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Everything posted by Vivigirl10

  1. On one hand it was refreshing to see parents that knew their children wouldn't suffer and die if they had to share a room. On the other hand, I have to admit I felt kind of bad for the older teenage brother. He's probably dying for some privacy. They obviously had the means to find a home with enough bedrooms and yet the Mom's insistence on living right on the beach trumped comfort. She saw the beach as her reward for making a big move. Was the son not deserving of some sort of reward too? Not easy on the kids either! And I'd say, they overall seemed a pretty nice bunch of kids. The apartment looked like a benign, corporate housing type of place. Then I had a thought, with all of House Hunters trickery, could this have been just a temporary option for them? Where they were still looking for an appropriate long-term option or even building a place?
  2. Ugh....I'm bummed too! Why did they have to mess with such a good thing? I also don't know which I like better within the old format: when the ladies all get along well and are complimentary of one another, or when you get a bitchy bride thrown in. Both are fun in their own way! Watched a rerun with the Indian bride who was all about being a "princess" and had her ceremony in what appeared to be a castle. OMG....down went the marks if you too did not want to be a "princess". Everything princess for grown ass women!! She just rubbed me the wrong way. If that's your thing, so be it, but don't be stupid enough to feel that everyone else has to feel the same way. The winning bride had her reception in some type of maritime museum so there were some whale skeletons displayed. Princess bride couldn't take it! "I'm marking her down because I didn't want to look at whale bones" (paraphrased). Good luck going to any type of museum then for growth. She came in dead last and they gave her princess gown a 9. I about choked - ha!
  3. Until that stank redhead gets her choppers filed down, she needs to have a seat and stop acting like she’s the hottest thing in town. If the show continues to focus on her, I’m out. More of KC and her pretty brunette friend. They were cute and genuine together. Brittainy (stupidest spelling ever), you don’t need to be perplexed over this “managing of personalities” issue. March over to Kristin and ask, “what’s the reporting structure in the store? Does the horse faced FC bitch answer to me?” Problem solved. Duh, you high powered “manager”.
  4. Thank you for bringing this up. Agreed, she arrived acting funky. Although she seemed to improve as the night went on. Why was Kathryn stomping about like she had just been freed from the trailer park? Really? Pulling her dirty gloves off with her teeth, throwing her purse down on the table, etc. I don't understand the act. Did she think she was being cute? It certainly wasn't her first time being at such an event so I don't understand all the faux "which fork do I use / this here sure is fancy" crap. Even the foyer with the large tree appeared barren. No colorful poinsettias? The ballroom looked sparse and cheap, cheap, cheap. I don't understand the need for all the swearing. Not clutching my pearls, it's just so unnecessary. Snowden, I'm looking at you. Kathryn also could have succeeded so much better with Ashley and walked away smelling like a rose if she had just removed all the f-bombs. I like Chelsie (Chelsea?). I don't want her to be with Austen but they were cute having fun on the dance floor.
  5. Does anyone know anything about Scott? I'm intrigued by him only because I cannot fathom what he sees in Tinsley, beyond her being blonde and thin. When he appears on camera, he always seems slightly awkward which makes you assume he's a bit normal. But he simply can't be if he takes the perpetual 12 year old seriously. And would she be interested if he wasn't loaded? I just am curious as to what they must have in common. For Duggar followers, it reeks of when Derrick showed up on the scene and everyone wondered how someone so "normal" could be interested in idiot Jill. Now here we are fully exposed to what a raving lunatic he is and it all makes sense. Could it be that Scott also stuck in perpetual adolescence???
  6. I thought the couple was a bit odd with each other and there may have been some festering resentment there. When they were in the carriage house above the horse stables, the wife said maybe he could live there and she and the daughter could live somewhere else. It didn't come across as light-hearted but rather pretty mean spirited. And the face he made in response kind of said it all. Uncomfortable.
  7. I couldn't put my finger on it either but there was something odd with the story. I know she didn't like her small hometown and had the itch to travel, but it seemed she would have had a more stable life staying put for a while. Her parents had obviously helped her out when the baby was born. Can you live off of what you make being a hotel lifeguard? Maybe she was hoping to restart the relationship with the baby's Father?
  8. I haven't ordered anything from Jennifer's site yet but her things are very cute and affordable! Her instagram account is fun to follow. She models most of the items and her little boy is often in the pics too.
