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Posts posted by AuntieMame

  1. You can also find the occasional bargain on eBay. I collect vintage. Collecting nightgowns was one of my first major collections because they’re very wearable and used to be affordable. My collection ranges from about 1910 to the present. 
    The fabrics are amazing even the synthetics. They don’t have to be itchy either. 
    The style you’re admiring is usually a nylon under gown with a chiffon overlay and peignoir. That mid century nylon washes and wears like iron. As in put it in the washer and dryer and many of them look as fabulous as they did in the sixties.

    More generally, whoever is doing the costume design is very talented. It not only captures the time but has a nod to current aesthetics as well. The dressmaking is superb.  

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  2. On 9/27/2021 at 9:16 AM, AnimeMania said:

    Yeah, 67 million may have watched it but based on the postings here 25 million hated it and 35 million just didn’t care enough even to post. The other 7 million might have liked the pretty, but I predict that Season 2 is going to flop like a Broadway musical based on the Rwandan genocide. 

  3. On 12/7/2021 at 7:35 AM, qtpye said:

    It was honestly Emmy-worthy but we know that is never going to happen.

    I’m so happy that I wasn’t the only one to see and feel the excellence. I went in thinking it might just be set in a strip club prurience and was delightfully surprised by what I found. It will be great to have a board to discuss Season 2. 

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  4. I’m thrilled that we got a glimpse of Angel and hope this isn’t our last sighting. A bit too on the nose when Angel is talking to Angela and could identify Dexter if either of them only knew. Heavy-handed. As was Angel forgetting Harrison’s name. Angel was close to Dexter and Deb. There was incredible drama and trauma around their lives and deaths. Angel’s sister was Harrison’s nanny and it’s only been ten years. I seriously doubt that Angel has been able to forget anything. 

    Other than that kind of a meh episode IMO. I did like the dynamic duo going to New York together but again, couldn’t suspend disbelief. I really hated the accidental drug overdose story even though I know that bad versions of opiates are running around the country and this is credible. It just somehow didn’t work for me and certainly not as a device to send the Dark Passenger flying off the handle in an operatic paternal fury. 

    • Love 9
  5. I loved this overall and look forward to a second season. The characters were compelling, the conflicts true to life and the dialogue was poetic. The writing and directing managed a balance between the male gaze and female reality without being heavy handed. Really enjoyed this one. 

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  6. On 8/26/2020 at 8:56 AM, Sheenieb said:

    I'd also imagine that it's an easy way to make fast money.  Taxes aren't taken out of their tips, so Hailey can continue to be undercover and move on when she has to. 

    I shouldn't say that it's an "easy" way to make money, but that's the first word that came to mind. Being a stripper is tough. I'm in awe of their moves. The routine Mercedes, Mississippi, and Gidget did is what got me hooked on the show. I wonder if the actresses are actually working the pole or if they have stripper stunt doubles. If they're doing it themselves, then they deserve emmys just for that.

    Andre out here risking it all for some WAP. I hope his wife divorces his ass when she finds out. 

    I must say that Isaiah Washington is doing a great job as the crooked mayor. I almost didn't recognize him. 

    Agreed about the incredible grace, athleticism and strength those routines take. I think they must have stripper stunt doubles because it takes a very long time to become that proficient on the pole. And those three person stacked maneuvers? Woah. 
    I wince a little when they slide down the pole and land in a full split with an audible thump. That has to hurt and when you remember that television involves multiple takes? Double ouch and kudos to the dancers. 

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  7. On 8/10/2020 at 3:38 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    I also wanted to add- Mercedes bio daughter is being raised by her step mom (wife to her bio Dad whos now deceased) not her aunt (my Mom assumed it was her aunt because of the age difference). Many a woman have loved and raised a child that was conceived in their husbands affair, but what’s striking me is that given the age gap Mercedes didn’t become pregnant by another teen boy but a GROWN ASS MAN with a wife. Preying on a TEENAGER (she may have not been over the age of consent at the time).

