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Everything posted by In2You

  1. He'll be in Hallmark and Lifetime movies until his looks fade. ABC really seemed to want to make him a leading actor his first year even promoting him on The View and Extra
  2. This arc has been better than Web of Lies The agent Johnson twist was so unexpected. A few episodes ago KC said she wanted to go to Spelman. Now its Stanford.
  3. I wish they would buy some more diverse ones. Not just racially diverse but also with diversdity occupation wise. A lot of cozies fall into the cute occupations like baker/libriarian/diy guru/knitter/cutesy restaurant owner but there are ones featuring women with other careers. They require a littyle more digging to find but is love to see movies featuring firefighters,private investigators, lawyers,etc. I didn't like the last movie I saw Dean Cain and Kristy Swanson in together so I was curious to see how they did in this one. Take a drink every time they say the word Winterfest in the movie. I already had to roll my eyes at the contrast they made between our Cat's instruction and her former teammate's. Nevermind she was only teaching beginners while the other one was teaching intermediates. Dean Cain was overacting so much in this movie.
  4. I didn't read the book but I'm intrigued about it now. Per reviews Billy is male and not only does he appear on the morning show and own a restaurant, but he also has his own show on another network. Plot features the same characters but sounds a lot different. Like Rudy being Billy's nemesis who is dating his ex girlfriend. So when he dies people automatically assume he did it. And then there's some plot that links to tyhe war in Afghanistan.
  5. Im really annoyed that they're having tthis movie pushing a message of intolerance using a white kid with pasty makeup during Black History month especially when it looks like the black girl in pasty makeup will be the jealous friend with a secret crush. And they haven't had nearly enough DCOMs starring non whites as the leads.
  6. I've liked Parker Young since I saw him in Killer Reality so I'm looking forward to this movie.
  7. They've been holding a few movies back since 2016
  8. Him talking about her being so young in a babyish voice while running his hands over her was creepy to me.
  9. She's around the age he usually goes for
  10. Real? It came across so fake( did not buy one word out of his mouth) and he came across very creepy.
  11. Arie is such a creep. The whole time he spoke to Bekah i was thibking this must be how he speaks to those college girls he pursues
  12. I read a lot of cozy mysteries and they always give the female leads these jobs too. It gets so redundant I'm happy when I stumble across a series where the lead owns a bar or a is a musician. And most of the town's are described as quaint. I came across a series set in a quaint college town where the lead was like a den mother to some students. I usually don't think of quaint or cutesey when I think of college town.
  13. I easily guessed the murderer halfway through and I'm never good at guessing the murderer when I watch or read these stories.
  14. Isn't Vixen played by a biracial actress?
  15. I was wondering when Brimming with Love would premiere. It was filmed in 2016. And still wondering when Once Upon a Date will be released as well.
  16. Watching Bow tackle the mommy message boards was hilarious. Especially when she called the babies ugly.
  17. I've been wanting a Black Lightning show since those DC shorts years ago. This show exceeded my expectations. Finally a superhero show where being black is not ignored. Where topics that truly affect the community are acknowledged. They already did a solid by casting Christine Adams and China Mcclain and Nafessa and Cress definitely impressed me. Black Lightning was Static's mentor in the Young Justice cartoon. And not as a proxy but his actual name.
  18. Black Lightning was refreshing and the characters were unapologetically black unlike the rest of the black characters in the DCTVU
  19. This is clear burnoff since they're doing binge weeks all the way through the finale. They usually don't do binge weeks like this when a show is at its end. I see Zendaya cowrote tonight's episode. I'm surprised they brought Darien back. I thought we saw the last of him. That red dress was cute and I like how they styled her hair. Diane was giving me Zuri vibes.
  20. Yes today I was watching The Watsons Go To Birmingham which originally aired on Hallmark back when they would show family movies every Friday. It was a great movie set in the Civil Rights Era. I can't see the current Hallmark airing something like it. Current Hallmark doesn't even like to deviate from cookie cutter romances.
  21. Her voice grates so much. I had to mute my tv during her pleas for help in the finale.
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