  9. What was that thing? Titanium with dead bolts in it? Agreed and I think this has often been questioned. Further, I'd like to know what kind of blackmail Kathryn has on her. Danni appears not to tolerate drama and is mature and grounded. Why would she be so oddly loyal to such a historically unstable person? I'll never be convinced that Kathryn is a good person or even has the understanding of what it takes to be a friend after witnessing that horrifyingly cruel conversation with Jennifer (was that her name? The little blonde?). Girl is telling her how her baby legitimately almost DIED and Kathryn takes it as an opportunity to verbally abuse her until she was reduced to a sobbing mess of tears. One of the more uncomfortable/saddest things that's ever been shown on reality t.v. Exactly. Further proof that those two are absolute idiots thinking they'd just be let in or it was all staged (maybe both - ha!). It made for some great drama, along with the Charlie's Angel's style camera work they had going on.
  10. Caught up with this episode yesterday and Austen's "beer recipe" was the most annoying part. Thanks to everyone above for posing the question and subsequently summarizing exactly what I was thinking. Not impressed, Austen. Whitney makes good t.v. Why isn't he on more? Who's the latest foreign, paid, faux-girlfriend?
  11. Alicia was so awful to watch! I don't remember her face being so twisted as a younger woman. Yikes. I too enjoyed the 70's scenery and fashion. I'll give it another go.
  12. Your post is so relevant! Can't you just hear Jax saying the same thing? And honestly, it's kind of true! He has 100% shown his true colors to her. He hasn't hidden anything. She knows who he is and she is freely choosing to commit to him and have children with him. If she thinks marriage is going to change Jax, then really, the blame for the ultimate failure is almost as much on her as it will be on him.
  13. I sincerely hope that someone saw the episode of "The Killer Beside Me" on ID. I don't know if it was new or a repeat. It was about a young girl, Alisha, who worked at a garden/landscaping type of store and was ultimately murdered by her Manager. I'm going to be extremely careful not to blame the victim but I sat watching the show with my mouth agape the entire time. Not just about Alisha's lack of self-protection, but that of her parents too (maybe even more so her parents)! My goodness, did they leave out the part about how all of these people had sub-par IQ's or were brain damaged? Her Manager verbally abused her in public settings and sexually harassed her constantly. This didn't take place back in the 1950's when that type of behavior may have been swept under the rug. It was in 2012. None of them knew enough to understand that every boss has a boss and report him to someone, anyone? Or, just have her quit (as her friend wisely did)? Instead, Alisha continued to have him threaten her that she would be fired if she didn't comply with his demands. Nearing the end, she was pregnant and her own parents didn't step in and offer to take care of her for a brief period so she could escape the monster she worked with? I was aghast. Ultimately, he bullied her into travelling to attend a wedding with him (her Mom was aware and let her go) and surprise, surprise, he murdered the poor girl. She and her parents should have just served her up to him on a silver platter. It was like watching a horror movie where the victim has a chance to escape to freedom every five seconds and instead continually turns around and runs back towards the killer. The Mom said that Alisha had tried and was unable to find another job, but again, couldn't her parents have stepped in to help? It's not like it was some high powered job where she was making a ton of money that would be hard to replicate. I don't mean to sound harsh but I've never watched anything like it. Just wondering if anyone else viewed it the same way.
  14. Her complete lack of emotion is odd. When Chelsea was talking about her stepdad in the car, Kathryn appeared to be wiping away a few tears and even then......she had an absolute, completely blank, detached look on her face. It's the same when she's with the kids. Poor Kensie seems devoid of any connection to her, like, "who the heck are you"? If they even attempt to go down the path of a Kathryn/Shep storyline, it will be fake, fake, fake. Shep would never go for a baggage ridden woman like Kathryn. I'm kind of on board with the line of thinking that he will marry in his mid-40's or 50's and pop out a few kids. But even though he's been a total and utter man-whore, I think his choice of a wife would be a young (of course, young) woman who's kept certain "activities" to a minimum :-) I think he views women with a Madonna/whore filter. I'm confused by Chelsea's timeline in Hilton Head. She said she hasn't lived there in 25 years but then was talking about being 8 years old and living in the stepdad's house when he passed away. Is she 33??? I thought she was way younger. I'm sorry but Kathryn looks just like a Chucky doll with this hairdo and when she isn't wearing any make-up.