    It seems like the woman is doing a good job raising the daughter, but to know your husband was a piece of shit like that, a TEENAGER.  

    This is actually the rule more than the exception. Teenagers who get pregnant are often impregnated by legally of age men between 3 and 10 years older than they are. It’s covered but it’s true. And the girl gets the blame, as usual. 
    I’m loving the show. Some of the dialogue is poetic and reminds me in intent if not content of the high Victorian echoes of Shakespeare that was done so successfully in Deadwood. This seems to be the rap version of that in spots. 
    The secrets that we’re following are true to life and that is what makes them compelling. The hypocritical, abusive mother who found “God” but can’t seem to find any compassion for her daughter. The women trapped in the life for various reasons. The men alternately sweet and brutal. I was so happy to read there is a Season 2 coming. 

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  8. On 12/1/2021 at 4:26 PM, AngelaHunter said:

    Yes, he was. I love Angel's basic decency. He was the brother Deb should have had instead of that creep. I recall Dexter saying to Angel (much to the latter's confusion) "If I could be like a real person, I'd want to be like you, Angel."

    I remember that scene, I loved it too. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    I always thought it would have made much more sense for Dexter to leave Harrison with Angel than to send him off with his serial killer girlfriend. Angel was a good guy.

    Now that’s a good idea and Angel liked kids too. Angel was the heart of the show. I miss him. 

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  10. 4 hours ago, aghst said:

    Can someone briefly summarize how Dexter killed his brother?  Was it when they were kids, not adults?

    Also what happened with Doakes?  Did Dexter kill him?  What would have been his rationale?

    Don't remember what happened to La Guerta or Angel either.

    Doakes was killed by Lila because the writers weren’t yet ready for Dexter to break the code and kill an innocent. Doakes suspected, nay knew that Dexter was the Bay Harbor Butcher which led to Dexter keeping Doakes prisoner in a cage in a remote cabin. Doakes was retired special forces who channeled being a trained killer into police work. Much was made of the similarities and differences between Doakes the killer and Dexter the killer. The audience had to dislike Doakes to still root for Dexter. There is one fabulous scene when Doakes is trying to gather evidence on Dexter and they have a direct confrontation in a shipping container storage facility. Dexter grabs Doakes by the throat and Doakes responds with “Lab geek my ass.” There is another scene where Doakes is forced to be present for one of Dexter’s killings and dismemberments when Dexter is holding Doakes prisoner and he is beyond horrified. 

    The death of La Guerta is directly connected to the death of Doakes. Doakes was La Guerta’s friend, lover and colleague at various times. Doakes shared his suspicions of Dexter with La Guerta and his suspicions became public too, though thanks to Dexter’s machinations, these suspicions made Doakes look like he was unhinged. La Guerta genuinely grieved Doakes’s death and the fact that he was posthumously framed as the Bay Harbor Butcher. La Guerta never entirely gave up on clearing Doakes’s name and avenging and vindicating him. She too was made to look unhinged. La Guerta tried to trap Dexter in the same shipping container yard and both Dexter and La Guerta we’re caught by Deb. La Guerta begged Deb to shoot Dexter, telling Deb that she was a good person and a good cop. Deb had to make the ultimate Sophie’s choice and shot La Guerta. No matter which choice Deb made it would have destroyed her soul. This is all incredibly tragic and an enormous injustice but the audience isn’t really allowed to feel it because our perspective is Dexter’s perspective, the perspective of a sociopath. Now that I come to think about it, this is both brilliant and morally degenerative to the audience. We know both Doakes and La Guerta are right and decent if flawed people, but we are forced to want Dexter’s survival. Making Deb shoot La Guerta did break that spell a bit though. 

