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Everything posted by In2You

  1. I mean this cast isn't exactly know for their great fashions on or offscreen
  2. Spencer was a baby when Emily died so it's not like he had a strong connection to her. And she wasn't his mother! Nike lying that she was would've been crazy and made no sense.
  3. Her mother died last year. I read in one of the soap rags while going through the checkout line. Like a week or two before her wedding
  4. No one is thinking of her in her 20s we know she's early 40s. That haircut makes her look early 50s.
  5. But why create other kids when you have viable ones already created? You still have to cast a new actor anyway. No need to create long lost children. Maya is doctor which this show definitely needs. Brooklyn has history with Dillon, Lulu, Dante, and Maxie.
  6. There are characters like Brooklyn and Maya that could be recast and brought back
  7. It's looks severe and makes her look matronly.
  8. Natalia Livingston cut her hair and it looks bad!
  9. That topless maid thing is the dumbest thing ever. You're trying to tell me folks pay to see some chicks half ass clean with no shirt on when they can get actual strippers who will provide dancing and some physical contact?
  10. He's been so laughably bad during those brief anger moments.
  11. The plot sounded really dumb and I saw no chemistry between Paige and Jordan in their one scene for the love triangle.I saw very little between her and Rainer too.
  12. Rainer's meltdown was so cringeworthy I burst out laughing. The acting was so bad when the scenes should've been emotional. And Rainer is another one who's been annoying all season. And Jordan had to leave his big night because of Rainer's drama. Although their relationship is way more deep than the shallow crap we're supposed to squee over between him and Paige. So Rainer's meltdown repairs her friendship with Cassie. Because she really needed this pity fest. Tangey finally became interesting. It only took 10 episodes of her pining over Jordan and her career not being the way she wanted it. I wish I cared who shot the annoying reporter. Alexis made progress this season only to be beyond pathetic and go right back to episode 1 behavior. I guess they're sure they'll get a second season cuz that cliff hanger was terrible.
  13. It's a good thing I'm almost finished with this season. My viewing has been broken up over two days but man this show gets worse instead of better. I find myself laughing at how bad some scenes are. So when Nina decided to give Rainer a name of his supposed father she didn't use the name of someone she was actually close with to create a decent lie? I'm surprised it took 23 years for it to get out. It's so hard to believe someone didn't tell him about his so called stunt man father sooner. Rainer has more chemistry with Tangey than she has with Jordan. I just couldn't bring myself to care about Cassie and Paige's once an episode tearful goodbye. Yes poor Paige to have to witness Rainer fall off the wagon.
  14. I'm so glad they had the Texan flag and someone wearing a Cowboys tshirt in that scenes otherwise I'd never have realized Jake when to Texas! I understand Jake had a personal connection to his script but it's not like his idea was stolen and someone else's name slapped on it. They're paying him for the rights to his optioned script! Cassie being out of the picture was a breath of fresh air.
  15. At this point I'm only watching because it's available to binge and I need to finish what I started. Paige is a terrible lead. I know I say this about every episode but Bella is not strong enough to be a lead actress and Paige is so horribly written. She became selfish and self adsorbed day 2 of landing her role. I smiled when the men were screening her calls. And then her stupid fight with Cassie later on. And I'm tired of her crying every episode. And the bribing her professor for a grade was played off as clever an cutesy. And yes Cassie's drama as a topless maid is so lame. And she's so unlikable just like Paige. And I don't care bout her dream to be an actress. That Ben and Lauren appearance was unnecessary. And their acting was better on The Bachelor. Why is everyone in their own bubbles. It's like there's so many characters but they don't know what to do with them to properly develop them. Have Paige and Jordan even interacted much? They're playing in a love triangle yet Paige has barely spent time with him. Tangey was seeming kinda pointless up until this episode. Cuz I remember when this show was in the pilot stages they had teased some kind of mystery surrounding her. I like her mother even though I'm supposed to dislike her for stifling her creativity. Why is the acting in the movie scenes even worse than the regular scenes of this show? It's so straight to video on demand instead of big blockbuster. Jordan and Rainer have more chemistry with each other than with the girls. Rainer and Paige's dance was a whole lot of nothing for all the hype about it.
  16. I feel like there were some things in this episode I was supposed to find touching that I really didn't give a crap about like Cassie's grief over her mother. And Jordan's story is so stereotypical especially with those scenes about them bonding over the scams they used to run. Troubled young man from the wrong side of the tracks grew up with a terrible mother The acting continues to be bad. Especially from Cassie. The actress always sounds like she's reading cue cards.
  17. I've managed to get to episode 5 and man is Paige obnoxious. She's so naive acting about this whole process and on top of that she's overly petty and jealous over Jake and Alexis while flirting with Rainer. Alexis is actually trying to help him sell his project. Which is alot more than she can do for him. And Cassie's guilt trips were unnecessary. And her topless maid story is so stupid. It's like they wanted to make her a call girl but couldn't go all the way through with it. Paige's surprise 21st birthday party was supposed to be a sweet gesture but all I could think about what how all those folks were randoms she really doesn't know. And they continue to throw every cliche in a Hollywood story in this show. The outdoor beach house hookup session that gets photographed by paparazzi is in every story. The cliche secret parent stories too. So of course Rainer's real dad is the head of the studio
  18. Why is the acting so painful on this show? And sorry but Paige and her friend aren't cute enough to be this bad acting as well. The casting decions on thi show have me scratching my head. And seriously Paige's mom acted like a tween fangirl. Seriously the mom's book club obsessed over YA books? Paige's arty hair made that dress look teenybopperish. And Nina is supposed be this bad ass pitbull in a dress but it's laughable.
  19. Exactly the only Scorpios I like re Mac and Robert and I still don't want that bum Ethan to be one.
  20. Well good for you for giving them the benefit of the doubt but this episode was still weak. And Bella's acting was the worst of bunch especially as the lead who is playing a girl who is supposed to be a standout actress
  21. I watched Shake It Up and I don't remember her voice being so deep. And maybe she doesn't smoke cigarettes but she does smoke. Bella's acting was bad. that was one thing that was consistent in reviews of the show.
  22. Bell's acting was horrible in this! So cringe worthy and her voice sounds like she smokes a pack a day. This pilot was so boring it's hard to understand why this was greenlit.
  23. Boarding school has nothing to do with sending your kids away because you don't want them around though. Alot of boarding schools present great academic and athletic opportunities. And there's been a handful of shows targeted towards kids portraying boarding school as fun places.
  24. Boarding schools offer scholarships it's not just rich folk who attend them. One in my state offers full rides to lower income children and honors children. The show needs to commit to their 20s scene that they don't want to write properly for.
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