  15. Nice move, Brittany. We all know before too long she'll be bringing children into this mess. It's one thing to choose to be a doormat, it's another to drag innocent children into it the next time he inevitably cheats. Which he will, or he'll just up and leave at some point. I lost all sympathy for her a long time ago. Also, a big shout out to Kyle Chan for the comped ring. Like Jax could afford to buy something like that!
  16. I liked them as well and enjoyed an episode that was drama free! The closest exception was that the required oddball request was the husband wanting a pizza oven. It wasn't stressed and overplayed so a big deal wasn't made out of it. It was also nice that they had an adequate budget to work with instead of the standard, I want to pay $500 a month with 5 bedrooms, a terrace and located in the city center.
  17. I saw all of it! Absolutely amazing and well done. So many great twists, turns, frustrations and ultimately, justice. Out of all of that horror, I keep going back to the neighbor's story who was so devastated to realize he may have eaten the dead man. The way he was describing the "burger", I can't get it out of my head! Oh poor buddy, the next time you're chewing on some faux lobster meat that you can't identify, please don't ask for seconds!
  18. The Naperville episode last night confused me. Maybe there were things that weren't conveyed well, such as location of the homes or the true size of the home that they ultimately chose. But why oh why did they not just stay in what appeared to be their superior current home and upgrade it, instead of electing to basically downgrade and then rehab that house? The house they chose was plain ugly, on the inside and especially the outside. I thought maybe they were hiding a financial need to downgrade, but then their reno budget was something absolutely ridiculous like $250k. I have a family member in produce sales so I know it can provide a nice living. But add a stay-at-home Mom, four kids and the cost of living in Naperville to the mix and I was surprised at their high budget.
  19. The Romanian couple was very sweet and likable. The Realtor was so dry! Wife: "It's so small you can't swing a cat in here!" Realtor: "No pets allowed." Ha - loved it!
  20. If Chelsie is still cutting Austen's hair, she's found a great way to low-key sabotage him. His haircut made his head look oddly small this episode! Not lookin' good. I think a spin-off, "The Pets of Southern Charm", would be much more interesting than the original manifestation! Chelsie's adorable pup (name?), Gizmo and Elvis!
  21. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kathryn wouldn't have so many shippers if she was dumpy little hag. Her height makes her magnetizing and she does really catch your eye. But girl is a big lump of nothing. She's completely devoid of emotion and seems to barely be able to mumble at most times. There's mention that this is drug/prescription induced but I think that honestly she is just lacking in personality. If she wasn't pretty, I don't believe the support and fan base would be there. I wish Whitney was on more. It was just so fun to snark on his lifestyle and fake foreign lover! Does Craig truly even sew?? I know he uses the embroidery feature on his machine, which makes him personally responsible for 0% of the handiwork. Does he cut and use a pattern? I believe that even those that are basically unfamiliar with sewing would be able to figure out how to make a pillow. Not being critical because I like Craig. It's just an honest question!
  22. I hated that too and am so glad it was brought up here! They would be downright cruel to each other and say terribly things that wouldn't in real life be so easily forgotten. It was not fun to watch. Perfect example. Dorothy was horrid to her. Another example would be when Blanche thought Dorothy was trying to steal her job when in reality she was planning a surprise party for her. Do I remember that Blanche even kicked her out of the house and told her she had to move?
  23. I have to jump back to the little people episode because I just caught it this weekend. Oh my, it was my favorite episode too! When the Mom walked in and she was literally, absolutely, speechless (and the husband said, "you said you weren't going to cry!"), I don't think I've ever seen such a raw, lovely, genuine reaction on reality t.v. Cue the waterworks!
  24. People have been commenting on recent Instagram photos of Ashley that she looks shockingly thin. There's another pic that shows her weight loss even more than the one above. Those making comments are immediately crucified and shot down for being "body shamers". But girl has lost a rather concerning amount of weight.
  25. I saw it too. I'm not sure which explanation is worse or more annoying! Did anyone catch Peyton on RelationShep who can fill us in on what she's like? I watched for a hot minute and found her to be completely lacking in personality, maybe kind of temper-tantrum thrower/pouter, also? She strikes me as the type who the guys all label as "hot" but the ladies see as a lump of mush. I'm hoping she's not a permanent addition to the cast but at this point, it's looking like she probably is. Austen's Mom has very strong genes. Eesh.
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