    So far we aren’t getting any of that moral ambiguity and discomfort in this new series. We can’t even root for Dexter the shell and Harrison while still something of a cipher, started his career in Iron Lake by destroying an innocent, if troubled person. There isn’t the moral squick factor of rooting for a person who dismembers people. The fact that the people Dexter kills are killers isn’t a saving grace for Dexter because it’s Harry and the doctor’s code. These characters have the depth of a teacup and the moral complexity of a game of tick tack toe. 

    Angel took his twenty year retirement package and opened a restaurant the last we heard. I wish we could get some kind of update on him. 

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  11. So many good points from everyone, the main theme developing being that the new Dexter just isn’t hanging together. I love stories in all mediums and willingly suspend my disbelief, but this is like listening to someone lie to you. You might nod along in the moment but your instincts nag you that something just isn’t right. When I remember the brilliance of the unlikeable but morally right Doakes as the antagonist in the original recipe Dexter I’m disappointed too. 

    In his day to day emotions, Dexter does act and seem more like a sociopath, but when you have a barely manageable urge to strap people to a table and murder and dismember them and you not only need it but enjoy it and crave it, well that edges into psychopath territory to me. There are theories that many sociopaths aren’t even criminal and that they thrive in the parts of society where morality and and compassion aren’t assets. 

    Yes, Ethan might have been working up to some sort of school massacre but I read the character as more of a messed up Walter Mitty type. As @ahpny put it, these were revenge fantasies so that he could survive. I think Harrison saw Ethan’s drawings and had an idea rather than being a brilliant mastermind who planted guns and did everything. I started to like Harrison when he defended Ethan and hoped for a bit of friendship between two damaged survivors, one a more practiced survivor. 

    Thanks to everyone who noted how nonsensical all of these random girls riding the buses in and out of Iron Lake is. I haven’t paid as much attention to that part of the plot just because it made so little sense I was pretty much ignoring it until given a reason not to. 

    As for the Keystone cops, don’t even police in small towns have to go to the police academy? And actually learn things? Because rural doesn’t mean crime free. 

    Dexter feels like a shell. 

    On 11/29/2021 at 1:08 PM, AngelaHunter said:

    IMO, Dexter is not a psychopath. Sociopath, yes, and he has never been capable of feeling empathy or love for anyone, not even Rita. He merely felt some vestigial guilt over her brutal murder but he got over it pretty quickly. He never loved her and he doesn't love his son. He attempted to redeem himself by helping Lumen (and there was something in it for him too. of course) and became the hero he always wanted to be.

    I doubt this was Harrison's first attack on anyone. He may be practicing and working up to the murder of innocents just like his uncle Brian, unless Dexter teaches him the Code. HIs mother was murdered, his father abandoned him and his serial killer guardian died. Fucked up, he is.

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  12. 23 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

    IMO, Dexter has never displayed an iota of interest in anyone if he wasn't going to use them or kill them. He may ask questions now, but he knows if Harrison is truly like him, everything he says will be a lie. Judging by how he answered Angela's few questions, he's pretty good at lying, just like Daddy Dexter.

    Dex is in a great place to resume his moonlit hobby. The cops there don't know nuthin' about nuthin'.  A bunch of girls vanish? Oh, well. Probably runaways. Some martini-chugging blogger girl has to try and find them. Angela is bedazzled at her skill.

    The Harrison stabbing - none of them thought to look or check the wound and see what Dexter saw at a single glance, that the incident couldn't have happened the way Harrison said. Let's just announce that Harrison is a hero (something Dexter always wanted to be even after Biney disabused him of that notion) and Ethan is a monster, even though he never hurt anyone before yet turned on the one person who befriended him. Solved!

    Argh! I can’t seem to work the posting interface today. You make a good point, people on the socio-psychopath continuum aren’t interested in others. But the whole point of Dexter the character is that he isn’t like the other psychopaths. He wants to be a hero. He comes to love the wife he acquired for camouflage. The loss of his adopted sister gutted him. I know consistency is going to be an issue when changing some of the psychology but not all of the psychology of a serial killer. It just bothers me when characters don’t ask really obvious questions that anybody of any psychology or personality would ask. 

