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  1. I think I watched 3 episodes today, so things are blending together but Suzanne was definitely very frantic when her lock was missing. I'm another one who was very moved by the scene of her sobbing with her Uno cards. There are no words to describe the degree of completely appalling deception from Vee that she got Suzanne to confess to attempts murder by giving her a deck of cards and promising to play with her later. Suzanne is my favorite character. I'm not convinced she's on the spectrum; someone mentioned that possibility on this thread, and I can see why they would think that. I do think that Suzanne shows signs of dependent personality disorder. Lady Locksley was just such a whimsical thing to say. It shows that she's living in a fantasy world.
  2. I thought it was an interesting move to have Sansa reveal herself. It makes me wonder what the future holds for Sansa and Petyr. Sansa is definitely looking out for Sansa, but I wonder if Petyr is foolish enough to think that Sansa is into him. She did kiss him back, and she did lie at the inquest to protect him...but like I said, Sansa is looking out for Sansa and both of those things ensure her own protection. But Sansa does hold romantic notions about chivalry, and does seem to acknowledge that Petyr did a lot of things to protect her, so who knows how that will affect her perception of him. I'm looking forward to see how this plays out next season. I have to add that the whole trial of the minstrel and general Alayne subterfuge could have eaten up half a season.
  3. I forgot about the way Oberynn died. I think the Mountain is probably still going to die. Even if the spears were not poisoned, the Mountain took a spear to the gut, and maesters can only do so much. Sansa's dress looked very avian. Nice foreshadowing also with the Hound and his "flea bite". Poor Arya. You can't help but laugh at the absurdity of traipsing all around the country and every opportunity falls through bc the person the Hound was going to ask for ransom money turns up dead. In past seasons, Something Big happens in episode 9. Do you think that will be the case, or do you think they will save the escape for the finale?
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