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Everything posted by In2You

  1. As you just explained it though; it was a way to cover up rewrites and inconsistencies.
  2. Exactly he cannot carry a show. Considering how they write Barry Allen so Peter Parkerish the next show they should do is a Static spinoff. They'd be able to do plenty of crossovers since Dakotaverse is full of metahumans.
  3. This show wasn't The Tomorrow People's replacement.
  4. That Wally IIRC had Barry Allen's backstory and alot of Bart's personality. But yeah they write this version of Barry more like Wally/Bart than Barry Allen. Wally exists in the current comicverse but I'm not sure how they'll incorporate him on this show since they made Iris an only child and
  5. In2You

    Iris West

    She was hiding from Eddie that she spoke to The Flash so why would she put it in her blog he could potentially read?
  6. Gotham is set in a different time period than Arrow and The Flash and it different in tone. It wouldn't be in their best interest at all. The Flash and Arrow aren't really compatible as is and neither are like Gotham so what good it do to link them?
  7. In2You

    Iris West

    Why would Iris shoot to kill? Last I checked she doesn't have that right. She did exactly what she was supposed to do.
  8. In2You

    Caitlin Snow

    She went to an independent study highschool and did homeschooling as well.
  9. Caitlin and Barry have no chemistry so I'm not interested in a hook up between them. It was nice that Barry called out Dr. Wells on his lack of feelings toward anyone but Grant's acting was not that good in those scenes.
  10. In2You

    Caitlin Snow

    I just can't get into the character. She feels pretty pointless for the most part, almost comes off as motherly towards Barry, has no chemistry with anyone on the team, and Danielle's line delivery is usually the same every week and very wooden.
  11. Barry's secret identity story is dumb. He's basically been revealing it to everyone but Iris. And Iris was there for him long before his team and random metahumans. Still not feeling any dynamic between Barry's team. Its like they're only around to tell corny jokes without the comedic timing. Neither Cailtin nor Cisco impresses me as their actors say all their lines with the same wooden tone. I really don't like that horrible actor who played this week's villain so i hope he doesnt return any time soon. Didnt like him on StarCrossed, didnt like him on Secret Life, don't like him here.
  12. In2You

    Iris West

    Barry's secret is the worse kept on the show. Look how many people outside of Iris know. Plus he stays taking off his mask while on the job.
  13. I dont think this show is very good at character writing. They'll throw characters into different situations but most of the time they skip alot of the meotional beats you need to be attached to a character.
  14. Going out on crime scenes and being heavily involved with case work?
  15. I'm about to give up on this show because the writing continues to be awful and theres still horrible character development.
  16. I thought the actress playing Plastique sucked.
  17. Even 200 proof starts evaporating once it hits the air and the proof drops. They should've just said highly concentrated instead of 500 proof. It made 2 scientists sound stupid.
  18. I thought I was the only one bothered by that. Nothing would ever stabilize enough to get that high of an alcohol content. I still don't like the team on this show. I just feel like there's no chemistry between them.
  19. I don't see any chemistry between Barry and Caitlin whatsoever. I wish people would stop comparing this show to Arrow and Gotham. Completely different superheros who live in different cities and traditionally fight different types of villains. The Flash has always been a light hero with the more ridiculous villains.I mean one is a Gorilla! I'd sooner compare The Flash to Aquaman than Green Arrow and Batman. I especially dont understand the comparisons to Gotham. Nothing about Gotham was every light and overly campy except that crappy 60s show.
  20. Yeah I wasn't a fan of Barry talking to Iris as The Flash, listening to her story, and still keeping his secret. I thought we were over that cliche. On another note Barry and Iris had great chemistry in that scene. Barry takes off his mask so much i'm surprised no one has discovered his secret identity yet. That'll probably be how Iris discovers the truth. Asking the Team how fast he would have to run to run on water just took the momentum out of the scenes. So far the villains on this show have been pretty lame. I have no interest in seeing Gorilla Grodd on this show. I just can't see it being done well.
  21. I don't mind Clarke and Bellamy being separate because them together as leaders was one of my problems with the show. I constantly wonder why no one stepped up and challenged them for the leadership positions they just up and decided for themselves. And their stupid decisions made the war with the Grounders worse. Eliza Taylor is just such a weak leading lady. Its becoming more and more apparent this season. She's just not a good actress.
  22. So when they brought the Ark down all the medical supplies got destroyed? Why does Raven always have to suffer the most out of everyone? Lindsey Morgan was acting her ass off tonight. Thomas McDowell not so much. He is the weakest actor on this show. Nice to see Adina Porter; wish it was on a better show though. I don't understand why they feel the need to redeem Murphy. No one cares about his lame sob story when others have had it worse. Ahh hallucination Wells! I miss Wells so much. He was smart without it being forced. I'd trade Clarke, Finn, and Jasper for Wells any day. I'm beyond bored with this psycho Clarke. The Mt. Weather drama is so predictable
  23. I wish they would'v given this show the chance to stand on its own before doing crossovers. They spent time mentioning how awesome Felicity is and setting up a cross show love quad that wasn't needed. Meanwhile the ladies on this show need better development.
  24. There was too much Felicity pimping in this episode for me. Barry and Felicity's personalities are also too much alike for me to root for them as a couple. I still don't like The Flash's team. Most of this episode bored me and I didn't care for the cheesy jokes.
  25. Those who do attempt to grow the plant indoors don't do it to produce the pods. Its very difficult to produce the pods outside of its natural environment. Unless Mt. Weather has the technology to mimic the temperatures in its natural environment.
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