    And yeah, turning on his one (false) friend doesn’t make any sense either. Even if Angela is a dolt, don’t you think Audrey would be plugged into every shade of teen dynamic? Well, it’s official. I hate Harrison. Dexter is like a combination predator and ne’er do well. Harrison is cruel. 

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  13. 21 hours ago, paigow said:

    Harrison is the selfish one for initiating contact with a man obviously trying to disappear, then hanging around dropping guilt bombs. Dex intentionally killed his own murderous brother... He will probably try to kill Harrison at some point and fail. 

    Well, Dexter having to kill his own son might be interesting at least, but as he killed his own brother already it does drain some of the dramatic conflict out of the situation. Perhaps the writers could stress the whole Abraham and Isaac thing with Harry and Deb as a combination God and the Greek chorus? 

    This episode was better and I know I will watch the full season but Harrison with a Dark Passenger seems obvious. Maybe it’s as another poster said, there is a twist coming. I devoutly hope so. 

    I felt bad for Ethan. Really bad. Poor kid. Bullied his entire life and now stabbed and off to juvie and judgmental psychological “help”? Ethan’s entire life just got sacrificed even if Harrison’s stabbing him wasn’t fatal. If I were Ethan I might come to wish that Harrison had just killed me cleanly.

    Seriously. If Ethan had survived high school and adolescence he might very well have evened out into a normal adult. Now he has no chance. His treatment of Ethan even before the stabbing makes me see Harrison as a predator. 

    It’s horrifying that this is just glossed over and dismissed by the writers and ultimately the audience. Then again, so many innocent people suffered when Dexter covered his crimes that putting the blame on others is just par for the course. Maybe part of Harry and Dr. Psychopath Whisperer’s code should have included “Don’t make the innocent suffer.” No kidding I felt terrible for Ethan and his family. And Dexter now knows the truth. And he probably has some clue as to what Ethan is facing. We heard Rudy/Binie’s story after all. I know this is a tiny part of the episode and the throw away character will never be mentioned again but I was horrified. And what kind of cop just dismisses what the other victim says? Because the truth of the matter is that she had two kids who had been stabbed. One awake and hurt, one unconscious and very seriously injured. She assumes that the seriously injured person is the aggressor? What kind of logic is that?

    ETA: The actress even seemed to have trouble spitting out the line about “…no matter what reasonable doubt Ethan tried to raise, I didn’t believe him because Harrison is a big, fat hero and that’s all there is to it. So there!”She noticeably stumbled over that line.

    Oh, and against all odds, I ended by liking the podcaster. I liked that she demonstrated her utility by finding one of the few girls who was a runaway and then reassured Angela that the others were gone without a trace and that Angela wasn’t delusional or off on a hare. It made me like the character. I doubt it will happen and it’s only a (indifferently written) subplot but I would watch these two catching the Runaway Killer. Meeting some of Mollie’s more interesting armchair detectives might be fun too. It seems the bloom is off the rose of Dexter Saran-wrapping people to his table. Especially since he’s not even good at it anymore. Another stretch in the implausibility olympics. Dexter would never be this incompetent at killing and covering even with a decade long break. 

    One thing I am curious about is what life was like with Hanna. Why isn’t Dexter asking more questions? What did Hanna tell Harrison? What happened to the half million Hanna brought to Argentina? How did Harrison’s darkness develop? When did he find out about Trinity? Especially since it was firmly established that Hanna killed to survive and didn’t enjoy it and would just as soon never kill again. How did she deal with the developing Dark Passenger? Did she see it? Try to change things? Did she talk about the code? Knowing some of this would make the show more toothsome. 

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  14. On 11/27/2021 at 9:07 PM, Broderbits said:

    Because for most of them the money is totally incidental. Playing and winning the game and shaping others' perceptions  are what's important, what gives them power.

