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Everything posted by In2You

  1. I hate these who should use the n word debates. The answer is nobody based on the origins on the word. I'm black and I don't understand why black people use the word that's been used to talk down to us like we are less than a person for years.
  2. I'm not asking you to apologize I'm simply stating Ron isn't a good writer. All this show does is move from bad writer to bad writer.
  3. Ron did not write one solid(from start to finish storyline) he brought people back to languish in the background and be shells of their former selves and that's supposed to be praise worthy? He broke up Sonny/Carly/Jason to put his similarly despicable faves at the forefront of the show.
  4. What great work did Ron do for GH? He didn't have one solid storyline No she had already done the Zenon movies whole on Days. She left for Primetime to do the short lived CBS show Clubhouse.
  5. Actually if you watch the other soaps outside of B&B it's the same way and was the same way for some of the canceled soaps. They never passed the torch to the younger characters
  6. Hallmark also aired PixL movie When Duty Calls a month or two ago. That movie is about newlyweds who are struggling to find jobs and have to move in with the bride's parents in their retirement community. It starred Daniella Monet. I liked that one when I watched it last year because it was different. It wasn't a romcom and it was about realistic career struggles.
  7. PixL does a little better job with diversity not just racial either they also have some movies more targeted to the younger demo than Hallmark.
  8. He's been front burner for like 7 years during that time he's been giving many an opportunity at being a young lead. He's just never fit the bill questionable writing aside. He was certainly given his fair share of emmy bait to prove his shot.
  9. I haven't started DWP yet. I want to watch it because I enjoyed Antoinette Robertson in another role but I hated the movie and I'm not a fan of Logan Browning's acting and she's the lead. Plus the lead character was such a hypocrite in the movie.
  10. What does having sex have to do with proving yourself as a young lead?Michael has had plenty of his share of stories, romance, and airtime with Chad in the role. None of it has stuck
  11. Chad has just never been young leading man material. None of the younger set is leading material imo. Yes their stories are bad but none of them have charisma and really stand out.
  12. The cast didn't know what the storyline for Locked was either https://www.bustle.com/p/what-is-locked-about-the-famous-in-love-cast-dishes-on-the-fake-movie-53540 And apparently there is a tie in novella to the Famous in Love novel about Locked http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22900495-locked
  13. I'm not surprised. I wanted to like this show but it was rather boring and cliche and never quite got better.And it never had a clear audience it was targeting. Most baseball fans are older white men. They were never going to watch this show. People kept saying this should've aired after Empire but it wouldn't have been compatible with it because it's not am urban leaning show and Empire's style of drama is not the style of drama Pitch was presenting.
  14. There's hardly a younger group on gh and no one to rival her. It's not hard to be better when the competition isn't there. She was okay in the abuse scenes but her reel was terrible and her acting has been horrible since she returned.
  15. You must've missed the year VM returned. Lots of sucking up then too
  16. It be nicer is those folks on B&B that have emerged as leads could act.
  17. I really wasn't impressed with anyone's dresses either. Although MS's looked nice on her.
  18. Her boobs look saggy in that dress. If they were sitting higher it would've probably looked better. But it's really not a flattering neckline for small or big boobed women.
  19. I don't think Adrianna is in the business any more. She was on social media for awhile and she had a family and got really quiet and stopped posting. And Annie has had some success since she left GH for primetime. She was recently on Empire and she's in that new Tupac biopic.
  20. Her reel was horrible. Lot's of crying, shrieking, and jumping up and down. Soap acting isn't taken seriously because those who over emote are always favored. The little girl who plays Faith on Y&R showed much better acting in hers. Of course she was subtle though. Funny thing she wore Brenda's wedding dress to the show. I don't think it worked well for either of them. The back bow is ugly and it really would be better suited on someone taller. All three of them are horrid and overhyped.
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