huh, I wonder what role Dollar Bill from Billions had in this show. I was shocked when I saw Pastor Groovy Hair. He looks nothing like Dollar Bill. I had no idea.
  16. The show is going south very quickly. Not interested in Chuck taking down the AG. Not interested Axe and the oligarch. Not interested in Dollar Bill losing his dollar bill.
  17. I think the actress isn’t that great (she was meh on The Walking Dead) and its like no one ever spent much time giving the actress a back story for character, something she could draw from. The role has no depth.
  18. Stan to the Roy Rogers guy: Do you remember anything notable about the girlfriend? Roy Rogers Guy: You mean like a little mole on her top lip?
  19. Henry: “You have to be there for your family.” Unless it is Thanksgiving break and your family goes to *Houston. And except for Paige, who lives in DC and could have spent two minutes hanging out with her brother or even taken him to his friend’s house for his ride back to school.
  20. I thought it might be the flamethrower. Found this episode kind of boring.
  21. I was underwhelmed. Might be shark jumping time.
  22. My favorite exchange in this episode: Elizabeth: "I have to go to Houston." Paige: "Do you want me to come with you?" Elizabeth: "Absolutely NOT."
  23. Started rewatching in anticipation of the new season and it was so much better than the first go-round because I can actually follow the story and notice the nuances instead of having to figure out who is who, where have I seen certain actors before (last time I had just finished binge-watching Borgen starring the Danish actress who is Westworld’s head of security), etc. Makes a huge difference.
  24. Let me get this straight: An assassin comes into a ward, kills four people and no one bothers to question Eve about whether she might have seen someone near the room before she went into the bathroom? Or if she had any interaction with someone on that floor prior to her arrival on the murder scene? And to make it even worse, Eve works for MI6. No one thought to ask her a few questions? I thought Eve was in charge of the administrative work for making sure the witness was safe. That's why she felt she was to blame, but it was late and I was tired.
  25. I love this show even though half the time I don't understand what the heck is going on. I find myself wondering about stuff like who was taking care of Quayle's child (Spencer?) while he was having drinks at the bar with Aldrich? Why does everyone on the Prime side wear gray or black, even those kids at the school? Was Jacqueline Bisset Emily Silk's sister or mother (finally realized she was Emily's mother)? Does Ian (?) know that Howard Silk is not Howard Prime (how could he not know? Isn't he supposed to be an intelligence agent?)? The red-headed female that was sent over--why doesn't someone in costuming or makeup do something about her freakishly large forehead (I had the same criticism of her when she appeared in Outlander); it's so distracting.
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