    Ah, so compulsion and control. Things many people share in varying degrees. Now that would be really interesting psychological territory to explore in fiction. Instead we get what so many on the board have mentioned, cartoon caricatures instead of characters. 

    France fought (or at least dragged their feet on) the extradition of Ira Einhorn. I’m an old Philadelphian and knew some of the players very peripherally and there was serious doubt up until the ruling was made whether France would cooperate. I didn’t know France was one of the places you could go and be pretty sure of living a long life away from criminal consequences, Polanski not withstanding. I thought you had to flee to the Canary Islands or Mongolia or something. 

  15. On 11/9/2021 at 10:35 AM, CatfishMan said:

    Plenty of good stuff to watch.

    At a minimum 5 counts of manslaughter. That character was such a caricature. I guess the writers decided they needed to deliberately go over the top to justify Dexter slipping up after 10 years.

    Hey. I’m open to suggestions. What shows are you finding intriguing? I’d appreciate it. 

  16. On 10/5/2021 at 9:40 AM, roughing it said:

    Naah, they're mostly standing around talking.

    But still in fugly clothes. Khakis? Really? Can we put the lovely Maggie Siff in something nicer than bondage gear? Though I understand all of that custom leather gets spendy. Even Taylor could rock a bespoke suit exquisitely tailored complete with handmade shirts and shoes. These truly are the dullest looking rich people. I’m in agreement with the rest of the board. Exactly why are these people driven to get even richer when they’d have difficulty spending what they already have? Wendy surely isn’t a very good psychologist if she can’t recognize straight up compulsive behavior. Not even in herself. 

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  17. Well, it’s good to see that I wasn’t the only one underwhelmed. I watched it twice and adjusted to the slow rhythm better the second time through but still didn’t care. I guess being a serial killer in what amounts to witness protection and twelve step recovery is exactly as boring and predictable as one would surmise. 

    PS - I was happy enough to see Deb as Dexter’s Head Six equivalent but I hated the police officer/chief girlfriend. Yes, yes, I know we have to insert Dexter into the coming serial killer investigation somehow and that cops are a huge part of what Dexter knows as people so that would be familiar and comforting to him. It would also be dangerous because Dex might inadvertently reveal his knowledge of forensics and investigative techniques. No doubt these amazing writers will hand wave that away with some “aw shucks I just got lucky with good natured common sense and sweet rolls” when Dexter inevitably helps with the investigation. But to then make all of the small town jokes about all the cops know is gardening emergencies? So that Dexters “help” with the investigation will go unquestioned? And the vomit inducing sexy traffic stop? By a ninety pound cop that even small female criminals wouldn’t respect or fear? Oooh, look say the writers; we pulled the rug out from beneath you with our clever misdirection. Gag me.

    I’m hoping Yellowjackets will be at least interesting as Lord of the Flies with girls, but even that seems predictable. It’s a sex/sex role stereotypes swap guys! It’s wacky and unpredictable. No, no not really. It’s just stereotypes turned upside down. Can someone, somewhere please give us something good to watch? I got used to the golden age at the turn of the century. I guess it’s all over now. 

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  18. Bringing this topic to the top to see if anyone else is doing a binge rewatch in preparation for the Dexter reboot. I agree with most of what’s been said on this thread. If Dex wasn’t with Rita than Lumen is my choice. Bland, blonde Hannah just wasn’t believable as a serial poisoner or a partner for Dex. Lila was cringeworthy in too many ways to count. The religious killers could have been a great season arc but was written and acted badly. I say this as a fan of Edward James Olmos. 
    Deb was annoying when introduced and her swearing was overdone. Also could someone please give the actress a sandwich? But Deb became the moral center of the show. When she killed Laguerta it was the most heartbreaking moment of the entire series, including Rita’s death. Debra sacrificing her entire moral code and identity for Dexter was some damn fine writing. I hated that the writers sidestepped her dangerous living as a perfectly reasonable response to that kind of conflict and trauma by making it part of her new job. I would love to see more of Deb and how she dealt with this in the long term.
    I’m watching Season 8 now, the one season I never watched in its entirety and Charlotte Rampling is creepy as the Pygmalion of psychopaths. I’m curious to see how I react to the ending when actually watching it and not reading descriptions on sites like this. Anyone else looking forward to at least seeing what Teflon Dexter can possibly be doing?

