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Everything posted by In2You

  1. I felt those two were pissed that she was the only black girl getting attention.Because those two were completely irrelevant prior to going in on her. Hell even after they did they just looked dumb and no one cared about them still.
  2. Eh if I wanna watch a bunch of 13 yr olds I'll turn on Disney channel. I'd rather the focus going on creating a better 20s set since that group was never properly developed. There's so much more that can be done with that age group anyway vs teens.
  3. Desperately in need of a teen scene? No this show isn't! They can't even write the adults as adults. And I'm already suffering through one awful teen scene on Y&R filled with bad actors and slang I've never heard teens use ever.
  4. I forgot to add that I loved the ladies friendship in Diagnosis Delicious. It was nice to see them both so supportive of each other and their careers at the hospital, help each other navigate through their love lives, and do light heated things like having a talk over a tub of ice cream.
  5. I like the other ideas but no teen pregnancy please. GH has too many baby stories, I got tired of those on other soaps, and the teen pregnancy rate have significantly dropped in recent years. And on soaps pregnant teen girls always keep the babies anyway. I cant recall anyone giving there's away and not fighting for their baby back.
  6. I have a link to A Moving Romance. It wasn't my favorite one but it was still cute. Can't Buy My Love/The Big Grab was one I enjoyed. Hopeless, Romantic was one I liked too. And I really enjoyed Twist of Fate.
  7. I have no interest in hearing Kristina screech for days and DAYS about something that happened before she was born. I just don't care enough to go through that headache. If she could hug him and sit in Sonny's lap shortly after he almost blew her up then she can get over anything. And I definitely don't need Alexis' hypocrite thoughts considering she can't stay away from murderers and hooked up with Sonny in spite f all his misdeeds and continues to cape for Julian. You guys use so many nicknames for Cam and Aiden I almost forgot what their actual names are. Lol
  8. This one was written by Joelle Sellner who also wrote It Has to Be You which was another one I loved. I wish Hallmark would be a little more adventurous with their casting like PixL as well. Liking using more young popular actors who may not fit their sugary sweet conservative mold. And giving minorities in their movies actually plots beyond being the friend who disappears halfway through the movie. I'm sure you'll like Late Bloomer too. That one is a good one. Even my friend who doesn't like these types of movies enjoyed it.
  9. Another Pixl movie that will be airing on HMM http://forums.previously.tv/topic/46710-pixl-movies/?do=findComment&comment=3341500
  10. Can't Buy My Love which premiered on Pixl in March will be airing on HMM on June 29th as The Big Grab
  11. All that at war fighting has happened with the child being Sonny's. So what exactly was missed out on? Morgan being tied to a kid before 25 to tie him down?
  12. All MB's daughters are adults. Youngest is 18. Carly is old enough to be a grandmother it's just not necessary. Morgan just does not need to be Avery's father. It's not going to add anything and giving them children hasn't helped any of the other characters his age on soaps.
  13. Love at the Shore's plot description. This will be airing late Summer Storyline via Hallmark: Successful and driven single mom Jenna Thompson writes teen novels, and she has only five weeks to deliver the next one to her publisher. So, this year’s annual beach vacation with her kids Nick (Luke Loveless) and Ally (Reagan Shumate), will be a working vacation for Jenna. Upon arrival, the family soon meets their new next-door neighbor, confident, devil-may-care surfer Lucas McKinnon, with whom they will be sharing walls and a patio for the next month. Lucas cranks up his music at night, sleeps late, and allows Tank to run around at will. Jenna bangs away at her novel with little success, often blaming Lucas’ loud volleyball matches and irregular hours for her inability to progress. However, after Lucas finds himself bonding with Nick and Ally, Jenna begins to see a different side of Lucas, and when the two find themselves alone together one evening for dinner, each begins to see the other in a whole new – and attractive – light. And I posted a trailer for a new series on Up for anyone interested http://forums.previously.tv/topic/37582-up-tv-movies/#comment-3331705
  14. Not a movie but I series though all the actors are familiar faces from various tv movies. Up is premiering Date my Dad this Friday
  15. Saw a clip on Tumblr from Casa Vita and had to go rewatch. I love Lindsey and Jean-Luc's chemistry in this movie.
  16. I wonder what the status is on Holly Robinson Peete's project. I never even hear Hallmark announce it was in the works. https://www.google.com/amp/www.philly.com/philly/blogs/entertainment/television/Holly-Robinson-Peetes-Hallmark-project-has-Scandal-connection.html%3Famphtml%3Dy
  17. Still wouldn't explain how Emma found out about their performance or was able to rehearse with them. The performance was built around her.
  18. Magic Milo was never eye candy and never should've been part of the ball. This show is in desperate need of eye candy though.
  19. But that was RC's rewrite. RC's rewrites also pretend Michael is a good guyand the most rational between him, Morgan, and Kristina and no way should that be true. We're supposed to forget he's a brain damaged murderer.
  20. Morgan was not even born yet for a chunk of that big bad AJ must be away from Michael stuff. So of course Michael got more attention then. He was an only child! And when AJ died and was out of the picture Morgan was a toddler. We didn't see any favoritism after that because the kids were only trotted out to make Sonny look like a good father. And then came along the Michael wants to be the next Sonny before the bullet to the brain. There was never this years and years of Morgan being the neglected after thought until RC decided to write it that way. It never happened onscreen. He was sent away to school because Carly wanted to spite Sonny. That wasn't about favoring Michael.
  21. This isn't just a simple situation of one was favored and one wasnt. Michael got more attention because he was an out of control child. Morgan watched Michael suffer and goal to jail over killing Claudia. Why would he just repeat that behavior? If anything that would've inspired him to not be like Michael.
  22. I have another round of unpopular opinions. I hate back from the dead stories and I'm fine with killing off characters and keeping them gone. The characters never feel the same when they return and I find myself caring very little about them. And I'm left wondering whose body it was that they buried and why that person's family never came out of the woodworks. I never cared for Duke's return and though he and Anna had no chemistry. I didn't care for SK returning as AJ either SK just comes across so smarmy and I felt like I was watching Deacon again. And while its bad they wrote all that stuff about AJ being fat in the dialogue SK did have some unflattering weight on him. He had it at Y&R too and we used to point it out all the time because when women on soaps start putting on the pounds their airtime decreases. But that double standard discussion is for another thread. I preferred Lindsey's Kristina to Lexi's Kristina. Lindsey played the character more like an adult versus the teen like version Lexi plays. I though she was more believable as mobster's daughter and as Alexis's first child who high standards were set for. She didn't burst into tears at the drop of a hat and jump up and down and stomp her feet in a whiny tone too so that helped. I'm glad that Avery was not Morgan's child and don't believe that making her Morgan's would've improved his character. I still don't care for Emme as Lulu. She plays Lulu the same way she played Abby and Lizzie and I didn't like her version of either of those characters.
  23. I'm fine with Avery being Sonny's kid as Morgan is too young to be saddled to a woman old enough to be his mother. Plus one of the many problems with soaps right now is that almost every one in their 20s has a unnecessary kid and only has the goal of being married with a family.
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