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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. If Colt goes through with the wedding, Debbie will have extra room in her purse....no longer will be carrying Colt’s balls around. That will become Larissa’s job.
  2. I love how Debbie doesn’t wear her emotions on her sleeve, or not.
  3. Trashley, this is what you wanted. Hope you’re happy. Jay is probably already doing the D with the receptionist.
  4. Maybe the glam squad can talk some sense into Trashley.
  5. @configdotsys, shockingly ridiculous? Debbie and Colt go to the same barber.
  6. Jonathan makes an appointment with a child psychologist to get someone to focus on Fernanda’s attachment issues.
  7. Kolonic is so enthusiastic. She knows she’s making a horrible mistake.
  8. Here comes the Kolonic shitshow. She’s such a victim, you know?
  9. Gah, we need Drogo to open the Trainwreck forum. i have a million things to do to get ready for Christmas, yet here I am. I can’t quit you.
  10. A newborn’s place is with his mother. Lovelovelove Olga’s friend.
  11. I hate Eric even more than I did after last week. How is that possible? What a jerk.
  12. Even an 11 year old could write better lines than “Daddy, why didn’t you teach me how to drive?” Please just end this show now. Take it behind the barn and shoot it dead. It has outstayed its welcome.
  13. I think that is the same dress that my Barbie circa 1960 had. It was favorite Barbie fashion when I was 8 years old. This show has become a hot mess. I wasn’t sure if Ray was hallucinating (was Lena really there?), if he was having a nervous breakdown, if he was dreaming, if he was drunk.....and I didn’t even care. Bridget is planning to run away with her two bit hoodlum boyfriend and live in marital bliss? Was she not paying attention to her parents’ marriage? Had a chuckle seeing Jon Voight in cowboy boots. In my mind it had to be a shoutout to Midnight Cowboy.
  14. Jon needs to keep her in the States, whatbwith all he’s invested in her breasts.
  15. Fernanda = dependent personality disorder. Some people (me) love alone time.
  16. Fernanda needs to have Jonathan surgically attached to her hip.
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