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  19. On 10/5/2021 at 11:51 AM, sadie said:

    Am I supposed to be rooting for the Moms? They come off as so entitled and just mean. They obviously saw some value in having this guy around their kids initially but then when he wanted a more active role they got defensive. The story would had felt better if, after getting his sperm and making it clear he would have no involvement with the child, and then did not allow him into their circle. But they didn’t  do that, they had summer vacations and everyone stayed in the same house and they allowed him to build a bond with their child. It was only when they felt they weren’t 1000% in charge that they threw the guy out and just expected him to go away. That they cut their friend out of their life because they thought she was on “his side” told me all I needed to know. If you contradicted what they wanted in any way you were the enemy not to be tolerated. I really find myself actively rooting against these two and I don’t think that’s what this documentary was supposed to accomplish. They weren’t “pioneers” for gay rights in my opinion. They themselves blurred the lines of these relationships and then got angry when it no longer went their way.

    Count me among those who was expecting to “side” with the moms and then didn’t. This is the problem with the alternative ways of quote unquote building a family. Most of them require at least some denial of reality and removal of rights from people who deserve their rights and outright exploitation. I’m including here surrogacy, non traditional and traditional sperm donation, infant adoption and IVF with donor gametes and other forms of reproductive technology. Yeah, I know, I just threw gasoline on a fire, but the children born of these arrangements complain in later years of identity problems just for starters. Identity issues are the tip of the iceberg and gametes and time in the womb and children are things that really shouldn’t be commodified. Some things are gifts and you can’t successfully take someone else’s gift with no consequences. 
    The moms really didn’t think things through. I was a little stunned in the first episode when they acted like they were borrowing a cup of sugar. That the man they chose will have zero feelings. And we’re then surprised when a friend close enough that they could ask him for his sperm grew emotionally attached to his daughter? Ry’s anger even decades later illlustrates just how emotional all of this is and was. 
    I don’t know what the answers are here and I was expecting to feel umbrage as the two women and their children were attacked but I ultimately feel confused. And sorrier for Tom than I expected. Sorriest of all for Ry even though she would disagree with the reasons for the pity. 

    PS The rigidity of if you aren’t for us you’re agin us combined with the absolute lack of thought when planning this didn’t endear the moms to me at all.

    PPS The rubber meets the road question here, a question that has cast its shadow since the first test tube baby and the Baby M case is this: Can fatherhood or motherhood be gifted, bought, suborned, stolen or coerced? Can body parts? Can the products of the body (babies, sperm, ova, etc) be transferred and utilized so that relationships heretofore unknown can be created? 
    Hmmm, now I’m wishing that the filmmaker would have touched on these more but to do so would have interfered with her agenda. 

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  20. Does anyone know what the deal for Season 3 is for US watchers? So far it isn’t on Epix (makes no sense to me) or Amazon prime. Or anything except something called NOW. I don’t need another subscription, lol. Does anyone have any idea when Epix will air the Season 3 episodes? Seeing as Epix is officially a codeveloper of Britannia. I’d pay if I had to but I already pay for Epix for their series so this feels like a money grab. 

  21. 4 hours ago, AllyB said:

    Something that I was learning during this exact time period was that there are men who have a particular type of ego, that are not ok with women who are able to have sex with them and move on. They actually need the women they have sex with to 'love' them, even when they do not want to love them back. I was involved with such a man at this point. He was part of my social group, I found him very attractive but knew he was not 'boyfriend material.' I was more than happy to have a FWB type arrangement with him, though we didn't have that kind of language to describe it in 98. I thought this would suit him too, but he talked me into a more standard relationship and then instantly, as soon as I agreed, he backed right off. It confused the hell out of me for a while. But over the years I understand it as a man who's ego was too fragile to accept that women could have sex with him without needing him.

