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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Eric’s ex-wife should be having this conversation with both Leida and Eric.
  2. Wonder what kind of career Asuelu can pursue here in the U.S. He doesn’t have a huge skill set other than being a good sperm donor.
  3. So Steven is sad about growing up without a father but it’s okay for Richie to be torn away from his mother. What a schmuck.
  4. The ASPCA commercial makes me get misty. Poor dogs.
  5. Olga is so pretty and bright. She needs someone far better than Skateboard Steven.
  6. Doesn’t Trashley have a couple of kids? Have they met their new daddy?
  7. Ashley and Jay ask Colt and Larissa to be their witnesses at the Elvis Chapel.
  8. I hate when people say that. They think the listener is an idiot and believes that b.s.
  9. Eric, you chose a crazy ass bitch that you knew for two minutes over your daughter. Boo hoo. You made your choice. Hope you’re happy.
  10. My son is two years younger than Eric. They look like total different generations.
  11. Baraboo anti-social Club, the perfect place for losers like Eric. Two words: Free Dinner.
  12. Did Central Casting send down these two “friends?”
  13. Hope Colt’s male friend is taking notes. He doesn’t look like a winner either.
  14. No live chatting for Dirty John. Stay with the snark.
  15. Not sure why, but I find Larissa extremely amusing.
  16. How’d you like to be in the back seat of Colt’s rent-a-wreck?
  17. I hope Jesse does a segment demonstrating the proper way to cut a steak.
  18. YOU NEVER LOVED ME. LIAR! GET OUT OF MY LIFE @Configs, you are on fire tonight! I’m roaring.
  19. Ack! Looks like Jesse has been working on himself.
  20. My brother and sister are 11 months apart. But my mother was 19 yo and then figured out how not to get pregnant (I came 4 years later). Kalani is SUCH A VICTIM!
  21. Kalani has as much sense as those idiots on _____________ ( fill in favorite teen pregnancy show title here). Except she’s not a teenager.
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