    I suspect Bill was like this. I think he liked keeping Monica around as a hanger-on. Her 'need' for him was the greater draw than the sexual parts of the relationship. Not that he didn't enjoy the sexual gratification but that gratification came more from being with a woman who loved and needed him, pined for him when he was gone than just the pure physical act. If Monica had a matter of fact, "I'm attracted to you and happy to have sex when it's mutually convenient and mutually satisfactory to both of us. In the mean time, I'll be getting on with my life and not thinking too much about you," type of attitude, Bill would not have been so drawn to her. He created a neediness in her because it was the neediness that gave him the most gratification. He didn't want a woman who viewed herself as an equal, he likely felt he had too much of that in his marriage. 

    That’s incredibly insightful @AllyB. And people say sex like this is just transactional. Because another little strand of this is the hunch that there were more feelings on both sides in this affair than the decades of jokes would imply. 

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  22. 9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Maybe it was the boundary that Bill and Hillary agreed upon? By that time Bill had already cheated on Hillary multiple times. She had probably resigned herself that he'd never be 100% faithful, but if she got to dictate some of the terms, and Bill complied, that may have given her a feeling of being somewhat in control. Also, it's possible that Bill didn't want to risk impregnating anyone. It's one thing to be a president who cheats on his wife, and another to father a child with a mistress. 

    That makes sense, people do come to an arrangement, but Hillary seemed so hurt, angry and betrayed at the time, not like a wife resigned to her husband’s peccadilloes. Though perhaps another part of that was please don’t get caught again, but Bill has been caught numerous times before too. 

    38 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

    She discussed the abortion in the big Barbara Walters interview. She was dating someone at the Pentagon

    Ok, well that kind of puts a new spin on the waiting by the phone and never leaving the house and the feelings. Because if Monica was dating someone else, that would kind of automatically shake at least some of the love crazy out of her head. Why on earth would she mention it publicly? That doesn’t make sense to me. It makes her look bad. Pro choice here but the country isn’t officially pro choice even though in polls over seventy percent are in general agreement with early abortion. 

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  23. Wow, that makes you wonder doesn’t it. Thank you for the information. I’m not sure what to think since so much was made of the absolutely no intercourse thing, but as another poster put it in the discussions here, what was Bill, twelve? Because isn’t it generally teenagers who do the whole everything but intercourse thing? At the time the insistence that this somehow made it not sex just irked me. And would any of us be less angry at a spouse who’d “only” had oral sex? Because I think I’d be just as hurt, angry and betrayed. 

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  24. On 9/18/2021 at 11:06 AM, Scout Finch said:

    It was ridiculous how Bleiler's wife put it all on Monica. I'm pretty sure I recall that the whole reason he moved his family up to Portland was just to be near her to continue their five-year affair. As her attorney said he found it hard to believe Bleiler's claim that, "This 19-year-old girl forced me into a relationship and would not let me out of the relationship." I wonder if it's true about the abortion (I'm pro-choice, no judgment!) and the timing of it after she left the White House. Curious as to whether the Bleilers are still together! I think they moved away from my neighborhood due to all the press scrutiny. 

    ETA: Nope. “Determined to prove Tonya Harding wasn’t a fluke, Portland coughed up another hairball, the ponytailed Andy Bleiler. Now Kate Nason, the aforementioned hairball’s former wife, has come out with her side of the story, a recently released audiobook, Everything Is Perfect. Nason lives in Portland and is now married to artist Tad Savinar. She largely survived Bleiler’s affair, and that press conference, with dignity intact."

    Monica had an abortion? That I’ve never read or heard. Are you implying it was Clinton’s? I

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